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Open Messages to the Hunters [STICKY]
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#1 Posted: 16:04:36 05/07/2016 | Topic Creator
A government must answer to its people, yes?

I've seen a lot of users lately who opine that our lovely moderators haven't been doing their jobs so well. Let this be a topic where we can openly criticize the mods and tell them what we think needs to be improved about the forums.

Just please don't needlessly insult them without some constructive point behind it. Other than that, say whatever's on your mind.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:02:54 09/07/2016 by TTD
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#2 Posted: 16:07:27 05/07/2016
Wouldn't Site Help and Suggestions be better for this?
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:07:59 05/07/2016 by Bifrost
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#3 Posted: 16:08:34 05/07/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Bifrost
Site Help and Suggestions wouldn't be better for this?

That's used more for technical problems that only dark52 can fix. Besides, it doesn't get nearly as much traffic as S&N, and this is where most of the issues occur anyway.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#4 Posted: 16:37:48 05/07/2016

When's the part when people say mods are too strict again?
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#5 Posted: 16:45:02 05/07/2016
I think the mods do a fantastic job!

My only query right now is the excess topic-merging in the Skylanders boards. However, I do understand your actions when you're trying to keep a balance of content (and control the amount of topics made with only a few replies) hence why I haven't complained.

Other than that, just keep doing what you're doing, guys! <3
TTD Hunter Gems: 6328
#6 Posted: 16:50:23 05/07/2016
I think that this topic is a good idea, if anyone has any queries about the skylanders section please feel free to come to me.
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6425
#7 Posted: 17:09:04 05/07/2016
I don't really blame the mods for this, I think it actually happened before we got mods. But this sub-forum went really downhill when "bad words" got censored. What happened to my freedom? Where did it go? These are questions I ask myself maybe once in a few years, but oh well, who gives a **** anyways... ****.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#8 Posted: 17:10:59 05/07/2016
Quote: AJAwesome
I don't really blame the mods for this, I think it actually happened before we got mods. But this sub-forum went really downhill when "bad words" got censored. What happened to my freedom? Where did it go? These are questions I ask myself maybe once in a few years, but oh well, who gives a **** anyways... ****.

I'm pretty sure they've always been censored..
looks like ive got some things to do...
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6425
#9 Posted: 17:13:54 05/07/2016
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: AJAwesome
I don't really blame the mods for this, I think it actually happened before we got mods. But this sub-forum went really downhill when "bad words" got censored. What happened to my freedom? Where did it go? These are questions I ask myself maybe once in a few years, but oh well, who gives a **** anyways... ****.

I'm pretty sure they've always been censored..

Naw, they were definitely not censored at some point. It was like, the gimmick of this sub-forum. I remember it pretty vividly, or at least as vivid as you can remember a website.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#10 Posted: 17:17:28 05/07/2016
Huh I wonder why dark made that decision then?
looks like ive got some things to do...
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12272
#11 Posted: 17:33:14 05/07/2016
Quote: AJAwesome
Quote: parisruelz12
Quote: AJAwesome
I don't really blame the mods for this, I think it actually happened before we got mods. But this sub-forum went really downhill when "bad words" got censored. What happened to my freedom? Where did it go? These are questions I ask myself maybe once in a few years, but oh well, who gives a **** anyways... ****.

I'm pretty sure they've always been censored..

Naw, they were definitely not censored at some point. It was like, the gimmick of this sub-forum. I remember it pretty vividly, or at least as vivid as you can remember a website.

I've been here since 2007 and I'll tell you that they've always been censored.
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6425
#12 Posted: 17:51:43 05/07/2016
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Quote: AJAwesome
Quote: parisruelz12

I'm pretty sure they've always been censored..

Naw, they were definitely not censored at some point. It was like, the gimmick of this sub-forum. I remember it pretty vividly, or at least as vivid as you can remember a website.

I've been here since 2007 and I'll tell you that they've always been censored.

Really? I swear at some point they weren't... I might be mixing this up with another forum, but I'm not sure what. Huh.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
#13 Posted: 18:08:25 05/07/2016
Quote: AJAwesome
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Quote: AJAwesome

Naw, they were definitely not censored at some point. It was like, the gimmick of this sub-forum. I remember it pretty vividly, or at least as vivid as you can remember a website.

I've been here since 2007 and I'll tell you that they've always been censored.

Really? I swear at some point they weren't... I might be mixing this up with another forum, but I'm not sure what. Huh.

Pretty sure there was a glitch or something at one point that made people able to bypass the censor, but I'm sure the censor has always been there.
Samius Hunter Gems: 9294
#14 Posted: 18:39:22 05/07/2016
The thing is, despite what some people say on Stuff and Nonsense, there has never really been a consensus among dS users on whether or not it's moderators are doing a good job. Some people want stricter mods, some people want more lenient mods, and most people don't seem to care as long as we're fair. Seemingly the only thing that shifts is the focus on each side of the argument whenever something big happens.

I myself would only like people to know that if you have any problems with how I personally do my job, behave, etc. then let me know about it personally. I'm a 23-year-old man and I can handle honest criticism. If it's not a problem that you have with all moderators in general, don't come out saying "all mods suck". We're not a hive-mind, and we sometimes disagree with each other as well.
AestheticDragon Ripto Gems: 1658
#15 Posted: 21:16:49 05/07/2016
I don't go to the Skylanders section, so I don't know how it is over there, but the mods we have in Idle Chatter and S&N are great. Not perfect, mind you, but nobody is. I don't think this deserves a topic, and like a few of the mods and other users have said: when they do their job, they get criticized for being too strict, when they give more leniency, they get told they're not doing their job right and need to be stricter. I honestly believe that to criticize, in this way, anything the mods have done (at least, since I came back to this site, because that's all I've seen), you have to either be grasping at straws, or maybe you've just never been in a position of authority so you don't understand how being a moderator/leader/manager/etc. actually works.

I say this because nobody has yet brought up anything substantial that the mods of Idle Chatter/S&N could/should do differently to make the website better. All I hear is "you're not being a good moderator" or "you're too strict/lenient". And even then, this isn't something that needs to immediately be taken to the forums like this. Why not try messaging the mod first? Creating publicity like this is just going to confuse the new/younger users and create the illusion that there's something wrong with the moderation team, when you have yet to give anyone a reason to believe there is.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:17:28 05/07/2016 by AestheticDragon
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#16 Posted: 22:28:40 05/07/2016
i haven't been made a hunter yet

that is my problem

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8537
#17 Posted: 22:35:13 05/07/2016
Quote: AJAwesome
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Quote: AJAwesome

Naw, they were definitely not censored at some point. It was like, the gimmick of this sub-forum. I remember it pretty vividly, or at least as vivid as you can remember a website.

I've been here since 2007 and I'll tell you that they've always been censored.

Really? I swear at some point they weren't... I might be mixing this up with another forum, but I'm not sure what. Huh.

yeah they've always been censored. However there are some words that aren't considered "bad words" for some reason.

like ass. ASS. ass ass ass ass.
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#18 Posted: 22:36:18 05/07/2016
I agree to AestheticDragon's post.

Also I feel like a lot of users in all sections need to start reporting things more often so when look into the situation more easily. From what I have seen/heard people only post a complaint on the thread instead of actually reporting it if it was actually breaking any rules.

"But it shouldn't have to be reported if we have active mods that look into the threads"

That argument is about as thin as spring ice, because even with active mods you should report it anyways. If we deleted some posts without a report then the user who had a post deleted, probably won't get a moderated message and learn. With a report the user would be more likely to get a moderated message and learn from it.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#19 Posted: 22:39:58 05/07/2016
mods don't have superpowers (as cool as that sounds)
we can't be everywhere at once, guys.
looks like ive got some things to do...
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#20 Posted: 22:53:31 05/07/2016
Quote: hardcoreignitor
i haven't been made a hunter yet

that is my problem

k e k
TTD Hunter Gems: 6328
#21 Posted: 23:43:50 05/07/2016
Quote: Drawdler
That's really funny, I was actually thinking a whole forum section for this would be nice yesterday, though maybe that would cause too much debate and be too stressful for the mods. However, my issue wasn't with any of the SaN mods, it was with the amount of locked topics in the Skylanders section. If I posted about that in a SaN topic, it wouldn't do any good. Perhaps it could be a sticky in Help & Suggestions.

Whenever I close a topic I leave a post saying that I am doing so. If you think a topic has been wrongly closed (whether it was closed by me or not) please feel free to message me.
Metallo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6419
#22 Posted: 23:54:37 05/07/2016 | Topic Creator
Aaaaaaand some people took this as a personal attack against the mods' competence and integrity. How could I expect any less?

I think everyone knows by now that I say whatever's on my mind. If I truly felt that they sucked, believe me, you'd know.

I just thought that there could be a nice way to publicly suggest ways that moderators could improve the site.

To those who said we should start reporting, I think the reason most users don't is because they reported things in the past and nothing was done about it. Not necessarily the mods' fault on that one, to be fair.

Also, Drawdler's got a point. If this could moved to Site Help and Suggestions, that'd be great.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#23 Posted: 02:41:29 06/07/2016
Moved to Site Help.
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#24 Posted: 10:49:42 06/07/2016
Quote: Metallo
To those who said we should start reporting, I think the reason most users don't is because they reported things in the past and nothing was done about it. Not necessarily the mods' fault on that one, to be fair.

Yeah. Sometimes there would be reports that do not make any sense and may be rejected (sadly) and that is because,
  • It was not against the rules (Could've been reported out of spite and such).
  • A moderator moved the thread and forgot to clean it up, leaving the other moderator confused as heck when that happens.
  • Someone else got to it/on the situation and they tried taking care of it or can't take care of it, because mods for different sections is weird and not that strong unlike universal mods.

  • Usually I believe it's the first 2 options here. Or at least the most common scenarios for what happens in the Fandom section.
    If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
    icon from Empoh
    mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
    #25 Posted: 13:38:39 06/07/2016
    My problem a lot of the time is that I don't know what to report it as. Is Bimle's newest post (the one where "bern bots" are "cucks" and "sheeple") would that be under flaming, of hate speech? I have a hard time telling what something should be reported as a lot of the time.
    parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
    #26 Posted: 16:46:22 06/07/2016
    Quote: mega spyro
    My problem a lot of the time is that I don't know what to report it as. Is Bimle's newest post (the one where "bern bots" are "cucks" and "sheeple") would that be under flaming, of hate speech? I have a hard time telling what something should be reported as a lot of the time.

    Put it under flaming.

    If you aren't sure, try directing a mod to the post and ask them to delete it for you.
    looks like ive got some things to do...
    Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12272
    #27 Posted: 18:04:01 06/07/2016
    a "talk to staff" subforum wouldn't be a terrible idea if people actually visit other forums besides S&N and the skylanders boards
    Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
    #28 Posted: 11:53:49 09/07/2016
    Well, I'll have to leave this here since no post has been left saying which mod.

    Guys, the moment a whole page on skylanders General Discussion has to go, somehow for spam, it's getting out of hand. I was fully expecting the pictures with the website manipulation to be deleted with their thread, but it's straight up being no fun allowed when you remove everything even remotely related - what the hell me talking about Luminous35's reaction has to do with offtopic, when it's general conversations? That's not counting some unrelated talk that also poofed out of existence from other users.
    Nobody's going to lose their minds on catching up long as it's on the What we Know thread. It's starting to curb discussion and enjoyment if everything we say has the risk of being cleaned up for being too much fooling around.
    (What I need is never what I want)
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:54:30 09/07/2016 by Bifrost
    Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
    #29 Posted: 13:12:15 09/07/2016
    I don't mean to be a bother, but with the things on the Skylanders Topic, I don't see why my posts were deleted. I mean, I know they were fake leaks, but with every one I put in all caps and all bold that these were fake so kids wouldn't be fooled. They were deleted for spam, and that's something that doesn't make any sense. Were they really spam? With no warning beforehand that it could have become spam, how were we meant to have known that we were to stop? I'm posting pictures along with others that were saying were fake multiple times, yet next thing in the morning it's all gone for a reason I can't really make sense of. I could understand if they got kicked for possibly confusing children, but, when it came down to it, was it REALLY spam?
    i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
    Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
    #30 Posted: 13:40:04 09/07/2016
    I went overboard there but I had some reasons:
    1) Off Topic
    2) Kids can post them on Instagram/YT and call them real, even if you wrote a big "IT'S FAKE IMAGES".
    I was contacted by a user who warned me about that topic.
    Yep, sometimes I may be strict but Skylanders sections need to stay organised. Too many "Fan idea, Pool and etc..." that can create confusion to some new user. I close unnecessary topic or topic that received a good reply to what they asked (topics were the original user hasn't ever replied to the user who replied their question after some days).
    I'm sorry if I may be strict. I will take all the responsability.
    smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
    TTD Hunter Gems: 6328
    #31 Posted: 15:47:10 09/07/2016
    I haven't seen the posts myself yet but maybe removing them for 'clean-up' would have been the better option.
    Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
    #32 Posted: 17:45:30 09/07/2016
    Pretty much, Drawdler. I already dicussed this time in particular in the thread; but it's really going to make people wary of small talk and joking around if everything is suddenly offtopic or gets closed with one response because Buuzer judges it solved. That's not how forums work, if you curb discussion, people won't want to discuss.
    (What I need is never what I want)
    Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
    #33 Posted: 17:51:04 09/07/2016
    I made a topic to move it away from the General Discussion so it wouldn't be flooded. I don't think deleting it all together was ok, but I get the reasoning.

    I also stated that everything in the topic would be fake.
    smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
    smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
    mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3847
    #34 Posted: 18:05:44 09/07/2016
    Quote: Bifrost
    Pretty much, Drawdler. I already dicussed this time in particular in the thread; but it's really going to make people wary of small talk and joking around if everything is suddenly offtopic or gets closed with one response because Buuzer judges it solved. That's not how forums work, if you curb discussion, people won't want to discuss.

    I remember once, a couple of years ago during trap team, this topic got closed (cringe-y post alert, I typed like I was retarded back then) because "we knew all that." Even though the main point of the topic was that I had information on the When the Kaos traps were allegedly coming out. It was closed before ANYONE could post there, and the reason it's open now is because I asked dark if he could reopen it, because it was closed pointlessly. Since then, I really don't like posting topics in that section, because apparently they can be closed for no reason.

    Plus, whenever I have news, (I remember being told the release dates for the first three Eon's Elite last year, and I had in hand pictures of the light and dark packs before they were released, and a release date for them) everyone just tells me I'm a liar. Only one person believed me about the release dates of the Eon's Elites, but everyone else just called me a liar. When it was confirmed in a flyer that the release dates were exactly what I said, nobody remembered that I had told them, it's just news, even though we knew this already. All this has just made me hesitant to post anything in the skylander forums, even when I have news.
    TTD Hunter Gems: 6328
    #35 Posted: 18:44:18 09/07/2016
    I have posted some rules to the general discussion topic to hopefully clear up some confusion. If anyone has anything they want to know or just have any general queries, feel free to message me.
    BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
    #36 Posted: 10:23:09 19/07/2016
    I'm not willing to make a new topic so I do it here.

    I'm calling some attention about behavior and the like from mods themselves. Also, misuse of hunter status. I dont like pinpointing to someone directly but imo this needs a little look into.

    Quote: LegendOfZelda
    If your going to call this junk a roleplay, then at least roleplay right. Your putting us true roleplayers to shame.

    Quote: LegendOfZelda
    No its trash that belongs on forum games or in someones guestbook

    Quote: LegendOfZelda
    Dont talk to a hunter that way. You don't want something bad to happen

    These are quotes from the RP "the cage vol. 3" and these posts come from 1 hunter that is supposed to keep the RP section fun...
    IMO, this is unacceptable.
    Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
    #37 Posted: 12:19:03 19/07/2016
    That's outright reportable, not even needed for Open Messages(but now it's here, no big deal) straight up message any other mod you know about it because that's threats and harassment.

    If it was once and considering who mods the RP section, you could excuse it as tongue-in-cheek, but that last time it's not funny anymore.
    (What I need is never what I want)
    CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
    #38 Posted: 18:04:06 19/07/2016
    I was notified of this and went to talk to him. But do report the messages as well so another mod in the section can handle it.
    BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
    #39 Posted: 18:10:53 19/07/2016
    Thanks. I reported it to dark as well, but I'll take your advise as well. Thanks.
    PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
    #40 Posted: 16:27:07 26/07/2016
    So a topic like this can exist...


    But a topic about discussing the light brawler can't?


    tbh I don't see the logic in this.
    Quote: Carmelita Fox
    Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
    #41 Posted: 16:30:16 26/07/2016
    Quote: PwnageFTW
    So a topic like this can exist...


    But a topic about discussing the light brawler can't?


    tbh I don't see the logic in this.

    Too topic about "Luminous for #Lightvillain" and such pointless topics. Stop, please.
    We already have discussions about villains, powers and such. Post there.
    smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
    PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
    #42 Posted: 16:32:18 26/07/2016
    Quote: Buuzer
    Quote: PwnageFTW
    So a topic like this can exist...


    But a topic about discussing the light brawler can't?


    tbh I don't see the logic in this.

    Too topic about "Luminous for #Lightvillain" and such pointless topics. Stop, please.
    We already have discussions about villains, powers and such. Post there.

    [User Posted Image]
    Quote: Carmelita Fox
    Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
    #43 Posted: 15:57:38 02/08/2016
    Topic Official Headcanon Topic
    Message content
    The non-Doom Raider villain senseis are their own mini team, formed by Pain-Yatta after rehab to spite the Golden Queen that he could be a better leader. Bad Juju and Grave Clobber don't want to anger Her Majesty, but actually she's so amused by how she's working with the rejects she lets them have fun.

    The non-Doom Raider villain senseis are their own mini team, formed by Pain-Yatta after rehab to spite the Golden Queen that he could be a better leader. Bad Juju and Grave Clobber don't want to anger Her Majesty, but actually she's so amused by how she's working with the rejects and Wolfgang and agrees with them more than with Dreamcatcher and co. she lets them have fun.

    Reason for deletion Cleanup
    Note Your message may not have broken the rules but was removed because of its relation to ones that did.

    So, I have some internet errors and the post goes twice with the edit on the second, understandably report the first one for Accidental Duplicated Message, I get here the next day and both are gone with no warning until I looked at the thread and MMs and saw they were deleted for another reason entirely. Someone's getting trigger happy with the cleanup edits.
    (What I need is never what I want)
    Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:58:23 02/08/2016 by Bifrost
    Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
    #44 Posted: 17:29:27 11/08/2016
    If users continue to go off-topic, then moderator action has to be laid out. Repeating warnings to those who continue ignoring them will just go on deaf ears during this time period until new details are posted.
    "Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
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