
Skylanders: Battlecast


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Battlecast Tournament: Presented by SCLMatt & SkylandersInq
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#1 Posted: 05:22:44 24/06/2016 | Topic Creator
Starting on 1st July

[User Posted Image]

Avid Skylander community members SCLMatt/Jason are hosting a tournament that will commence on the first day of July.

Exact tournament rules/sign up regulations are still yet to be unveiled but hopefully this will be provide the game even more exposure with its lacklustre launch.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 05:27:28 24/06/2016 by JJAtelier
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#2 Posted: 17:54:48 24/06/2016
Anything to help exposure will help.

I think it would be nice to have a tournament where folks are forced to use assigned characters or at least something to invite folks not using their favorite three as well. smilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#3 Posted: 20:51:06 24/06/2016
Themed ones would be the best, would keep Jawbreaker/Crusher/Hot Head teams from steamrolling everyone without status conditions cards.

Maybe a monotype challenge, you can only choose one element. Maybe a bit more luck based since you can only pick from non-elemental and the element of choice,but it'd be pretty interesting.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:51:24 24/06/2016 by Bifrost
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#4 Posted: 13:44:16 25/06/2016 | Topic Creator
Registration is live!

Looks like there aren't any specific rules in terms of team compositions except for the tournament format being double elimination. Everyone is guaranteed to play at least two games which is nice.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#5 Posted: 18:14:21 25/06/2016
i already registered.
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#6 Posted: 07:02:05 26/06/2016 | Topic Creator
Looks like the 32 slots have been claimed. Still up to 8 back up slots so if you didn't make it you can still sign incase someone drops out.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#7 Posted: 15:35:36 28/06/2016
so the full list of rules and such was sent via email today to the first 32.
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#8 Posted: 16:23:42 28/06/2016
So, I am in the tourney, but have yet to receive an email, nor know what email address they had (Just lost my comcast one in last 48 hours) so hopefully can figure out how to actually do it before time is up.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 16:54:29 28/06/2016 by lamoracke
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