
Skylanders: Battlecast


13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Game Reviews
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#1 Posted: 09:21:04 02/06/2016 | Topic Creator
So recently there's been some outlets that have been offering their perspectives on Battlecast.

There's one in particular that strikes me as well written but oozes alot of negativity with some partial ignorance thrown in.

The Bookish Gamer

Do you guys have any reservations with the game so far? Just curious since while there's alot to take when you first start, but there's the future to consider with the games lifeshell.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 09:21:57 02/06/2016 by JJAtelier
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10587
#2 Posted: 09:42:01 02/06/2016
My reservation is I wish fate let me play it anytime soon :c

But really, decent game, a bit barebones with Acti rushing it out of the door because of faulty marketing, but we know the devs did their best these last months. And it's really well done free to play, a rarity these days.
(What I need is never what I want)
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#3 Posted: 12:41:41 02/06/2016
Yeah, I think the game has been great, but folks are already kind of pissed about Skylanders, folks were very disappointed in Superchargers. So you throw that in and the fact that the roll out of this game was terrible. First you had that relatively useless cards to life promo version of the game where you had just hte 6 cards that relatively did nothing and then the delay of this game and hearing nothing. Eventually the game came out and folks see the pretty expensive cards and wonder if they need them.

The game itself I think is pretty good. Given I figured the game out on my own, I am unaware if there is a good online support for problems on Activision's site, but they needed to come up with a date, advertise it and stick with the date. The cards I imagine are only going to come out in stores once. I bought out a number of my stores near my home small inventory.

Just felt its a great game where folks have spent a lot of time on it but if its great its despite the marketing of it.

Then again, most online games probably do not have a lot of marketing, but they probably should if you are going to ask folks to buy $5 packs. To get the set of these cards takes someone willing to spend as much money as it would take to complete Trap Team.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:42:59 02/06/2016 by lamoracke
DarkElement Green Sparx Gems: 250
#4 Posted: 15:43:04 12/06/2016
I've enjoyed the game so far, especially in Story mode. I hope they have plans to add more realms. I would like to see two element zones like we have in Swap Force. I would also like to see more cards released. The initial 300 feels a bit limited in deck building options. I would also like to see more commons developed that can be used as counters to popular cards and strategies.

There is a bit of the "pay to win" aspect right now, I hope this become less of an impact as people build up their collections and more rares and ultimates come into the system. This is true of all CCG's but the games with longevity control power creep and provide some common cards that allow less experienced and players with smaller collections to feel they have a chance to win against the average PvP opponent. The game will die a quick death if new cards aren't released and people feel like they have no chance to win PvP matches. If PvP turns into a room populated by only power players with uber cards, the community will stop growing. You then enter the death spiral of a shrinking pool of players. Nobody wants to continue playing a game they have no chance of winning because every opponent has a deck full of "I win" cards.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:45:41 14/06/2016 by DarkElement
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#5 Posted: 13:53:52 14/06/2016
Its sometimes why I do not enter the PvP realm with my full deck because if I have my A team with best cards...unless its against another mid level player, am 97% of the top going to cream them. However, folks who have a nice deck like to get coins from PvP fights too so its hard to know what to do. Either way, I do not seem to beat the same people and if I do see the same person, I usually concede the fight to let them fight someone else.
DarkElement Green Sparx Gems: 250
#6 Posted: 02:02:59 15/06/2016
I totally get it. You invested money in your collection and time in building decks. You want to enjoy the benefits of that. I wish I could earn more coins in VS games but I'm glad it is a small amount because it removes some of the incentive to play for blood in every single game. It sounds like you have the right attitude toward the situation. You want to have fun but you realize it's just as important for your opponent to have fun as well.

PvP is a tricky thing to balance and get right. I've seen all sorts of problems with PvP when playing Magic the Gathering Online. There was the same problem of the new players being abused by power games. So they created a beginners room, but there wasn't enough players to have games fire off fast enough. The beginners room died, leaving just a casual room and an advanced room.

Well you can guess what happened. Very few players used the advanced room because your average card player doesn't want a fair/balanced fight. So the advanced room was renamed to something like the tournament practice room. It was up to the community to peer pressure players with tournament quality decks to go there.

Well this wasn't a great solution either. You would have players with powerful decks but since it wasn't a competive tournament deck they felt it was appropriate to play in the Casual room which made it frustrating for the true casual player. So they created a room where you needed a high ELO rating to enter. The idea was to make the competitive players feel special with access to an exclusive room. This was great for the Pros who wanted to practice against other pros but there wasn't enough players to reach a critical mass for games to fire off quickly.

There was also an issue with having your ELO rating in your profile. If your ELO rating was low, you received derogatory chats messages. If your rating was high, you would also see poor sportsmanship with people quitting as soon as they saw your ELO rating. Those players would get frustrated because people assumed that a high ELO rating meant they were playing a tournament deck, which wasn't usually not the case. So they had to hide a player's ELO rating.

Whenever a game provides a competitive environment with prizes on the line, such as coins, there is likely to be complaints and complaints about balance and fairness.
Toleroh Yellow Sparx Gems: 1858
#7 Posted: 23:48:45 15/06/2016
Quote: lamoracke
Its sometimes why I do not enter the PvP realm with my full deck because if I have my A team with best cards...unless its against another mid level player, am 97% of the top going to cream them. However, folks who have a nice deck like to get coins from PvP fights too so its hard to know what to do. Either way, I do not seem to beat the same people and if I do see the same person, I usually concede the fight to let them fight someone else.

Okay, I didn't want to accuse you of being scared when I saw you again and you conceded. Don't concede! I want a rematch!
BATTLECAST: StumpSmashRules#405
PortalMaster Happy Libertyelf (RIP). Favor-eight: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#8 Posted: 00:59:11 16/06/2016
Well, One thing I have realized....two people can show as the exact same username. I have a friend who lives in Sweden who chose lamoracke for whatever reason and her name shows up exactly the same as mine in a fight. So, you could be fighting my female doppelganger and would not know. She has a different code at the end but those drop off in fights.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:59:35 16/06/2016 by lamoracke
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