Dragon Wars: Awaken! Gods of Convexity and Chaos Slumbers No More!
In the aftermath of the Elemental Unbalance the world is shaken and weaken. As Tarus's destructive rampage ended by the Champions of the Avatars. Life began to slowly piece itself back together. But as one shadow is vanquish two more looms over the world as the elements of Chaos and Convexity starts to stir. As the world is weaken from the events of the Elemental Unbalance can the heroes stand up to the new threat? Or will they be forgotten under the crushing weight of Time and Space?
(Side Note: The Primal Orbs will be excluded from the RP since after the events of Elemental Unbalance are hidden away by Sky the Primal Dragon. As well this is a Private RP between me and Sc. As well there are some Recons I made to the story of Elemental Unbalance which will be explain in the RP Thank you )
Name: Sky the Primal Dragon
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Elements: Fire, Ice, Electricity, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Darkness
Appearance: His scales are sky blue, his eyes are darker shade of blue like two sapphires. As stated before he has bird like wings that are cover in snow white feathers. He has no horns, But his claws on his hands and feet are black. His body is semi muscular as the muscles in his arm are visible a bit. Sky’s tail is about average if perhaps bit more thicker. There was no spikes or tailblade that is on it. But he does make use of it using it as a sledgehammer bashing opponents way with it.
Name: Frost
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Elements: Ice
Appearance: Pure white dragoness with icicle like horns which has a tint of light blue. Her tail blade is shape like a snowflake.