Wolf Rp
In the future humans are capturing all wolves, which are also going extinct. They are being trained and brainwashed to be vicious killers for the new task force government known as the "Noir Group". The Noir Group have never been seen but only rumored about. In all actuality they are killers, they are testing and training the wolves to be mindless killers for them. The wolves who have fought back have been beaten and attacked. But they keep then alive no matter what, sometimes "upgrading them". What they don't know is the wolves understand, that they are sentient and want nothing more to be free, running with the moon.
Character Sheet;
Upgrades: (If any)
1. I am the gm what i say goes
2. no magic, try to look more on tech side
3. no controlling other character, godmoding
4. keep gore toned down, same with any romance
Name: Winter/#16
Age: 3yrs
Upgrades: None, was too dangerous to attempt to upgrade
Backstory: Winter has been there since she was 6 months old, She remembers the outside and dreams of it. She refuses to be controlled or upgraded and fights back often. She once killed two guards losing sight in her right eye that same day.