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Suspense for Game 1 Players Dying? [CLOSED]
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#1 Posted: 01:19:00 20/03/2016 | Topic Creator
Am I the only one who is suffering this? I have been collecting Skylanders since Spyro's Adventure, every single Skylander, actually (except for variants), and my suspense grew a little each game, that was, until Trap Team. After Swap Force, my excitement I once had for Skylanders just crashed. Especially after Superchargers. I collected 8 Superchargers and 3 vehicles, and then my innovation to buy more Skylanders just died. I don't know why, I don't know if it is just my lack of interest for vehicles or what. If I am not interested in the gimmick for Skylanders 6, I may just stop collecting from the series entirely, as much as I hate to say it. I am considering starting to collect Amiibo instead, since that seems to be where my interest in being a collector is going. Am I the only Since-Game-1 collector who is like this, completely losing interest in the series? It kind of hurts, actually. :/
ClassicSpyroLUV Yellow Sparx Gems: 1193
#2 Posted: 01:29:29 20/03/2016
I lost interest immediately after Swap Force, but I'm looking into getting back into it now. At the time of Swap Force I was in college with so much on my plate worrying me, so I didn't really have the time or interest for it. After college it didn't come back until recently and without reason, and even now I'm undecided given the expense as well as how hard it is to find previous toys. Worse, the place where I live now has electric heat and hydro is ludicrously expensive so my play time is very limited to weekends only, when balanced around work and my family's TV time.
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#3 Posted: 09:22:27 20/03/2016
I kinda gave up on the series after I'd played Swap Force (This was in 2014 - about the same time I left these forums for a few years) I think it's because I really wanted to collect all the characters but I knew that was impossible! (Since I'd already missed out on figures from previous games and was not prepared to pay loads for them on eBay) My other problem was that I run out of content fast.

I always think that SF was the best one I played (In terms of graphics, and the jump mechanic), but it couldn't recapture the love I had for SA.
Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2672
#4 Posted: 20:21:07 20/03/2016
i kind of is for me. I feel lie a force myself to play SC at the moment. I just want a leak already!
Croc and Roll smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#5 Posted: 20:24:33 20/03/2016
I'm playing the other games instead of SC to keep my interest going. Considering the more I play the more I find out, like strange animations and extra dialogue by speaking to some characters multiple times,it's definately helping. Helps too that I spend money really carefully and my collection has kept small and memorable since the beginning.
(What I need is never what I want)
Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2672
#6 Posted: 20:26:39 20/03/2016
You see I am trying to upgrade all my superchargers but it feels like such a grind. You get so much less gold in SC plus it doesn't help you don't get that much of a discount either.
Croc and Roll smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#7 Posted: 20:35:38 20/03/2016
Quote: Snap Shot
You see I am trying to upgrade all my superchargers but it feels like such a grind. You get so much less gold in SC plus it doesn't help you don't get that much of a discount either.

Set all Portal Master Powers to gold rewards,watch you hit the full upgrade value faster than you can throw in 30 wishstones into the well.
(What I need is never what I want)
JayjeA Blue Sparx Gems: 636
#8 Posted: 21:12:29 20/03/2016
I have been playing as long as some folks (I started with Swap Force), but I don't feel like I'm tired of the game yet. Let's hope this next game can help revitalize the franchise and keep it moving forward.
I'm a recent convert to Skylandering and I LOVE it! I'm doing a SUPERCHARGERS LP! I also do UnBoxing videos!
Spyro Lover122 Gold Sparx Gems: 2259
#9 Posted: 21:23:25 20/03/2016
I've been playing since early 2013. (I would have gotten into it sooner if it was my silly opinion back then. :T)
It kind of went downhill for me when SF released, especially after enjoying Giants so much. I don't really feel like it's getting old for me as a series yet, though. Replaying the older games keeps me hoping that the next game will capture my interest again. I'm getting so impatient while waiting for a leak already. I got tired of SC fast. D:
I'm hanging on for now. If it keeps having the same affect on me as it does now, then I don't know what I'll do.
Whenever you reach too high, life smacks you down!
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#10 Posted: 21:56:17 20/03/2016
After Superchargers I pretty much lost most of my interest, though I'm still collecting figures. I'm sure as soon as Sky6 gets announced I'll be hyped af again, but until then, there's other games to waste my time on.
I'm thinking about playing SSA again to bring back some aspects why I love(d) this game so much.
fairyland Emerald Sparx Gems: 3800
#11 Posted: 22:10:20 20/03/2016
My modivation dropped a lot with all those different Traps to collect but I still spent a small fortune on TT and enjoyed it. I never cared about the minis either and I felt they were a wasted effort. It really died with SuperChargers as I don't like racing very much. I look at the figures and vehicles going for less than $4 last week and I just don't care as I don't feel like owning every single figure this time around.

Ultimately I only bought the lady landers because that's all I really truely care about each year. I got their vehicles mostly on fire sale as they get matching perks but I don't really care about those at all. And of course I bought a disc for $20 or so on ebay the second week it was out as I surely wasn't about to spend $75 on a starter knowing they go down to $35 by USA Thanksgiving. I could have got a starter for $15 last week but I didn't bite as I really doubt I'll ever return back to SC for quite a few years, it's totally done and over with for me.

Of course I'm holding out for a better game in Sky 6. That fan list from a couple days ago excited me more than I had been for SC. I knew it was fake, but I so wanted it to be true. I'll probably stay with the series as long as they keep producing Stealth Elves and various female friends every year. It'll have to be one heck of a concept for me to open my wallet wide and buy one of everything.
Stay Cool!
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#12 Posted: 10:20:49 21/03/2016
Me? Not really. I did stop for a while because there was no one really to play Skylanders with or talk about it. That has changed recently. I feel just as excited as in other installments.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#13 Posted: 12:46:08 21/03/2016
The first two games kept the same levels of interest, excitement and involvement.
They were magical.

SWAP Force changed a lot (too much) and almost felt like a game from a different series with Skylanders inside it.

Trap Team brought back what Skylanders means to me but still didn't had that mysterious something which made SA and Giants feel so special.

SuperChargers set some standards such as plot, character development and graphics really high but at the cost of half of a regular Skylanders experience.

Yet I'm still as excited as when I put Spyro on the Portal for the first time back in 2011, each time I start a new game.
I'm not playing SuperChargers that much recently (also because I'm replaying some old PS2/1 games I never finished) and for the first time in the series I don't feel like I want to because there is little for my characters to do and way too much vehicling.

But it doesn't matter.
Skylanders keeps evolving and understanding what it wants, needs and likes to be and with TfB at the helm for this year's game I couldn't be more impatient to find out what ace they have up their sleeve, hoping they won't rely on cheap or forced gimmicks and instead come back to the roots of the series.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:16:42 23/03/2016 by Drek95
Echo2VX Gold Sparx Gems: 2918
#14 Posted: 12:52:52 21/03/2016
I personally never get bored of anything. While the original SSA was still the absolute best release and game-play for me, I am always looking forward to new characters, while still going back to all of the others. I try to be as diverse as I can when I choose characters.
Together, we can stop sheep abuse!
Top 10: smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie>smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:36:35 23/03/2016 by Echo2VX
Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2672
#15 Posted: 23:37:18 21/03/2016
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: Snap Shot
You see I am trying to upgrade all my superchargers but it feels like such a grind. You get so much less gold in SC plus it doesn't help you don't get that much of a discount either.

Set all Portal Master Powers to gold rewards,watch you hit the full upgrade value faster than you can throw in 30 wishstones into the well.

Good advice. I did it and it's so much better.
Croc and Roll smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
tigerdr Yellow Sparx Gems: 1976
#16 Posted: 19:19:52 22/03/2016
I played through the first two games and still need to finish swap force and haven't even played either trap team or superchargers but own them. with other games around i've simply collected the figures due to the sales but for the most part i'm not really going to collect them anymore. my collection's big enough as is and i've also played lego dimensions, got much of that on sales too this year along with amiibos though that collection is coming to a close soon too.

Overall, it's the novelty of them that's worn off. Giants era was the one I used to go out to the stores all the time for new releases, but with all the sales and the like, I just order online and save the trip. Due to all the deals I never really have to go hunting anymore and that lost interest well after swap force's release finish for me.
Taking that last ride through the sunset on skylanders. Hopefully a return of more classic spyro gameplay in the horizon.
JCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1540
#17 Posted: 18:08:49 23/03/2016
I've been a fan of Skylanders since the first game, granted I had the 3DS S:SA version before I played the console version. Wasn't til my nephew brought it over for us to play it, that I got the chance to experience the console game. Though I'll admit, there's certain parts of the game that has died out over the years. The 'magical' part that the first game had, just hasn't fully returned yet for me. After all Each element felt special... now it's just Gimick landers and well the others are just not that special for the game itself. And starting with Swapforce, it lead to a division with me with the current gimmick team.. with my 'fav' of cores.

As for collecting, ugh the game just had to many reposes and I'm thinking, "This is a waist of a 'repose'" Series 3 was I thought a disappointment (all through Ninja Stealth elf's outfit is probably my 2nd fav of her outfits) all it really did was give them a slight new outfit and a different wow-pow which in my mind, was a dumb idea. So many possibilities like "Give access to both upgrade paths at the same time" or "Add a 3rd upgrade path" but no. Series 4 was a joke.. not only because it did the EXACT same thing as Series 3... but it was only given to 1 Skylanders, GilGrunt. However, I can say that I like varients, well only in game variants, and I do think the mini's have a certain charm to them as to me their like variants. But with all of the reposes and such, just felt the new-landers got a little buried under them... not to mention having to get 1 of each element of the new Gimmick landers. (well, Swap Zone thing for Swappers, but convience would be one of each element too.)

But then SuperCharagers came out, and honestly, I like the way they did it. For starters, it short of felt like that each new core lander(non gimmick ones) were buried or just added to the already large list of not as important Skylanders (due to the gimmick's outshining the Cores) So they became apart of the gimmick in a way. And even the Reposes were brought in as apart of the 'gimick' But with the way they did it, honestly it gave the SuperChargers something special... Supercharging, each having their own unique vehicles, only they can upgrade vehicles... but at the same time, all old landers were gyped in the process as any of them can pair up with a vehicle and due pretty much anything the Superchargers can do (aside from the small things that make them unique).

As for the Reposes being apart of the gimmick, I do like how they brought them in with new move sets that what should of been what Series 3 was like, IMO. Not to mention with not as many landers to collect and not feeling gyped about (should I get a repose, it's pretty much the same as my other one) but now I can recollect old favs with fully feeling like it's worth the time and money.

As for the 'racing' part. Eh, I'm not apposed to racing but the game could use a bit tidying up with it in the 'multiplayer'. But in the normal levels, really, it's not a race.. kind of like those levels where you're in that giant Robot or something, just felt like an extension of the character. Just larger, stronger attack, and faster smilie.

Personally, aside still wanting back the PvP from Giants and S:SA (more arenas to battle in) and racing in replace of it, I think SuperChargers is a step in the right direction to make the series feel good again. Instead of hiding behind it's gimmick landers and the piles of unneeded Reposes.

PS: For those of you wanting Ghost Roaster, Boomer, and Voodood to get reposed... See the spoiler.

They're getting Eon's Elite. Assuming this isn't already known. Don't believe me? It's in the 3DS of SuperChargers as it shows a majority of the Skylanders. However, didn't show Power Blue Splat but it's available in the game. I say that because Sunburn doesn't show to have an Eon's Elite. But could based on what I said about Power Blue Splat.
Main Team: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#18 Posted: 18:28:51 23/03/2016
Quote: JCat
PS: For those of you wanting Ghost Roaster, Boomer, and Voodood to get reposed... See the spoiler.

They're getting Eon's Elite. Assuming this isn't already known. Don't believe me? It's in the 3DS of SuperChargers as it shows a majority of the Skylanders. However, didn't show Power Blue Splat but it's available in the game. I say that because Sunburn doesn't show to have an Eon's Elite. But could based on what I said about Power Blue Splat.

Uh, sorry if this come out as rude, but I think you need to check news, topics and posts, because everyone knows that and the majority have these figures. You know...

People here show to want a revamp, not repose. You know, with a entirely new move set.
DinoRangSaMan Blue Sparx Gems: 775
#19 Posted: 21:38:56 23/03/2016
I'll never stop playing Skylanders
I will ALWAYS double post! It is what I do for a living
JCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1540
#20 Posted: 01:06:40 24/03/2016
Quote: Crash10
Quote: JCat
PS: For those of you wanting Ghost Roaster, Boomer, and Voodood to get reposed... See the spoiler.

They're getting Eon's Elite. Assuming this isn't already known. Don't believe me? It's in the 3DS of SuperChargers as it shows a majority of the Skylanders. However, didn't show Power Blue Splat but it's available in the game. I say that because Sunburn doesn't show to have an Eon's Elite. But could based on what I said about Power Blue Splat.

Uh, sorry if this come out as rude, but I think you need to check news, topics and posts, because everyone knows that and the majority have these figures. You know...

People here show to want a revamp, not repose. You know, with a entirely new move set.

... Right. Sorry my mistake. I'll stop posting now.
Main Team: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
wah543 Gold Sparx Gems: 2787
#21 Posted: 01:56:03 26/03/2016
I started with the 3ds versions of SA and Giants and those were good then I got the console version of Swap Force and loved it. Swap Force is still my favorite game now the levels were really fun and characters were awesome. I was excited for Trap Team, but I didn't like trap team that much, I was so uninterested in that game most of the levels just dragged on and most of the time I forced myself to fully complete that game. Super Chargers has been really good in my opinion the level designs have been really good and fast paced. I don't really mind the vehicle segments but the actual levels have been really good for me
ExcitonKnight Gold Sparx Gems: 2870
#22 Posted: 12:48:33 26/03/2016
It died for me a few months ago since SC was such a letdown, but who knows, maybe Sky6 will make up for it
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#23 Posted: 14:34:32 26/03/2016
The sales of the games mirrors my interest in the series. Decline started in Trap Team and crashed (pun intended) in SSC.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:50:42 26/03/2016 by TakeYourLemons
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#24 Posted: 16:19:56 26/03/2016
Skylanders superchargers was a big miss for me, I still hunt a little but the gimmick wasn't that good this time.

I am still sticking to the franchise though, I am not going to let one bad game from stopping the adventures of hunting for Skylanders.
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#25 Posted: 22:51:33 26/03/2016
Quote: Windumup
Skylanders superchargers was a big miss for me, I still hunt a little but the gimmick wasn't that good this time.

I am still sticking to the franchise though, I am not going to let one bad game from stopping the adventures of hunting for Skylanders.

Same here, but I'm on the defensive this time. They'll bring it, or I'll pass.
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