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Altmaggedon might never end
night bomb guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1538
#1 Posted: 12:23:26 19/02/2016 | Topic Creator
SSC might have the most alts ever! The DEV team is just spitting variants here and there. Birthday Bash Big Bubble Pop Fizz, Spring Ahead Dive Bomber, Golden Hot Streak, Power Blue Splat, Power Blue Splatter Splasher, Power Blue Trigger Happy and Gold Rusher, and most recently, Bronze Roller Brawl an Tomb Buggy! ALTS WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD! (Won't be surprised if there's a Power Blue Land Racing Action Pack)
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Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#2 Posted: 13:17:54 19/02/2016
The point is, Altmageddon can go on forever if they want so, but sooner or later Skylanders 6 will be revealed and that will be the moment a lot of us will stop caring about it entirely.
I personally already couldn't care less.

It's sad SuperChargers had to rely so much on variants that they are more or less what is keeping us interested in it, aside for the remaining things which still have to be widely released (Land Racing Action Pack, Thrillipede and Buzz Wing).
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:18:15 19/02/2016 by Drek95
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#3 Posted: 14:30:55 19/02/2016
Well, you never know... Sky 6 could have even more alts than Superchargers.

But in all honesty it does kind of feel like they were pretty desperate with variants for this game. The Legendaries, those have been around since the first game. Dark Editions have been a thing since Swap Force, as have holiday-themed variants, so nothing against any of those.

But Birthday Bash Pop Fizz... the Dark Skymiibos... the Power Blues... I fail to see why these needed to exist in the first place (Although I think the Power Blues were for like autism awareness or something, right?)
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#4 Posted: 16:33:46 19/02/2016
Could be but that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing per se.
The problem if they released, like, 50 different variants and only 10 or so new Skylanders.

Then it would be SuperChargers all over again.

No problem if they create a solid cast of new characters and then decide to throw in a good number of variants, really.

And my point was more about the fact we'll be all talking about Skylanders 6 announcement rather than getting excited over a white Nightfall or whatever they have still not released.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#5 Posted: 20:23:00 19/02/2016
I think that's really it for the variants. I mean, if there were any more dataminers probably would've discovered them by now.

However, I'm still waiting for a Hanukkah variant. ...Not because I'm Jewish, I celebrate Christmas, but just for a little more diversity.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#6 Posted: 21:03:52 19/02/2016
Well... Not a variant but... smilie

[User Posted Image]

Anyway, datamining can reveal in-game variants not chase ones.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
AdamGregory03 Gold Sparx Gems: 2156
#7 Posted: 21:25:32 19/02/2016
Oh right. Yeah, I don't get why they even thought chase variants were a good idea in the first place. I mean, they're absolutely pointless. The only reason I can see for them is selling them to some douche on eBay to then in turn sell them for ten times as much money.
Golden Queen did nothing wrong and she is best evil waifu.
Check this out! Please?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:26:19 19/02/2016 by AdamGregory03
DinoRangSaMan Blue Sparx Gems: 775
#8 Posted: 17:52:51 21/02/2016
There are a lot of alt skylanders, but not enough to make altmaggedon smilie
I will ALWAYS double post! It is what I do for a living
DinoRangSaMan Blue Sparx Gems: 775
#9 Posted: 17:55:14 21/02/2016
^ I don't like chase variants either. They are absolutely pointless. They are worth a lot though.
I will ALWAYS double post! It is what I do for a living
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#10 Posted: 18:07:47 21/02/2016
You don't need to double post,just edit your existing one.
(What I need is never what I want)
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#11 Posted: 19:59:01 21/02/2016
Variant List

1. Birthday Bash Big Bubble Pop Fizz
2. Bronze Bone Bash Roller Brawl
3. Dark Hammer Slam Bowser
4. Dark Spitfire
5. Dark Super Shot Stealth Elf
6. Dark Turbo Charge Donkey Kong
7. Eggcited Thrillipede
8. Frightful Fiesta
9. Instant Dive-Clops
10. Instant Spitfire
11. Instant Super Shot Stealth Elf
12. Legendary Astroblast
13. Legendary Bone Bash Roller Brawl
14. Legendary Hurricane Jet-Vac
15. Missile-Tow Dive-Clops
16. Patina High Volt
17. Patina Lava Lance Eruptor
18. Power Blue Splat
19. Power Blue Trigger Happy
20. Snow-Brite Stormblade
21. Steel Plated Smash Hit

22. Bronze Tomb Buggy
23. Dark Barrel Blaster
24. Dark Clown Cruiser
25. Dark Hot Streak
26. Dark Sea Shadow
27. E3 Hot Streak
28. Golden Hot Streak
29. Instant Dive Bomber
30. Instant Hot Streak
31. Instant Stealth Stinger
32. Legendary Sun Runner
33. Nitro Soda Skimmer
34. Nitro Stealth Stinger
35. Patina Shield Striker
36. Power Blue Gold Rusher
37. Power Blue Splatter Splasher
38. Special Hot Streak
39. Spring Ahead Dive Bomber
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:43:55 22/02/2016 by 4inCreation
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#12 Posted: 20:17:43 21/02/2016
Wasn't there a Patina Nightfall as well?
Or was it confirmed to be fake...?

If yes, she would be the only new SuperCharger without a variant.

What a dark year for us Portal Masters...
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#13 Posted: 21:29:18 21/02/2016
There's only 3 patina figures that have shown up with multiples from more than 1 source.

Variant-Free List

1. Deep Dive Gill Grunt
2. Nightfall
3. Shark Shooter Terrafin

4. Burn-Cycle
5. Buzz Wing
6. Crypt Crusher
7. Jet Stream
8. Reef Ripper
9. Shark Tank
10. Sky Slicer
11. Thump Truck
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 00:43:22 22/02/2016 by 4inCreation
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#14 Posted: 00:57:35 22/02/2016
The Nightfall and Burn Cycle variants are fake. This game's ludicrous no holds barred on Alt Deco / chase is why I'm done with them with this entry. I'll pick ONE version of a character and call it done. Assuming of course the next game gains my support, which is now no longer guaranteed.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#15 Posted: 02:29:56 22/02/2016
Quote: TakeYourLemons
The Nightfall and Burn Cycle variants are fake. This game's ludicrous no holds barred on Alt Deco / chase is why I'm done with them with this entry. I'll pick ONE version of a character and call it done. Assuming of course the next game gains my support, which is now no longer guaranteed.

Make that double for me. smilie
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#16 Posted: 20:49:08 22/02/2016
I'm pretty sure the Burn-cycle and nightfall were fake, because they never showed up except for one person.

Quote: GhostRoaster
Quote: TakeYourLemons
The Nightfall and Burn Cycle variants are fake. This game's ludicrous no holds barred on Alt Deco / chase is why I'm done with them with this entry. I'll pick ONE version of a character and call it done. Assuming of course the next game gains my support, which is now no longer guaranteed.

Make that double for me. smilie

Wow, who could this strange person be?
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#17 Posted: 21:31:39 22/02/2016
We would like to see the alternates of the ones not matched up yet, for example:

Dark Nightfall to match up to Dark Sea Shadow.
Spring Ahead Dive Clops to match up with Spring Ahead Dive Bomber.
And so on.
Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#18 Posted: 22:22:12 22/02/2016
I wonder what a Dark Nightfall would look like. Hm.
Dark Snap Shot Gold Sparx Gems: 2648
#19 Posted: 10:16:04 24/02/2016
They knew ssc wouldn't make much so they made 100000000 variants to get some more cash
Psn-Zydren8cookie, FC 3024-5345-8692
night bomb guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1538
#20 Posted: 12:32:48 24/02/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: UncleBob
I wonder what a Dark Nightfall would look like. Hm.

[User Posted Image]

- - -
This account has been closed in favor of a new account name.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#21 Posted: 13:15:04 24/02/2016
Quote: UncleBob
I wonder what a Dark Nightfall would look like. Hm.

Well... We do have a Dark Sea Shadow so I guess she would lose her pearlized look and simply have a silver, black and grey palette with some purple parts.

Quote: Dark Snap Shot
They knew ssc wouldn't make much so they made 100000000 variants to get some more cash

I would say they didn't create so many variants because of that but simply to have more to sell in a cheaper way.
SuperChargers only has 20 new characters' figures, including reposes, and vehicles are more a matter of aesthetic preference since they barely impact gameplay outside of the obvious Sea/Land/Sky distinction.

They had to create tons of variants to reach the number of figures the older games had.
I just hope we'll see the proportions inverted this year.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#22 Posted: 13:40:43 24/02/2016
Nightfall isn't pearlized though, only her jacket; everything else is black or silver. In a word,she'd look incredibly dull. She'd be better off having her own variant, maybe something with dark blues and light greens for a more 'underwater monster' look. Or they could 100% confirm she's an anthro eel and just give her a fitting palette.
(What I need is never what I want)
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#23 Posted: 17:20:08 24/02/2016
Yeah, I was talking about the jacket because that's probably the most prominent part on her figure, she's definitely not like Blackout or Knight Mare.

Since you mentioned it though, am I the only one a bit skeptical about her being an anthropomorphic eel...?
I mean, I saw her video but it's V.V. we are talking about here: the ones who are still convinced Scratch is a cat just because their started with that concept in mind, created a cat without a tail or whiskers and thought a Teenage Mutant Ninja Skunk would have been a good idea.

Besides we already have an anthropomorphic eel and Punk Shock looks nothing like her.

Would love if she had a round mouth full of sharp teeth but I'm simply not that convinced... :/
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10663
#24 Posted: 17:28:48 24/02/2016
It's the same case as Scratch(they say 'she was pretty much an eel' over the initial drawings when she still had the dorsal fins), yeah, but after that taking a closer look at the breathing apparatus it is shaped like she has a moray's mouth - goes way foward to cover just a nose. We know from the 'underwater creature on land' line that she's definately some sort of fish; so any kind of underwater monster palette wouldn't look half bad though it'd probably not be nice to someone's thalassophobia.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:29:28 24/02/2016 by Bifrost
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