As you enter the level, Malefor will appear in front of you, which starts a very long cutscene about Cynder and the past few Spyro games. You should watch this cutscene to get a better understanding about Spyro’s destiny as well as Cynder’s past.
After the Cutscene, the fight will begin. Head directly towards Malefor, avoiding his Fury ball and Fireball attacks as best you can (They are like Cynder’s R1 fear attack). If you have unlocked Spyro’s fury armour set, then put it on and press the up arrow twice to use your Fury Element. Fury breath is the same as all other types, just press your Elemental attack buttons to use it, but don’t use it too often, because it uses up your Mana fast and you need to conserve it throughout all three stages of the fight.
Since Malefor is weakest to fury, you should use that when you are low on Health. If you use up all your Mana on one Character (If you are playing Solo), then switch to the other and use theirs. Keep attacking him until a cutscene appears, in which case you press the Jump Button, the Light Attack Button, and the Jump Button when the options are available. The second part of the fight will begin. If you failed to complete the cutscene then you will have to fight Malefor until the cutscene reappears.
CONSERVE YOUR MANA FOR THIS PART! You can use your Fury Breath, but be careful on how much Mana you use, you need it for the next part of the fight. This is the same as before except Malefor’s Health is now halved. Keep attacking him and make sure to check your mana bar every now and then, just to be sure that it isn’t all used up. I advise you conserve Cynder’s aswell, incase you need it.
Once Malefor had been defeated for the second time, another cutscene will appear, in which case the pattern for this is the Jump Button, the Jump Button again, the Light Attack Button, and the Heavy Attack Button (Tap repeatedly). Then, you and Cynder will smash him to the ground with a double strength Fury attack. If you fail to complete the cutscene then you must fight Malefor until it reappears again.
Now the third and final part of the fight begins, this is where your conserved mana comes into play. Malefor places a Force Field around him that prevents all attacks except fury breath from hurting him, including Melee. If you conserved your mana and it is a full bar, just Fury Breath him until he is dead, but if you did not conserve enough Mana, you must either use the last of Cynder’s mana (Now drained to a low amount), or Restart the level.
Once you have defeated Malefor for the final time, one more Cutscene shall appear, in which the order of buttons is the Jump Button, the Light attack Button (Tap Repeatedly), and the Heavy Attack Button (Tap Repeatedly). If you fail to finish the Cutscene it will reappear.
Once you complete that Cutscene, another, longer Scene will appear, in which both you and Cynder fight Fury Breath against Fury Breath in an attempt to defeat him. You force him backwards, then, just before Malefor throws another attack, The Ancestors (the Ancient Purple Dragons before Malefor’s time) will drag him into the crystal the Scene is on (Centre of the Earth). The cutscene continues to show that Spyro needs to sacrifice himself to save the world that is breaking apart. Cynder refuses to leave, and just as Spyro sacrifices himself, she whispers “I Love you.” The game then ends, but not just yet. Skip the credits, and you will get to another Cutscene, showing Ignitus and another Dragon, The keeper of the Book, handing his role as the storykeeper (Oversees the world and writes about it) to him. Ignitus asks if the Dragon has restored Spyro, but the Dragon says he could find no trace of Spyro or Cynder. The game ends with a small scene of Spyro and Cynder flying throughout the worlds, still alive. Congratulations, you have completed the game.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon > Dawn of the Dragon - The Fight againt Malefor
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deathgliger Red Sparx Gems: 56 |
#1 Posted: 16:05:38 31/12/2008 | Topic Creator
--- Sexy Cynder =-P |
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 20:49:15 31/12/2008 by deathgliger
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090 |
#2 Posted: 16:39:07 31/12/2008
That will help a lot of people!! I already killed him! Thanks for posting this!!
deathgliger Red Sparx Gems: 56 |
#3 Posted: 17:13:14 31/12/2008 | Topic Creator
It's no problem at all. I am tempted to work on a Guide for all levels to go on most Guide or Cheat websites, although i'm not much of a fan of cheating. If Dark52 feels he wants any help with his guide, he can use this one. Thanks for commenting!
--- Sexy Cynder =-P |
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560 |
#4 Posted: 17:18:53 31/12/2008
I don't think he'll need any help making the guide but thats still a good guide of the Malefor battle.
Edit: One thing I need to point out is that you need to make a guide more universal. Instead of saying press triange say press the hard attack button ECT. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:22:03 31/12/2008 by bionicle2809
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992 |
#5 Posted: 17:57:50 31/12/2008
Because some of us have diffrent consoles. The world does not revolve around PSP.
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze! [][][][][] |
deathgliger Red Sparx Gems: 56 |
#6 Posted: 18:41:00 31/12/2008 | Topic Creator
I see, Thanks for the comments, I will get straight to work on it
--- Sexy Cynder =-P |
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214 |
#7 Posted: 19:15:22 31/12/2008
it was a good idea to do that ..i already beat him but my sister still has trouble.
This old place has changed too much |
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560 |
#8 Posted: 01:44:47 01/01/2009
Quote: Dragonhope
PS2/PS3, this game isn't on PSP |
deathgliger Red Sparx Gems: 56 |
#9 Posted: 12:45:16 01/01/2009 | Topic Creator
This guide is now usable as an all-round console guide. Consoles mentioned in this guide are the Xbox360, PS2 and PS3. For those with a Wii, I'm looking more into the controls and gameplay of DOTD for Wii, so don't fret, I will try as hard as I can to get a guide for you!
--- Sexy Cynder =-P |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:52:56 01/01/2009 by deathgliger
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560 |
#10 Posted: 13:25:59 01/01/2009
Its not on the PSP
supermalefor Green Sparx Gems: 148 |
#11 Posted: 02:32:37 02/01/2009
malefor is soooo eezy
deathgliger Red Sparx Gems: 56 |
#12 Posted: 20:38:25 02/01/2009 | Topic Creator
Not as easy as you think. I died or got lost multiple times in the last fight section. He does, afterall, put an Elemental Shield around himself to prevent attacks other than Fury, and I then found out i had to conserve Mana.
--- Sexy Cynder =-P |
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034 |
#13 Posted: 20:41:03 02/01/2009
Not that hard to do [conserving mana], since physically attacking him isn't hard in the first fight cause you can spam roll dodges in pretty much every version. And in the second fight, you can glitch the game by going behind Malefor. He can't turn around to attack you so you can simply beat him to a pulp with or without mana.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875 |
#14 Posted: 06:48:14 03/01/2009
fury attacks will own him
deathgliger Red Sparx Gems: 56 |
#15 Posted: 10:57:18 03/01/2009 | Topic Creator
Quote: HIR
During the first round of fights, he uses Fury Speed and dashes to one end of the map, and during the second round of fights he teleports, so this glitch does not work, or atleast, not on the PS3 anyway.
--- Sexy Cynder =-P |
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