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Welcome to [The World] (.hack// Interactive, OPEN Rp) [CLOSED]
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#1 Posted: 13:28:26 05/11/2015 | Topic Creator
The World: Revision X was yet another update on system software with all new features, including a new class, and many new abilities to teach yourself. The MMORPG got very popular the first, then even more people bought FMD's to play the second, but now, CC Corp. has more service and sales then ever. But as a result of so many users, the server crashed six months after its release date, causing the data that created Cubia to be released once more and AIDA to run rampant once again. Without all eight epitaph users, this mission is nearly impossible.

You have been e-mailed an anonymous user to meet them at the Chaos Gate to meet them at Mac Anu. Will you go, or will you wait until rumours spread about what has been happenning lately?

-No god-modding, in the acception of the Infinity Eight, Tokio, Kite, and the Azure Knights, who are able to use the Data Drain Ability, which can weaken and eradicate strands of AIDA.
-If you need information about certain things, PM me. I will be happy to explain it to you.
-I am the GM.
-Oc's and canon characters allowed, but no Mary-Sues
-You don't need to know much to do this. It's really just a chance to learn the ways of the game -u-
-If playing the characters who can Data Drain, be aware that the uses are limited!
-Cursing is allowed, but keep it in character here -u-
-Keep romance PG-13
-There is a wiki. Please use it to refer to classes, or to look up canon characters. That is all I ask.
-I will be control of the Shop NPC's.
-Put 'Honeysuckle' at the bottom of your sheet if you understand the rules.

Character Sheet:

Real Name:
Alliance: (Good, Neutral, Evil doesn't exist much, but Pk's are the exception.)
Focused Element: (If any, there is one, though most players don't have one, for they are balanced.)
Species: (Human, Beast (Anthro Character), or Half-Beast, (Nekos, Kitsunes, Bunny Girls... etc)
Level: (1 [newbie level]- 150 [you've been there awhile o-o] )
Class: (Any on the wiki :3 Even use Dual Gunner, but be aware of your strengths and weaknesses)

[I typed this at 3AM, so I apologize if anything is unclear!]
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#2 Posted: 14:30:55 07/11/2015
Do you have a link to the wiki?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#3 Posted: 14:46:38 07/11/2015 | Topic Creator

There you go ouo Sorry I didn't link it before, I'm on a 3ds and I have to manually type links.
chained skull Gold Sparx Gems: 2971
#4 Posted: 02:42:54 08/11/2015
Username: Midnight queen
Real name: Delilah
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Alliance: Good
Species: Fox girl
Appearence: (Credit to artist)
Personality: Is very caring and very timid. She isn't the best at pretty much anything, she kind of that girl who just is pretty, even she acknowledges it.
Level: 7
Class: Twin blade
What do I even write here? Lmao
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5849
#5 Posted: 03:05:59 09/11/2015 | Topic Creator
//Accepted! I'm going to see if one or two more people post before posting my characters. ouo//
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