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Thorns -OC RP- [CLOSED]
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#1 Posted: 11:58:40 05/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Shīzun Forest. A forest, surrounded my mountains, covering almost a whole continent on a small planet in a far away galaxy, unknown to most beings in the universe.
This forest isn't just any forest. It is a magical forest, with magic settled under the ground, to help the forest grow and flourish, along with sunlight and water. And it's not just the magic that makes it special. The forest is divided into four seasonal sections. North is Winter, East is Spring, South is Summer, and West is Autumn/Fall, with the middle of the forest settled between Spring and Summer, and the outskirts of the forest settled between Autumn/Fall and Winter.

An ancient and dark magic, in the form of a shadow sorceress, was transported to this small planet, and it crash landed on the tallest and largest mountain surrounding Shīzun Forest. After collecting some strength, the shadow sorceress began to seep her dark power into the ground. It ran down the mountains and into the forest, absorbing and transferring the forest magic into dark magic. Large vines with thorns began to grow, trees and plants began to wither and die, and the rivers and creeks became only a trickle. Due to the forest only being inhabited by a few small species of animals, no one could stop her.

The magic of the forest knew it was in trouble. Summoning some strength, it send signals across the galaxies, in search for creatures to help take down the sorceress and restore the magic. It began to transport random creatures in random planets to the Shīzun Forest, with no explanation. They now have to try figure out what the forest wants and defeat the sorceress, because otherwise, without the forest magic, they won't be able to return home.



  • I am the GM.
  • No godmodding, mary/gary-sues, no one-sentence posts, etc.
  • No offensive language, unless you censor it.
  • Romance and violence is allowed, but keep it PG-13.
  • 3 characters MAX.
  • OC's only (no human/humanoid OC's).


Character Sheet

Species: [no human/humanoid OC's]
Homeplanet/hometown/current location:
Appearance: [small picture, link, or description] [remember to give credit to original artist]
Other: [abilities/powers, accessories, etc]


S-G's characters

Name: Astri
Gender: Female
Age: Teen (around 16)
Species: Unknown - but looks like a large eevee
Personality: Astri is kind and friendly, but can come off as a little rude at first, but opens up once she gets to know someone. She doesn't like seeing her friends in danger or pain, and tries to help when she can. She's stubborn and sometimes doesn't think things through. She has a dark side of herself, named Dark Astri. She's been able to contain it, and keeps quiet about it.
Homeplanet/hometown/current location: Astri has no current home as she is a traveler.
History: Astri doesn't remember her past. The only thing she remembers is waking up and meeting a bunch of creatures that seemed to be a similar species to her. She fell asleep again months later and was separated from them. Ever since, she's been a traveler, being able to transport to different planets or different universes, but unable to pick where she wants to go. While travelling, she's been looking for any information on what species she actually is, along with looking for her friends again. Shortly after arriving on a new planet, she was transported into Shīzun Forest.
Appearance: [credit to TheCinderLover]
Other: She's similar to a pokemon, and has a type, which is Dark. She has two attacks she can perform, which are Dark Pulse and Shadow Claw.

Name: Four Leaf Clover
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Stilyte
Personality: Four Leaf Clover is a curious and kind Stilyte. He's quiet most of the time, and prefers to use actions/gestures to express what he's saying. He can pick up on different languages and learn them pretty quickly by hearing them, but still uses actions/gestures most of the time instead.
Homeplanet/hometown/current location: A far away galaxy.
History: Stilyte's live in far reaches of the universe, and are very curious, and find their way into different galaxies and planets. Four Leaf Clover is just the same, and has been travelling across galaxies. He was passing by an asteroid belt before he was transported beside the planet Shīzun Forest was on. He was pulled in by the gravity and plummeted downwards into the forest.
Appearance: [credit to TheCinderLover]
Other: N/A
Note: Stilyte's are a closed species by someone on deviantART.



Edited 5 times - Last edited at 09:33:58 23/11/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#2 Posted: 19:59:56 05/11/2015
((Thinking about joining! This sounds interesting!))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#3 Posted: 00:20:30 06/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Okie. :)
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#4 Posted: 06:49:11 07/11/2015
(I'm so hopeful to join this, two in particular, I'm using.)

Name: Bimcal
Gender: male
Age: 20 (?)
Species: winged serpent
Personality: Bimcal can be serious when he needs to be, since he is the current king of his people, but most of the time, he is friendly, respectful, and charismatic.
Homeworld: A world with snake-like beings.
History: While Bimcal's history is uncertain, he rose to the throne early on due to a tragic demise of his parents. He met Amkron around the same time, and the two could be considered friends.
Appearance: he is a snake with green scales and acid-green feathered wings. His eyes are blue.
Other: He can manipulate and breath out acid/toxins/poisons (an element, basically), and has mastered a sort of martial arts that combine speed, grace, and strength, which he has harnessed his powers through. He speaks with extra 'sss's'.

Name: Amkron
Gender: male
Age: 17 (?)
Species: armed serpent
Personality: Amkron tends to be more serious than Bimcal, as per his duties as a warrior. He is also loyal, helpful, and often speaks when he has something to say.
Homeworld: A world with snake-like beings.
History: While his personal history is uncertain, he has served as a warrior in the serpentine army, a few ranks under Bimcal. The two have been through several events together.
Appearance: A light-brown burly snake with four-clawed hands, and his eyes are green.
Other: Amkron can manipulate earthern energies, and has a weapon of sorts, which is silver, had a hilt, and looks like a sword, but it is only the same length as the hilt, and is rounded out, looking more like a short, blunt object. However, it is capable of shapeshifting into several different forms, most of which are of a middle-age style, except for its crossbow form, which can fire bolts of earth energy. Like Bimcal, he speaks with extra 'sss's, and has learned a type of martial arts that combines the speed, grace, and strength that are just like a snake, but he hasn't learned it as much.

(Yeah, hoping Bimcal and Amkron can at least be accepted; they're one of my few types of characters that don't have connections to a fandom. My serpentine are something I've been working on at times. Oh, and here's an example of a serpentine talking ..."That isss how it wasss meant to be, you undersssstand?".)

Name: Coral
Gender: female
Age: 16 (?)
Species: griffin
Personality: Coral is an overall friendly griffiness and likes to help others out. She is also rather peaceful, but does know how to fight.
Homeworld: A world of griffins.
History: N/A
Appearance: she has aqua-blue feathers with green eyes, and a white beak.
Other: N/A
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:15:24 09/11/2015 by theuone
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#5 Posted: 07:31:21 07/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Bimcal and Amkron are accepted.
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#6 Posted: 12:33:57 08/11/2015
((Thank you for the invite! This RP sounds awesome! I think I'll bring in a new character :3

Name: Vascou (pronounced Vas-cow)
Gender: Male
Age: about 13?
Species: Bat/dog hybrid
Personality: unsure of himself, curious and sometimes snappy
Homeplanet/hometown/current location: from the planet Niffiria
History: Vascou is a mutation experiment conducted by unknown scientists. The mutation occured when a dog and a bat both accidentally ran into an untested teleportation portal. Once on the other side, Vascou was found to have sustained no injuries or mental problems. The creature thought nothing of the mutation and escaped the lab easily.
Appearance: http://legendarygriffin.devian...oured-563879116 art belongs to me smilie
Other: Not only did this creature form exquisite hearing, flight and outstanding agility, but the portal, designed for Niffrins only, transported that of an intelligent mind as well.

I've had to... Modify him a little bit so I apologise in advance if his backstory is altered slightly (and I mean very slightly) during the RP))
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:38:23 08/11/2015 by shadowstarcat
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#7 Posted: 01:24:28 09/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Thanks! And it's okay about his backstory. Accepted. :)
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#8 Posted: 06:16:47 09/11/2015
(Added Coral the griffiness.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#9 Posted: 07:11:51 09/11/2015
((Cool! smilie can't wait to begin!))
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#10 Posted: 11:30:19 09/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: @theuone: Does Coral not have a history?
@shadowstarcat: c: I'll wait a day or two to see if anybody else joins and then we can start.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#11 Posted: 12:24:53 09/11/2015
(Yeah, I don't have a backstory for her yet; she only appeared a few times in another RP.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#12 Posted: 12:47:27 09/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Ah, okay. Coral is accepted.
chained skull Gold Sparx Gems: 2971
#13 Posted: 13:02:57 09/11/2015
I'll be joining later just got think of an OC
What do I even write here? Lmao
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#14 Posted: 13:17:45 09/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Okay.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#15 Posted: 09:31:17 12/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: We can start now. Others can join when they want to.

I'd like if everyone's first post could be about your characters arriving on the planet, and I'd also like if they were placed either in the Spring section, the Summer section, or in between those two season sections of the forest.


It was early morning, and the morning sun was shining down on the seasonal Shīzun Forest. Dark power continued to slowly seep into the ground, affecting the northwest part of the magical forest, and not many creatures stirred. It was silent morning, until the visitors arrived.

Astri had arrived on a new planet. She glanced around, seeing that she had been placed on top of a rocky mountain, looking down at a nice looking forest with clearing and lakes below. She smiled slightly, ready to explore, and was about to step down the mountain when suddenly her vision flashed white and then a forestry scene appeared in front of her. Before she was able to exclaim, she realized she was suspended a few feet in the air and then suddenly fell into a large berry bush.
Astri blinked a few times, trying to comprehend what had just happened. She groaned from the slight fall and slowly crawled out of the bush, shaking to get the branches, leaves, and some berries off her body. As she did, she looked around, noticing the spring look the forest had.
"I guess that other planet didn't want me." Astri murmured, lifting a paw to scratch behind her left ear. "Or the planet had teleportation powers and I got teleported down into the forest. But this forest doesn't look like the one I saw." She paused. "I suppose I could look around."

A little ball like object was zooming down towards the forest from the sky, and it was Four Leaf Clover. As soon as he felt some heat on his body from entering the atmosphere of the planet, he curled his wings around his body. As a Stilyte, the outside of their wings/shell acted as a shield and could protect them from the heat and other dangers when travelling across galaxies.
Four Leaf Clover hoped when he hit the ground there wouldn't be too much impact, and he was glad that he was falling into a forest, and not an ocean or a volcano.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:22:34 12/11/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#16 Posted: 12:28:33 12/11/2015
Vascou slowly wondered around the snow in search of food. He had been living off ice and bark for a few days now, and he was beginning to get fed up with it. Winter was always the worst season for the bat-dog, he could never find somewhere warm enough or filled will prey... His short fur only gave him so much protection from the winds...
He suddenly heard a feint snap of a twig, imidiately causing his senses to heighten. He could smell it's scent of wet fur... The sound of its confused squeaks and could feel the heat radiating from its body...
'Food at last!' He though excitedly.
He slowly stalked towards his prey, pinpointing its location through its heat waves. He waited... 1.... 2... 3! Pouncing, Vascou landed directly on top of the mouse. He was so happy... He gulped the prey down in two swift bites before moving on.
He eventually came to a frozen river. His wings were covered in ice, thus unusable so he had to find another way across. He came to the conclusion that running over was the only way to go. He couldn't turn back... Not after coming this far! He quickly ran onto the thin ice, preying it didn't collapse, when...
"No!" He yowled, attempting to use his wings to escape, however the coating of ice was too thick, causing Vascou to ungracefully hit... The ground?
He opened his eyes to find a lush forest, a huge contrast to the windy, cold climate he was just in.
"Odd.." He said to himself. He decided to look around.
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:29:19 12/11/2015 by shadowstarcat
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#17 Posted: 21:12:50 12/11/2015
Name: Ambrose and Merle
Gender: Both Males
Age: Ambrose: 28 Merle: 19
Species: A living scarecrow
Personality: Ambrose can sometimes be a bit of a jerk. Merle is his pet Crow. He doesn't really talk much.
Homeplanet: The planet Harvest
History: Ambrose lives on planet Harvest, a planet where many of his kind lives and it is a Autumn-themed planet. He met Merle one day when he was at a bar. He saw Merle try to get through the window since he couldn't open the door, so Ambrose let him in. They became friends since.
Appearance: http://vignette1.wikia.nocooki...=20090216054251
Other: None
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#18 Posted: 04:14:48 13/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Are you sure those two are YOUR OC's? They look like they're from a video game.


Four Leaf Clover braced himself as he plummeted downwards, closer and closer to the forest. He soon came in contact with the ground, sounding a boom with a dust cloud, sending small birds nearby to leap off the branches of trees and fly away from the small explosion.
A small crater had been made, and the Stilyte, still as a little dark green 'ball', was sitting in the middle of it, the heat from entering the atmosphere steaming off of him. He was in shock from the impact, shaking, but relief slowly began to wash over him as he realized his had survived. He stayed in his little ball as he waited until he had calmed down.

Astri glanced up towards the sky, and saw a small ball-like object fly down towards the forest and land only a few trees away. Her ears flattened as she heard the boom and stumbled back a few feet as the small shock-wave hit her. Her tail twitched and she looked up again, seeing if there were any more objects falling from the sky, but it seemed clear. Thinking the object that had just fallen was just a meteorite, she continued to explore the area.
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#19 Posted: 05:41:52 13/11/2015
Vascou scanned the trees, trying to find something familiar to help him return home. So far, nothing was familiar, so he began to worry. Nothing like this had ever happened before to the creature, so he assumed the scientists did something again.
"H-hello?" He half whimpered. He was in an entirely new place, which meant he had no idea of the predators or prey were like, which could be a huge problem. He decided to wait until he sensed another being.
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#20 Posted: 05:48:07 13/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Astri was sniffing a patch of flowers when she heard a faint noise. She lifted her head, her ears perking up. She looked around but didn't see any creature around, except for a few small birds. Trying to pinpoint where the noise came from, she slowly padded through the forest.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#21 Posted: 06:40:48 13/11/2015
(About time I replied to this. Oh yeah, Bimcal and Amkron are about 4-5 feet in height.)

Bimcal yawned, waking up from a nap. The first thing he had noticed was a change of scenery; no longer was he in his bed in the city that was his kingdom, but now, he was in a forest. The winged serpent looked around, finding mostly just trees, until he noticed a familiar shape nearby ... his friend and warrior, Amkron; Amkron had been camoflagued with his scale color. Slithering over to the armed serpent, Bimcal nudged his awake with his tail, "You might want to wake up, we have a problem."

Amkron lifted his head groggily, "Yessss?" He then noticed what had happened, "Okay ... big problem. Where are we?"

"That, I have no idea, thisss isss completely new to me." Bimcal replied, hoping that they weren't alone and with friendly people.

(I'll get to Coral in a bit, wanted to start off with these two.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#22 Posted: 12:00:47 13/11/2015
Ooc: They are from a game... uh sorry I didn't think about that.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#23 Posted: 13:06:12 13/11/2015
((I would like to join, since you invited me, but it'll take me a while to get my two characters. They aren't going to be that rigidly defined, because I haven't gotten all of the details right now.))
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#24 Posted: 01:39:54 14/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: @StormDragon21: It will be pretty easy to join within the first few pages. If you decide not to, that's okay too.

Astri continued padding through the forest, sniffing the air now and again. She suddenly sensed a creature nearby and crouched down, crawling over a large bush. She peered through it and saw a creature that looked like a bat and a dog mixed together.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 12:51:44 14/11/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#25 Posted: 02:22:46 14/11/2015
Vascou's ear twitched at the sound of a rustling bush. Any other creature wouldn't have heard the subtle noise, but Vascou had enhanced hearing.
He turned his head towards the bush and slowly took a step towards it.
"Hello?" He said warily, just in case it was a predator. It's scent was nothing he had ever smelled before... Which made him be cautious.
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#26 Posted: 02:32:48 14/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Astri watched the bat-dog creature for a few moments, before deciding it was friendly. Keeping her claws out, in case it wasn't, she slowly raised her head above the bush, her blue eyes on the creature before her. "Hello."

It took a few moments for Four Leaf Clover to calm down completely. Deciding that he had, he made his wings slowly pull away from his body and back to their usual position. The Stilyte blinked at the sudden sunlight and stretched out his arms and limbs, sitting up. He let out a sigh of relief, glad that he was alive.
Four Leaf Clover slowly stood up and lifted up into the air, getting into the usual floating position he was usually in while in space. He looked at his spring forest surroundings, wondering where he was. He decided to explore a little bit, so he left the crater he had created and floated into the forest.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:51:28 14/11/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#27 Posted: 06:36:32 14/11/2015
"Ya!" Vascou jumped back in shock. 'I-it can t-talk?!' He thought to himself, eyes wide. Niffrins and himself were the only creatures that could talk! Was this one an experiment as well?
The creature shook it's head and regained his composure before speaking back.
"H-Hi! Do you know where I am?" He asked.
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#28 Posted: 06:56:51 14/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Astri, seeing the creature with his eyes wide, hoped she hadn't scared him. She slowly padded around the bush so he could see her fully, and then shook her head. "No, I don't. I only just arrived here. I was slightly hoping that I could ask you that, but, even you don't know."
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#29 Posted: 12:42:04 14/11/2015
Vascou tilted his head to the side, "I've never met another creature that could talk before..." He said quietly, "maybe... We could help each other find out where we are?"
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#30 Posted: 12:50:43 14/11/2015 | Topic Creator
"You haven't?" Astri blinked, surprised. "That's odd. I've met lots of creatures who talk." She paused. "And despite me travelling alone a lot, it'd be good to have some company." She gave the bat-dog a small smile. "My name is Astri, and who are you?"
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#31 Posted: 19:54:37 14/11/2015
Can i join?

Character Sheet

Name: Ziedran (pronounced: z-i-dran)
Gender: male
Age: somewere around his late 20's and early 30's
Species: experamental titan
Personality: brave and loyal willing to make allies
Homeplanet/hometown/current location: earth from the world of Huntik(yes as in the tv series)
History: he was once a human seeker but committed to realizing his dream to become a titan, he experamented on himself and was robbed of his body only to gain a new one. Now as a titan, he went to the wilds to live a solitary life. Now he heeds the call for help and is ready to fight.
Appearance: (i don't have a pic for him yet but when i get it i'll post it) having a humanoid structure he has grey skin and claws an his hands and feet and looks similer to a gargoyal exept he doesn't have wings. Being 5" 10' tall he can be intimadating but is very gental to those pure of heart.(he does have a tail)
Other: he has the powers of a seeker which allow him to cast spells which are : touchram, honorguard, raypulse, hyperstride, everfight

Keep in mind he isn't human. He was once but he isn't anymore.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 00:59:06 20/11/2015 by ShadeTheDragon
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#32 Posted: 22:30:03 14/11/2015
Vascou's face lit up with happiness, "I'm Vascou, it's nice to meet you Astri!" He had never had a friend before... On Niffiria, no one really cared about him. There were a few Niffrin's who fed him a couple of times, but they just felt sorry for him.
"Where should we head?"
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#33 Posted: 01:59:09 15/11/2015
(I'm surprised no characters have paid my serpents a visit ... I'll just have take care of that myself.)

(And Shade, is your character from a show or something?)

Amkron grabbed the hilt of his weapon and drew it, "We ssshould be careful then, there isss no telling what could be here."

"True, but I think we ssshould alssso look for sssomeone elsss." Bimcal replied, ready to search for any locals. And so the two serpents slithered off, heading deeper into the forest they were in.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#34 Posted: 02:01:27 15/11/2015
Ooc: no i made him up myself. The world he's from is from a tv show called Huntik secrets and seekers.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#35 Posted: 04:01:31 15/11/2015 | Topic Creator
@ShadeTheDragon: Human and humanoid characters aren't allowed, but I suppose I could make a small exception. Though you could always give him a tail or something. Also, I'd like to ask if you can tone down your character's powers/attacks, as most of the current characters in this RP don't have any, or just have one or two. After that, I will accept you.
@theuone: Sorry. I'll make Four Leaf Clover bump into your characters.


"It's nice to meet you too," Astri replied. She paused and looked around. "I think we should try find some high ground, and then we might be able to see more of the area and figure out where we are."
Four Leaf Clover floated through the forest, looking around. Due to him travelling through space most of the time, he'd only visited a handful of planets. This lush green forest was fascinating, and he silently giggled as he realized how much he blended in with the trees and bushes. He suddenly stopped as he heard voices. He lowered himself to the ground and padded over to the base of a tree. He peered around it and saw two serpents. His eyes widened, never having seen creatures like them before.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#36 Posted: 04:18:05 15/11/2015
Ooc: he will have all these powers but he wont be able to use them till later. As for the tail ok i'll add it..
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#37 Posted: 04:23:58 15/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: They all just seem a bit overpowered to me, that's all.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#38 Posted: 04:32:08 15/11/2015
Ooc:he will only be able to use raypulse, hyperstride, everfight, and honorguard and can only invoke freelancer(who is easy to invoke like beginner level), kipperin(a bit more difficult then freelancer), and caliban. For now.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:33:42 15/11/2015 by ShadeTheDragon
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#39 Posted: 04:55:00 15/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Alright. Accepted.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#40 Posted: 05:36:49 15/11/2015
Amkron tensed up, having used his earth abilities to sense anyone nearby, namely Four Leaf Clover, and then asked, "Who'ssss there?" He had his weapon in a four-clawed hand, but kept it in it's normal form.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#41 Posted: 06:11:08 15/11/2015
"Good idea!" Vascou agreed as he took flight, "can you fly?"
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#42 Posted: 07:03:24 15/11/2015 | Topic Creator
Four Leaf Clover took a moment to realize that one of the serpents had noticed his presence. He gave a silent gasp and ducked behind the tree, hoping that the serpents wouldn't attack him.

Astri looked up at Vascou, a paw raised as if she was going to continue walking. "No." She shook her head. "I don't have wings. It would be cool to fly though."
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#43 Posted: 08:12:43 15/11/2015
(( I assume Astri is smaller than Vascou (he's about the size of a large wolf) but I'm asking just to be sure))
"I could take you for a fly if you like," Vascou said with a smile.
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#44 Posted: 08:43:10 15/11/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Yeah, Astri would be a bit smaller than him.

"Are you sure?" Astri asked. "Wouldn't I be too heavy for you to carry?"
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#45 Posted: 10:21:56 15/11/2015
"I'm sure I can handle it!" He reassured. His wings, being twice the size of him, could allow fly with ease, even when carrying something or someone else.
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#46 Posted: 11:07:05 15/11/2015 | Topic Creator
"Alright, if you're sure." Astri replied, still looking up at Vascou. "And, now that you mention flying, we don't need to find high ground, because we can just see the area around us by being up in the air."
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4402
#47 Posted: 14:22:23 15/11/2015
OOC: Looks very interesting, I definitely want to join if I can
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#48 Posted: 16:51:42 15/11/2015
Ziedran wandered the forest getting his barings and heared the camotion near by. Their were serpents. He climbed the trees and approched silently.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
shadowstarcat Gold Sparx Gems: 2177
#49 Posted: 07:01:53 16/11/2015
"That's the plan!" Vascou said cheerfully. He flew over to Astri and picked her up carefully before as sending into the sky. She wasn't too heavy for him, but he still had to put in extra effort to stay airborne.
He looked around at the unfamiliar landscape and frowned.
"This place is deffinately not familiar to me... What about you?"
Im a crazy feral vigilante dragon lady
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#50 Posted: 07:16:31 16/11/2015
Amkron continued to look around intently, and asked again, "Who'sss there, ssshow yourssself."

Bimcal had his wings spread, ready to fly if needed.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
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