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Skymiibo [CLOSED]
SoulfulWolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 5904
#1 Posted: 21:13:28 16/10/2015 | Topic Creator
As the title suggest: I'm wondering if some of the apps will allow skymiibos to be used in future updates.

I know they're Nintendo only, but, Nintendo recently started allowing mobile!

So what do you guys think? Do you think after the bulk of SuperCharger's release is over, we'll get Collection Vault and Lost Islands updates that include DK and Bowser?
TTD Hunter Gems: 6328
#2 Posted: 11:11:56 26/02/2016
I don't think so either, yeah it would be nice but I think that nintendo want to concentrate on promoting their own products when it comes to mobile rather than supporting activsion. However, in years to come if skymiibo are still a thing and nintendo have successfully entered the mobile market, it could be a possibility.
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