[An idea stuck within my head for a while. It needs to get out of my head. So here goes notthing once more!]
Ages have past by, the human spiecies has gone extinct many years ago due to an unknown cause. Only outcasts of strange beings have ever since roamed the world. Creatures from the undead have crawled up to the surface to claim their parts of the dead lands. The outcasts of space have drilled their way through the earth's clouds and the humans that have survived so far have grown to creatures that are never to be called close to what they were once.
Dragons have become reality, and Werewolfs roam the night. You name it.
All creatures lived in peace side by side. All of them....
Eccept the Birdorium Spiecies
Birds with human atributes and cat ears. They were the feared spiecies amongst all other beings, and now, they sought out eternall mgiht over all other living beings. The spiecies led by one Scientist only. Riskar Birdorium
The rules, tribe leaders and masters of severall other spiecies decide to strife for their own freedom, together, forming a group of brave individuals to form a team to fight the Birdorium.
The Dragons are proud creatures with big hearts and strong battle skils, they can harness more than just one element. Each dragon is different. Hunting either in packs or alone. Ages do not matter for dragons. Adult or hatchling. Every dragon is powerfull in their own way, even if they're small.
Lost Children:
The undead, referred as Lost Children, are a close-bonded colony of creatures of the undead. They're easely identified by their oiled left arms and off the chart right eye. They all base thier fighting skills upon the elments or Darkness, Poison and Fire. They can be dracolytes, fallen angels or just mare human like beings. However, all of them have one thing in common. They've died by all kinds of means and been revived by thier own ruler. after bein thrown into a mysterious lake. No outsider is allowed to come close to the colony without permission.
Pack Hunters. They often wake during night and howl at the moon for various reasons or meanings. During day, they take a humanoid shape yet still have the tails and heads of a wolf. They're fast fighters and often bare the element of Darkness, Ice or Shadow. Each Pack has thier own leader, but that doesn't mean there are no individuals.
Often notable warriors with a weapon of choise. Angels roam the skies leaving trails of their own element behiend. They often work alone, but groups of angels are not rare either. They're often seen as the protectors of peace, with the Lost Children being thier opposite. This is not thrue though, as both spiecies have means of reviving the dead.
The Birdorium:
Bird-Human hybrits with feline-like ears. They're often smart beings with a good feel of scientific and chemical mind. They see all other spiecies as weaker objects and seek power of the others. They're often grouped together in small towns or perhaps minor cities. They're the successors of the humans thus having every trait a humans used to have. This include good food supplies, schools, name it all. However. Birdorium are NOT the smartjackers when it comes down to nature's logic. While the Birdorium might be the evil ones, there are always outcasts who join the forces of the other spiecies.
[More spiecies will be added if anyone wants to. These are the default speicies you can chose from]
Lost children:
Sandburr - Stormdragon
3 Characters per person.
No two of the same species per person
No godmodding
No powerplaying
No mary/gary sues.
I am GM! What I say goes.
Please remind timezones.
No combo posting!
And of course, Enjoy!
Additional Notes:
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > Rebel against the Birdorium (An OC RP)
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BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#1 Posted: 12:21:47 10/10/2015 | Topic Creator
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 13:52:45 11/10/2015 by BlackWing116
Platinum Sparx
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#2 Posted: 15:30:11 10/10/2015
Name: Sandburr
Gender: Female Age: 15 Species: Werewolf Appearance: Sandy brown werewolf with white stripes. In her partially human form, she wears a plain shirt and ragged pants. In both forms, she always carries around her bow and arrows. Personality: Surprisingly individualistic for a werewolf, Sandburr moved away from her tribe after growing tired of being pushed around be her older siblings. She is clever to make up for her small size, and she likes using her powers to cause hassle for enemies. Powers: Control over the element of Air. Her favorite move is using the wind to blow dust, dirt, or sand into her enemies' eyes. She also uses the element as a shield against projectiles, or as a force to grab lightweight objects (such as her arrows) Weapons: Her bow and arrows.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#3 Posted: 22:52:50 10/10/2015 | Topic Creator
Diamond Sparx
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#4 Posted: 01:20:44 11/10/2015
Name: "Big Daddy"
Gender: Male Age: ??? Species: Ape Appearance: ![]() Personality: A feral, savage brute. All it knows is that it's survival of the fittest- and everything else is competition. Powers: Genetic modifications have granted it with absurd strength and resilience, and it's surprisingly nimble for such a hulking beast. Weapons: It'll use just about anything it can get its hands on. Additional Notes: The Birdoriums created it as a kind of superweapon to assert their rule, but they didn't account for it to turn on its masters...
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Emerald Sparx
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#5 Posted: 05:11:34 11/10/2015
((What about a half-breed? I kinda have an idea, but I want to make sure I can first))
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Blue Sparx
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#6 Posted: 05:23:10 11/10/2015
((I might join. Could I do a Witch or Vampire?? Pretty please))
Gone. |
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480 |
#7 Posted: 12:44:35 11/10/2015 | Topic Creator
[[Foxtail, accapted. EB. No half breeds. Rin, Yes, I was planning on making a vampire species]]
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