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~Rebellion in Chinatown~ [OPEN] [CLOSED]
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#1 Posted: 02:58:02 07/10/2015 | Topic Creator
[This has failed three time. I'M TRYING AGAIN.]

It's the year 2137.
Water and food is scarce, many species of animals have become extinct, and whole continents have been wiped out. After World War 3, the world was thrown into chaos. Many of the surviving countries declared that it wasn't safe in their own land, so they moved to China, which seemed to be the only safe country to live. Due to the large population moving into the country, a huge city was created. It was as big as all the major cities of the world merged together, and it was called Chinatown.
In the south and center parts of the city, shining high-rise buildings stand above all, their silver tips pointing towards the sky. Business [tried to] resume, and the rich people had somewhere to live. However, the under-class people still had to go somewhere. In the northern part of the city, where the sun and snow is harsh, there are buildings almost as large as the high sky-rise buildings, and they are apartments. Apartment, after apartment, after apartment. They are all stacked on top of each other, like building blocks. Walls crack, roof tiles fall, but no one seems to complain. The small alleyways are littered with stalls, and thin lines hang between buildings, flags and clothes swinging and swaying in the wind. The place is colourful, and it seems bright and bustling with people. But it's not what they want, and it's not what the Rebellion wants. They want to change the way of life in Chinatown, and make everyone live equally. Will they be able to change the city?

[Just know that I clicked off the tab while making this, and I had to write the plot all over again, and it was better the first time. ;-;]


  • I am the GM.
  • No godmodding, mary/gary-sues, no one-sentence posts, etc.
  • No offensive language, unless you censor it.
  • Romance and violence is allowed, but keep it PG-13.
  • 3 characters MAX.
  • All your characters will join the rebellion sooner or later, if they haven't already.

Character sheet:

Age: [12-18]
Personality: [At least three sentences]
History: [At least three sentences]
Appearance: [small picture, link, or description] [remember to give credit to original artist]
In the rebellion? [Yes or No]
Other: [Optional]

My characters:

Name: Leia Esperanza
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Personality: Leia is a quiet girl. She never says much, and she lets people decipher what her eyes and expression mean most of time. She's stubborn, and always charges into things without thinking about the consequences. She's loyal, brave, and quick on her feet.
History: Leia was abandoned as a baby, and was brought up at one of the many orphanages in the most northern part of Chinatown. The orphanage is cold, damp, and Leia hated it. After school, she always made her way into new buildings to try climb to the highest point, to escape the dense crowd in the world below. Soon enough, she found a rebellion forming under the city. They asked her to join. She refused at first, but then found herself going back and asking for a position. She has been in the rebellion for 3 years, and was made a leader.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
In the rebellion? Yes.
Other: Is the leader of the Rebellion. Good at climbing.

Name: Razor Halling (Raz for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Personality: Raz is a rather happy kid. He likes to laugh and makes plenty of good jokes. He's kind, caring, loyal and pretty easy-going. He likes to think things through before doing anything.
History: Raz was brought up in an orphanage in the north-eastern part of the city. He didn't like it much, but learnt to deal with it. He was taken to the orphanage when he was 5, knowing his parents weren't able to take care of him. He has a few friends, but mostly sits by himself, listening to music and drawing. He found the rebellion 4 months ago, and decided to join.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
In the rebellion? Yes.
Other: Good at drawing.

Name: Terra Sky
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: Terra is a rather loud girl, but is able to keep her mouth shut when needed. She's always wanted to be different, so she dyed her hair all different colours when she was 15. She liked how her last name was sky, and dyed her hair so it was like a rainbow, which are rarely seen. She's proud of being different, and she's kind and loyal. She's also a bit stubborn.
History: Terra was brought up by her mother in the north-eastern part of the city. She's had a pretty normal childhood, and due to her fixing windows in her apartment building, along with her mother, they've been able to survive. She's got a few friends, and seems pretty happy.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
In the rebellion? No.
Other: N/A



Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:44:56 08/10/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#2 Posted: 04:54:55 07/10/2015
Name: Rheese Devix
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Personality: Rheese is an intelligent businessman, thinking of most people and objects as numbers in an endless string of equations. His mind works like a human calculator, emotions seeming small and less important than gains and losses. Despite this, those close to him know he has an emotional side, just buried beneath layers of cold exterior.
History: Rheese was born to a poor family in the North of Chinatown. He saw first-hand the situation in Northern Chinatown, joining the rebellion at 14. A few years later, Rheese travelled to the South of Chinatown an built a business from the ground up. Now a successful businessman, Rheese watches over the situation in Chinatown from a high-rise flat, waiting for word from the Rebellion to strike from within.
Appearance: A 6 foot tall Caucasian man with slick brown hair and green eyes. Often wears a suit and tie with formal shoes and gold cufflinks on each wrist, the one on his right wrist engraved with an 'R' for the Rebellion. On the outer side of his upper right arm is a tattoo of a bulldog, his favorite dog. Hidden in the design are the words 'With the Rebellion I Stand'.
In the Rebellion? Yes.
Other: N/A
Back and Better Than Ever!
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#3 Posted: 09:23:35 07/10/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Accepted.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#4 Posted: 20:23:22 07/10/2015
Name: Rayden DuBois
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Nice, but most of the time shy
History: Lived in France but when World War III broke out his family had moved to Chinatown for safety. He's lived there since the war started, and decided to join the rebellion a couple days after it started.
In the rebellion: Yes
Other: Likes Leia.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:18:19 08/10/2015 by PwnageFTW
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#5 Posted: 02:44:10 08/10/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Accepted.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#6 Posted: 04:54:44 17/10/2015
Name: Peony Rosewood
Gender: female
Age: 16
Personality: Peony cares about a lot of things, perhaps for no real reason in particular. She has a kind of determined nature in that if she found something broken she had to fix it. She doesn't talk a lot, and when she does she talks quietly. It's not as if she's shy, though, and is more that she just prefers to listen. She doesn't anger easily, and more often than not it seems to just roll off of her. She only needs to fix what's broken, not get angry and break it more.
History: Peony grew up in a very strange home. Her mother died when she was younger and her brother worked to support her. And when he wasn't working he got into fights. Fights meant that her brother came home bruised and battered relatively often. Sometimes he would come home and break things because he was angry. It wasn't that he hated anyone, mostly he was mad at the world. Peony understand that, in a way, would always be there to calm him down, stitch up his wounds. Peony got pretty good at patching up anything that ended up needing it. People, clothing, objects. But in the end, her brother stopped coming home. Peony could never patch that back up. She joined with the rebellion. Not because she was angry, but just because the world was broken and she needed to fix it.
Appearance: Credit to original artist [User Posted Image]
In the rebellion?: Yes
Other: Peony knows a lot about patching up people, clothing, and sometimes even some simple objects.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#7 Posted: 04:56:43 17/10/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Accepted NightBlade.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#8 Posted: 04:57:34 17/10/2015
ooc: Yay!
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#9 Posted: 06:38:19 17/10/2015
Name: Shun Li
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Very protective of things or people he likes and very trustworthy. He has a tendency to have lapses in his sense of reason but for the most part, he's just a little naive sometimes. Diligent and a strong moral code guide his actions daily. He's a disciplined and respectful kid.
History: Shun Li was the son of a high ranking police officer that was stationed in Chinatown. He's been everywhere and knows every backstreet in Chinatown. His father taught him to fire a gun, a taser, and he learned the basics of hand-to-hand combat. He isn't like an expert or anything, but can take down the average guy pretty easily. However, during World War 3, his father was drafted and a letter stated that he died on the front lines. He was 16 Since his mother passed away when he was seven, Shun found himself an orphan on the streets. But thrive he did most of the time asking for food and working to pay it. He found odd jobs at places, but managed to get by. He was pretty well known around the downtown area and anyone who needed help with anything for a couple bucks always knew where to find him.
Appearance: Credit to original artist
In the rebellion? No
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 07:30:26 20/10/2015 by Dragon-outcast
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#10 Posted: 06:59:33 17/10/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Accepted D-O.
Would you all like to start now or wait until one or two more people join?
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#11 Posted: 10:48:20 17/10/2015
Name: Nolan
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Cocky, sharp-tongued, and sarcastic. Quite intelligent and witty, with good street smarts. Can be charming when he wants to, using his looks and his personality to con money and food out of those he chooses. Friendly, almost to a fault, but will betray 'friends' without a thought if they go against his interests in the slightest. Cynical, with a dry sense of humour, but takes the world with his usual good humour and doesn't let anything to get to him.
Very protective over what could possibly be the last surviving member of his family, and refuses to do anything that would place her even in the slightest bit of danger.
History: The middle of five siblings, having an older brother, identical triplet sisters (of which he is the fraternal middle triplet), and a younger sister. The children of a wealthy businesswoman in America, they enjoyed a childhood of luxury.
With World War 3, Nolan fled with his youngest sister in tow to Chinatown, and is unaware of the fate of his mother, triplet sisters, brother, or the rest of his family. Having little wealth to his name, he managed to use what he had to get a small apartment in the city's north.
In the rebellion? No.
Other: Trying to appeal his case with the government in order to find out what happened to his family and find them if they're alive, or reclaim his fortune if they're not. Aside from that, he either goes job hunting in the northern part of the city, or swindling idiots in order to get at least his sister a feed.
Dislikes the drastic quality of life between the northern part of Chinatown, and the rest of the city.

Name: Bonnie
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Personality: Fun-loving and almost perpetually happy. Inquisitive and headstrong, she tends to jump into situations without thinking it through. Loves to laugh. Optimistic, and very friendly and trustworthy. A lot more intelligent and perceptive than she appears, and tends to know what others are feeling.
Tries not to let the very likely possibility that Nolan is the only surviving member of her family bother her, but is noticeably clingy to any friend she happens to make.
History: Same as Nolan's.
Appearance: Dark skin, with wild, hip-length white hair. Brilliant amber-orange eyes. 5'5", and quite skinny.
[Image soon.]
In the rebellion? No.
Other: Nolan's younger sister. Rarely leaves the apartment building to save her brother worry, though occasionally wanders out to explore on her own.
self professed austGAYlian
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#12 Posted: 00:49:35 18/10/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Accepted ReshiramForever.

Alrighty, let's start.

Note - The Rebellion's base is undernearth the northern part of Chinatown, and is basically a large cavern with doorways on the sides, leading off to other smaller caves/rooms (and these caves have been transformed into bedrooms, planning rooms, bathrooms, etc). There are also secret entrances to the Rebellion base, which are wells, little tunnels behind dumpsters, and even cupboard doors in the lower/abandoned rooms of apartment buildings.
There is a secret knock that Rebellion members must do when reaching the main cavern doors from the entrance tunnels. It is three quick knocks and then three slow knocks.


A harsh early morning wind blew across the gigantic city known as Chinatown. It was 6AM, and not many people were awake just yet, and Leia, sitting on top of one of the lower apartment buildings, liked it this way. No sound from below, just the wind, whistling and wailing through the broken apartments in her lower-class section of the city.

Leia, expressionless as always, stared at the flags and items of clothing swaying in the wind between the two buildings in front of her. She watched the old China flag, as it was over 100 years ago, flap maniacally as the wind grew stronger.
The young girl gave a small sigh and stood up, the wind now reaching her and blowing her long blonde hair out behind her. She looked up the sky, and the darkness was beginning to fade. She could tell the sun was rising, and she decided she might as well head down into the depths of the city while no one was around, so she could reach the underground base of the rebellion. She walked over to the edge of the roof she was sitting on, and proceeded to make her way downwards.


Razor, Raz for short, was sleeping in a hammock, a few rooms away from the main cavern. Some of the rebellion members had homes to go to, but some didn't, like Raz and Leia. Each member who lived in the underground base had a hammock, blankets, pillows and a chest of draws either on the ground, or built into the wall of the room/cave, as some of the hammocks were near the ceiling of the cavern.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:35:00 20/10/2015 by Spyro-Gamer
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#13 Posted: 01:11:09 18/10/2015
Peony spent a lot of time at the rebellions' base ever since she joined on. Not because she didn't have some small home to go to, but more because she didn't have reason to go back. The slight chance of her brother returning being the only actual factor for why she held onto the place. Still, things needed to be fixed elsewhere and Peony had the mind to fix them.

She was always an early riser. Waking herself before the sun came up to make breakfast for her family. She still clung to that habit, even if she didn't rightly have a real family anymore. Peony woke, dressed, and prepared a meal in her home. Once made she packed up the simple meal in her bag, There would be those who were hungry at the base. That was something she could fix, at least for a few.

She traversed the early city that early morning from one side to the other. And she traveled further still to the entrance caverns underneath. Three quick knocks followed by three slow knocks she tapped against the door, waiting to be allowed inside.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:11:28 18/10/2015 by NightBlade
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#14 Posted: 01:35:28 18/10/2015 | Topic Creator
The door was opened for Peony by one of the rebellion door guards who was on duty for the morning.


Leia dropped down from the great building and onto ground-level. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she shuddered. She hated it down here on the ground. She even hated how the Rebellion base was underground. She tossed a few strands of her long blonde hair back and ran over to a well which was randomly set on the open ground floor of an apartment building. She pulled the rope which tied around one of the wooden poles surrounding the well and a large bucket half full with water came up out of the darkness of the well.

Leia sighed and tipped the water out, hearing a faint splash after about 20 seconds of silence. She then jumped up onto the well 'wall' and jumped into the bucket. Still holding the rope, she slowly let it slide out of her fingers, which lowered her down into the darkness of the well.

After about a minute, Leia had reached the ground, or rather, the little pond at the bottom of the well. And the bottom of this well was pretty much like a cave. It was a large area, with the pond and a passage leading to a brown doorway. Leia swung on the bucket, jumping out and landing on the banks of the pond. She flicked her hair back again and walked towards the doorway. She did the secret knock and the door swung open.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#15 Posted: 01:48:14 18/10/2015
Peony gave a small smile and friendly wave to the guards on duty as she entered the base. Once inside she began to make her way through the corridors. She would wave at those who were awake, and perhaps even say a quiet good morning. She made her way to where the other members would soon eat, if they hadn't already, and set out the food she had brought.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#16 Posted: 11:44:51 18/10/2015
Rayden woke up, he was in one of the lower apartments in the Rebellion base. He took a shower and got on his clothes and headed to a meeting for the Rebellion he and some other people would have every other day. He had been chosen because everyone thought he was one of the most trustworthy people. He walked down from his apartment, seeing some familiar faces, and hearing some 'Hi's, 'Hello's, and 'Good morning'. He finally made it to the meeting room, but only the members of the meetings could get in. There was a hand scanner for each person in the meeting room to get in. He put his hand on his, and the door opened. He sat down at the long desk. After about what seemed 2 hours of talking about what they planned for that week, the meeting ended. Rayden was glad to leave, he got on his coat and left the meeting room. Rayden went to get breakfast, then he saw Peony, someone he had heard a lot about in the Rebellion base, "Hey." He said.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#17 Posted: 12:59:42 18/10/2015
Nolan sighed as he brewed up some coffee. On the table behind him, a pile of paperwork lay waiting, half of it filled out. The early morning had become his favourite time of day, a few hours to himself before his baby sister wakes up, in which he could show his true emotions without having to worry her.

Dragging a hand through his tousled hair, Nolan spared a glance towards the closed door of the other room. Being a two-roomed apartment, with a tiny bathroom that could be described better as a closet, Nolan slept on the couch, and had given the single bedroom to Bonnie. She would be up within a few hours, he decided, turning to the windows.

If anything, Nolan always made sure to be around when Bonnie woke up.
self professed austGAYlian
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#18 Posted: 14:51:07 18/10/2015
Peony turned to face Raydon with a warm smile. She had recognized him, probably more by face in passing than by name. However, she had not been in the rebellion as long as others had. She gave him a fairly pleasant wave and motioned to the food she was laying out. In a soft voice she spoke for once, "Are you hungry?"
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#19 Posted: 14:58:18 18/10/2015
"Yea," Rayden said. "I had to wake up and go to a 2 hour meeting and then come eat." He took another bite of his sausage. "Gets kind of boring in them, but everyone selected me to be in it. I can't tell a single other person what we talk about unless given permission." He started eating some of his eggs. "My first time in one of them I almost fell asleep." He joked.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#20 Posted: 15:11:50 18/10/2015
Her hand raised to cover her mouth as she let out light laughter as she listened to him speak. After the sound had died down the laughter remained in her eyes. Peony sat down, setting her bag in her lap with care. "Sleeping on the job?" She mused with a small giggle.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#21 Posted: 15:16:15 18/10/2015
"Well, one time I did fall asleep, and you could imagine everyone in the meeting room was pretty mad." Rayden said. He finished eating his breakfast, "Well, I enjoyed the chat. See you around." He threw his trash away and walked back to his apartment.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#22 Posted: 23:57:09 18/10/2015 | Topic Creator
Leia walked into the main cavern. She saw a couple of members talked on the other side of the room, but it seemed like everybody else was still asleep.
She made her way over to a table where some breakfast food was laid out. She took hold of a mug of hot chocolate at the back of the table, and then made her way to a large soft faded green couch at the back of the cavern. She sat down and slowly sipped her drink.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#23 Posted: 01:04:03 19/10/2015
Peony waved her goodbye as Rayden left, she standing up and taking hold of her bag once more. She turned to see the girl who had entered and gave a friendly wave to her as a "good-morning". Her eyes reflecting the gentle smile on her face.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#24 Posted: 02:47:27 19/10/2015 | Topic Creator
Leia, as always, had a blank expression. Her eyes met Peony's and she raised a hand, giving a little wave, sipping her hot chocolate quietly.
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#25 Posted: 04:48:46 19/10/2015
Rheese exited his office into a spacious room with sofas, bookcases, and a desk, behind which sat his assistant.
"Clarissa, I'm taking another trip to the North." Clarissa rolled her eyes. "These trips you keep taking are dangerous. Are you sure?"
Rheese smirked. "I always am." He descended the staircase of his building, hopped into his Porsche, and started the drive to the North
Rheese pulled over next to an abandoned building in North Chinatown. He entered the building and made his way to a large cupboard on the four wall. Rheese opened the cupboard, knocked out the wall behind it, and crawled through the hole into a small cavern with a fireman pole in it. He descended the pole quickly, reaching the bottom in a matter of seconds. He approached a door, knocked three times quickly, then slow, and entered.
"Hello!" he proclaimed as he entered the giant cavern.
Back and Better Than Ever!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:12:29 19/10/2015 by Fryno Forever
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#26 Posted: 05:06:52 19/10/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Fryno Forever, you have different characters in your post than the one on your character sheet. Can you edit that, please, or change your character sheet if you're going to change your characters? ^^;
Fryno Forever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1071
#27 Posted: 14:11:38 19/10/2015
OOC: Oh. Lol. I'll fix it.
Back and Better Than Ever!
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#28 Posted: 07:34:39 20/10/2015 | Topic Creator
OOC: Accepted shorty.

Leia's gaze switched to Rheese as he entered the cavern.
Raz had woken up and he made his way to the main cavern since he was hungry. He opened one of the doors and walked in, his stomach growling quietly.
Dragon-outcast Emerald Sparx Gems: 4191
#29 Posted: 18:54:38 20/10/2015
"Here okay, Mrs. Chan?" A teen called out from across an apartment hallway. "Oh yes, that's fine. I think you're done, Shun. Off you go." A voice called back. The teen smiled as he set down the heavy cardboard box. Mrs. Chan paid him $20's worth of money for his 4 hour service of helping her move into her apartment. Smiling, he pocketed the money and took the elevator down, walking out of the apartment. He inhaled and exhaled and then jogged down the street to buy some food for supper.
*insert edgy saying about the meaning of life*
Procrastination: Hard work often pays of after time, but laziness always pays off now.
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