It's the year 2137.
Water and food is scarce, many species of animals have become extinct, and whole continents have been wiped out. After World War 3, the world was thrown into chaos. Many of the surviving countries declared that it wasn't safe in their own land, so they moved to China, which seemed to be the only safe country to live. Due to the large population moving into the country, a huge city was created. It was as big as all the major cities of the world merged together, and it was called Chinatown.
In the south and center parts of the city, shining high-rise buildings stand above all, their silver tips pointing towards the sky. Business [tried to] resume, and the rich people had somewhere to live. However, the under-class people still had to go somewhere. In the northern part of the city, where the sun and snow is harsh, there are buildings almost as large as the high sky-rise buildings, and they are apartments. Apartment, after apartment, after apartment. They are all stacked on top of each other, like building blocks. Walls crack, roof tiles fall, but no one seems to complain. The small alleyways are littered with stalls, and thin lines hang between buildings, flags and clothes swinging and swaying in the wind. The place is colourful, and it seems bright and bustling with people. But it's not what they want, and it's not what the Rebellion wants. They want to change the way of life in Chinatown, and make everyone live equally. Will they be able to change the city?
[Just know that I clicked off the tab while making this, and I had to write the plot all over again, and it was better the first time. ;-;]
- I am the GM.
- No godmodding, mary/gary-sues, no one-sentence posts, etc.
- No offensive language, unless you censor it.
- Romance and violence is allowed, but keep it PG-13.
- 3 characters MAX.
- All your characters will join the rebellion sooner or later, if they haven't already.
Character sheet:
Age: [12-18]
Personality: [At least three sentences]
History: [At least three sentences]
Appearance: [small picture, link, or description] [remember to give credit to original artist]
In the rebellion? [Yes or No]
Other: [Optional]
My characters:
Name: Leia Esperanza
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Personality: Leia is a quiet girl. She never says much, and she lets people decipher what her eyes and expression mean most of time. She's stubborn, and always charges into things without thinking about the consequences. She's loyal, brave, and quick on her feet.
History: Leia was abandoned as a baby, and was brought up at one of the many orphanages in the most northern part of Chinatown. The orphanage is cold, damp, and Leia hated it. After school, she always made her way into new buildings to try climb to the highest point, to escape the dense crowd in the world below. Soon enough, she found a rebellion forming under the city. They asked her to join. She refused at first, but then found herself going back and asking for a position. She has been in the rebellion for 3 years, and was made a leader.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
![[User Posted Image]](
In the rebellion? Yes.
Other: Is the leader of the Rebellion. Good at climbing.
Name: Razor Halling (Raz for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Personality: Raz is a rather happy kid. He likes to laugh and makes plenty of good jokes. He's kind, caring, loyal and pretty easy-going. He likes to think things through before doing anything.
History: Raz was brought up in an orphanage in the north-eastern part of the city. He didn't like it much, but learnt to deal with it. He was taken to the orphanage when he was 5, knowing his parents weren't able to take care of him. He has a few friends, but mostly sits by himself, listening to music and drawing. He found the rebellion 4 months ago, and decided to join.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
![[User Posted Image]](
In the rebellion? Yes.
Other: Good at drawing.
Name: Terra Sky
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: Terra is a rather loud girl, but is able to keep her mouth shut when needed. She's always wanted to be different, so she dyed her hair all different colours when she was 15. She liked how her last name was sky, and dyed her hair so it was like a rainbow, which are rarely seen. She's proud of being different, and she's kind and loyal. She's also a bit stubborn.
History: Terra was brought up by her mother in the north-eastern part of the city. She's had a pretty normal childhood, and due to her fixing windows in her apartment building, along with her mother, they've been able to survive. She's got a few friends, and seems pretty happy.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
![[User Posted Image]](
In the rebellion? No.
Other: N/A