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Your opinions, thus far [CLOSED]
RubyKrystal Red Sparx Gems: 49
#1 Posted: 17:59:38 14/06/2007 | Topic Creator
So, what are your opinions of the game so far?

Personally, I think it looks okay. Graphics are alright, plot sounds incredibly redone (so far, at least), voice actors are great choices, level design seems good ... I just can't wait for movies!

We'll see at E3, then.
Avatar: Psychonauts. Bobby Zilch! o rly?
OBJECTION! ... uh, because I said so!
Fan of Spyro since the beginning!
fantasy lover Fodder
#2 Posted: 18:34:09 14/06/2007
I agree with you, this game will be fantastic!smilie
RubyKrystal Red Sparx Gems: 49
#3 Posted: 18:41:24 14/06/2007 | Topic Creator
yay! I also think that. with Billy West possibly voicing Sparx, the game may be a tad funnier. Maybe, with Cynder making jokes. I imagine her as coming up with really sick jokes at the wrong time. Or the pirates getting drunk and makking 'yo mamma' jokes. But that's probably WAY out-there for a Spyro game.
Avatar: Psychonauts. Bobby Zilch! o rly?
OBJECTION! ... uh, because I said so!
Fan of Spyro since the beginning!
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#4 Posted: 18:57:06 14/06/2007
I'm impressed, though I would have liked a PlayStation 3 version.
RubyKrystal Red Sparx Gems: 49
#5 Posted: 19:07:33 14/06/2007 | Topic Creator
Though, in my own personal opinion, the PS3 is kind of a ripoff of the Wii. But we ALL know Sony and Nintendo are rivals, so it makes sense for Sony to rip off the most successful nextgen console. *shrug* Buuut, that's just me!
Avatar: Psychonauts. Bobby Zilch! o rly?
OBJECTION! ... uh, because I said so!
Fan of Spyro since the beginning!
Pyro girl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1752
#6 Posted: 19:28:35 14/06/2007
What? Is David Spade not in this one?
Kakarot, I think I'm going to puke ~Vegeta
Live Long and Prosper ~ Mr. Spock
I'm stupid, I'm Stupid ~ Starscream
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#7 Posted: 19:35:28 14/06/2007
A rip-off? The Wii is overrated. Anyway, the game appears to be a mixture of the classic Spyro platforming of the original continuity and the action-orientated combat of ANB. Ignitus appears to be playable, though I could be wrong. The flying levels appear to be returning from ANB, as do the primate mercenaries. This new Dragon Time is also, or so I hear, to be used in solving puzzles, not just in combat. Speaking of puzzles, there appear to be puzzles like the ones in ANB on the DS version of The Eternal Night. Also, the DS version appears to be fully three dimensional, unlike ANB and SL. In all, the game looks promising. In fact, far more promising than ANB did this time last year.
Last edited at 19:38:46 14/06/2007 by Michael
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#8 Posted: 21:18:30 14/06/2007
My guess... Ignitus playable in the Introduction to the game... as the background appears to be the temple. <.<

As for opinions.... YARR! PIRATES! b^.^b
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12272
#9 Posted: 23:05:26 14/06/2007
Quote: RubyKrystal
So, what are your opinions of the game so far?

Personally, I think it looks okay. Graphics are alright, plot sounds incredibly redone (so far, at least), voice actors are great choices, level design seems good ... I just can't wait for movies!

We'll see at E3, then.

bleh i will buy it but im not gunna like it
Cinderneo Fodder
#10 Posted: 15:56:35 15/06/2007
Quote: Pyro girl
What? Is David Spade not in this one?

Yeah hes not in this one but imagine him saying "spyro do you dig cynder?" I would be on the floor litterily.
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5047
#11 Posted: 19:32:19 15/06/2007
Now that I think of it: it does sound a little funny thinking of it.
Last edited at 22:19:18 15/06/2007 by dragmundis
Cinderneo Fodder
#12 Posted: 11:56:53 16/06/2007
To bad that guy how's the vocie of sparx is leaving.
RubyKrystal Red Sparx Gems: 49
#13 Posted: 12:54:43 16/06/2007 | Topic Creator
David Spade is seriously unfunny. I mean, the only good thing he did was the voice of Kuzco in The Emperor's New Groove. *shrug* Billy West, on the other hand, is hilarious.
Avatar: Psychonauts. Bobby Zilch! o rly?
OBJECTION! ... uh, because I said so!
Fan of Spyro since the beginning!
Cinderneo Fodder
#14 Posted: 10:42:29 17/06/2007
Hes funny! I dont care if it takes us 10 damm years to sort out this arugemnet but hes funny!
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#15 Posted: 12:14:27 17/06/2007
Frankly, I'm happy to see the back of Spade. He was only funny when his Saturday Night Live co-star, Chris Farley, was alive. I enjoy Futurama, and I think West would be a great addtion to the cast of The Eternal Night.
RubyKrystal Red Sparx Gems: 49
#16 Posted: 12:15:33 17/06/2007 | Topic Creator
Exactly! Having West in the cast would be PERFECT.
Avatar: Psychonauts. Bobby Zilch! o rly?
OBJECTION! ... uh, because I said so!
Fan of Spyro since the beginning!
Cinderneo Fodder
#17 Posted: 14:00:56 17/06/2007
Well If he takes over Sparx's vocie I had it!
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5047
#18 Posted: 15:00:00 17/06/2007
How about we vote on the poll for the voice of sparx?
Last edited at 15:01:18 17/06/2007 by dragmundis
Techno Spyro Fodder
#19 Posted: 18:50:58 21/06/2007
I say that Billy West would be a good voice actor for Sparx. I say this because his performance on Futurama is funny.

What if Jim Carrey played the voice of Sparx! I would die of laughter. He is the funniest actor I know. He was hilarious as the character Ace Ventura in the movie Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls.

Ace Ventura quote: ALRIGHTY THEN! Ace Ventura, pet detective, and you must be the Monopoly guy, hey, thanks for the free parking.

Other than that Billy West would make a good voice actor for Sparx.
Pyro girl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1752
#20 Posted: 19:36:14 21/06/2007
OMG! I'd laugh for Scotland for a million years if Jim Carrey played Sparx!

OMG! I loved it when he was in 'Lair, Lair' Lol!
Kakarot, I think I'm going to puke ~Vegeta
Live Long and Prosper ~ Mr. Spock
I'm stupid, I'm Stupid ~ Starscream
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#21 Posted: 20:51:33 22/06/2007
sorry but i dont know billy west, in which guy he did make a voice (if he did)?
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
RubyKrystal Red Sparx Gems: 49
#22 Posted: 21:01:37 22/06/2007 | Topic Creator
Fry, the Professor and Zoidburg in Futurama. smilie Maybe more.
Avatar: Psychonauts. Bobby Zilch! o rly?
OBJECTION! ... uh, because I said so!
Fan of Spyro since the beginning!
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#23 Posted: 22:12:56 22/06/2007
i never seen futurama!!!
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5047
#24 Posted: 22:42:26 22/06/2007
It's a hilarious show, you should see it. (10:30PM to 11:30PM Cartoon network every monday through thursday.)
Last edited at 22:44:24 22/06/2007 by dragmundis
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#25 Posted: 22:56:00 22/06/2007
Don't forget the Zapper!
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#26 Posted: 23:02:50 22/06/2007
i dont have any channel expansion
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5047
#27 Posted: 23:19:31 22/06/2007
Oh, ok then. Oh and dark 52 what do you mean by the zapper?
Last edited at 23:23:29 22/06/2007 by dragmundis
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#28 Posted: 23:24:05 22/06/2007
dont have another way?
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#29 Posted: 23:32:14 22/06/2007
Big Z!
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Last edited at 23:32:55 22/06/2007 by dark52
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#30 Posted: 13:17:36 23/06/2007
Oh yes, Zapp Brannigan.
RubyKrystal Red Sparx Gems: 49
#31 Posted: 15:26:52 23/06/2007 | Topic Creator
Oh yeah! Forgot about him. xD
Avatar: Psychonauts. Bobby Zilch! o rly?
OBJECTION! ... uh, because I said so!
Fan of Spyro since the beginning!
Techno Spyro Fodder
#32 Posted: 17:59:29 23/06/2007
The perverted dope who loves Leela and all other women.
RubyKrystal Red Sparx Gems: 49
#33 Posted: 19:07:45 23/06/2007 | Topic Creator
The more I think about Zapp, the more I think he's a lot like Captain Qwark in some ways.
Avatar: Psychonauts. Bobby Zilch! o rly?
OBJECTION! ... uh, because I said so!
Fan of Spyro since the beginning!
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5047
#34 Posted: 20:39:37 21/07/2007
he's also like Captain kirk but in a dunb way. And yet he's still funny.
kyle katarn Green Sparx Gems: 172
#35 Posted: 21:33:44 21/07/2007
well the are twice as many worlds than ANB its more puzzle better plot yeah this one seems mutch better than ANB
spyro the dragon 2 rocks
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