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Twin Academy [CLOSED]
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#1 Posted: 21:25:30 19/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Well I haven't made a RP in a long time, and I finally thought of an idea, so... Here it is then.

Plot: Twin Academy has been recently formed and only allows twins/triplets etc... It seems that some twins have been torn apart by the academy, and some have been brought closer together. Those that have been torn apart live in Building G or E, and those that have grown closer live in building C. A battle started between Buildings G & E, with the twins in building E started to become possessed. Those in building C sometimes go and fight with one side or the other, and sometimes try to bring peace to the two sides.

The RP will start as though the academy just opened and it is the first day. So at the start it's still one building.

Standard rules - Minimum cursing, keep romance PG13, no godmodding.
No killing without permission of both me and the owner of the character.
Characters must be 11-19 years of age.
Any species is allowed as long as it has a humanoid form.
Siblings do not have to be identical nor the same gender.
No more than triplets (ie. no quadruplets etc..)
No more than 6 characters total. (Not that many are recommended, but are accepted as I will use that many)
Siblings can be different species as long as one of them can turn the other species into their species (ie, one is human, the other is vampire) Therefore, it is plausible that they are different species.

Character Sheet:
Love Interest:


My Characters: (credit for images to artist(s) and Google)

Name: Shadow
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Love Interest: None yet
Building: C
Appearance: Left
Other: None

Name: Dusk
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Love Interest: None yet
Building: C
Appearance: Right
Other: Can teleport short distances.

Name: Cynthia
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Neko
Love Interest: None yet
Building: E
Appearance: Left with Neko traits
Other: None

Name: Ruby
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Neko
Love Interest: None yet
Building: G
Appearance: Right with Neko traits
Other: None

Name: Mira
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Love Interest: None yet
Building: C
Appearance: Left, without a tattoo on face like that. Also wears glasses.
Other: None

Name: Luna
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Love Interest: None yet
Building: C
Appearance: Right, without a tattoo on face like that.
Other: None

EDIT 5: Edited my sheets very slightly, removed a pointless rule.
EDIT 6: Added edit log. Also noted that when the RP starts, it's one building that will later split as described, in case it wasn't clear.
EDIT 7: Made non-humanoid species allowable, as long as they have a humanoid form.
EDIT 8: Just some grammar & organization fixes.
EDIT 9: Accidentally confirmed #8 instead of previewing.
EDIT 10: Just changed my male characters to building C. My characters should be done now, so I'm going to start soon.
EDIT 11: Changed the age range as I accepted some outside the range... lol
Edited 11 times - Last edited at 01:31:22 21/08/2015 by weebbby
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#2 Posted: 21:27:51 19/08/2015
Reserved until I come up with characters
Quote: Carmelita Fox
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#3 Posted: 01:29:25 20/08/2015
OCC: So, is this anime-like? As in, can characters be whimsically strong and fast Like Kenichi, or Durarara?
Turtle Power.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#4 Posted: 01:32:14 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: As long as it doesn't make them too... overpowered, for lack of a better word, sure. (the references don't really help me though, but I think whimsically strong/fast is descriptive enough for me to be able to answer)
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#5 Posted: 01:37:34 20/08/2015
OCC: throwing lunch tables and punching each other across the room. Stuff like that. Kinda like this:
Turtle Power.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#6 Posted: 01:39:47 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: Yeah I think stuff like that will be fine as long as it doesn't get out of hand.
I'll add an Other to the character sheet (don't know why I didn't before) for stuff like that and whatever else
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:42:52 20/08/2015 by weebbby
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#7 Posted: 06:06:35 20/08/2015
Name: Murdoch Cathan
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Love Interest: N/A
Building: C
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
Other: Murdoch and Brom have always been freakishly physical. By the time they were five, they were arm wrestling adult men and by nine racing the horses on the family farm. Though they fight often, they still enjoy each other's company.

Name: Brom Cathan
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Love Interest: N/A
Building: C
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
Other: Murdoch and Brom have always been freakishly physical. By the time they were five, they were arm wrestling adult men and by nine racing the horses on the family farm. Though they fight often, they still enjoy each other's company.
Turtle Power.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:07:07 20/08/2015 by HerrMythology
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#8 Posted: 10:03:03 20/08/2015
Name: Leith
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Neko (bunny)
Love Interest: It seems he has slight affection towards his sister, but the twins are rather quiet and mysterious, so no one knows for sure.
Building: C
Other: He very deeply cares for his sister.

Name: Lola
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Neko (bunny)
Love Interest: N/A
Building: C
Other: N/A

Appearance of twins: [credit to artist]
[User Posted Image]


Name: Sadie
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Love Interest: N/A
Building: C
Other: She likes to wear kimonos.

Name: Sarika
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Love Interest: N/A
Building: C
Other: She doesn't wear kimonos like her sister, she wears usual clothes.

Appearance of twins: [credit to artist]
[Sadie is the girl on the left and Sarika is the girl on the right]
[User Posted Image]
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#9 Posted: 12:48:49 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: Both accepted!
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#10 Posted: 18:10:50 20/08/2015
OCC: Do characters ever leave the buildings? Like do they go home and stuff, or do they stay at the academy?
Turtle Power.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#11 Posted: 19:38:35 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: I guess I hadn't really thought about it but now that I do I guess I kinda had them sleeping in dorms or whatever. I mean of course there is outside the building, and they do go outside, but I guess for the most part they stay at the academy.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#12 Posted: 20:01:47 20/08/2015
OCC: can one of my characters have a job after class?
Turtle Power.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#13 Posted: 20:03:22 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: I suppose so
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#14 Posted: 20:18:59 20/08/2015
Name: Phoenix Hadley
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Fire Witch
Love Interest: Has a boyfriend back home
Building: G
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
Other: Can control fire to an extent depending on body temperature. (Ex. Cold/Freezing = Weak/No flames. Warm/Hot = Large/Powerful flames.) Doesn't use this ability much as he can loose control easily.

Name: Phoebe Hadley
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Fire Witch
Love Interest: None
Building: E
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
Other: Can control fire to an extent depending on mood. (Ex. Sad = Weak/No Flames. Angry = Large/Powerful flames.)
Gay 4 GARcher
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#15 Posted: 20:20:34 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: Accepted!
Should we start?

EDIT: I suppose it's kind of late to do this, after a lot of characters here and all, but I'll make other creatures acceptable as long as they have a humanoid form.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:51:57 20/08/2015 by weebbby
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#16 Posted: 21:44:28 20/08/2015
OCC: I'm ready.
Turtle Power.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#17 Posted: 21:55:39 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Mira and Luna were walking towards the academy for the first time. Mira finally notices it off in the distance. "Hey Luna, there it is!" Luna acknowledges the comment with a simple grunt.
"You excited for our first day here?"
"I suppose so"
They approach the building, and notice a few of people filing in already.
Mira walks up to one, "Who might you be?"
"The name is Cynthia, what's yours?"
"I'm Mira."
"Come on Mira, we gotta get going. Save the introductions for later." Luna says, hurrying her sister inside.
"That was odd," Cynthia says to her sister, Ruby, who was nearby.
Dusk and Shadow had completely forgotten about the first day however, so they are simply playing a game of billiards at home.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:32:19 21/08/2015 by weebbby
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#18 Posted: 01:06:49 21/08/2015
Standing near the entrance of the academy building were Leith and Lola, the bunny twins. They stayed silent, looking up at the building, blinking their grey eyes, no noticeable expression on their face.
Leith tightened his grip on Lola's hand and looked down at her.
Lola looked at her brother and nodded.
Leith turned back to the building, and together, the twins walked into the building.
Sadie and Sarika were walking alongside each other towards the academy building.
Sarika glanced at her twin sister. "Do you really have to wear a kimono almost every day?"
"Sarika, I've told you I feel more comfortable wearing kimonos." Sadie replied.
"Hmm." Sarika looked up at the building.
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#19 Posted: 01:16:49 21/08/2015
Murdoch bumps his brother and sighs, "Come on. We gotta get going. We'll be late. AGAIN."

Brom groans and stirs, "I don't wanna... Five more minutes..."

Murdoch rolls his eyes and lifts up a large bucket sitting beside him and dumps water all over him.

"*GAAAHK!*" *BA-DUMT* Brom rolls off his bed trying to avoid the water and hits the ground flopping like a fish, "What was that for!?"

Murdoch reaches his hand down and Brom takes it. He lifts his brother off the ground, "We live in the middle of nowhere, forty-five minutes from school. Get dressed, come downstairs, I made breakfast."

Brom growls and strips his clothes off while Murdoch leaves the room. He towels himself off and throws some clothes on. He rushes downstairs to find Murdoch washing dishes, and his plate sitting at the table along with juice and silverware. He rushes to eat his food, slurping and chewing loudly.

Murdoch opens the newspaper and calls out in a stern tone, "Don't eat so fast, you'll choke."

Brom grunts and slows his pace a bit. After he's done he puts his plate in the sink.

Murdoch folds his paper and sets it down, "Go get the backpacks in the living room." He washes Brom's dish quickly and drains the sink. Brom runs into the living room, grabs the packs, and meets his brother in the garage.

Murdoch puts on his helmet, "Twenty minutes to get to school." He presses a button on the wall and the garage door opens.

Brom tosses Murdoch his backpack and grins, "We've made it in less." He puts on his helmet and hops on his motorcycle, next to Murdoch. They both kick on their bikes and speed off to school.
Turtle Power.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#20 Posted: 01:24:29 21/08/2015
Name: John
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Shifter
Love Interest: Sadie
Building: C

Name: Trivas
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Shifter
Love Interest: N/A
Building: C

(John is on the left and Trivas is in the right.)
[User Posted Image]
Quote: Carmelita Fox
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#21 Posted: 01:31:50 21/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: Accepted.
Just about done with my post from earlier, sorry I had to leave like that guys. >.<
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#22 Posted: 01:32:51 21/08/2015
"Well this place looks marvelous" Phoebe huffed out, arms crossed over her chest. She kept her distance from her brother. The idea of having to spend even more time with him was killing her. "Besides, this place looks flammable. It'd be a shame if a classroom were to burn down somehow" she said menacingly like a badly written character in a children's show. "Stop complaining you brat. It's not like it was my brilliant idea to go to this school." Phoenix growled back. He hated the idea of going to school with her just as much as her. This morning he was more irritable then usual, but that was understandable. Not only did he have to put up with his stuck up sister, but he also won't be able to see his boyfriend. Seeing him was the best part of his day, even if he might've skipped class a few times just to see him in the halls. Since his parents thought it was a great idea for his sister and him to come to this school and 'bond,' he won't be able to see his love. Pushing his anger down, he sped up his walking to get this over with as soon as possible.
Gay 4 GARcher
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:50:21 21/08/2015 by DragonCamo
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#23 Posted: 01:35:02 21/08/2015
John and Trivas walked up to the building with everyone waiting outside, "Well," John said. "This will take an hour or 2."
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:39:19 21/08/2015 by PwnageFTW
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#24 Posted: 01:48:34 21/08/2015
Leith and Lola walked into the academy building, looking around. Leith spotted some chairs sitting against the wall and tugged his sister over to them. They sat down, still holding hands, their black bunny ears twitching every time they heard a louder noise than usual.
Sadie and Sarika walked into the building.
"Where are we supposed to go?" Sadie asked.
Sarika shrugged. "I'm not sure."
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#25 Posted: 02:14:43 21/08/2015
((If it's not too late to join, and if it's possible to not have a picture, then I'll join. I just can't draw humans and my phone is officially crazy.))
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#26 Posted: 02:35:08 21/08/2015
After speeding their way through traffic and taking a few short-cuts, Brom and Murdoch arrive at school. They ride up to senior parking and park their bikes.

Murdoch looks at his watch, "A few minutes to spare."

Brom pulls off his helmet and puts it in his backpack, "Yep."

Murdoch walks towards the building "Let's go."
He and his brother make their way through the crowd, scanning for anyone they happen to know.
Turtle Power.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:27:25 22/08/2015 by HerrMythology
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#27 Posted: 12:32:37 21/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: Yeah you can still join, you need at least a short description for an appearance though.
DrobotMewTwo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1852
#28 Posted: 16:31:44 21/08/2015
Name: Jake
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Cyborg
Love Interest: None Yet
Building: C
Appearance: http://vignette1.wikia.nocooki...=20150411091815
Credit to Aritist
Other: Can lift heavy things, and was hurt in car accident. His parents died, so he and Henry take care of themselves. They have mechanical limbs.

Name: Henry
Gender: Male
Species: Cyborg
Love Interest: None Yet
Building: C
Other: Same as Jake, but is the brains.
" C'mon, Ortensia. Doesn't everybody deserve a second chance? "- Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#29 Posted: 16:33:31 21/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: Accepted
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#30 Posted: 17:02:41 21/08/2015
Name: Kari
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Love Interest: None
Building: G
Apearance: Kari is a black-furred werewolf. She has gray, swirling stripes that start at the base of her neck and curve around her entire body. Her tail is ragged but still bushy. She carries an ornate sword strapped to her back.
Other: She never goes into her human form, preferring to at least stay part wolf.

Name: Kira
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Love Interest: None
Building: E
Appearance: Kira is a white-furred werewolf with light gray stripes. Her stripes are more jagged compared to Kari's, and they start from the tip of her snout. She has a couple of notches taken out of her left ear. She carries a sword similar to Kari's, but slightly longer.
Other: She views being human as a sign of weakness.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:02:16 21/08/2015 by StormDragon21
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#31 Posted: 17:40:32 21/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Ooc: Accepted
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#32 Posted: 20:12:02 21/08/2015
John and Trivas walked in with their bags and found their room, it had 2 king sized beds, a flat screen TV, and a huge window. "Awesome!" John said, crashing on his bed and turned on the TV. "Don't jump on the bed anymore," Trivas, the serious one said. "You don't want to get kicked out of this place the first time we're here, do you?"
Quote: Carmelita Fox
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#33 Posted: 22:01:50 21/08/2015
((Note: I edited my character sheet due to confusion. Kira's male now. Before then, it was a bit hard to write.))

"Race you there!" Kira howled, looking back at his smaller sister. It was hard to believe he was the larger one of the two. Kari was apparently older, or so his mother, Rali, said. She was starting to catch up, though she had a disadvantage of packing way too much. Sure, you needed the schoolbooks, weapons, and armor to keep the family honor, but a pillow? Seriously? That was going way over-the-top.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#34 Posted: 01:21:56 22/08/2015
"I wonder if there's anyone else like us here who aren't... normal." John said. Trivas stopped at the last word, "I'm sure there will be people like us," Trivas said. After all, they allowed twins of any race into this academy.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#35 Posted: 01:32:17 22/08/2015
Brom smiles toothily, "So... Do you think I can get a boyfriend this year?"

Murdoch shrugs, "Does it matter? You have the rest of your life for that. You need to focus on your studies."
Turtle Power.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#36 Posted: 03:29:00 22/08/2015
Leith and Lola had left their seats and wandered down the hallway of the building, finding their room.
Leith opened the door, revealing a small room, with two beds, two windows with curtains, two wardrobes, two desks, and one TV.
"It's nice." Lola said quietly.
Leith glanced at her. His sister didn't speak as often as he did. But he was glad she had at least said something. "Yeah, it is." He agreed with her.
Sadie and Sarika had found their room, and it was similar to Leith and Lola's room, but a little bigger.
"I'm glad we have big wardrobes," Sadie said, as she opened hers. "I can fit all my kimonos in here."
Sarika said nothing. She placed her bags on her the floor and sat on the bed.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#37 Posted: 10:11:29 22/08/2015
John and Trivas walked out to explore the rest of the place and John saw Sadie in her room because the door was not shut, he whistled at her. Trivas pushed him out of the way, "I'm so sorry, my brother is an idiot." He said.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#38 Posted: 10:58:27 22/08/2015
Sadie had turned towards the door just as John and Travis walked past, and she saw and heard John whistle at her. She blushed lightly as Sarika turned her attention to the door, seeing the twin brothers. "Hey," she said. "Are you two new here like us?"
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#39 Posted: 11:03:40 22/08/2015
"Yes," Trivas responded.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
DrobotMewTwo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1852
#40 Posted: 15:03:17 22/08/2015
Henry and Jake arrived just on time. "Late as always..." Henry said. They walked to their room, seeing that it had a couch and two big beds. "Sweet!!"Jake said, stretching out. Henry walked out, seeing the others. " Hey guys! Name's Henry!"
" C'mon, Ortensia. Doesn't everybody deserve a second chance? "- Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#41 Posted: 16:42:57 22/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Luna continues hurrying her sister Mira and they finally arrive at their room. It has 2 beds, a TV, and plenty of room. There was also another door in the room. Luna goes to the bathroom down the hall, and Mira goes and looks at the door. Opening it, it turns out to be a door connecting their room with that of Cynthia and Ruby. Upon seeing Cynthia through the door, Mira says, "Hi! Remember me?"
"Oh hey Mira. I guess our rooms are connected. This is my sister, Ruby."
HerrMythology Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#42 Posted: 19:23:25 22/08/2015
Murdoch and Brom made their way into their room and the both tossesed their bags onto the bed.

Brom raises an eyebrow, "Are we going to have to sneak out to go to the farm again?"

Murdoch shakes his head, "No. I talked to the principal. He's fine with it. We just have to submit a check in/out sheet every week."

Brom hears the others chattering outside the door, "You want to go say hello to the peeps?"

Murdoch sighs, "I'm sure they're busy talking to their friends. I doubt they'll take interest."
Turtle Power.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#43 Posted: 19:42:52 22/08/2015
"Right, umm.." Trivas said. "We should get back to our room." John looked at Sadie before he left and winked. "Get in here you bafoon!" Trivas said, pulling John by his shirt into their room.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#44 Posted: 23:36:45 22/08/2015
Sadie blushed again and Sarika blinked. "Well, they're interesting." She smiled slightly and got up off her bed, beginning to unpack.
Leith and Lola, still in their room, both placed their bags at the end of their beds at the same time and looked up at each other. "Let's explore the school. We can unpack later," Leith said, walking over to Lola and taking her hand.
Lola nodded at him.
The bunny twins walked out of their room, shut the door, and began walking down the hallway.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#45 Posted: 23:40:44 22/08/2015
"Are you trying to hit on girls the first day we're here?" Trivas asked. "What I can't help that she was hot." John said. Trivas facepalmed, "You know what? If you want to go hit on girls, do it in the hallway." He said. He pushed John out the door and locked it and John bumped into these 2 weird kids with bunny ears.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:48:23 22/08/2015 by PwnageFTW
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#46 Posted: 23:50:45 22/08/2015
Leith and Lola were taken by surprise as a boy was pushed out in front of them.
Lola opened her mouth to say something Leith spoke first. "Oh, sorry." He said, taking a step back, his bunny ears twitching.
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#47 Posted: 23:52:00 22/08/2015
"Sorry my brother pushed me out here and locked the door," He said. He looked at their bunny ears. "Uhhhh."
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:52:52 22/08/2015 by PwnageFTW
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#48 Posted: 23:54:33 22/08/2015
Leith glanced up at his bunny ears for a moment before looking back at John. "Have you never seen a neko before? Neko's are humans with animal features, like ears and tails."
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#49 Posted: 23:57:03 22/08/2015
"Sorry me and my brother are shape shifters, so I shouldn't be weirded out but for some reason I am." John said.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7637
#50 Posted: 23:58:30 22/08/2015
"Bunny nekos are kind of rare, I guess." Leith said, reaching up and touching one of his ears briefly. "Shape shifters? Wow. I've never met one of them before."
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