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Dragon Wars: Forest Guardian [CLOSED]
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#1 Posted: 18:20:34 18/08/2015 | Topic Creator
WELCOME BACK EVERYONE TO ANOTHER DRAGON WARS RP!!!! Let me hear you cheers for I am your host and everyone's favorite Primal Dragon! That's right~ It is me! Sky the Primal Dragon! *Fireworks goes off as everyone throws rose are thrown at my feet* Thank you Thank you I love you all!

~In Reality~

Everyone: DIE!!! WE DON'T WANT YOU!

Me: -grabs a shotgun- What was that?

~Five minutes later~

Everyone: *in a bodycase* you Sky....@___@

Me: I know you do~

Lol Ok lets get on with the story~



Occ: This takes place one year after the events of EU and some changes have been made to Sky's back story they are minor to say the least.

The Forgotten Forest, an golden forest that belong to the Avatars and the Elemental. The forest which Sky the Primal Dragon use to call home. A home which his twin brother; Blitz the Demon Dragon, destroyed which sent him upon this journey to face impossible odds and met amazing friends and allies. Where he fought and ended the Elemental Unbalance crisis. Now he must travels back to where it all began for him. For what reason he could no longer remember.

But upon reaching the once beautiful forest that turn to ash; Sky discover that the forest was being reborn, which new strange creatures rising from the depths of the earth. Spider like creatures; known as Deathweavers, were using the Forgotten Forest as a base of operations to throw the world into darkness so they can take over. He finds himself up against an army of Enslave Elementals and Deathweavers. Can he surivive long enough to stop them? Or will he fall pray to the Deathweavers as the world turns into darkness.



1. No cussing
2. I am the GM of this RP
3. No killing another person's character
4. No Godmoding
5. All characters must be 12 years or older
7. If you have an character you want to use that was in EU please make them one year older than they were in EU Thank you
5. Have fun (I can't think if there any more rules if I remember any more I'll let you guys know)

Character Sheet


Here is my first character for this RP

Name: Sky
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Elements: Fire, Ice, Water, Electricity, Earth, Wind, Light, and Darkness
[User Posted Image]
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#2 Posted: 18:29:54 18/08/2015
This could be thrilling, but I've a question about an 'element' that I would hope to use ... aura. It's a light blue energy that can be molded into different shapes and can be used for shielding. It's main offensive uses is a stream of light blue energy, and an orb of aura energy that is shot from the maw. It also has slight slight psychic abilities, mostly that to sense where things nearby are. For example, with aura, someone could tell if there was someone hiding behind a wall.

I'm hoping to use it for a light and aura dragon I made.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#3 Posted: 18:36:22 18/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: I often use Aura to show the amount of power that someone has. I some times call it magical Pressure or energy. Aura isn't an Element but Aura is still present in the Dragon War's world. So you still can have an Dragon character that is more sensitive at sense other dragons an such.....If that makes any since.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#4 Posted: 18:49:34 18/08/2015
Hmm, for me, that's only part of it; there's the aura that one has, and the element of aura.. For me, the element like darkness in the way it can made into different shapes, and hits like a solid object, including the stream, as it doesn't burn nor freeze. It also has the before mentioned sensing ability, and like light and electricity, it can hit shadows.

Is it acceptable, or not?
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#5 Posted: 18:53:32 18/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: It is not I do apologize But you can make it into an special ability or an attack if you wish though
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#6 Posted: 18:56:26 18/08/2015
Darn, I was hoping to use Borealis ... he was going to be fun. I'll figure out who else I'll use. What's the limit on characters we can use?
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Gohan Green Sparx Gems: 270
#7 Posted: 18:58:37 18/08/2015
Name: Tobias
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Elements: Fire, Poison
Appearance: Rough, juniper-green skin, prickly pine-colored crest and chest tuft. Wears a dark, rough rocky mask with jagged rocky teeth jutting out. Cannot be removed. Wings are the same pine color with darker thorns on them, membranes are a faint olive green (same as inner-ear). Eyes are deep red.
[User Posted Image]
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#8 Posted: 19:09:52 18/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: Pic doesn't match up with the description Maggie~ Lol Anyways Accepted!
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
Gohan Green Sparx Gems: 270
#9 Posted: 19:11:08 18/08/2015
ooc: I couldn't draw on the wings atm, that was more so for the colors and basic appearance. smilie; Thank you!
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#10 Posted: 19:41:03 18/08/2015
Name: Stonecrusher
Age: Absolutely no idea. It lies somewhere in the middle of Elemental Unbalance, plus a year.
Gender: Male
Elements: Earth
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
Yes, these are his actual colors.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#11 Posted: 19:48:48 18/08/2015
Name: Kinetic
Age: 16
Gender: male
Elements: earth, electricity
Appearance: Kinetic has yellow scales with a green belly and wing membranes. His horns are shaped like a ram's. His eyes are brown, and his tail tip looks like a yellow lightning bolt.
Other: he was inspired by the song Shot by The Rasmus.

Name: Blayze
Age: 17
Gender: male
Elements: fire, wind
Appearance: he has red scales with gray wing membranes, and belly. His horns and crest are curved backwards, his eyes are green, and his tail tip looks like a fan.
Other: he was inspired by the song Days by The Rasmus, and is shipped with Arctica.

Name: Arctica
Age: 17
Gender: female
Elements: ice, water
Appearance: she has blue scales with an ice-blue belly and wing membranes. Her horns are snow-white, her eyes are green, and her tail tip looks like a silver trident.
Other: she was also inspired by the song Days by The Rasmus, and is shipped with Blayze.

Name: Nightshade
Age: 16
Gender: male
Elements: darkness, poison
Appearance: he has darkness green scales with a black belly and wing membranes. His eyes are purple, his horns and crest are are gray and pointed straight up, and his tail tip looks a silver blade.
Other: he was inspired by the song In The Shadows by The Rasmus, and he doesn't like to kill, preferring to use other poisons to defeat enemies.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#12 Posted: 21:13:47 18/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: Accepted @StormDragon21 You chacarter is 1001 at least going by your EU character sheet which is on Page 13
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#13 Posted: 21:29:53 18/08/2015
Well, that technically means that he's too young for this RP. He's the dragon equivalent of ten years old, if you consider that that's what I posted. Anyway, why is there a rule about no characters younger than twelve?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#14 Posted: 01:20:37 19/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: I'm going by human years
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#15 Posted: 11:16:43 19/08/2015
Name: Shade
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Elements: Light and fire
Appearance: http://spyroconvexity.devianta...dated-474843360
Love: Shadmé
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 22:24:37 30/08/2015 by Spyroconvexity
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#16 Posted: 11:18:47 19/08/2015
(Edited due to an above edit.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:22:58 19/08/2015 by theuone
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#17 Posted: 11:32:35 19/08/2015
((So there has to be some way to get Stonecrusher to age two years…))
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#18 Posted: 12:42:56 19/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: @StormDragon21 I said he was accepted because I'm going by human years @Sc I thought Shade was 16 in EU and this takes place one year later after the events of EU @Theuone Um what are you talking about
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#19 Posted: 17:51:05 19/08/2015
(Oh, Sc posted his avatars and I reminded him about rule six.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#20 Posted: 21:37:25 19/08/2015
Ooc: fixed.
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#21 Posted: 21:48:41 19/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: I was just confuse lol smilie anyways accepted! Now who's ready to get this show on the road?
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
Gohan Green Sparx Gems: 270
#22 Posted: 21:55:26 19/08/2015
ooc: Can do!
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#23 Posted: 21:56:33 19/08/2015
(We're ready as well.)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#24 Posted: 23:29:29 19/08/2015
ooc: I'm ready!
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#25 Posted: 02:07:33 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: Alright Lets Begin!!!

The silent wind blew through an blacken and decaying force that seems to be fighting to stay alive. The once lush forest with golden leaves and emerald grass was all decaying and dying since two years ago. Only traces of its former glory are left. A Sky blue dragon with snow-white feather wings walk into the forest as his cloak wavers against the wind. His hood hid his sapphire eyes as he continue deeper into the forest. This forest was once known as an sanctuary for the elementals to live in peace; folklore even spoke that this forest was made by the Avatars so none may enter and those who do are never seen again which is why the forest was named "The Forgotten Forest", but to the dragon it went by another name.....home.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#26 Posted: 02:34:03 20/08/2015
Meanwhile Shade was resting in his cave he looked out at the dieing forest. His claws tap against the ground.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#27 Posted: 04:13:51 20/08/2015
Arctica growled at her betrothed, "Why did we come here, it's nothing like my palace?"

Blayze sighed, "I didn't know that this forest would be in this condition. The last thing I heard about it was from a couple years ago; I'd hoped to find a good spot for us to relax away from home."

"Well, that's obviously not happening," Arctica then sighed, "I wish we could find our way out of here Blayze."

"We will, my dear, even if it takes forever." Blayze nodded, trying to comfort her.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Gohan Green Sparx Gems: 270
#28 Posted: 05:39:58 20/08/2015
Draping his wings down, he looked at the place he had once loved so dearly and found it unrecognizable now that monsters had overtaken it and made it overgrown with darkness. His ears drooped at the sight and his heart sank. This place was so peaceful before; what could have happened to turn it into this? He thought to himself. Narrowing his eyes he slowly slithered around, however not entering the place as he was a little too afraid to venture into the woods alone.
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#29 Posted: 06:47:58 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
The sky blue dragon continue to walk forward until he was stop by two spider like creature. They had pitch-black skin, their upper bodies were humanoid with glowing eyes, their lower body was that of a black window with eight spiny legs. Their blood thirty smiles showed their fangs which drips with venom which burns on the ground like acid.

The dragon stop as the spider like creatures surrounded him, "Looks like we have a stray. Mmm...he sure do look delicious!" the creature said.

The dragon look unimpress through the shadow of his hood, "What are you and what do you want" the dragon asked.

"We are Deathweavers! We run this joint!" one of the creatures said, "And you? You are our lunch!" it said as it leaps at the dragon. The dragon spins around swinging his tail like a sledgehammer hitting the Deathweaver across its jaw knocking it back. The other spat acid at the dragon who skillfully dodge taking off his cloak he threw it into the Deathweaver's face as he punches knocking it down. The dragon landed on the ground with his bird like wings spread out which its snow white feathers glow wonderfully in the sunlight as his sapphire eyes shot to the other creature getting up.

"Who do you think you are! Food shouldn't fight back!" it yelled charging at the dragon. The dragon flaps his wings leaping at the creature slaming his knee into the face of the creature knocking out a fang.

"My name is Sky...Sky the Primal Dragon and you're in my home" he said as he grab the creature, "Tell you're friends that I'm back and I'm taking back my forest!" he said throwing him onto the ground and at his friend.
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#30 Posted: 11:52:38 20/08/2015
Stonecrusher took a careful few steps into the former forest. He wasn't sure if he could even call it that, mostly because it was decaying and looked dead from whatever angle he could find. "This probably wasn't such a good idea…" he murmured, but he continued walking into the forest. "Goodbye, common sense."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8453
#31 Posted: 19:02:39 20/08/2015
OoC: Waitwaitwait! I'll join this. But a question- is Elemental Unbalance over? D:
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#32 Posted: 21:20:30 20/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: No I'm still doing that RP. This is happens a year after EU
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
Gohan Green Sparx Gems: 270
#33 Posted: 23:49:25 20/08/2015
Tobias's ears perked up at the sound of a commotion, only barely picking the sounds up. Slowly he began to pad his way to the sound of the fight, though keen to stay hidden.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#34 Posted: 12:16:33 21/08/2015
Arctica and Blayze eventually heard the sounds of fighting, and carefully walked in the direction of it, though Arctica had been reluctant.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#35 Posted: 23:17:31 29/08/2015
(Bump because who are we waiting for?)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#36 Posted: 00:24:00 30/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: I was waiting for the other people to post their reply
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#37 Posted: 01:28:22 30/08/2015
ooc: I'm waiting for ShadowMewX to post her character.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8453
#38 Posted: 13:37:43 30/08/2015
I'll bring everyone back, but I don't know if I'll use them all. Maybe I'll bring some new ones in, I dunno.

Name: Shadmé
Age: 17
Gender: female
Elements: Darkness, Fire
Appearance: Average-sized black dragoness with red-tinted scales and silver horns/claws. Her eyes are a mystifying amber, and she is slim. Her chest is red. Her wings are more feathery than scaly.

Name: Spiral
Age: 19
Gender: male
Elements: Dark, Light
Appearance: Purple wyvern dragon with long silver horns. His wing membranes and chest are black. The spikes that go down his back have strange spiral symbols on them. He also has a spiral scar going around his right eye.

Name: Wisp
Age: 51
Gender: male
Element: Wind
Appearance: Long serpentine-like dragon that is blue-green. Usually is calm and serene. He has numerous sets of small wings that go down his body. His horns take on a more tufted appearance.

Name: Zak
Age: 21
Gender: male
Elements: Fire, Wind
Appearance: Big red wyvern dragon with a lighter orange underbelly and a sharp tail. His wings are somewhat battle-scarred. Most notably is the skull that he wears over his face, hiding his identity. Only his yellow eyes stick out.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#39 Posted: 14:04:19 30/08/2015
Seems interesting. Saving a spot.
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#40 Posted: 23:14:27 31/08/2015
Hmm, can I Join? EDITED

Name: Chernobyl
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Mantle Dragon
Elements: Convexity + Poison
Appearance: Black dragon with glowing yellow eyes . His wings have deep green veins running through. His tailtip is a purple orb with a rod going through it. He also has glowing white spikes along his back.

Backstory: Chernobyl was born deep under the earth in the layer between the Outer Core and the Crust, known as the Mantle. If not for the area of his birth, he would've been a regular Poison dragon, however the radioactive elements in the mantle caused his Poison element to 'mutate' into the Venom element. Twice as poisonous and semi-aware, also symbiotic in nature. The second thing it did was make him Nuclear, giving him the ability to control single atoms, making them move, connect to other atoms, or split. And of course, splitting the atom is the whole basis behind atomic bombs, meaning that he can literally create nuclear explosions at will. This made him extremely dangerous and he became hunted by all who found out about him, causing him to flee from the world.


Name: Centuria
Gender: Female
Age: 28 (84)
Elements: Fear and Electricity.
Personality: A wilful young dragoness, she is clever and able to think up a plan in a second, however, she hates not knowing what's happening and will always think ahead, of the consequences and of the sequence of events to get to those consequences. Wants to impress Lucian when he's around.
Story: Coming from the Land of Idris, she is very familiar with the fact that years go by shorter there. And as such knows that even though she believes herself to be 84, other dragons will see her as 28. Since Lucian performed the ritual of passage, Centuria has been attracted to Lucian and as such wants to impress him. Because of this, Centuria has been the only girl in centuries to complete the rite of passage, killing Sauron the Soul-stealer, Spirit of Fear, deadliest of the Ancient Spirits, and she took from his corpse the Soul-stone, which gave her the power to see souls in their true forms, and to see the powers attributed to these souls. It also made her Fear element stronger than any Idris Dragon before her. If any dragon touches it without her permission it will turn black and burn them before returning back to its original red colour and state.
Appearance: Sleek red dragoness with with a black tail and white wings. Wings have fire-like patterns along the edges that give the appearance that they are burning when she flies. She wears strong golden armour with a small unbreakable red orb in the middle, the Soul-stone. She has blue eyes. The tip of her tail tapers of into a barbed point which contains poison.
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 06:43:22 02/09/2015 by Blackfury96
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4402
#41 Posted: 19:41:22 01/09/2015
Ooh, Mind if I join?
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#42 Posted: 20:09:49 01/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: Go ahead and everyone is accepted except for Chernobyl for not having a gender and his elements Acceptble elements are Chaos, Convexity, Poison, Fear, Darkness, Light, Fire, Ice, Water, Electricity, Wind, and Earth (I don't know why I didn't post this eariler *roll eyes*)
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4402
#43 Posted: 20:32:05 01/09/2015
Name: Shadow
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Elements: Darkness, Electricity
Appearance: A young female dragon with glossy black scales, (My avatar helps as a reference to appearance, btw, just with grey horns/crest and no Eyebrow spikes or necklace). Her wings are grey with bright yellow membranes. Her sharp tail spur has three spikes on either side, and on in the middle at the top.
Personality: In casual situations, Shadow is lighthearted, and jokes around a lot. She has a bit of a short temper, and when she gets frustrated or angry, she will often try to calm herself down by stepping away from the situation. This doesn't always work, however, and when she can't find a solution to whatever is aggravating her, it often gets worse...

Name: Wave
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Elements: Water
Appearance:[User Posted Image] basicly this w/ a few differences: His plates are tan, his spike/crest thing doesn't go up to his head, his horns aren't on both sides of is head, it's one big on in the middle, his wing spikes have a thin, lighter green strip down the middle, his horns and tail switch colors of the actual horn and tail part with the membrane, and are overall darker in coloration
Personality: Very shy, quiet, and reserved, but once you get to know him, he is quite nice. Doesn't like to stick out in a crowd. Will protect his friends in dire situations (especially Shadow, whom he has a crush on, which she is oblivious to)
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#44 Posted: 06:45:07 02/09/2015
OoC: I edited Chernobyl
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
Sky the Dragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3972
#45 Posted: 01:03:18 04/09/2015 | Topic Creator
Occ: Accepted
"What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" ~ Paarthurnax
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#46 Posted: 01:04:39 04/09/2015
(We ready to continue?)
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4402
#47 Posted: 03:17:47 04/09/2015
The two dragons had been walking on the edge of the Forgotten forest, now burned (it had been Wave's idea, Shadow still completely oblivious.), when they faintly heard the cacophony of conflict. Shadow regarded her blue friend. "Should we investigate? Someone might be in trouble" Wave looked back at her. "What do you think?" Without answering properly, the dragoness dashed in the direction of the sound. "Wait! Shadow!" She didn't. He ran after her in an attempt to catch up.
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#48 Posted: 20:57:45 04/09/2015
Chernobyl came to the edge of the Forest and gasped, "What happened here?" he whispered to himself, aghast at the fate that had befallen his home. "Who did this?" he whispered again and then looked back as he heard a yell. He whipped around to see a reddish dragon walking up become him. "You sir, are either extremely overpowered, extremely afraid of people, Or extremely unaware of your surroundings as I've been following you for a week now, and you still haven't acknowledged me."

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Chernobyl, and I was very preoccupied, sorry,"

"I'm Centuria, but you've got to be more careful, if i was following you of ill intent, you'd be dead because of your preoccupation,"

"Well, thank for the lesson. Why were you following me tho?"

"I wanted company, I don't know anyone here,"

"Very well, you can stay here for a while with me,"
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8453
#49 Posted: 11:14:56 08/09/2015
Traveling as usual. Living the lonely life. Shadmé stretched as her eyelids fluttered open, a yawn escaping from her jaw. The black-and-red dragoness was delicately perched upon a branch. For a forest, a strong branch like this was surprisingly rare. Most of the so-called forest was destroyed for some reason. Somehow, she'd never been here before.
She'd arrived late at night, swooping down from the starry sky. Its mysterious was what had drawn Shadmé to its leafy depths. Shadmé enjoyed traveling on her own and finding new places to explore. And this place was certainly odd. But weary from the flight, Shadmé had picked out a tree to rest in for the night so she could explore in the morning.
Back to the present, Shadmé hopped down from the tree and padded softly into the woods, ears twitching to pick up the slightest bits of sound. What was there to find? She had a hunch this forest was more than what met the eye, anyway...
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8994
#50 Posted: 11:23:30 08/09/2015
"Where is she?" Shade said to himself. "She should of been here by now." He said looking at an egg. "I'm getting worried about your mother little one."
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