
Skylanders: Battlecast


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Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#251 Posted: 11:45:15 11/04/2016
I also find it really weird that I can never find Battlecast videos unless I specifically search for that tag. I only run into JJAtelier's videos when they appear as most relevant on Google, but on Youtube it's like 6 pages in with glitched statistics, and at that point it's among potato quality and kids sticking their faces into a camera. Doesn't apply to just him either, even Android game showcases are page 2 or more.

Either way, nice find! No twitter to join thr giveaway but if it's coming out soon, I'll probably be busier trying to make it work in Bluestacks.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:48:36 11/04/2016 by Bifrost
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#252 Posted: 22:44:40 12/04/2016
FYI, since some time in the last 24 hours, all PvP games have been rewarding 10 coins whether a person or a bot. Enjoy it while you can.

Wow, I am not usually that prophetic, don't have coins in my first match this morning.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:02:36 13/04/2016 by TTD
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#253 Posted: 09:26:40 14/04/2016
Another patch just came through.

Looks like the Story Mode has been somewhat revamped, the levels have been reset so now we have a chance to earn our gold again. The final Island full sprite has been unveiled. Not too sure what are the requirements but I presume we need to complete the first 8 elemental Island before it unlocks?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#254 Posted: 10:42:58 14/04/2016
Ooh, what does Kaos' island look like?

Seems like a final main story mode update if it reset though, just in time for the AUS release. Wonder if it's a new playstore link other than

Edit: Nope, still the soft launch version. Seems like it's just for one more country and not a full release still.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:53:46 14/04/2016 by Bifrost
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#255 Posted: 14:03:14 14/04/2016
The levels have been reset? Sure one can get stars again, but some of those were very hard, why would I want them reset willingly? I see the update says the story mode is overhauled. Well, if they are different then I guess its okay. I had just got the one card last night I have been waiting for to get the last 3 star missions. Ah well. This is a quick update too, download wise.

I did notice last night that the experience your skylanders get for winning a story mode fight has gone down from 3 coins to 2 coins. Course, that was pre-update., I also see a "skylander level", am 309 starting this.

The new deck building thing is not bad. I liked the old one in the sense that my jawbreaker deck was already ready to go no matter who my team is, but this way allows you to choose say more tech than water and to not have any duplicates, so its a balance and I think its something I can live with. Sometimes tough to have change but I think it has good virtues this system compared to the old.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 14:47:28 14/04/2016 by lamoracke
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#256 Posted: 02:00:14 15/04/2016
I also noticed in PVP that the battlecast ID has changed to you corresponding Game Centre/Google Play ID.

Does that mean our arbitrary bc ID's are gone for good and our actual in game name is changeable?

Edit: Btw, here's the new Kaos Island in its fresh colour animated form

[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:24:51 15/04/2016 by JJAtelier
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#257 Posted: 02:23:56 15/04/2016
You are right, PvP is no longer my weird name.

So, to highlight new things that I have noticed

1. Story mode restarted, new paths in zones from one to next
2. New final arena now potentially available
3. Zones have tweaked. Powers within them have changed. You can use whatever character you want, not that element dependent.
4. Magic tickets have been introduced as an incentive to either buy coins or scan cards. You get tickets for an accumulation of epic or ultimate cards you scan. With them you can purchase or level up specific cards you wish to.
5. Character skill points per win have been tweaked, perhaps others have too
6. Card decks totally revamped. You do not save a deck on the character level, but rather your team level. Allows you to have more than 10 cards of tech for example.
7. Game play display of cards tweaked in a few ways. For example, cards are smaller when you click on them afterwards but shows it full size after opponent plays it.
8. PvP names are your google/game center id, thus not a random character and a number
9. Inventory screens for cards tweaked to fit more on a page
10. Cards, especially gold ones, now show up better in the game once again so you can read the text
11. The concept of "Skylanders Level" has been introduced. One point for each level. Thus I would imagine the highest value you can get is 24 x 20 or 480.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:39:28 15/04/2016 by lamoracke
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#258 Posted: 09:32:51 15/04/2016
Holy crap that final island is straight out of a Final Fantasy. Makes me want a Dark/Light expansion just to see what their Realms would look like.

Smyths Toys Ireland also has listings for the cards now.
(What I need is never what I want)
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#259 Posted: 19:41:23 15/04/2016
Hey Bifrost, you actually get into the fights for the last realm? I just beat Golden Queen and its still locked. I do have one battle I did not get 3 stars but would not think you need 3 stars on every battle to get there, but its a possibility.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:41:37 15/04/2016 by lamoracke
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#260 Posted: 19:52:18 15/04/2016
Don't have the game :C Might be locked for everyone,though.
(What I need is never what I want)
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#261 Posted: 22:14:17 15/04/2016
Just got my 3rd star on all the zones, so its not that. Am glad its not that anyway. Well, will be a future update most likely. Kaos will just have to hide a bit longer.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#262 Posted: 12:16:34 16/04/2016
Also, the website update on Battlecast mentions friend list to battle specific players. We could have competitions and with much more avaliability than Superchargers' console limitations.
(What I need is never what I want)
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#263 Posted: 23:25:08 17/04/2016
I Ve gotta say that I really enjoy this game. It's a great little side game for the main series. It makes perfect sense with the world ( portal masters summoning skylanders etc and portal master powers ).

It would've been a great Side game to release alongside trap team to get a little more villain exposure, but better late then ever .

You don't even need to buy the real cards if you don't want too ( although I will smilie ) , coz you easily get a few new cards everyday for rewards and free spins etc.

I love how the character types suit their stAts and abilities ( giants are bulky defenders etc ) .

Also as a card game it's really decent. Love the effects. Who would've thought the first decent cards to life game would be by skylanders and not something like yugioh lol .
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
superhalite Blue Sparx Gems: 970
#264 Posted: 01:05:41 21/04/2016
Is there a video I can find for this game?
We rely too much on technology yes that is true,but it's not going anywhere.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#265 Posted: 01:14:29 21/04/2016
There's plenty,youtube has a ton of iOS/Android app spotlight channels that already covered this.
(What I need is never what I want)
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#266 Posted: 02:02:12 21/04/2016
I believe that the experience you get on a card in a game has been lowered, never have seen increments of 5 coins being given before until now. I remember once it was between 10 and 30 depending if the card was just in your deck vs played but now it can be as low as 5 coins. Going to take a long time to level cards more now if its been effectively halved in size. Well, their choice of course, but I have noticed the change.

Also, and I could be wrong, but the cost for me to buy a card in the shop has doubled since this morning, well, in this case, level a card up (Skylithium Scale).
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:08:17 21/04/2016 by lamoracke
Okaps Platinum Sparx Gems: 6245
#267 Posted: 04:29:47 21/04/2016
Where I work (Toys R Us US), there is a new "coming soon" poster for Battlecast on the "coming soon/new releases" sign board so it could actually be happening soon. No release date is printed on the ad.

No Skylander-related things are currently on the street date list. They might not be dated at all, or their date already passed.
#all Spyros are valid
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#268 Posted: 14:41:49 21/04/2016
Hrm. About a month ago when you did a PvP fight, it seemed the only way you could get 10 coins for a victory was when the opponent left in the middle of the battle. Obviously that was not good so its not the case now.

Strangely now if you have an opponent either leave due to connections or sometimes because they are losing...was just beating one badly, a real person, they cast a spell and then left...when a person either disconnects or chickens out, or whatever, then you do not get coins. Sad you do not get a coin reward if the opponent leaves. Thus, if it is chickening out, they actually do damage your coin total and waste your time.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#269 Posted: 18:56:47 22/04/2016
Quote: superhalite
Is there a video I can find for this game?

Well, I didn't point to any specific ones,but not even a few days later and someone already started a LP.

People don't really pay attention to the characters' lines in the console game as I've come to notice unless they're super annoying,but wow Hex sounds a dozen times more like a jerk here. She kinda talks almost exactly like Nightfall,instead of the somber respectful tone she has everywhere else. I'm alright with it since they're both my favorite Skylanders, but a bit of a harsh transition even if this is 5 years after Courtney Taylor's first attempt at her voice.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:48:16 23/04/2016 by Bifrost
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#270 Posted: 00:39:08 23/04/2016
I'm yet to replay the story mode but after checking out Chef Pepper Jack boss fight by Mon Ammibo it looks like his health pool got nerfed. Did this also apply to other realm bosses?
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#271 Posted: 02:42:44 23/04/2016
The biggest thing I noticed while replaying the zones was the fact that the 2nd tier of the returning monsters from fight 3 to fight 6 did not have the round two bonus. Also with the elemental multipliers and now the reality that you are not forced to use say trigger happy in a tech fight (if he was all you had for tech), its easier just on those things alone. I did not notice the HP drop off for any main boss fights.
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#272 Posted: 06:59:36 23/04/2016
You sure there wasn't a HP nerf? Because 350 is absurdly low for a boss. I remember Chef pepper jack having at least 400 if not well over 500 which caused a lot of trial/error to 3 star.

Just checked my previous video on top 10 beta. Chef pepper jack had at least 520 HP, so definitely a decrease in difficulty curve.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:02:04 23/04/2016 by JJAtelier
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#273 Posted: 13:18:55 23/04/2016
You are right, his HP was brought down. He was 520 HP before, I have his card picture to prove it.

Yeah, their HP went way down. I liked the version before, it was more of a challenge, something to strive for. Beating the bosses should not be so easy. Its a balance but I think its too easy now.

Just so easy now. I just cast snow blind as Spyro and it did 40 damage to every one for no apparent reason. Its adding 20 damage per spell. Just cast hook shot and it did 100 damage on Chef Pepper Jack when you combined with XL Scope. Too easy. It should have done 40 + 40 but for whatever reason, 20 spell damage it being added in that zone too.

So, less HP, more spell damage....and then then the two elemental bonuses. Too easy. Am doing to win with all 3 of my characters over 250 HP for 3 stars without a challenge. Sure for a 8 year old without a custom deck and the best characters and cards it will be tougher, but this is pretty darn easy for me. A pvp fight is tougher.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:29:30 23/04/2016 by lamoracke
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#274 Posted: 13:39:13 23/04/2016
Isn't it just Pepper Jack? Remember the Fire Island is the first one and completely obligatory to continue the story mode. They probably just wanted a quick means of getting to the path split, and one of them will probably be harder.
(What I need is never what I want)
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#275 Posted: 14:39:56 23/04/2016
Starting to make sense why the Earth Realm is the final one before the Kaos Island since Golden Queen has the highest health pool last time I recalled (approximately 700HP or so).
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#276 Posted: 14:42:20 23/04/2016
Someone in another forum started in this update, according to him GD is now 600HP, and Shrednaught is 700? Pretty weird since Tech is halfway through.
(What I need is never what I want)
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#277 Posted: 02:02:36 24/04/2016
Well, dont forget, Shrednaught is a single opponent whereas every other one in the game is a trio. It makes sense Shrednaught would have the most.
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#278 Posted: 18:14:03 25/04/2016
Just finished 3 starring story mode on iOS. Can definitely confirm that all the boss realms apart from Golden Queen and Chompy Mage got the nerf hammer. Chompy Mage is definitely stronger than before though not that much potent than the rest.

Right now I'd say Golden Queen is the most mountainous boss to face against due to her survivability and energy ramp (saw her cast two mother lodes in a row which pretty guaranteed her 10 mana before I could even get her half health down). I don't remember her having such fast ramp but she feels like a much more challenging boss with a strategy in mind of killing her before 10 mana.

I wonder if this is going to be the final iteration of the story mode before full launch is set to go. It does seem the difficulty curve gradually piles up upon reaching the Earth Realm.
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#279 Posted: 22:33:11 25/04/2016
Actually, you do not need to defeat her before level 10, you just need to have a way to silence her or keep her in the background like by snaring front line enemies and then attacking the back with fireball, archers volley, whatever. Silence items will stop her too just fine.

One tip for Golden Queen for me is to just throw away the healing cards. You do not need them, she does not hit hard, focus on attack, attack, attack and get silence and snare cards in case she crystals up faster than you had hoped.
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#280 Posted: 23:29:17 25/04/2016
Retracted. I thought some coin rewards for having the card already were reduced, but it seems if you get a pack via the daily spin, it has different values. My bad. Never mind this post.

Still wish leveling cards was realistic again
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:25:17 26/04/2016 by lamoracke
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#281 Posted: 00:52:56 27/04/2016
Update on the App Store:

  • Showdown mode in Cards to Life – Place 2 physical characters cards in the camera to enter showdown mode and let them battle in Augmented Reality
  • Collection shows you when you earn new cards
  • Featured Cards now indicates when you own the card already
  • Resolved a bug affecting performance on iPad mini 1 and iPad 2
  • Lots of bug fixes / enhancements
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#282 Posted: 02:23:48 27/04/2016
I can tell right away some things are fixed.

Stormblade's Twisted Crystals finally works!
The Tempest seems to be powerful now.
Chill Bill's Cooler now has animation in the silver cards and above

Card experience is back from virtually nil again.

Have not tried everything yet, but it seems everything is back in order in my game's world again. Now, off to get my new ultimates to level 2 at last.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:31:53 27/04/2016 by lamoracke
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#283 Posted: 09:07:33 28/04/2016
Huh, is it me or Air Island got an overhaul? The background is now more of a greek temple than windmills and cliffs. Its music is also the same as Fire Realm,dunno if it was that way before.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:19:51 28/04/2016 by Bifrost
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#284 Posted: 14:34:17 04/05/2016

SCL Matt just revealed the official price point for Toys R Us! $10 for Battle Packs, $5 for Boosters. Super reasonable IMO
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#285 Posted: 14:49:45 04/05/2016
Something that wasn't mentioned is that there's a glossary in the Activision FAQ page. It's lacking status conditions but those are easy to figure out.

Battlecast was featured in Good Game Spawn Point, apparently a UK show. Guess that release is just around the corner, because they talk like it's already out!
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:35:59 06/05/2016 by Bifrost
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#286 Posted: 20:41:36 11/05/2016

Huh... This is interesting.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#287 Posted: 20:50:31 11/05/2016
May 24th again, also a custom case, hm.
(What I need is never what I want)
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#288 Posted: 21:16:30 11/05/2016
Quote: Bifrost
May 24th again, also a custom case, hm.

Seriously, though... Just announce the dang thing, already! I just want it already. I can deal with this when it comes to new figure releases, but not a new game in the franchise! Even if it is a spinoff, we should've known the release date by now.
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#289 Posted: 22:58:05 11/05/2016
Well, May 24th for Canada and who knows when they will release it in actuality...still seems to be June 1st for USA right now. Still no USA sites have it anymore for actual ordering. Just looked at Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon (USA), Game Stop, and Toys R Us.

Given its likely $5 a pack for a booster, $10 for a battle pack, and that price correlates to $65 USD...its basically getting the starter kit for free, not a bad deal.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:03:43 11/05/2016 by lamoracke
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#290 Posted: 07:44:31 13/05/2016
So there's a new patch update.

Current Version


- Performance improvements on older devices
- Daily Spin performance enhancements
- Enemy Turn Timer is now visible
- Bug fixes and visual effects for spells improved

The most superficial change I noticed was the font choices for our game ID as well as the damage/healing numbers during battle. Other than that, I've noticed there have been some optimisations with performance including better textured sprites and frame rates. One thing I did notice though is that I can't see the opposing players game ID nor I can see mine anymore once we jump into the battlefield.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:50:30 13/05/2016 by JJAtelier
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#291 Posted: 09:34:32 13/05/2016
The final island is still locked? Huh.
(What I need is never what I want)
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#292 Posted: 09:46:20 13/05/2016
Apparently so but I doubt we have to wait too long.

This did appear when I tabbed into the shop though.

[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:46:49 13/05/2016 by JJAtelier
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#293 Posted: 13:33:47 13/05/2016
1400, well, my gravy train of getting a battle pack every other day at most given I get about 700-900 coins back every one will be over. Course for new players, getting that many coins back would be near impossible until they play 3 months or so as the level chart went up. Hoping I can get lucky on a few of those ultimates I need before then. I figured they would be going up given the price of the individual cards and everything else went up.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:34:45 13/05/2016 by lamoracke
JJAtelier Blue Sparx Gems: 727
#294 Posted: 13:52:24 13/05/2016
Judging from your earlier calculations in the other thread. It would seem if you managed to level every card to gold format then you'd essentially be making profit by opening dupes over and over again especially from the Battlepacks considering 6 are always guaranteed to be the same.

I'm not too sure if making this change is necessary the best course of action since it's kinda pigeon-holing people to buy the the actual physical packs rather then spend time grinding gold. Not to mention there's daily cap to how much gold you earn via PvP. If they're so concerned for the bonus compensation we get for leveling our cards to silver/gold. Why not just reduce that bonus instead of making a digital pack all the more difficult to obtain?

I'm still yet to complete the Story levels on my Android so I can at least exhaust the last remaining amount of gold.
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#295 Posted: 14:31:00 13/05/2016
Well, I do not have every card gold for sure, I do have every common or rare level card at least to level 10 and I am working on getting all my epics to level 10.

If you had every card level 20, you would get
16 x 30 = 480
4 x 60 = 240
and assuming both extras were epics
150 x 2 = 300

so assuming EVERY card you got was gold, which even for me is not likely, that is 1020. I normally get about 750 coins back on average with my current level of cards. I would wager most folks are not near that.

I would recommend folks get the 12 cards you get automatically to level 20 though so you get those 180 coins back every time. Took me a long time to level up ampli-flier as that card was not given out earlier in the original battle packs so I did not have it from day one.

But at this point, I think it would be useful for folks to have a system to get you more packs the fewer you need. If someone needs just a few ultimates, like me, they would want a system to get more packs as its near impossible for me to get an ultimate card now without a battle pack or a super spin so I need more chances to get a card I need. The chances for me to get 1 of the 4 cards I need is very small and you can never buy those in a shop directly. No ultimate has ever been a featured cards, nor has it been in a 3 card pack. I can't scan my way to magic tickets any more as there is no incentive for me to scan as all my epics are now level 10, give or take a couple of them.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:38:09 13/05/2016 by lamoracke
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#296 Posted: 23:37:22 16/05/2016

Battlecast CONFIRMED coming on May 24th in USA. Target and Toys R Us are the only stores that seem to be carrying them. This is NOT A DRILL!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#297 Posted: 00:17:32 17/05/2016
It better not be,because it's not the first "totally releasing asap" confirmation we had.
(What I need is never what I want)
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#298 Posted: 23:29:06 17/05/2016

Skylanders Battlecast is now on Android
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#299 Posted: 23:43:55 17/05/2016
Still listed as unavaliable in my country, sigh. But now it has a 'Coming Soon', so who knows. Can't get the app to change it to US working anyway.
(What I need is never what I want)
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#300 Posted: 01:03:19 18/05/2016
I wonder how easy it would be to change to the USA if I already installed the NZ version. Anyone know?

And my android device says coming soon for Battlecast and you can pre-register, whatever that means.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:04:15 18/05/2016 by lamoracke
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