
Skylanders: Battlecast


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Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#101 Posted: 11:05:07 31/12/2015
I also just noticed the Battle Packs are set - the top corner shows that it guarantees the 3 Skylander cards you see in the picture. And here they go pairing Hex with Triggs again,the more this happens the more I want to know what's their actual deal other than him making her laugh that one time.

Well, easy way to know which Battle Pack to buy.
(What I need is never what I want)
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#102 Posted: 13:30:20 31/12/2015
Quote: Bifrost
I also just noticed the Battle Packs are set - the top corner shows that it guarantees the 3 Skylander cards you see in the picture. And here they go pairing Hex with Triggs again,the more this happens the more I want to know what's their actual deal other than him making her laugh that one time.

Well, easy way to know which Battle Pack to buy.

Hex & Triggs... I've seen fans do worse with these two.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#103 Posted: 13:50:22 31/12/2015
Saaame but they just seem to show up together a lot, sometimes lined up next to each other or mentioned together,etc. But hey, Earth-Tech-Undead actually seems like a good lineup if they keep elemental weaknesses, since Tech supports Undead and Earth can beat opposing Tech.
(What I need is never what I want)
jasoninquires Blue Sparx Gems: 966
#104 Posted: 14:57:30 31/12/2015
@Bifrost, yeah I had an older account here, but got locked out of that (whoops haha). So started a new one to share this info and the Nintendo packs from yesterday.

Trying to be move involved on here!

SO SO SO excited for these packs to come out!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#105 Posted: 15:15:29 31/12/2015
Nice! I'm excited as well,but I'll have to wait a little longer for them - hopefully level 10 Spitfire (tomorrow) and level 10 SE from the free cards can help while I'm broke.
(What I need is never what I want)
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#106 Posted: 16:27:11 31/12/2015
and OF COURSE two of my favorites (Wash Buckler and Krypt King) are "Ultimate" Rares.

Time to buy cards!
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#107 Posted: 09:21:34 01/01/2016
Can't wait for this game. Good to see the cards arnt gonna be too expensive.
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#108 Posted: 13:16:47 01/01/2016
Ooh, here's something I didn't notice before - level 10 cards are animated ingame! Hard to notice in Ninja Strike because it's just a boring glow, but Nitro Tank has a windy/smoke effect along with it.
(What I need is never what I want)
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#109 Posted: 14:08:09 01/01/2016
How nice! I just checked out the app on my phone and it says it's too old (Samsung Galaxy S3) and after checking it on my tablet, which is a more recent model, it says it's not available in my country... I just hope it's going to work on my phone.
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#110 Posted: 04:23:02 02/01/2016
So with these obscured prices for boosterers here is how it compares with other TCG.

Magic The Gathering-15 for $4
$0.27 Per Card

Hearthstone-5 for $1.50
$0.30 Per Card

Pokemon-10 for $3
$0.30 Per Card

Yugioh-9 for $4
$0.44 Per Card

Battlecast-8 for $5.25
$0.66 Per Card

Yeah I think I'll stick with MTG as my physical card came of choice and Hearthstone as my antisocial online card game.
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#111 Posted: 10:34:24 02/01/2016
Don't forget you can also buy them digitally, hopefully for less.
(What I need is never what I want)
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#112 Posted: 17:33:47 02/01/2016
Kinda excited for this.
stvanme Yellow Sparx Gems: 1570
#113 Posted: 11:43:07 03/01/2016
I was excited, till I saw the prices.
I'm passing.
jasoninquires Blue Sparx Gems: 966
#114 Posted: 13:37:57 03/01/2016
Remember, the pricing is NOT Official yet. That's just pure conversion from New Zealand pricing. That's never 100% accurate.
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#115 Posted: 14:48:22 03/01/2016
Even if the pricing's right, I'll only be trying to get my faves like Hex (obviously), Roller Brawl, Spyro, Snap Shot, Smash Hit and... Ninjini... well, maybe I'll waste more money than I thought.

Btw. does anyone else think that we will get more cards in the future including Light & Dark?
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#116 Posted: 11:35:30 05/01/2016
I've played/collected a bit of all those card game and price per card means nothing.

a vast majority of the cards are almost useless unless you build a strategy around them in stuff like magic and yugioh especially these days. And a lot of cards would never be played together in the same deck. Price per card in a pack means nothing if you have to buy even more to get cards that are useable to you. Physical trading with other people can help offset cost but it's still not completely effective.


Seeing as the physical cards link straight to an app game and can be used there , a higher price isn't surprising.

Not too mention that the apps or video games of those other card games have incredibly dull interfaces. What will most likely set this game apart will be the entertaining battlefield if the previews are accurate of gameplay.

The " come to life " effect of the cards will appeal to a lot of players , as this kind of technology or similar has been wanted by many card game players for years.
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 11:36:45 05/01/2016 by B-BOB358
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#117 Posted: 11:57:31 05/01/2016
Not sure how accurate are the previews but not in a bad way; some cards we found mention attacking 'every enemy in the field' but the trailer only had one-on-one. I'll guess it'll work like Doubles in Pokémon where it cycles through angles if left idle or something and they just didn't have time to show that off.

Not sure how the cards will even work since we got so little info. I GUESS having one set per element will be enough if the elemental weaknesses are in play, so you could live off of the Common ones without much issue, but they should give some value to the rarer cards like higher health or buff/debuff spells for you to care about them. That said,we also don't know how many cards you can have in your deck at once, since the trailer only showed the guy building a Krypt King set of 4 which might be too fast for a TCG.
(What I need is never what I want)
stvanme Yellow Sparx Gems: 1570
#118 Posted: 12:40:49 07/01/2016
Soft-Launch in New Zealand:
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#119 Posted: 12:54:12 07/01/2016
iOS only for now, it seems. If anyone in New Zealand could see how the game works, even just the basics, it'd give me and others who'll probanly cover the game a great headstart :3

The ever powerful Kaos has opened a rift into a mysterious world known as the Second Dimension. In this realm, he has dispatched the most infamous villains from Skylands in an attempt to finally destroy the Skylanders. Standard rules and conventional forms of battle do not apply in this dimension, so the Skylanders must use new powers, abilities, and tactics to defeat the villains and ultimately stop Kaos!

With all of its Elemental Realms captured, a new breed of hero is needed to lead the Skylanders and save the Second Dimension from being conquered by Kaos. It’s up to you to become a champion Battlecaster by collecting battle cards, building the ultimate team, and bringing them to life in epic battles never before seen!

Story seems to be concurrent with console Superchargers like Racing was. Moneybone also appears in one of the screenshots, and the article has a forum thread with info and videos here.

EDIT: First impressions, very quick since I'm busy and will leave in the next few hours
-Probably laziest font and UI in the series, holy crap.
-Not sure how this will work on Android and smaller phones at all - there's tons of lag in the tablet version already, and the cards go by the screen too quickly unless there's an option to tap and read the descriptions carefully.
-Some models reused from Battlegrounds, but the new ones and card art more than make up for it. Really hoping someone will take screenshots of the latter because the art is AMAZING.
-Chompies are TFB chompies, 10/10 would download if the game actually works whenever Cards to Life does.
-Character Spells are character-specific. It was probably obvious but not to me :U Being a 3v3 battle, you're set for life with a single Battle Pack set.
-There are also new VA lines for the Skylanders when selected in the team builder. I can tell because I definately don't remember Trigger Happy doing gold puns and Spitfire's VA straight up voicecracking.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 15:57:32 07/01/2016 by Bifrost
Toleroh Yellow Sparx Gems: 1858
#120 Posted: 19:43:10 07/01/2016
Three FAQs on Activision's site now.
BATTLECAST: StumpSmashRules#405
PortalMaster Happy Libertyelf (RIP). Favor-eight: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#121 Posted: 19:48:48 07/01/2016
Yes! Activision has assembled a top-flight team of video game designers, card game designers, professional CCG players, and artists who specialize in CCG card art to create a game that will appeal to a wide swath of game players with its deep and fun gameplay mechanics. Priority number one for Skylanders Battlecast is that the game be fun to play.

Well, this explains it. They probably got the Hearthstone artists for it.

And from what I watched,yeah,the game is pretty balanced. Some are super scary like Jawbreaker's signature ability or how Relics can't ever last a turn because Break and Short Circuit are super cheap cards, but everything else you really only decide by strategy or luck of the card draws.
(What I need is never what I want)
Alphawolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1692
#122 Posted: 00:03:07 08/01/2016
well i figured out that if i plug my phone into the charger and restart my phone i can scan the cards and get the quest credit before the game crashes on me. still only happens during the scan, but i have a feeling its my phone, its over 3 years old and anything over 6 months they ignore because people upgrade there phones so much. im joking on the older than 6 months part but my phone really is 3 years old and im sure they made the game not taking into account phones older than 2 years. my phone cant even upgrade to the latest version of android. im still on kitkat ( aka jellybean) v4.4.x the current one is lollipop v5.1.x and they got marshmallow v6.x.x coming out soon too. i think i just need to upgrade my phone, but there lies another set of personal issues that i will have to work though.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#123 Posted: 00:09:08 08/01/2016
My phone is almost 3 years old and it runs with just some lag, yours might be the problem but might just be some issue with the phone itself and not a specific version.
(What I need is never what I want)
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#124 Posted: 00:48:58 08/01/2016 | Topic Creator
Ooc: I haven't forgotten about this topic guys. I just couldn't find any news.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14424
#125 Posted: 00:49:56 08/01/2016
Hmm... even though I was able to (just about) play around with the preview app it seems my iPad mini is not supported for the proper game. Ah well.

(of course they could add support later on...)
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#126 Posted: 00:57:36 08/01/2016
It seems to be iOS and New Zealand only for today, we'll have to wait for the worldwide release even if it ends up being compatible. I've been considering taking screenshots of cards from the streams and showcases while we wait, nearly everyone has different cards somewhere(though rolling Spitfire and Spyro and their respective cards seems to happen a ton).

EDIT: It's not on the page itself but Booster and Battle pack pictures have been uploaded to the official Battlecast pages(or at least google images takes me there). Only a little longer...
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:41:54 08/01/2016 by Bifrost
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#127 Posted: 22:14:47 08/01/2016
They added claws on Trigger Happy's fingers pfft

[User Posted Image]
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8718
#128 Posted: 00:38:55 09/01/2016
Quote: Aura24
They added claws on Trigger Happy's fingers pfft

[User Posted Image]

They all look too weird. Well SB is just a bit off and SH and Hex look pretty good but SS, Spyro and Triggs look terrible.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#129 Posted: 00:43:52 09/01/2016
They have different artists for this game, as the FAQ indicated.
(What I need is never what I want)
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#130 Posted: 00:51:22 09/01/2016
Quote: Aura24
They added claws on Trigger Happy's fingers pfft

[User Posted Image]


............i've had enough internet for today.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#131 Posted: 01:40:02 09/01/2016
Probably jumping the gun before Jasoninquiries himself posts it, but he got some screenshots of the cards! The loading art is questionable but the spellcard art is DEFINATELY great.
(What I need is never what I want)
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#132 Posted: 04:34:46 09/01/2016
[User Posted Image]

:heart: :heart: :heart:
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#133 Posted: 08:47:36 09/01/2016
That game looks interesting, but I'm not really into buying cards, mainly because of the random factor. They look good and all... But, there's a way to play it with all cards without buying them physically? Like, digital buying or unlocking in-game? Just want to know. The game looks interesting, but I prefer to keep my money for the figures.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#134 Posted: 10:50:16 09/01/2016
Quote: Crash10
That game looks interesting, but I'm not really into buying cards, mainly because of the random factor. They look good and all... But, there's a way to play it with all cards without buying them physically? Like, digital buying or unlocking in-game? Just want to know. The game looks interesting, but I prefer to keep my money for the figures.

There's digital packs, yes, and they seem slightly cheaper than physical from what I can see(and they're exactly the same ones - Hex/Triggs/Smash Hit and Syro/Snap Shot/Stormblade packs and the random booster pack. You can also make gold for free by battling on story mode or multiplayer, though obviously it's waaaay slower.

Everyone who has footage of this keeps skipping just as the date is about to show up, but apparently there'll be maintenance soon. If this really was to test the servers then maybe after it we'll see the worldwide release.

EDIT: Cards are already on sale in NZ. I had to watch a badly filmed unboxing video for this it's the SC coverage all over again.

  • Guaranteed cards on Smash Hit/Hex/Triggs pack are Impending Doom, Rummage and Concussion(you know, for kids!).
  • New cards in here not seen in footage - Heart of the Forest, Jinxed(Hex spell, oh god I need that one just for the art),Jellyfish Squall and Eletric Eel(Riptide spells),Vanishing Cloak,Copycat,Fizz! Bang!(Pop Fizz spell obv),Landslide(another 100 damage at random spell),Backblast(looks like Countdown spell?),and a final one that SEEMS Wash Buckler spell but I can't read because the kid goes through it too fast.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 18:46:01 09/01/2016 by Bifrost
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#135 Posted: 17:29:56 10/01/2016
Hex can summon ghost cats... she once again prooves that she's best Skylander (don't take this too seriously).
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#136 Posted: 04:20:54 11/01/2016
Non-heavily watermarked and original version of the card packs -

[User Posted Image]
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#137 Posted: 10:09:28 11/01/2016
I hope this game release Hurrys up.

Does anyone know the deck details? How many cards to a deck? How many copies of a card to a deck allowed?

I watched the gameplay video of the tutorial but it didn't go into deck building.
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#138 Posted: 12:29:15 11/01/2016
Deck seems to build a default automatically, so no one went in to check yet :I Jason did say he'd check it out later in the Toys for Games podcast since he's stuck in the Chill Bill boss fight, but the article isn't up yet.

The kid posting unboxings without the trading shield put another up, but he decided to not even show the cards for a whole second on the screen. Well, not helpful video, no link, I'm not gonna scour for perfect frames.

There's ANOTHER kid with a review with some new cards. I told myself that I could cover any of the games as long as I didn't have to watch Skyfamily stuff. Hah, be careful for what you wish for.
  1. New cards are Mind Blown(Roller Brawl spell, huh,she can use psychic attacks),Spyromania(Wait, Spyro has FIVE spells?!),Windfall(it's for a split second in a video,but just in case),Shark Attack(Riptide spell),Chain Sweep(Smash Hit spell),Crystal Cudgel(Earth Gear).

Something I noticed with the cards is that they can't decide when to end with or without a period. Far from a typo,but the lack of consistency is eh.

Oh yeah,and found one of the game's artists on tumblr! Hopefully he won't mind being linked here, because Ninja Strike is amazing and who knows how many of the other great cards he also did.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 20:36:57 11/01/2016 by Bifrost
jasoninquires Blue Sparx Gems: 966
#139 Posted: 21:04:00 11/01/2016

Finally got around to opening my packs. It's a longer video since I wanted to read all the descriptions.

Also, setup a new page showing off all 24 characters that you can use (only 24 Skylanders you can set for battle). The game is 3 v 3.

You can check out all the Character cards at: http://www.skylandersinquirer....ttlecast-cards/


I'm working on getting a rules/info guide up soon. There are no "rules" in the game, so it's hard to write out the official one.

And deck building is a little weird too, Just figured out how to get started with it. I'll try and answer that question shortly as well.

But if you have any other questions in the meantime, I'll be happy to answer!
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#140 Posted: 21:28:35 11/01/2016
I don't think it was a problem that it was a long video, being the first to have this kind of high quality content it's expected. Though at points you might've gone by cards too fast and it was pretty hard to get a glimpse :I

I think I got most of what I wanted to know from videos, but just two that are hard to understand from footage:

-Can you see the conditions to unlock the next Realms after Undead/Fire/Water(say,beat the current ones,or get a certain amount of stars), or it's 'coming soon'?
-Anything on the RAM or memory usage? Seems like it's laggy with so many animations and particle effects.

On Hex because you can't expect me to look into the other cards for now, she seems to be a bit of a green mage sort of character - the three cards that I've seen people use all have effects that either go on to the enemy turn or affect the next one entirely,so you're probably supposed to switch her out as soon as you're done with them so someone else soaks up the retaliation. Her Alluring Charm spell also seems to be a golden apple... But is it the Apple of Discord or the poisoned apple from Snow White? That reference is a bit unclear :U
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 22:45:24 11/01/2016 by Bifrost
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#141 Posted: 23:17:07 11/01/2016
Interesting, at firts I thought that the cards, other than the characters, are useless, but you're actually helpless without them. It seems like an interesting gamestyle and I can't wait to try out.
Those Hex cards though.
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#142 Posted: 23:20:50 11/01/2016
That's really weird there's no rule book . I get that even in a 2 player face to face battle you can still just have a local game, but still it defeats the purpose of the physical cards even more if its not really accessible to play the game with the actual cards straight out of the box. I thought that's what those larger battle pack things were for.

I'd assume a lot of fans would like to play/collect the cards but don't have a compatible device (really just thinking of the kids lol).
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 23:27:37 11/01/2016 by B-BOB358
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#143 Posted: 23:26:10 11/01/2016
I think it's because it's hard to recreate it physical so they didn't bother. You have the Crystal system which is entirely randomized,and the only way to replicate that in physical would be with paper chips or dice and Acti probably wasn't going to focus on those anytime soon unless they see a community for it.

Other than that though, you could easily transfer the game to real life with some creativity. Maybe have a phone on set between 0 and 2 or something, I mean Jackbox Games has already showed that having phone-browser-console is a sucessful tabletop gaming mechanic.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 23:27:53 11/01/2016 by Bifrost
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#144 Posted: 23:32:04 11/01/2016
Yeah your right , I spose they compromised by making a more interesting complex game so it would appeal to older fans and by making it just a click and drag virtual battle system,( where all the calculations are done for you)younger fans arnt confused or playing wrong.

Lol it makes me remember Pokemon cards when I was in primary Skool, kids loved collecting them, but no one knew how to play properly lol.

this fixes that big issue.
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#145 Posted: 23:40:18 11/01/2016
Yeah, I had no idea how to play Pokémon TCG and kept thinking Energy cards worked like oran berries; in fact, I had no idea what Prize Cards and Damage Chips were until I found a group that played for tournaments in my school, so just ignored those descriptions altogether ._.

Maybe when they release future Battle Packs(again,should this get a community or some official tournament system), they could put along some small trinket to randomize the crystals and some instructions as to how to keep track of your energy,like a sheet of paper or something.
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:40:31 11/01/2016 by Bifrost
B-BOB358 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1029
#146 Posted: 01:34:49 12/01/2016
Yeah the random crystal generation would be a little hard to implement.

I think it's one of my favourite parts of the game at first glance. It really makes the start of the game less predictable, which is a common flaw( not that I think it's necessarily bad ) in a lot of games.

Can't wait to have a game where's there's no manna for a couple of turns lol.
SA & Giants are the best skylanders games. I miss the old style.
jasoninquires Blue Sparx Gems: 966
#147 Posted: 02:14:06 12/01/2016
Yeah there are some random barriers that would make it hard to implement in real life (there is a LOT of math, more so than I feel like any TCG I've played, besides maybe heathstone). Since it's just constant attacks and gains, so like 90% of the time you'd play in real life was calculating damage haha.

But yeah I Was really bummed about the low count of Skylanders (24 skylanders vs. 146 gear/spell/relic cards). But in the gameplay style, it makes much more sense. The other cards are MUCH more important.

And B-BOB358, you're manna/crystals regenerate each turn, it just randomizes how many more you get each turn.

But it can still suck like what happened with me tonight, I had 3 cards that required 5 or 6.... and I stuck at 4 for like 5 turns haha!

I did record an hour+ gameplay myself (with commentary and without) that I will upload tomorrow!
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8718
#148 Posted: 03:03:38 12/01/2016
I'm actually kind of interesting in the card game, mostly for collection reasons. I used to get Pokemon cards all the time as a kid and even still have a binder full of them. I might get into them and pray I get my favorites like Spyro, Countdown and Riptide.
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#149 Posted: 04:03:00 12/01/2016
Since I have four HUGE binders full of Pokemon cards, I'll probably collect these just as obsessively.
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#150 Posted: 05:01:25 12/01/2016
I might have to listen to my dad fuss about collecting cards not related to sports; but, trading cards of Roller Brawl, Spit Fire, and especially Spyro are a must have for me. Not to mention the art on some of these is great.
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