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Strange sound effect: rocket exploding + collecting gems [CLOSED]
madison-dwrd Emerald Sparx Gems: 3201
#1 Posted: 03:16:31 08/08/2015 | Topic Creator
I saw a video that was uploaded a few years ago where a strange sound effect plays after a rocket explodes a chest while collecting gems at the same time:

I didn't believe it at first because I have been playing the game forever and have never noticed the sound effect, so I tried it out for myself and its actually pretty easy to pull off. Since there were so many different explanations for why this happened in the comments of the video, I decided to experiment with it a little bit, and I found out that it happens every time that you pick up a gem at the same time the rocket explodes the chest (so it's actually not unused or a glitch like the video suggests). The sound effect seems to take place instead of the normal exploding sound. I'm not sure if this only happens in Spyro 1 or not (I've tried to do this in Spyro 2 as well and I can't get it to work), but what I'm really confused about is why this happens at all.
You gotta believe!
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 04:04:43 10/08/2015 by madison-dwrd
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#2 Posted: 20:36:03 08/08/2015
Yeah, I've heard of that before, nothing new to me, lol.
madison-dwrd Emerald Sparx Gems: 3201
#3 Posted: 03:22:16 10/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Oh. Guess I always had the music turned up too loud or had a short attention span or something. In fact, I didn't even know you could roll with L1 and R1 until years after I had first started playing- I probably pressed the button once to see what it did and then promptly forgot about it. And it took me even longer to figure out that the metal fans that you breathe fire on 3 times to break could kill enemies and break chests if you aimed properly. Oh Insomniac, you put so many pointless features in Spyro 1, but we love you for it.
You gotta believe!
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