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What Happened??? [CLOSED]
Amy Fodder
#1 Posted: 15:07:44 10/06/2007
dark you block spyro_lover17 off the forum on this site because if i log in then go to the forum it logs me out and i cant get back in
RedWelshDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1250
#2 Posted: 19:09:13 10/06/2007
Eh? I couldn't log in earlier and the topic I made in Suggestions/Help/Bugs (or whatever) has mysteriously vanished! dark52, can you please e-mail me my password? I'm not sure which one it is now...
College is a refuge from hasty judgement.

Definition of a college lecturer: someone who talks in other peoples sleep.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#3 Posted: 19:16:45 10/06/2007
Sounds like the database stopped allowing updates or something, you weren't blocked spyro_lover17 and I didn't delete any topic of yours RedWelshDragon.

I can't email passwords, sorry.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
RedWelshDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1250
#4 Posted: 19:35:30 10/06/2007
Oh, ok. I'll play around to find out which one it is then.
College is a refuge from hasty judgement.

Definition of a college lecturer: someone who talks in other peoples sleep.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#5 Posted: 18:08:59 12/06/2007
Erm, try Lost Password (as long as you remember your e-mail) and dark'll e-mail it to you? It worked with me thrice.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#6 Posted: 18:10:59 12/06/2007
Has the database been fixed? As all(or at least, nearly all) of the posts have reappeared, and nothing is being deleted.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#7 Posted: 18:14:11 12/06/2007
Yeah, should be fine now.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
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