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DS Version worth it? [CLOSED]
Aqua-Dragoness Gold Sparx Gems: 2851
#1 Posted: 02:00:25 11/12/2008 | Topic Creator
Well, since I have both ANB and DotD on my Nintendo DS, now I'm thinking of getting TEN to complete the trilogy for my DS. I might...

I heard that the graphics are 'horrible' but I don't mind. The graphics for ANB on the DS aren't too good either, but it's a decent game.

If I do make up my mind... should I get the game for the DS?
randomwarrior Yellow Sparx Gems: 1067
#2 Posted: 02:13:45 11/12/2008
Oh heck no! This game is so cruddish! (Crud and rubbish.)
I bought it then took it back!
*Begin rant.*

It made my ears explode, the same ear splitting tune over and over again! Even if you turn the music off at the settings it still plays through >.<

Graphics: Everything's 3D! Not such a good thing though, you can barely see ahead of you and can get easily lost in the small levels because they have no landmarks whatsoever!

Combat: Rubbish! I tried meleeing two enemies at a time and it didn't work! I just died, by the way the breath attacks are crummy too. If you keep meleeing an enemy it jumps into the air then you have to jump, get out your DS pen and perform some strokes then do it every time to knock up and enemy, pointless!

Puzzles: More crystal puzzles shame they're the exact same as ANB's crystal puzzles, lazy developers, they didn't even try.

Verdict: 2.5/10 CRUDDISH! I highly recommend you do NOT get this game.
*End rant.*
"You have too many roads, demolish them and replace them with streets to save on maintenance.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#3 Posted: 02:52:33 11/12/2008
Don't buy it! It's horribly glitchy and a waste of time! <.<;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#4 Posted: 03:41:20 11/12/2008
No no no! I have it but it's a peice of crud! I'd prefer the Wii than this!
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
Aqua-Dragoness Gold Sparx Gems: 2851
#5 Posted: 13:42:32 11/12/2008 | Topic Creator
Okay, thanks for the time everybody. I was actually thinking of getting it because of the graphics and it actually to me looked good.

I was planning to get a DS game for Christmas, but it looks like I'm stumped. T-T
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#6 Posted: 16:55:40 11/12/2008
The DS version looks terrible, and that picture of cyril in the gallery ... HORRIBLE!!
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#7 Posted: 18:49:06 11/12/2008
Well, I would buy it if I were u no atter how terrible it was. Thats what i did with ETD
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#8 Posted: 01:01:03 12/12/2008
Quote: Aqua-Dragoness
Okay, thanks for the time everybody. I was actually thinking of getting it because of the graphics and it actually to me looked good.

I was planning to get a DS game for Christmas, but it looks like I'm stumped. T-T

Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#9 Posted: 01:44:57 12/12/2008
Spyro: Shadow Legacy if you haven't got it already smilie
Aqua-Dragoness Gold Sparx Gems: 2851
#10 Posted: 13:21:29 12/12/2008 | Topic Creator
I have SL, I bought it in Feburary along with Sonic Rush. n_n I wonder if Sonic Chronicles is good.

But I was just curious of getting the TEN on DS. To me, the level designs seen different.. I like that.
Zerodius Yellow Sparx Gems: 1194
#11 Posted: 16:57:44 13/12/2008
The DS version of TEN is the weakest link without a doubt.

If you want a portable version of TEN, get the GBA version ; it's absolutely awesome and many even consider it superior to the PS2 & Wii version.

The DS version does have a few notable points (such as boss fights against the Guardians and extra puzzles) but it's overall a cut-down, glitchier version of the console version.
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5887
#12 Posted: 11:58:40 14/12/2008
I got it for Ps2 version, wasn't as impressive as ANB. DS version would probably be better.
no i will not write a signature for you
DARK CINDER Ripto Gems: 1062
#13 Posted: 14:13:32 14/12/2008
Quote: Zerodius
The DS version of TEN is the weakest link without a doubt.

If you want a portable version of TEN, get the GBA version ; it's absolutely awesome and many even consider it superior to the PS2 & Wii version.

The DS version does have a few notable points (such as boss fights against the Guardians and extra puzzles) but it's overall a cut-down, glitchier version of the console version.

but the ending for GBA i saw on youtube it was not drimatic at all just

smilie oh no spyro stop
smilie ok... o no mounten falling


the PS2 vertion is good the DS one thought well by the looks of things i guss it may be pritty bad but hey its what you want not me
dancinkayley Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#14 Posted: 05:27:40 24/12/2008
I have the Wii and the DS version and I much prefer the Wii version. The DS version is very short and I completed it in like 2 days. I didn't even know that the last boss was Gaul, I thought it was just some other random pirate and that I was going to face Gaul later, because he was quite easy to beat. I had hardly any idea what I was doing and I beat him on my first try!

Usually I get excited with a new game and play it for days after getting it. However, when I got TEN for the DS, I got so bored after the first few stages. It's just jump across platforms, fight enemies and find a few puzzle pieces scattered through most levels that are usually not too hard to find anyway.

Fighting enemies isn't the same as fighting enemies on ANB for the DS (never played DOTD for the DS). At least on ANB you can pull off combos, use two kinds of breath attacks and throw bombs back at enemies. Things like that. On TEN for the DS, all you can do is either attack or use your breath attack. To top things off, you can't even use your breath attack while jumping. You do have things like air combos though, which force you to whip out your stylus and flick the enemy around a few times. There's also fury, but fury isn't the same as in every other game. In this game, instead of clearing the area around you of enemies, you instead get boosts like extra speed for a limited amount of time. While using your fury, you can't change elements, so if you're using your ice fury you can only use your ice breath for a little while. Things like this really do make the battling in this game boring and that's pretty much all you do besides exploring and finding puzzle pieces and dragon teeth/scales.
All our base are belong to us.
I know joke old but who care.
KasiyatheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2537
#15 Posted: 23:27:05 29/12/2008
Hey, I got it for Christmas and I LIKE IT. I'm just stuck on the Terrador battle, that's all. (He's HARD.) And I haven't had a single glitch or other problem with it. I think you should get it.
TheDarkCynder Green Sparx Gems: 332
#16 Posted: 02:27:52 30/12/2008
terrador battle is hard.

I enjoy it.. The only thing i dont like about it is that most elements dont even do any damage and on the terrador battle he looks so tough but his roar is so puny and small. I wanted the xbox version but my parent got the DS.. I also dont like the narriorator in cut scenes but I think most of the stuff i mentioned is the same in all versions.. You cant go back in lvs..
Though storm winds may blow, then among them I will be, for without the rain no seed would grow. Click eggs. do it.
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#17 Posted: 05:30:15 30/12/2008
Quote: TheDarkCynder
terrador battle is hard.

I enjoy it.. The only thing i dont like about it is that most elements dont even do any damage and on the terrador battle he looks so tough but his roar is so puny and small. I wanted the xbox version but my parent got the DS.. I also dont like the narriorator in cut scenes but I think most of the stuff i mentioned is the same in all versions.. You cant go back in lvs..

Storyline is messed up ... smilie
Night Owl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1942
#18 Posted: 16:00:10 04/01/2009
Quote: Aqua-Dragoness
Well, since I have both ANB and DotD on my Nintendo DS, now I'm thinking of getting TEN to complete the trilogy for my DS. I might...

I heard that the graphics are 'horrible' but I don't mind. The graphics for ANB on the DS aren't too good either, but it's a decent game.

If I do make up my mind... should I get the game for the DS?


1. It would be nice to beable to play through the trtilogy for the DS, I know, I have done it! smilie
2. the graphic are better than ANB for the DS but suprisingly, Shadow Legacy graphics are better than both ANB and TEN for the DS.
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