darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Trap Team > The Most Loved & Hated of Trap Team
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The Most Loved & Hated of Trap Team
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#1 Posted: 17:45:40 19/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Okay, I know this may be removed, but I am making a new voting concept thread that is just a simple survey to see who are the most loved and hated of Trap Team. It's pretty simple and quick.

Comment your favorite Trap Masters from greatest to least. They will be given points by how you vote. Then under it, comment your favorite Cores from greatest to least.

This is how the points will work:

Determined by what place you put them in, this is the points they will receive:
1st: +9
2nd: +8
3rd: +7
4th: +6
5th: +5
6th: +4
7th: +3
8th: +2
9th: +1
10th: -1
11th: -2
12th: -3
13th: -4
14th: -5
15th: -6
16th: -7
17th: -8
18th: -9

Same applies to Cores. But keep your list of cores separate to your list of trap masters.

There will be no eliminations, this is just a survey. If you have any other questions, please ask. Have fun voting! The thread should be updated often. The current standings are below.
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#2 Posted: 17:46:19 19/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Current Standings:
Last Updated: April 19th, 2015

Trap Masters
1st -
2nd -
3rd -
4th -
5th -
6th -
7th -
8th -
9th -
10th -
11th -
12th -
13th -
14th -
15th -
16th -
17th -
18th -

1st -
2nd -
3rd -
4th -
5th -
6th -
7th -
8th -
9th -
10th -
11th -
12th -
13th -
14th -
15th -
16th -
17th -
18th -
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:54:53 19/04/2015 by Swap Force Fan
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#3 Posted: 17:47:12 19/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Updates & Milestones:

4/19/15 - MS: Thread Made
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:58:01 19/04/2015 by Swap Force Fan
Deja Vu Platinum Sparx Gems: 5580
#4 Posted: 20:22:14 19/04/2015
Ok, let's go:

Trap Masters:
1. smilie
2. smilie
3. smilie
4. smilie
5. smilie
6. smilie
7. smilie
8. smilie
9. smilie
10. smilie
11. smilie
12. smilie
13. smilie
14. smilie
15. smilie
16. smilie
17. smilie
18. smilie

1. smilie
2. smilie
3. smilie
4. smilie
5. smilie
6. smilie
7. smilie
8. smilie
9. smilie
10. smilie
11. smilie
12. smilie
13. smilie
14. smilie
15. smilie
16. smilie
17. smilie
18. smilie
SkyScratch Blue Sparx Gems: 550
#5 Posted: 21:13:01 19/04/2015
Trap Masters-

1- Enigma
2- Knight Mare
3- Tuff Luck
4- Knight Light
5- Gearshift
6- Wildfire
7- Short Cut
8- Head Rush
9- Snap Shot
10- Bushwack
11- Thunderbolt
12- Lob-Star
13- Krypt King
14- Blastermind
15- Wallop
16- Kaboom
17- Jawbreaker
18- Gusto


1- Echo
2- Blackout
3- Spotlight
4- Blades
5- High Five
6- Funny Bone
7- Bat Spin
8- Trail Blazer
9- Deja Vu
10- Cobra Cadabra
11- Chopper
12- Torch
13- Tread Head
14- Fist Bump
15- Food Fight
16- Fling Kong
17- Flip Wreck
18- Rocky Roll

Save you some trouble, willing to do math for you, lol
1- Knight Mare/Enigma - 16
2- Gearshift - 14
3- Tuff Luck - 13
4- Knight Light - 9
5- Snap Shot - 6
6- Short Cut - 5
7- Head Rush - 3
8- Wildfire - 1
9- Krypt King - 0
10- Thunderbolt - (-3)
11- Lob-Star - (-5)
12- Bushwack - (-6)
13- Blastermind - (-9)
14- Jawbreaker/Kaboom - (-14)
15- Wallop - (-15)
16- Gusto- (-17)

1- Echo - 17
2- Blackout - 15
3- Spotlight - 12
4- Deja Vu - 10
5- Bat Spin - 9
6- High Five - 6
7- Blades - 5
8- Cobra Cadabra/Torch - 1
9- Trail Blazer - 0
10- Funny Bone - (-4)
11- Flip Wreck - (-5)
12- Chopper - (-7)
13- Fist Bump - (-8)
14- Tread Head/Food Fight - (-10)
15- Fling Kong - (-14)
16- Rocky Roll - (-18)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:37:30 19/04/2015 by SkyScratch
preciousawaken Yellow Sparx Gems: 1774
#6 Posted: 00:27:22 20/04/2015
1 Knightmare
2 Knight Light
3 Gear Shift
4 Blastermind
5 Short Cut
6 Wildfire
7 Wallop
8 Lobstar
9 Tuff Luck
10 Kaboom
11 Enigma
12 Thunderbolt
13 Busch Whack
14 Krypt King
15 Head Rush
16 Snap Shot
17 Jaw Breaker
18 Gusto

1 Echo
2 Bat Spin
3 Spotlight
4 Blades
5 Blackout
6 High Five
7 Chopper
8 Fist Bump
9 Trail Blazer
10 Torch
11 Cobra Cadabra
12 Deja Vu
13 Food Fight
14 Flip Wreck
15 Fling Kong
16 Tread Head
17 Rocky Roll
18 Funny Bone
Plordigian Blue Sparx Gems: 626
#7 Posted: 04:29:43 20/04/2015
1 Knight Mare
2 Gear Shift
3 Snap Shot
4 Lob-Star
5 Wildfire
6 Enigma
7 Krypt King
8 Knight Light
9 Bushwhack
10 Gusto
11 Head Rush
12 Wallop
13 Thunderbolt
14 Jawbreaker
15 Ka-Boom
16 Tuff Luck
17 Short Cut
18 Blastermind

1 Flip Wreck
2 Chopper
3 Bat Spin
4 Fist Bump
5 Food Fight
6 High Five
7 Rocky Roll
8 Blackout
9 Fling Kong
10 Spotlight
11 Deja Vu
12 Torch
13 Cobra Cadabra
14 Trail Blazer
15 Blades
16 Funny Bone
17 Echo
18 Tread Head
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13085
#8 Posted: 20:54:25 20/04/2015
Trap Masters
1. Knight Light
2. Knight Mare
3. Enigma
4. Snap Shot
5. Gusto
6. Bushwack
7. Jawbreaker
8. Wildfire
9. Thunderbolt
10. Short Cut
11. Tuff Luck
12. Ka-Boom
13. Lob Star
14. Wallop
15. Head Rush
16. Blastermind
17. Krypt King
18. Gear Shift

1. Blackout
2. Spotlight
3. Blades
4. Echo
5. High Five
6. Funny Bone
7. Trail Blazer
8. Bat Spin
9. Chopper
10. Fling Kong
11. Deja Vu
12. Cobra Kadabra
13. Fist Bump
14. Tread Head
15. Food Fight
16. Flip Wreck
17. Torch
18. Rocky Roll
Wally-Gang Gold Sparx Gems: 2987
#9 Posted: 13:30:32 22/04/2015
Trap Masters

1- Trailblazer
2- TreadHead
3- Chopper
4- FoodFight
5- FistBump
6- Echo
7- HighFive
8- Torch
9- FunnyBone
10- DejaVu
11- Blades

Here you go. I did not think it appropriate to rank characters that I/we have not played with yet.
"Come rang or shine"
Still troubled by him speaking
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#10 Posted: 20:32:54 22/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Sorry for the hold up everybody, I will update the thread by the end of the week.

And @Wally-Gang that's completely fine by me.
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#11 Posted: 22:22:51 22/04/2015
Well, I think its impossible to vote for Flip Wreck, Fling Kong and Enigma honestly due to not being able to play with them yet. I am mostly voting based on who I think plays best but some characters like Knight Mare got a slight boost just from being so darn cool even if they do not hit strong enough.

Trap Masters-

1- Thunderbolt
2- Gearshift
3- Wildfire
4- Knight Mare (though, she does not survive well)
5- Krypt King
6- Knight Light
7- Jawbreaker
8- Enigma (???)
9- Snap Shot
10- Wallop
11- Blastermind
12- Bushwhack
13- Lob Star
14- Gusto
15- Head Rush
16- Ka-Boom
17- Short Cut
18- Tuff Luck


1- Bat Spin
2- Tread Head
3- Blackout
4- Echo
5- Spotlight
6- Cobra Cadabra
7- Torch
8- Trail Blazer
9- Deja Vu
10- Chopper
11- Funny Bone
12- Flip Wreck (no idea)
13- Fling Kong (no idea)
14- Food Fight
15- Rocky Roll
16- High Five
17- Blades
35- Fist Bump (I hate Fist Bump that much)
Plordigian Blue Sparx Gems: 626
#12 Posted: 05:53:38 23/04/2015
This thought had occurred to me as well. However, if we're going to say that looks alone are not a viable reason for ranking, then how many people would actually be able to rank every new Skylander?

This bothers me about the polls as well; I really wonder how many people have play-tested both full paths of every character in the heat of battle, which is really the only way to know exactly what a Skylander is capable of. Yet seemingly many people choose a path having very little knowledge of, or even appreciation for, that particular figure. Often times, the abilities of certain paths, and/or the soul gem, are what make a Skylander truly shine.

So I suggest appearance counts, until extended gameplay proves otherwise. The tier lists are the place for the fully researched anyway.
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#13 Posted: 01:22:01 24/04/2015
Just rating the characters I've played with for the sake of fairness.

Trap Masters

1: Tuff Luck
2: Snap Shot
3: Knight Mare
4: Blastermind
5: Wildfire
6: Gusto
7: Knight Light(nice appearance but dies too much)
8: Head Rush


1: Blades
2: Torch
3: Food Fight
4: Funny Bone
5: Déjà Vu
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#14 Posted: 14:40:50 02/05/2015
Trap Masters
1st - smilie
2nd - smilie
3rd - smilie
4th - smilie
5th - smilie
6th - smilie
7th - smilie
8th - smilie
9th - smilie
10th - smilie
11th - smilie
12th - smilie
13th - smilie
14th - smilie
15th - smilie
16th - smilie
17th - smilie
18th - smilie

1st - smilie
2nd - smilie
3rd - smilie
4th - smilie
5th - smilie
6th - smilie
7th - smilie
8th - smilie
9th - smilie
10th - smilie
11th - smilie
12th - smilie
13th - smilie
14th - smilie
15th - smilie
16th - smilie
17th - smilie
18th - smilie
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
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