

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Would you Date the above user? 2.0
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#1551 Posted: 15:30:59 18/05/2016
I'd be up for a meet-and-greet
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
HeyitsHotDog Diamond Sparx Gems: 8718
#1552 Posted: 20:38:05 18/05/2016
Hey is there anything you want me to bring for the rest of the week and if so it’s so cool that you can do something and just do it like that
abstractsardine Gold Sparx Gems: 2244
#1553 Posted: 21:05:26 18/05/2016
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#1554 Posted: 21:17:25 18/05/2016
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3498
#1555 Posted: 21:19:24 18/05/2016
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#1556 Posted: 21:44:07 18/05/2016
You post so often in here... Are you compensating?

No... Cuz you're a dude
Mesuxelf Ripto Gems: 3666
#1557 Posted: 21:50:22 18/05/2016
You never post in here... Are you compensating?
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1558 Posted: 03:52:18 19/05/2016
Windumup Emerald Sparx Gems: 3217
#1559 Posted: 05:51:42 19/05/2016
NOPE, nope nope nope.
Ugh I wish my body wasn't a mess
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1560 Posted: 07:10:26 19/05/2016
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#1561 Posted: 18:06:03 19/05/2016
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3498
#1562 Posted: 19:13:40 19/05/2016
nah nah nah
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#1563 Posted: 19:13:34 20/05/2016
sorry no
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4779
#1564 Posted: 19:55:47 20/05/2016
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#1565 Posted: 20:19:38 20/05/2016
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7572
#1566 Posted: 03:30:31 21/05/2016
No thanks.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4779
#1567 Posted: 04:54:35 21/05/2016
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#1568 Posted: 17:30:18 21/05/2016
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1569 Posted: 21:37:16 21/05/2016
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#1570 Posted: 21:39:07 21/05/2016
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#1571 Posted: 21:52:53 21/05/2016
I dunno, maybe if I were a few years older!
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1572 Posted: 04:40:29 22/05/2016
- -
Angel220200 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4401
#1573 Posted: 06:59:32 22/05/2016
I'd gladly go on a date with you, tbh. Think it'd be a nice opportunity to get to know you better. c:
(A relationship, on the other hand? If I knew you more, maybe.)
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you.
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#1574 Posted: 11:06:06 22/05/2016
I know almost notthing about you, so no...
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1575 Posted: 17:09:17 22/05/2016
Unsure. Maybe if we spoke more.
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#1576 Posted: 14:53:22 23/05/2016
sorry, no
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1577 Posted: 22:05:33 26/05/2016
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#1578 Posted: 22:10:44 26/05/2016
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#1579 Posted: 05:29:48 27/05/2016
No thank you.
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#1580 Posted: 21:52:15 27/05/2016
I'm quite content being friends, so no I wouldn't date you.
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#1581 Posted: 21:58:30 27/05/2016
I don't know you so know
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx [online] Gems: 10797
#1582 Posted: 00:56:07 28/05/2016
No... I am a straight man so I must say, unfortunately, no. And we have too much age difference.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Blackfury96 Blue Sparx Gems: 686
#1583 Posted: 18:07:31 30/05/2016
apologies, but no
Warcraft:The Beginning - I recommend (released May30 in UK and Jun10 in US)
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1584 Posted: 05:40:17 31/05/2016
stealth Yellow Sparx Gems: 1040
#1585 Posted: 06:46:23 08/06/2016
person of power, tempting

but no of course not i literally do not trust internet

(i know no one and no one knows me)
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7572
#1586 Posted: 05:37:50 09/06/2016
If I got to know you.
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#1587 Posted: 13:18:34 21/06/2016
Friend yes. Date no.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1588 Posted: 02:58:11 22/06/2016
Dragonsrcool Red Sparx Gems: 28
#1589 Posted: 03:42:47 22/06/2016
Nah, but I wanna wear your mask!
Dragons are the best!
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#1590 Posted: 12:38:51 22/06/2016
Friend yes. Date no.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#1591 Posted: 16:16:56 22/06/2016
Nah, not really
Why am I a loser
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#1592 Posted: 01:51:02 23/06/2016
Friend yes. Date no.
Dragonsrcool Red Sparx Gems: 28
#1593 Posted: 03:13:53 23/06/2016
No, but we can be friends
Dragons are the best!
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#1594 Posted: 14:27:10 23/06/2016
Nope, sorry! smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#1595 Posted: 18:15:48 23/06/2016
Some tiny part of me was like "YES"

But no, not really, I mean you're cool but nah.
Why am I a loser
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#1596 Posted: 19:05:30 23/06/2016
Lol same, pretty much. smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#1597 Posted: 19:14:19 23/06/2016
The shippers would attack if I said yes, so no.

Plus, I don't want a date. If it was more like playing video games together, I would say yes.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#1598 Posted: 19:45:44 23/06/2016
Nah, I'm good alone
Why am I a loser
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7572
#1599 Posted: 08:25:10 24/06/2016
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