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Legendary Bushwack pics [CLOSED]
Chaotic Lunacy Green Sparx Gems: 476
#1 Posted: 18:03:50 10/02/2015 | Topic Creator
Releases 2/15

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Menace Gold Sparx Gems: 2166
#2 Posted: 18:52:35 10/02/2015
Nice, thanks for the pics
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#3 Posted: 20:40:32 10/02/2015
Picked him up today at my local TRU.. Was a little delay at register but since web site showed it as available they sold me 2 at BOGO..
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#4 Posted: 01:30:48 11/02/2015
They must've changed doesn't show it available. My store had it register locked, so it was a no go for me. Would've loved to get it with a BOGO.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:31:44 11/02/2015 by GhostRoaster
simonc1138 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1549
#5 Posted: 01:33:51 11/02/2015
Nice. Looks like they got the eyes right this time. Did anyone else pick up a regular Bushwack with off-kilter eyes, making him look a bit crazy?
You know you have an addiction when you spend money on it that is normally saved for your other addictions.
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#6 Posted: 02:19:27 11/02/2015
Actually, the paint job looks pretty least on the ones I observed.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
xXBeavcoonXx Gold Sparx Gems: 2628
#7 Posted: 11:43:19 11/02/2015
Quote: simonc1138
Nice. Looks like they got the eyes right this time. Did anyone else pick up a regular Bushwack with off-kilter eyes, making him look a bit crazy?

Yes, I got that as well
now its time to get funky
Wolfgang Gold Sparx Gems: 2051
#8 Posted: 23:00:53 13/02/2015
Quote: xXBeavcoonXx
Quote: simonc1138
Nice. Looks like they got the eyes right this time. Did anyone else pick up a regular Bushwack with off-kilter eyes, making him look a bit crazy?

Yes, I got that as well

I did, as well.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street.
No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫
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