darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Trap Team > Image of Vicarious Visions Employees Playing the Next Skylanders?!
Emerald Sparx
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#151 Posted: 04:03:11 14/01/2015
man 4 pages
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word! |
Blue Sparx
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#152 Posted: 05:52:51 14/01/2015
Ok...this was unexpected
Best Trap Masters: ![]() ![]() ![]() Best villains: ![]() ![]() |
esrever Green Sparx Gems: 207 |
#153 Posted: 07:14:12 14/01/2015
It's a 3rd person shooter, and I think it's four player. (You can see the icons for the four players at the top of the screen... it's either four player, or a two player game where each player can switch between two characters.) And the people playing it are playing on two separate monitors, which means it's an online multiplayer title and not just local splitscreen.
![]() I doubt they'd make an entire 3rd person online shooter just for a minigame. It's probably a spin-off title, much like how Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare was a third person shooter spin-off of that franchise. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:15:42 14/01/2015 by esrever
Blue Sparx
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#154 Posted: 07:36:17 14/01/2015
Skylanders Baa-Islands (or whatever) is more than likely a joke between employees. And who said that this is Skylanders? It could be any game they are playing.
Vicarious Visions isn't all Skylanders, FYI. I see no similarity between the game played and Skylanders
Emerald Sparx
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#155 Posted: 11:17:43 14/01/2015
Quote: Hawksey128
It's indeed Skylanders related. You can see Gill Grunt in the first screen, and Punk Shock's face inside one of the round blue icons at the top of the same monitor. The colors refer to Water and Life, the environment is quite similar and there is even a paper sheet which shows the controls of the game, and has the same font SWAP Force used.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Mesuxelf Ripto Gems: 3666 |
#156 Posted: 11:30:09 14/01/2015
Quote: Hawksey128
Yeah, this is definitely Skylanders related. |
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#157 Posted: 12:40:53 14/01/2015
An online mode will be cool, but only a co-op mode not a VS mode.... I don't want to have all skylanders bilanced :/
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Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054 |
#158 Posted: 13:26:49 14/01/2015
Quote: Drek95
Not really. Sure properties may change, so Drobot shoots faster and may end up having a higher DPS, but the game is pretty much... Rapid Fire Projectile Strong single attack projectile, often with AoE Mortar style attack Melee Attack combo Strong melee attack *Swallow* mechanic *Self-Buff* Mechanic Movement move Shield Turrets Pets Like that's all the moves right there. They then spice it up with effects, this projectile may freeze (Slam Bam), while this one will levitate and slam (Blastermind), while another one will electrocute (Punk Shock), or another one is fast (Drobot) - compared to say Crystals from Prism Break, Snake sheriff from Rattle Shake, Turret from Sprocket, Canons from Grilla Drilla, etc. I'm not calling it a 'bad' thing, if you compare Street Fighter to King of Fighters, one of the big differences is that the special moves in SF have been pretty homogenous with only a little variety - especially compared to KoF. A forward moving special move like a hurricane kick, headbutt, banishing flat, tiger knee, a defensive anti-air-esque special move like a dragon punch, flash kick, or electricity, and projectiles. But its simply how things are, characters play VERY similarily often, with the differences being movement speed - I didn't even put it together until someone on the forum mentioned it, but Tuff Luck is pretty much an overgrown Stealth Elf, Pop thorn IS the second coming of Drobot minus the movement speed. Again, not complaining. My point was and is - simply put - you get out the game what YOU want to get out of it. It's why there are always arguments about replay value and character release schedules - what everyone wants is different, as is how everyone plays. Me? I never dress them up unless its a character I use frequently or a hat just works - like Voodood with the bone hat, but I have S1s without hats. I don't know any character backstory except for Punk Shock, Tread Head and the new elements, because I 'stumbled across them'. I frankly don't 'care' about the backstory - not because I don't like story/plot, but because it makes absolutely NO DIFFERENCE in the series. It doesn't affect progression, it doesn't affect effectiveness against certain types, it doesn't even affect the story at ANY magnitude. To me - and this is why I love Skylanders, it feels like an arcade game. I can come home from a long day of work, my son and I can retreat to the basement for half an hour, sand spend some time together playing the game without worrying about learning a new spell a la RPGs, or feeling like we HAVE to play for a long time to get anything done, or even worrying about a character 'dying', since we can - instead of a new quarter - pop a new figure on the portal. why I HOPE online multiplayer is brought into it? there are two types of multiplayer games - Nintendo & CoD. Nintendo games are easy to pick up titles, but are often plagued with CPU assistance, I REFUSE to play a game with CPU assistance ever again...I have a wii U and the only Nintendo games I own are Hyrule Warriors and Smash, I'm not dealing with the MArio Kart non-sense or the Mario Party non-sense. 'CoD' type of games refer less to CoD specifically and more to online games that you have to0 devote time to to be even mildly competitive. I'm a grown man without a lot of time in the evening to unwind, the last thing I want to do is 'work' at a game. I did that for years when I did competitive fighting games like MvC2, CvS2, Tekken 5, SF4, etc. So I'm hoping a game built of skylanders will be easy enough to just 'pick up', like a Nintendo game, but not have the CPU assistance. *here's to hoping* - Unreall |
Platinum Sparx
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#159 Posted: 13:37:31 14/01/2015
one thing we are sure of is that sky5 is gonna be.... 'baa-tter than trap team' LOL!
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:37:43 14/01/2015 by CountMoneyBone
Gold Sparx
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#160 Posted: 14:52:16 14/01/2015
Okay, I just thought of something. Or somethings, I guess.
We all know the whole "Toys to Life" thing is Skylanders' main selling point, right? So how will this work out? Does anyone think it'll let us use our already bought figures and characters, or that there'll be a pre-determined roster of characters that would fit into a TPS? And, if this is indeed a spin-off and not Skylanders 5, will there still be a Skylanders 5? And if so, will this game let you use characters from Skylanders 5? And speaking of using characters, what about the villains? And how are two small blurry screenshots raising so many questions? |
Platinum Sparx
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#161 Posted: 15:47:40 14/01/2015
Quote: AdamGregory03
the Skylanders Exec talk about skylanders & the future of "Toys to Life" here...
Ha! HA, sage ich. |
Emerald Sparx
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#162 Posted: 15:55:09 14/01/2015
Quote: Unreallystic
But you can also combine a lot of attacks, to create new effects, and there are other "basical" attacks: Cobra Cadabra, for example, has a move that lets him hypnotize other characters and makes them fight for you (unless you consider them as pets, but you can't just summon something, you have to find an enemy and keep it in place, until he's charmed, so I think it's different); Punk Shock's puddles are not only a way to slow down enemies, but can also be electrified to damage them in large areas; Dune Bug can catch up to 3 or 4 enemies in his magic ball, and then roll it wherever he wants, or shoot at it to make it explode; Trap Shadow and Stink Bomb can become invisible, sneaking past enemies, and then quickly attack them. Notice that all the previous moves are just abilities, not proper attacks, as they will not damage enemies by themselves, but will help you attacking them, however they are all unique powers that only one, two, or even any other character has. Indeed, you get out of this game what you want, and you can easily just turn it in a simple "button-masher" just to have fun for a couple hours, but these are concrete possibilities those characters give, and add up to the diversity of the various gameplays. And, honestly, explain to me, why would Pop Thorn be Drobot 2.0...? :/ I get the fast projectiles (even if Pop Thorn's are stronger, when you start firing them, for a couple seconds), and maybe even the "bombs" they both drop, but consider Pop Thorn ability to change form, the rolling or stomping attack and the fact that he releases a special thorn each time he is attacked (with the upper path). If anything he is more similar to Bumble Blast, if you know what I mean. ![]() However I absolutely agree regarding online. Just make it an easy pick-up and enjoy type game, with no help from the CPU, and maybe a possibility to give it a Skylander from your own collection, so you can play against it. That would be awesome! Quote: CountMoneyBone
Is surely hope so. Every new game should be better than the previous one.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:58:43 14/01/2015 by Drek95
Gold Sparx
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#163 Posted: 16:05:54 14/01/2015
Quote: CountMoneyBone
Watched the video. I heard nothing towards the skylanders franchise besides it was some inspection for Anki and the guy worked on the first few. |
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054 |
#164 Posted: 18:00:38 14/01/2015
Quote: Drek95
Mind control is essentially 'pets' really. And the thing about Pop Thorn, he has the overhead move - yes, but if you are effectively playing Pop Thron, it's mostly a distance game predicated on 'shooting a lot of stuff as fast as you can' to kill something. They are brain dead blasters. They shoot really fast and do enough damage that you can just stand there and shoot all day, holding down one button and getting a hot pocket you had in the microwave. Yeah, Drobot has gears, but you don't use them unless you are forcing yourself to be 'different' - again, playing how you want - but the main concept behind their playstyles are the same, kill things, kill them fast, kill them at a distance, all the while holding a single button[/easy mode]. Not a complaint either, Drobot was my second Favorite through Giants behind Prism Break. By no means am I downplaying 'effects' or ignoring them, I'm not talking tiering or power levels or anything, just that you can break the game down to basics, and when you do, 95% of the characters are a clone of another character or a hodgepodge of two or three characters. Playstyle 'variety' and uniqueness is 'almost' a lie. You either run around the level hitting the shoot button all day, run aroudn the level mashing punch all day, or you have a weak character that requires a little thoguht or placement, and thus you are using all three attacks out of necessity...like Shroom Boom or Zook. I'm thinking about the Trap Masters right now, and I'm struggling to find any opf them that I use two attacks consistently, let alone a third. Villains are mostly worse, with only a few breaking that mold. As for unique powers...how unique are they? Stealth for Trap Shadow? Stealth Elf, Tuff Luck, Stink bomb, and Enigma can all do what you just described...and NightShade. Punk Shocks electric puddles are similar to Zook's mortar attacks, Whirlwind's...wind, Prism Break's crystal, similar to Grilla Drilla's turrets, and so fourth, plantable items that either damage themselves or amplify damage, and often serve as a defensive deterrent. Even dunebug's ball has conceptually been copied with KnightLight's "grab" move, and Blastermind's levitation. One could argue it actually falls in line with the 'swallow' powers too. And don't get me wrong, I've got no problem with any of it, but I can't sit back and pretend as though there isn't a lot of recycling. without it we'd have fewer characters, the blanace would be even more off, there would be more 'horrid' or nigh useless characters, etc. That's why they reuse stuff in fighting games. In SF2, Zangief didn't originally have the banishing flat, but without a move to help him cover horizontal distance, he was a sitting duck that got ate up. As of SF4 though, his lariat functions like a dragon punch, his banishing flat is conceptually a hurricane kick, and he traded a projectile for his throws. You'll find most characters in SF4 follow that archetype, Skylanders is no different, ranged, pet/turret, melee are the main archetypes. There isn't a 'tank' or a 'healer' or a 'buffer' archetype, in part because the game doesn't need it. But if they take this online, then it makes sense for them to expand on that. Heck imagine the Giants becoming defacto tanks, larger, more health, and have some kind of taunt of hate generating move. Trap Masters are very much damage dealers. New figures could focus on team elements if the next game had online elements. How about a 'swallower' Life type that generated a healing aura everytime he/she ate something? Maybe an air type that can increase movement speed? Or a Fire type that when in a 'fire is strong here' zone, put fire on everyone's weapons, increasing the damage and adding a DoT. Adding online and opening up the world just a LITTLE (I'm not asking for GTA or WoW or some kind of MMO), like making it so 4 Landers can play together and there was reason for it...it would be GREAT. Hell, it could even be used as an excuse to keep old portals. - Unreall |
Yellow Sparx
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#165 Posted: 19:30:51 14/01/2015
Quote: GinjaNinja
I know I brought this very same company up here the very day they were introduced by Apple. Incredible technology, and I no doubt it has a role in the toys to life category. Unfortunately, no one from Activision has acknowledged or expressed any interest in this...yet.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
anverc Yellow Sparx Gems: 1342 |
#166 Posted: 19:39:21 14/01/2015
Quote: GhostRoaster
Anki Drive is fairly different than Skylanders. I'm not sure why Activision would acknowledge it's existence. I don't believe I've read anything from Activision specifically about Amiibo either. With all that being said, you can't read into anything of value from words coming from a former employee - if he did drop hints (i just watched the video again and am not sure what you are referring to) we would probably also be reading about lawsuits and what not. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:40:29 14/01/2015 by anverc
Emerald Sparx
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#167 Posted: 19:54:14 14/01/2015
Quote: Unreallystic
Yes, I can see why you are saying so. I don't agree completely, but yes, there are a lot of reused powers. In my opinion, what makes each Skylander unique is the combination of them, but I cannot deny they aren't endless and are repeated many times. May I say that your idea for the next game is brilliant? It works perfectly with an hypothetical online feature, and wouldn't require bigger or different figures. Just regular Cores with passive or active abilities that can buff themselves and the other players, by increasing the damage output, giving special effects to the attacks, healing or any other thing you can imagine It gets me really excited just thinking about this possibility! Seriously, master idea, Unreall! ![]()
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Yellow Sparx
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#168 Posted: 19:54:52 14/01/2015
Quote: anverc
It is different, but a visionary can look at the applications of this technology and apply it to their world. Ignoring it much like Microsoft ignored the Internet trend in the 90s is a good way to be left in the dust from a competitive perspective.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Gold Sparx
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#169 Posted: 22:24:51 14/01/2015
Just glanced through topic, may have missed something, but what about a play on battleship? Baa-Ttle Sheep
Yellow Sparx
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#170 Posted: 22:29:56 14/01/2015
Quote: 4inCreation
The game doesnt look like that. From the screen shots we have seen, it seems like a 3rd person shooter. It does sort of (for all of those who have read Percy Jackson) how the people in Percy Jackson play it. They use weapons.
Spread those positive vibes |
Mesuxelf Ripto Gems: 3666 |
#171 Posted: 22:46:17 14/01/2015
I want a Skylander FPS so much!
Gold Sparx
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#172 Posted: 22:46:55 14/01/2015
Doesn't look like what? I was referring to the logo.
Yellow Sparx
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#173 Posted: 22:49:35 14/01/2015
Quote: 4inCreation
You said the game might be: Skylanders Baaa-ttlesheep. I said: Quote: WilltheWizard
Spread those positive vibes |
Gold Sparx
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#174 Posted: 22:53:46 14/01/2015
people are just mean sometimes
Yellow Sparx
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#175 Posted: 22:56:59 14/01/2015
Quote: 4inCreation
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I wasn't trying to be mean. All I was saying is that I think it doesn't look like a battleship type game.
Spread those positive vibes |
Yellow Sparx
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#176 Posted: 23:01:13 14/01/2015
Quote: Unreallystic
Now that you mention it (and I'm in the same boat as you), that is one of the reasons why people in my age group in my local area like it as well...we use the "bonding with our kids" on one side, and it's just PLAIN COOL/SIMPLE to play on the other. Win Win for everyone: my son, me, and Activision. I totally get the ARCADE vibe...and trust me, I've spent many an hour in one.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:03:37 14/01/2015 by GhostRoaster
Emerald Sparx
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#177 Posted: 23:43:18 14/01/2015
Quote: WilltheWizard
Quote: 4inCreation
Quote: WilltheWizard
Allow me, as no offense WilltheWizard but your post wasn't very clear. You said it look like it had something to do with a battle ship. He said that while you have the name right it doesn't look like the game has any thing to do with a battle ship.
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out! youtube.com/portalmaster9351 |
Gold Sparx
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#178 Posted: 23:51:50 14/01/2015
Quote: WilltheWizard
No, he said the game might be CALLED that, not that it might be that. And besides, there are actual battleships outside of the board game. |
Gold Sparx
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#179 Posted: 00:11:52 15/01/2015
I was relating to the skylanders trend of using like-sounding names. Chill Bill is like Kill Bill, right? I thought why not battle sheep? Probably wrong anyway. Just thought it would be understood as a pun with how common they are in skylanders.
Emerald Sparx
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#180 Posted: 00:19:27 15/01/2015
Quote: 4inCreation
Epiphany of the day. NEVER thought about Chill Bill/Kill Bill. Mind=blown. However, I was looking for puns on "Baa-something-flag" too, but didn't have any luck, as of now.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Yellow Sparx
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#181 Posted: 00:28:55 15/01/2015
Skylanders of duty?
HA! i see what you did there activision. ![]() |
Blue Sparx
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#182 Posted: 04:35:04 15/01/2015
Could be a tablet game
Favorite type Skylander: Feline and Dragon. Still need: Echo, Rocky Roll, the ever elusive dark element trap,and more |
Gold Sparx
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#183 Posted: 07:57:59 15/01/2015
the tablet controller has two analog sticks and a dpad. why the second analog stick? nothing uses it... a third person shooter seems like something theyd do as tablet only version. < /wild speculation >
I am going to have 1 of everything. someday... |
Pyrofer Gold Sparx Gems: 2495 |
#184 Posted: 09:55:16 15/01/2015
Because it was probably just an existing pad design they bought in from somewhere.
Why go to the effort of making a custom Skylanders pad when a million Chinese factories have molds ready to make a generic pad? |
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054 |
#185 Posted: 12:40:58 15/01/2015
Quote: Drek95
Thanks. I used to play an MMO called City of Heroes - got real in depth in that and it left a mark on me, some of the funnest moments in gaming for me came from playing it, and you had different archetypes - which this game already has, but there were 'more' archetypes, and while I'm not trying to clone another game, it just makes sense to me, the game as it is, its a one player game that supports two players, but if you open it up online, or as I suggested, up to 4 players using an older portal (it would even give them an excuse to sell portals as stand alone accessories, more $$$ - heck they could even turn that into variant portals that have distinct affects, I remember seeing custom fire and undead 3DS portals on eBay, they could do that, giving an automatic boost to all 'fire' or 'undead' on that portal) then you can diversify skylanders more by making powers designed for a 'team' aspect. I mean the main classes in any kind of adventure game are Melee Damage Dealer Ranged Damage Dealer Tank Healer/Buffer Spells/Debuffer Other classes/archetypes are just mixtures of those with maybe slightly different play elements. SL already has the first two, it has characters who would function in a tank role perfectly in Giants, as you mentioned, we do have 'effects' and the such already. So if the next one adds online and plays up the 'Team' angle, then it would make sense to go a bit heavier with debuffing, buffing, healing, and tanking. It doesn't need to be complex, Giants already have high health, maybe make it higher and add hate generation as I mentioned - at that point boom, they are tanks. Then the new characters could just fill the other roles. Deja-Vu could have actually slowed time down, pets that often seem worthless like Rubble Rouser's - could become damage mitigation, etc. - Unreall |
Emerald Sparx
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#186 Posted: 13:09:38 15/01/2015
Quote: Unreallystic
Yes, it seems like a fantastic idea! However, I think only the new "gimmick" characters should have team powers. Let me explain that better. As you already said new Core "gimmick" Skylanders could have all different sorts of effects on the other players, based on the elements they are in, or simply on the abilities they use. For example, just as you thought, a new Fire character could sets all other players' weapons on fire, and double the damages of the Skylanders that have none. Or a Life one could heal all the other ones, maybe while healing himself too. Those could be passive or active abilities. Regarding already exsisting characters, they could be tweaked to accentuate their archetypes (tank, melee, ranged, summoner, healer and so on), but I don't think letting them have special effects, like the gimmick ones, would be a good idea. Well, to be honest i think it would be a GREAT idea, but not all of them would suite the role. Déjà Vu could slow the time, Magna Charge could give a speed boost, Prism Break could increase the armor... But... What about other ones, like Pop Thorn, Scratch, Spyro, Shroomboom? What could they do? I have a feeling this would only result in people complaining that "only some of the old guys have special abilities", and would be the "villains unblanced among the Elements" problem all over again. So, I would keep those special team abilities as an exclusive to the new gimmick characters, and tweak a bit the damage outputs, effects and amor of the already exsisting ones.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
anverc Yellow Sparx Gems: 1342 |
#187 Posted: 15:55:42 15/01/2015
Quote: Pyrofer
Actually there's an interview with Karthik Bala out there that talks about the pad design. It was a custom controller design... Why do it? Attention to detail and quality control. The trap team tablet controller is the best tablet controller i've tried (i've tried 5 at this point). http://www.polygon.com/2014/8/...blet-controller Quote:
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:57:05 15/01/2015 by anverc
Emerald Sparx
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#188 Posted: 16:24:21 15/01/2015
Quote: anverc
Well, points for the effort then. ![]() At this point, it seems like a good part of the users here just thinks this frachise doesn't care about quality, the developers don't put efforts and passion in what they do, and that TfB, V.V. and ultimately Activision just want to make money, and see us only as cows that can be milked. Can we just agree that, while their final objective, as a company, IS to make money, they also distribuite high quality products, for the standards of the competitors and the industry, and that I've hardly seen a kid's game so well made, and able to suck in so many grown up people too...? Or are we just going to keep complaining on everything, without even knowing the facts, or simply ignoring them...?
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054 |
#189 Posted: 17:06:32 15/01/2015
They did a GREAT job with the tablet controller and portal setup. The ONLY thing I'd do different, isn't even a 'design' thing - plugs for AC adapters (sold separate for cost reasons), so that there isn't a reliance on batteries or other hacks. Then the controller should have a mini/micro-usb connection to the portal so that it can pull power from there. Again, sold separate, the actual implementation of those wouldn't cost anything significant since it would be sold separate/an industry standard AC/DC adapter (heck just use USB through and through), but it would be SO welcome.
Outside of that, they friggin NAILED it. - Unreall |
Yellow Sparx
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#190 Posted: 20:04:31 15/01/2015
Quote: Drek95
I realized that back when they introduced that little bugger. They have a lot of subtle ones as well...I'm sure there's plenty of them that we haven't even figured out yet.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed. |
Green Sparx
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#191 Posted: 20:27:14 15/01/2015
I like your guys team based ideas for abilities .
Imean Whirlwind has always had her soul gem upgrade that allows her to heal in co op which I always thought was a waste in a mostly 1 player game . Adding a tag team or team aspect would not just encourage new diverse characters but also revitalise old ones . I'm sure there's others like whirlwind . E.g. imagine combining stump smashes ' healing in water' with punk shocks ability to make puddles or something . And scratches 'healing with money collection' with a trigger happy ability to make money. I can only think of healing characters atm lol.
Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors? |
Emerald Sparx
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#192 Posted: 23:42:02 15/01/2015
Quote: GhostRoaster
Being italian doesn't help with english puns, but I try to do my best. ![]() For example, I'm sure Bomb Shell and Fisticuffs also have hidden meanings. Lob Goblin should be a pun on hobgoblin, and the fact he lobs bombs, right? Also, I never realized Bat Spin's pun until the day I got her in my hands. The bat, in english, can be both the flying mammal or the baseball bat. And, what do you do, when you swing a bat...? Exactly. You spin. ![]() Quote: wild_defender
These are some serious ideas too! Never thought about abilities from two different characters that combine themselves. Brilliant! As of now, I only came up with some "single" character abilities, but I will try looking into that concept too. One could be covering other players with honey, using Bumble Blast, thus making them a bit slower, but also surrounded by an aggressive "shield" of bees. Another could involve Slobber Tooth swinging his tail to throw other players at the enemies, damaging them on impact and quickly helping brawler-non ranged Skylanders reach far enemies. What if Scorp could give his crystals balls to other characters, allowing even the aforementioned brawlers to effectively use ranged attacks? Or even poison other players, making their health slowly decreased for some time, but also allowing them to poison enemies on touch. Dont know if this is already possible, but Prism Break's crystals could act as a barrier. Same for Shroomboom's mushroom barrier, except it would also poison or slow down enemies (and maybe heal other players). Star Strike's orb could also be deflected by other players (not increasing it's power, so she would still be needed, during the fight). Other players could grab Terrafin's fin, while he's burrowed, and be taken around quickly. Something similar could also happen with Tread Head and Fryno. Last, but not least, Pop Fizz could give his potions to other Skylanders. I'll leave this to your immagination. ![]() There's definitely a BIG potential in this thing, something that would also add extra value to older characters, making them fresh, in a certain way.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Green Sparx
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#193 Posted: 01:21:39 16/01/2015
Those are some great ideas too!
You could have Sprocket building a turret with an ally, making the turrent have additional effects(e.g. water:freeze, life:leech seed etc). I think thats the way the game needs to go , making combos between elements would give the game so much variability, even if they were just a CPU controlled ally. Also i'd like to see more characters have special technical abilities that give you advantages like blastermind. Imagine blastermind (even though hes not super strong) being able to unlock doors in a multiplayer level that have food or temporary shield or something in them. sure other players could unlock it too but theyd have to be a sitting duck for ten seconds while they were solving the lock. I's also like to see something like this with prism break, I feel he should be able to solve light beam puzzles just by shooting his light beams.
Anyone else think Short Cut should be making jokes about running with scissors? |
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511 |
#194 Posted: 01:48:25 16/01/2015
Quote: wild_defender
I've thought this my whole life... |
Emerald Sparx
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#195 Posted: 02:06:25 16/01/2015
Quote: wild_defender
Great idea, with Sprocket! I was just about to say that. They really need to make each character truly unique, not only because of his powers, but because he influences the gameplay in a totally different way from the others. Blastermind was a great start. You could have Chill, Slam Bam or Freeze Blade freezing water in certain areas, to access secret zones, or have Food Fight using his tomatoes to regenerate other player's health randomly. That's the way they need to go, agree completely.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Emerald Sparx
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#196 Posted: 04:01:16 16/01/2015
I really like all of these ideas and personally really look forward to a TPS Skylanders in whenever year it may happen.
But hey, why not put all of these ideas into one topic to keep this one uncluttered for people who may be seeking information? Just a thought I've also got a few ideas of my own: Gill Grunt- Maybe his water cannon could be used to push away close enemies and leave some space for him to fire at them with his harpoons Jet Vac- Support like role where his vacuum can pull in ranged enemies to allow melee characters hes with attack easier. Or have his projectiles be shorter ranged, then the vacuum could be used for that Dino Rang- Could have his soul gem be able to pick up treasure an stuff. And his boomerang shield deflects projectiles Flashwing- Could lay down her gem lighthouse and have it do continuous damage. Her upgrade where shards stick to wall would be good too. She could be a very good character for keeping the enemies under wraps Hex- Her wall of bones is thicker than in TT and it hurts enemies as well. Basically a shield Warnado- His tornados can be pressed to turn his enemies around, but held to move them somewhere else while doing damage. His primary attack could be used to dodge swings from [axes, swords, hammers, etc] ___ Stone- The twists from Stone can deflect projectiles Spy _____- Super Spy Scanner can be used to target an enemy and make it so everyone on your team can see them through walls and stuff Both Stealth halves- Cloak for everyone on the team or maybe just people nearby? Both Dig halves- Underground dodging Sad thing is, there is just 1 flaw to all of these awesome ideas. Villains. |
Emerald Sparx
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#197 Posted: 09:10:59 16/01/2015
Quote: isaac343018s
Pretty cool ideas too, and, yes, I agree, we should make a separate topic. Don't see how villains would be a problem, they would work the exact same way.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
Gold Sparx
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#198 Posted: 12:23:48 16/01/2015
Sproket: "Building a sentry." "Teleporter coming right up!"
Anyway Flameslinger- Should be a sniper that cannot headshot but stack after damge instead his dash is best for moring out and escaping fights Sunburn- with his dahs and teleport sunburn is the best at close range and is used to take out the most important targets first
Emerald Sparx
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#199 Posted: 12:51:17 16/01/2015
The problem with the villains is that the portal is need for them to work. Either they'd have to rerelease the portal from trap team in a starter pack or finally release another portal owner's pack. Not necessarily a problem, but just something new to the equation. Also, with the villains, maybe what would happen is something along the lines of Trap Team with a set amount of time for the villains.
Emerald Sparx
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#200 Posted: 14:26:16 16/01/2015
Quote: isaac343018s
Well, they could also make the new Portal (if there's a new one) compatible with traps. Yes, I agree, villains are better with a timer, but, following that game's logic, they should all have abilities that can effect the gameplay even after they are gone. Some of them are already like this (Shield Shredder, Broccoli Guy, Rage Mage, Slobber Trap, Chill Bill and so on), but other ones would just need a few tweaks to work that way. For example, Chef Pepper Jack's peppers could stay even after he's gone, and could also leave a pool of lava, or Wolfgang's notes could continue to affect enemies.
”Gulp, lunch time!” Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154 |
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