
Skylanders: Lost Islands


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Water Sanctum Quest [CLOSED]
SpinCycle2 Green Sparx Gems: 444
#1 Posted: 14:03:09 18/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Finished the Quest and its all good. no issues.
Didn't see a new quest to collect from it though.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2 Posted: 14:30:38 18/12/2014
It's several days /after/ the first one ends.
(What I need is never what I want)
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#3 Posted: 15:50:48 18/12/2014
I finish that quest tomorrow .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#4 Posted: 15:52:02 18/12/2014
Quote: SpinCycle2
Finished the Quest and its all good. no issues.
Didn't see a new quest to collect from it though.

The quest to collect comes in the following update after the timed quest ends, along with the toy link tower. It will probably be in next week's update.
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#5 Posted: 16:48:12 18/12/2014
I will have collected from Orville by tomorrow, but I'm behind on collecting from the Sanctuary!
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
JetVac96 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1973
#6 Posted: 01:31:36 19/12/2014
Use gems if you have too, you'll probably spend less speeding it up rather than purchasing it from the store
"Sucks to be you!" - Jet Vac
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#7 Posted: 17:31:16 19/12/2014
I'll make it in time. Just not until tomorrow at this point.
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#8 Posted: 16:29:52 20/12/2014
Made it! I would have thought my work with this game done if not for the new elements coming.
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
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