Does anyone do a lot of physical traveling between time zones? If so, do you worry about your island at all, or just let it go with the flow?
I was recently in another time zone, and didn't give it much thought. On the way east, I didn't notice anything strange. When I returned home, I collected from most things, then all of a sudden saw that many items were ready for collection again. At first I was confused, wondering how it could have crashed without so much as blinking, but then I realized what had happened. Confirmed by seeing how much time I had left on a toy link tower that I had just collected.
I just let my iPad figure out the time on its own. Haven't given it any thought since the initial set-up. I'm actually a bit impressed that Lost Islands could respond to a change in detected time on the fly like that and respond so smoothly.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Mobile > Skylanders: Lost Islands > Travel between Time Zones
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arkhamhorrorfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1581 |
#1 Posted: 11:11:22 15/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Gold Sparx
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#2 Posted: 12:17:20 15/12/2014
Lost Islands looks at your device clock to tell the time. If your device is set to automatically detect the time, then when you change time zones, it will automatically change. So it's not Lost Islands that responds to the time change, but your device.
arkhamhorrorfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1581 |
#3 Posted: 12:45:33 15/12/2014 | Topic Creator
And yet I, after physically changing time zones, I checked e-mail, did some other web surfing, and played at least one other game. I was then in Lost Islands long enough to collect everything (>8 hours since I'd last checked, so everything was ready) and re-load some houses. I do agree that it's my device that's set to detect. Strange that it happened mid-game though, and I'm impressed that a game based on time responded so smoothly.
Dark fhoenix
Emerald Sparx
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#4 Posted: 13:17:07 15/12/2014
Never tried it in my life .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw |
Blue Sparx
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#5 Posted: 18:17:26 17/12/2014
that's the first way I ever TT'd. I'd set my Zone to one away and then back for collection. And we do travel one zone away. When we change it is usually not connected to the cloud.
I did manually change it once--the ipad hadn't changed automatically--and since I was connected, the game noticed it changed, and asked me to change it back--I did, saved it and then switched it to airplane mode. and now I don't mess with time at all. I keep the game airplane mode when we travel, but connect at our destination, and as long as my clock is current, I don't care either |
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