

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Forgotten mobile apps? [CLOSED]
Portal King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1324
#1 Posted: 23:48:02 13/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Have they forgotten about lost islands or battle grounds ? I know maybe they replaced the trap team game with battle grounds but what about lost islands ? They have only updated the regular new characters what about nitro and legendarys and now winterfest ? Can anyone tell me if I enter the variants new code if the variants Pop up. thanks
You need superchargers gear in Toronto? I'm your guy.
Add me on the wii u (Mario200) see ya on the track!
TTD Hunter Gems: 6328
#2 Posted: 23:55:40 13/12/2014
I was just thinking about that, the only one I really play is cloud patrol and that hasn't even got swap force in it yet. I used to play battlegrounds but I had to delete it as it was taking up too much space on my phone, but that hasn't got trap team in it yet. But sorry, not sure about lost island, never really got into that.
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#3 Posted: 00:38:21 14/12/2014
you should post here...
Ha! HA, sage ich.
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#4 Posted: 01:33:17 14/12/2014
Lost Islands is alive and well with an update every week. Just check the mobile forums.
Portal King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1324
#5 Posted: 13:15:32 14/12/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: obidawsn
Lost Islands is alive and well with an update every week. Just check the mobile forums.

If they have a update each week why no variants available yet.
You need superchargers gear in Toronto? I'm your guy.
Add me on the wii u (Mario200) see ya on the track!
Portal King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1324
#6 Posted: 13:21:49 14/12/2014 | Topic Creator
I wish they would recognize people who still play these games and not only focus on the trap team app. I mostly play lost islands. Also deleted battle grounds since it looked like they won't update it. But I've loved lost islands and hope they update it. Thanks for the replys. If anyone knows anything on how to get the new trap team variants on lost islands it would be greatly appreciaappreciate it
You need superchargers gear in Toronto? I'm your guy.
Add me on the wii u (Mario200) see ya on the track!
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#7 Posted: 15:56:25 14/12/2014
Quote: Portal King
I wish they would recognize people who still play these games and not only focus on the trap team app. I mostly play lost islands. Also deleted battle grounds since it looked like they won't update it. But I've loved lost islands and hope they update it. Thanks for the replys. If anyone knows anything on how to get the new trap team variants on lost islands it would be greatly appreciaappreciate it

But... Lost Islands still gets updates... right?

Besides, they aren't going to abandon LI already, just wait for the updates, I don't see why they wouldn't add the variants, just wait......
Also, I believe Battlegrounds is over... Which is sad, because I liked that game...
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#8 Posted: 16:00:47 14/12/2014
Quote: Badwolfmichael
Quote: Portal King
I wish they would recognize people who still play these games and not only focus on the trap team app. I mostly play lost islands. Also deleted battle grounds since it looked like they won't update it. But I've loved lost islands and hope they update it. Thanks for the replys. If anyone knows anything on how to get the new trap team variants on lost islands it would be greatly appreciaappreciate it

But... Lost Islands still gets updates... right?

Besides, they aren't going to abandon LI already, just wait for the updates, I don't see why they wouldn't add the variants, just wait......
Also, I believe Battlegrounds is over... Which is sad, because I liked that game...

i see no reason to upgrade battleground. its not an app like lost island, battleground is an actual game.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#9 Posted: 16:08:34 14/12/2014
Quote: CountMoneyBone
Quote: Badwolfmichael
Quote: Portal King
I wish they would recognize people who still play these games and not only focus on the trap team app. I mostly play lost islands. Also deleted battle grounds since it looked like they won't update it. But I've loved lost islands and hope they update it. Thanks for the replys. If anyone knows anything on how to get the new trap team variants on lost islands it would be greatly appreciaappreciate it

But... Lost Islands still gets updates... right?

Besides, they aren't going to abandon LI already, just wait for the updates, I don't see why they wouldn't add the variants, just wait......
Also, I believe Battlegrounds is over... Which is sad, because I liked that game...

i see no reason to upgrade battleground. its not an app like lost island, battleground is an actual game.

But... battlegrounds IS an app. What are you trying to say?
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#10 Posted: 16:17:33 14/12/2014
Quote: Badwolfmichael
Quote: CountMoneyBone
Quote: Badwolfmichael

But... Lost Islands still gets updates... right?

Besides, they aren't going to abandon LI already, just wait for the updates, I don't see why they wouldn't add the variants, just wait......
Also, I believe Battlegrounds is over... Which is sad, because I liked that game...

i see no reason to upgrade battleground. its not an app like lost island, battleground is an actual game.

But... battlegrounds IS an app. What are you trying to say?

an app is something that have micros-transactions and constantly need updates to keep what they are selling irrelevant... a game dont need this.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#11 Posted: 16:32:20 14/12/2014
Quote: CountMoneyBone
Quote: Badwolfmichael
Quote: CountMoneyBone

i see no reason to upgrade battleground. its not an app like lost island, battleground is an actual game.

But... battlegrounds IS an app. What are you trying to say?

an app is something that have micros-transactions and constantly need updates to keep what they are selling irrelevant... a game dont need this.

Ah, I see now.
I still wish Battlegrounds was updated with Trap Team characters..
LightStarStrike Blue Sparx Gems: 609
#12 Posted: 16:48:11 14/12/2014
What variants? There is a Merry Snap Shot in the wishing well. LI is very up to date.
darkrai848 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096
#13 Posted: 17:08:57 14/12/2014
from past years they do not add all the variants as they are released. They add them 1 at a time over the year.
If you like toys to life, you might be interested in Lightseekers!
tronixton Red Sparx Gems: 57
#14 Posted: 18:26:05 14/12/2014
its probably like the situation with doom stone and kickoff countdown. They were available when linked, but not purchaseable with gems.
skylanders:37,39? something. traps:5 infinity:~6? Amiibo:2, why cant I find fox?! I mean seriously, its fox!
Pacifickarma Yellow Sparx Gems: 1268
#15 Posted: 19:43:59 16/12/2014
I can say that Winterfest Lobstar and the Dark Edition starters are not recognized as variants in Lost Islands.
Skylander3112 Gold Sparx Gems: 2128
#16 Posted: 20:11:38 16/12/2014
I want Battlegrounds with Trap Team back!
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