darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Mobile > Skylanders: Lost Islands > Trap team woes. Ideas?
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Bolthar Green Sparx Gems: 417 |
#1 Posted: 05:03:05 09/12/2014 | Topic Creator
How in the heck do you get invaded???? I am getting invaded like once a week. I only have three trap team elements earth, water and tech. Whenever I get invaded I never get the element type I have either. I have a capture 3 quest that has been sitting at 1/3 done for weeks on end. I have a ton of traction I have over 20+ keys of each type so I get alot of blue crystal spawns just hardly any invasions and when I do they are off elements I do not have.
Gold Sparx
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#2 Posted: 13:38:31 09/12/2014
It is very random. There hasn't been any rhyme or reason of getting them to invade. I finally captured my last villain, yesterday. So now they are all unlocked.
Ben98gs Green Sparx Gems: 491 |
#3 Posted: 14:58:06 09/12/2014
All??? How did you do the magic Gillian? That is the last one I have to unlock.
Yellow Sparx
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#4 Posted: 15:56:12 09/12/2014
He paid gems to do it. I've done the same. And will probably never capture that villain again...
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned... |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:56:39 09/12/2014 by midas73
Gold Sparx
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#5 Posted: 16:51:07 09/12/2014
Yeah. I had plenty of gems, so I went ahead and paid it just to get him, but I've ignored him since. Once I can start getting magic traps, I'll trap him again. He was a bit useful, especially stacked with another villain. Since Painyatta gives a chest with every mob, that means, at least, one gem for every mob available. Stack that with Buzzer Beak (makes more invaders appear) and especially with Chill Bill (instantly opens chests), then you have a really great combo.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:00:57 09/12/2014 by obidawsn
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#6 Posted: 17:59:41 09/12/2014
Quote: obidawsn
It's been five days since I've been invaded, and only two villains last week - a pain since Holiday Snap Shot is stuck on his quest awaiting another invader. He is already 15, so that's all that is left before he is "done". Good luck getting Painyatta with Buzzer Beak and/or Chill Bill at the same time. It would be nice to have more invasions, at least then you might have to decide whether to trap them or not based on what they do - because now (except for Painyatta) I have way more traps than invaders to put in them. I still think it would be cool if they had some minor negative effect on your kingdom is they were left to roam. It would definitely put some decision making into the process, particularly if they were more common. |
Blue Sparx
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#7 Posted: 18:00:07 09/12/2014
Quote: obidawsn
I had Buzzer Beak yesterday and did not notice an increase of invaders. I check regularly during the day, sometimes every hour if I can get to it. Also Tussle Sprout did not a thing for my game. I had only 1 tree grow for 2 days. |
Gold Sparx
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#8 Posted: 18:04:45 09/12/2014
The time that I did have Painyatta, I actually did have Chill Bill. I had lots of sheep and trolls around, so I racked up real quick.
As for Buzzer Beak, I can't say for sure, but I did finally get Tussle Sprout, yesterday, and have actually seen less plants spawn. Maybe that's actually a bonus ![]() |
Yellow Sparx
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#9 Posted: 19:19:21 09/12/2014
Oh yeah. I forgot what painyatta's bonus was. That's not a bad bonus if I have the traps for him. Otherwise, no. And while combos are great, since villains are random and relatively rare (I might get invaded once per week by some villains) you'd have to be fairly lucky to get 2 villains with "stackable" bonuses. Having said that, the time I got painyatta I also had chill bill and buzzer beak, so it was a very nice combo.
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned... |
Blue Sparx
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#10 Posted: 23:37:25 17/12/2014
Ok it has now been 5 days and not a single villain has appeard.
I play all day connect to Internet and not connected. I even some times play a 3am if I get up to let the dog out. Any ideas what I can do to get them? |
ABennett Blue Sparx Gems: 865 |
#11 Posted: 23:56:21 17/12/2014
I find villains most likely to turn up when I have not been playing for some time - on a weekend if I check in every hour or so I almost never get one. Potentially you're checking TOO often and actually reducing your chances of villains arriving.
Dark fhoenix
Emerald Sparx
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#12 Posted: 08:08:28 18/12/2014
I am not bothering to waste any resources to get Painyatta until i have a Magic TrapMaster .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw |
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