
Skylanders: Lost Islands


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can not find traptanium on islands [CLOSED]
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3345
#1 Posted: 04:35:25 30/11/2014 | Topic Creator
Any tips?
dark52 let me change my username you coward
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#2 Posted: 08:40:10 30/11/2014
They dont last very long so first thing you do is scan all your islands when your switch on the game.
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#3 Posted: 15:32:39 30/11/2014
I used to not get much until I cleared a big chunk of my islands. You have to have plenty of space for sheep/trolls/traptanium/etc. to spawn. Some have also said that they've had better luck by force closing the app and reopening it every once in a while.
arkhamhorrorfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1581
#4 Posted: 17:43:48 30/11/2014
It's also pretty random. I'll go multiple days in a row without seeing any, and then have a day where there are 2 waiting every time I open the app. As long as you have plenty of open space for them, the only other real tip is be patient (assuming you are scanning first thing, as Df pointed out)
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#5 Posted: 18:56:29 30/11/2014
I cleared a big chunk of my islands and still get very, very few. Fortunately, most of the villains aren't really worth trapping so it doesn't matter a ton.
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
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