darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Video Gaming > The Official All Purpose Amiibo topic!
Platinum Sparx
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#51 Posted: 02:36:57 18/12/2014
Darn, Rosalina was one of only 2 I actually wanted.... Well, hope I can find her later on....
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored. |
Yellow Sparx
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#52 Posted: 02:55:32 18/12/2014
I'm really hoping to get pit!
Still trying to recruit to my dragon army:S2 Bash, S2 Zap, Thorn Horn Camo, S1 Whirlwind,s1 Cynder |
Green Sparx
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#53 Posted: 03:11:02 18/12/2014
Quote: DragonShine
I can't find any online stock for him anywhere and it is selling for 35-40 bucks on amazon so he appears to be another impossible to find amiibo. It seems like if you want any of the non-core characters you need to pre-order them. A lesson I learned too late. I have Shulk, Mega-Man and Sonic pre-ordered for Wave 3. I'm just deciding if I want to pre-order any more. Walmart surprisingly still has Ike pre-orders up, I'm tempted. |
Platinum Sparx
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#54 Posted: 14:50:03 18/12/2014
While my friend who works at a toy store will likely secure Rosalina for me if they get her, I pre-ordered her off of Amazon Germany last night, as a back up. I refuse to miss her, she's my favourite Nintendo character and I've wanted her in Smash since Brawl too. I'm feeling really sorry for US fans of Rosalina, as she's gonna be pricey for you guys if you can't get her from Target - you'd have to import and pay for shipping, or go with super expensive eBay prices.
Also, the Pit Amiibo is still available on Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ninten...ttle+mac+amiibo
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Big Green
Platinum Sparx
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#55 Posted: 20:11:33 18/12/2014
![]() uhuhuhuh |
Green Sparx
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#56 Posted: 16:42:53 19/12/2014
TRU cancelled my Mega-Man and Sonic pre-orders, so I just went and pre-ordered them with GameStop along with King Dedede.
Green Sparx
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#57 Posted: 00:40:18 23/12/2014
Got a nice haul of amiibo for the day.
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ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#58 Posted: 01:16:00 23/12/2014
TRU cancelled a crap ton of amiibo pre-orders.
also, I NEED LUIGI!! |
Green Sparx
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#59 Posted: 01:19:58 23/12/2014
Quote: ZapNorris
They just reinstated my pre-order for Mega-Man and Sonic. After it was cancelled, I went and ordered them through GameStop. I'm deciding what to do, may just get two incase they go rare. Which it looks like Mega-Man may be. Also, I went to 3 different GameStops today and they had plenty of Luigi in all of them. Didn't see him anywhere else though. I was shocked to see Captain Falcon on the shelf at Target. |
Emerald Sparx
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#60 Posted: 03:37:51 23/12/2014
I went to Gamestop yesterday, and the only wave 2 amiibo i saw was zelda ;;
My life is complete. |
Green Sparx
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#61 Posted: 04:41:24 23/12/2014
I talked to my guy at GameStop and he told me that their local stores just got Luigi in which is why I've been seeing him there. I'm not sure exactly how amiibos ship out, but the way he described it sounds like they get a box of one character. He told me they have a 2nd wave of Diddy Kong coming in this week but that's all they are expecting for new amiibo for the rest of the new year.
It also sounds like Fox may have been "discontinued", he got a 2nd run of figures shipped out unlike Marth, Villager and WFT but supposedly there are no plans to replenish him in stores anytime soon. So if you see him somewhere I'd recommend picking him up. |
Platinum Sparx
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#62 Posted: 06:50:59 23/12/2014
Quote: Milla4Prez66
They're reimbursing customers by giving them the order again.
words. letters. filler. |
Diamond Sparx
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#63 Posted: 14:02:40 23/12/2014
Why did Nintendo under stock some Amiibos and discontinue them when a new wave comes out? Wouldn't it be better to make under stock characters a hidden gem for each box rather than making them as rare as Zenoblade?
Platinum Sparx
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#64 Posted: 16:48:47 23/12/2014
Quote: somePerson
They haven't discontinued any yet. It's just that they didn't anticipate the level of demand characters like Marth are getting. The likes of Marth will be discontinued at some point, but they haven't been already. Some stores have already been talking about re-stocking. Also, Europe has a lot of Amiibos. They were much better supplied than the US. I just casually picked up Wii Fit Trainer for a friend yesterday, at my local Argos.
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Diamond Sparx
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#65 Posted: 16:59:08 23/12/2014
Recently, Nintendo mentioned that if a certain Amiibo became discontinued or very hard to find, they may add cards with similar functionality to the Amiibos.
I can survive scalding hot coffee and being whipped for 24 hours a day. Digestive biscuits or riot. |
Green Sparx
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#66 Posted: 19:02:08 23/12/2014
The whole discontinued thing is up for a lot of debate, but stores are saying they are not getting these again unless something changes and it is creating crazy demand. I think it is possible they go out and start sending some Marth, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer and Little Mac figures out to stores again...but for now Nintendo may just want to keep driving up the demand with the craziness these rares are creating.
Also, the card thing sounds like a cheap and lazy alternative. But at least it would give people who want the amiibo for their functional purposes an opportunity to get characters for the game that they miss out on. |
Platinum Sparx
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#67 Posted: 19:31:13 23/12/2014
One of the Best Buys I've gone to told me that WFT, Villager, and Marth are listed as discontinued in their system. Target employees have also reported on Reddit that they don't show up in their systems. Currently the only proof that suggests that any of these three figures will be restocked again is TRU having recently relisted Villager on the website (though out of stock). As far as NA people are concerned, their best bet may be importing.
As for Captain Falcon and the rest, Best Buy is also telling me (and others) that the official street date has been moved to December 30th. Unlike other stores that are sputtering them out every now and then and making a big mess of things, Best Buy seems to be at least remotely trying to get a grip on things by stocking up and releasing the remaining wave 2 guys on the same day. So if you want my advice, check your local Best Buy on the 30th for Pit and Falcon. I myself currently have just Fox and my brother has Mario. I pre-ordered Lucario and a good friend here is potentially holding Pit for me. |
Platinum Sparx
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#68 Posted: 02:03:46 24/12/2014
Went out to pick my christmas gift and got Smash U, and the Zelda, Link, and Pikachu amiibos.
words. letters. filler. |
Green Sparx
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#69 Posted: 06:49:31 24/12/2014
I'm going to be at Best Buy when they open on the 30th to hopefully get Pit. If not, then my opportunity is wasted because I refuse to pay inflated prices online.
My current amiibo collection sits at: -Mario -Luigi -Yoshi -Samus -Fox -Pikachu -Donkey Kong -Diddy Kong (in box) -Captain Falcon (in box) |
Platinum Sparx
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#70 Posted: 23:56:00 24/12/2014
The collection so far (Pikachu actually belongs to my brother, though):
![]() EDIT: Was allowed to open a present from under the tree, since it hit midnight! ![]()
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:23:42 25/12/2014 by sonicbrawler182
Green Sparx
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#71 Posted: 20:29:49 25/12/2014
Little Mac is in stock at GameStop.com right now if anyone needs him. Apparently Pit was too, but he's sold out.
skylander_drew Green Sparx Gems: 462 |
#72 Posted: 22:12:58 26/12/2014
Picked up little Mac before he sold out from GameStop along with diddy last night. Also just got samus and a back in stock captain falcon from GameStop also.
FYI: use code SAVER to get free shipping until the 29th.... |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#73 Posted: 23:55:36 26/12/2014
i didn't get any amiibo for christmas.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606 |
#74 Posted: 00:24:21 27/12/2014 | Topic Creator
So far I have a Mario, Donkey Kong, and Link amiibo.
Yellow Sparx
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#75 Posted: 16:34:40 27/12/2014
Got a Yoshi amiibo, a Pikachu amiibo from my Nan and a £35 Argos voucher from my other Nan with the Argos voucher I am gonna get a Samus amiibo, a Kirby amiibo and Meta Knight when he is released.
Blue Sparx
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#76 Posted: 02:09:37 28/12/2014
I got a Link amiibo, and i trained him in a 10 minute battle. Emerged at lvl 15 and loss by 1.
MAX AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Emerald Sparx
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#77 Posted: 03:06:32 28/12/2014
I tried going shopping for some more amiibo on the 26th with my Christmas cash. I went to 3 Targets and 2 Toys R Us', and the shelves were wiped CLEAN. One of the targets only had a lone Pikachu amiibo on a peg. Now that I'm back home (went to visit family in Austin for the week), I'm gonna search at my local Toys R Us and Best Buy, because they're usually pretty reliable with Skylanders/amiibo. Here's my current collection:
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Platinum Sparx
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#78 Posted: 03:25:05 28/12/2014
My gang so far:
![]() My brother also has Pikachu and Kirby.
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Yellow Sparx
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#79 Posted: 09:42:12 28/12/2014
I got Fox and Link today.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:33:11 28/12/2014 by epicLLOYD
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#80 Posted: 16:51:14 28/12/2014
My crew is only 3 amiibos, and i only have a 2ds
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Platinum Sparx
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#81 Posted: 21:25:26 28/12/2014
Damn you, GAME.. I ordered two Marths from them over a month ago. Nothing has shown up.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then! |
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606 |
#82 Posted: 22:07:50 28/12/2014 | Topic Creator
The Amiibo's I'm planning on getting next will be Captain Falcon, Kirby, and Samus. Those Mario Kart costumes are really nice looking.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#83 Posted: 23:15:42 28/12/2014
I got Luigi, and ordered Pikachu.
Platinum Sparx
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#84 Posted: 00:41:46 29/12/2014
Quote: Matteomax
I thought GAME doesn't do international shipping?
words. letters. filler. |
Platinum Sparx
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#85 Posted: 01:17:15 29/12/2014
I currently have all except Pit, Captain Falcon, and Little Mac. Also in other news, no amiibo figures have been discontinued yet.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3 |
Platinum Sparx
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#86 Posted: 01:36:25 29/12/2014
Quote: AJAwesome
very very old news lol
words. letters. filler. |
Platinum Sparx
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#87 Posted: 02:19:49 29/12/2014
Quote: TacoMakerSkys
Eh, oh well. I just found out. ![]()
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3 |
Green Sparx
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#88 Posted: 09:36:17 29/12/2014
Still waiting on my Little Mac to arrive and the 30th is my last attempt to get Pit. I'm really jealous of anyone who has Villager but I just can't drop 40 bucks on one.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#89 Posted: 15:50:24 29/12/2014
Me too, about the villager.
I have Luigi now, and i ordered pikachu from amazon. Next is Donkey Kong. |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#90 Posted: 04:44:56 30/12/2014
PreOrdered king dedede.
Yellow Sparx
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#91 Posted: 14:21:56 30/12/2014
I'm officially hating Amiibos, they are a PITA. Cant find Pit or Captain Falcon anywhere around me.
Emerald Sparx
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#92 Posted: 18:57:31 30/12/2014
Quote: the48thronin
Nintendo is DEFINITELY having trouble figuring out how to ship these figures and estimating the demand. They think everyone prefers Mario over Fox, Marth, Capt. Falcon, etc, so where I live Mario is pretty much flooding the shelves, with occasionally (but very rarely) one or two wave 2 figures like Diddy Kong on the shelf. Some of my stores are still getting cases FULL of Mario and Pikachu instead of assorted wave 2 and wave 1 figures mixed together like Skylanders does. |
Platinum Sparx
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#93 Posted: 23:24:01 30/12/2014
Quote: TrapShadowFan
It's not Nintendo's fault. Demand is shifting more towards those figures, and what's being left is Mario and the other common figures.
words. letters. filler. |
Yellow Sparx
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#94 Posted: 23:25:15 30/12/2014
I had lots of gift cards for Christmas so I went out and bought another 4 amiibo and I even found Marth!! I picked up Donkey Kong, Samus, Kirby and Marth!!
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#95 Posted: 04:49:59 31/12/2014
Pre ordered King DedeDe from Walmart.com
Emerald Sparx
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#96 Posted: 06:02:39 31/12/2014
Well... this happened; Toys R Us accidentally listed the Pit amiibo for $999.99 on their website.
Yellow Sparx
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#97 Posted: 10:45:24 31/12/2014
I am so upset the Meta Knight pre orders are gone
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Diamond Sparx
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#98 Posted: 13:40:37 31/12/2014
My Pit and Samus figures ordered from GAME finally got shipped, about time. I also own Fox and Luigi, both maxed out.
I can survive scalding hot coffee and being whipped for 24 hours a day. Digestive biscuits or riot. |
Diamond Sparx
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#99 Posted: 15:15:20 31/12/2014
I have Kirby, Yoshi, and the SREECHY Fox (god his voice sucks). I also pre-ordered King Dedede and Shulk, but that's all I'm interested in. *shrug*
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#100 Posted: 15:20:02 31/12/2014
Target systems Are showing fox and samus as discontinued.
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