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Mirror of Mystery is Available from Gamestop online [CLOSED]
cstall04 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1050
#1 Posted: 14:37:56 15/10/2014 | Topic Creator
I just ordered a Mirror of Mystery from Gamestop where they say it should be shipped within 24 hours. I have looked all over for it and finally found somewhere where its not just a preorder. Thought I would pass the information along in case anyone else wanted to order!
Sivadreamer Gold Sparx Gems: 2821
#2 Posted: 14:44:06 15/10/2014
Thank you very much, seems a lot of Best Buys are sold out! I think they need to start having more defined release dates like Disney Infinity, it used to be fun to its just frustrating.
How many crystals should I buy VS how many will I buy!?
cstall04 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1050
#3 Posted: 14:49:33 15/10/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Sivadreamer
Thank you very much, seems a lot of Best Buys are sold out! I think they need to start having more defined release dates like Disney Infinity, it used to be fun to its just frustrating.

I agree, the WM nearest to us is usually a total bust, and any store other than that is at least an hour away, which is why I usually order all of mine! This time around however I guess Ill keep scouring stores looking for traps since who knows what you'll get if you order those because all of the same element have the same SKU!
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#4 Posted: 16:38:09 15/10/2014
Gamestop online said it's just a pre-orders be careful! And every best buy around here (approx 7) has more than 20 each and they were on sale last night for $21.99 each.. Hope this helps, good luck all! Btw, this is by far the best adv pack to date in mine and my 4 boys opinion ;-)l
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
cstall04 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1050
#5 Posted: 23:05:59 15/10/2014 | Topic Creator
When I ordered this morning it said ships within 24 hours it wasn't saying preorder, and now they're not even showing up as available. I'm hoping wires didn't get crossed somewhere along the way!
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#6 Posted: 23:45:46 15/10/2014
Same here, so I cancelled it and just traded Mario game and got it for $21.99 at BB yesterday :-) Good luck to you in your search!
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
zorlord333 Blue Sparx Gems: 865
#7 Posted: 00:07:44 16/10/2014
Saw the post and ordered it, then found it at Target. Now I need to go cancel, added bonus was they had the rest of wave 2 traps and kaos trap I needed.
finnsllc Blue Sparx Gems: 902
#8 Posted: 16:12:46 16/10/2014
got it at target yesterday FYI
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now.
skylander_chaos Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#9 Posted: 02:43:52 17/10/2014
Everything wave 2 was at GameStop in store today, including MOM adv pack!
Our collection : every Skylander, Infinity, Trap and Amiibo to date!
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