Dark Lord
Platinum Sparx
Gems: 7365
#16 Posted: 03:57:58 11/10/2014
Name: Crastan Eeth
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Ability: Unknown (Has not been discovered)
Personality: Quite a cheerful person that always seems to be smiling and doesn't try to look on downside of things, though when depressed stuff comes into view or are talked about, he usually either becomes angry toward it or looks the other way, having a deep hate for it as if trying to avoid it, he usually isn't serious but when he does get serious, he acts more focused and doesn't try to throw out his usual quips or jokes...Or various other things that would bring the situation in a better light.
History: Though he never talks about his past, Crastan used to be a delinquent, starting fights, always angry, always fighting, and even now he always wants to avenge the death of his sister and parents at the hands of a psychotic killer that hasn't been caught yet. Living alone with his uncle and refusing to go to school, he spent his days to try and get rid the pain and anger with fights and wars with gangs, people, anyone...He was top dog essentially as he was soon feared and built like a tank though his life turned around when a man beat him once at his own game, and almost being beaten to death, he was given interesting advice that changed him and he ever found out he started chasing...Wanting to look for this man, he asked his uncle he wanted to go to school again and sent him to the nearest one, Zodiac academy, where he resides, unknown, of his Zodiac sign or abilities...
Appearance: His skin is sort of between pale and a bit tanned with blond hair that is brushed where it sticks out on each side, depending on the season, he wears a short sleeved, white shirt with an insignia on the front from a movie, and shorts with a lot of pockets, in winter, he wears a coat zipped all the way up with a red sweater underneath and blue pants, he has earrings on that are in the shape of twinkling stars...Or halves of ones anyways.
Other: None
Name: Irisa Satosha
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Leo
Ability: Unknown (Has not been discovered yet)
Personality: A seemingly lost and distant girl who is indifferent to almost everyone and doesn't show much in the ways of emotion, she always seems in her own world whether someone talks to her, she is apart of an activity, or just watching and listening to people, most of her reactions and speaking are dulled even within a playful or cheerful atmosphere...She tends to spend time alone just watching, observing things and in her thoughts as if working on a hard puzzle or maze within her mind that has all of her attention, because of this she tends to wander around, even in the middle of classes and lessons...Despite so, her intelligence is shown on paper rather than words or speeches, having perfect or nearly perfect grades despite going off, she is also not one much to speak...She has a tendency to think she is different from all people as if not human and also feels as though there is a big part to play for everyone, human or not...
History: She doesn't have much to her history, it not being all too special, she is from a rich family that both parents generally are away even on dinners and breakfasts, essentially almost not meeting them or knowing them, and instead who takes care of her is her out-of-job older cousin who acts like an older sister, though only being with her in recent years, this has forced her to create a wall between her and people while her parents were away, she had more emotion when a child but was still distant from people, still thinking she wasn't "one of them" as in human, even thinking this way toward her cousin but they are still both very close as of recent events, her parents soon finding her not much to interact with other people or even themselves through the school she was going to which she skipped classes on a lot but still seemed to hold much academic ability, they decided she was "special and needed to go to a special school"...This leads to her being sent to Zodiac academy as one of the new students...Despite so, she still might be found skipping classes and distancing herself.
Appearance: A pitch black hair though with some silvery streaks that are tied into a knot on one side though the other it covers her right eye, a very dead sort-of pale looking skin with a set of violet eyes, she is quite small in size, she wears a white skirt with black tights that also act as socks underneath and white shoes, a black jacket with a red bow-tie and white long-sleeved shirt underneath, she wears a black choker underneath the white color of her long-sleeved shirt and the choker is embroidered with red jewels all around it, this is her usual school attire, and sometimes depending on if her cousin catches what she is doing and where she is going out, she wears other clothing that is more casual, sometimes though she isn't caught by her and just wears this same thing if they are clean.
Other: None.
Name: Xaph
Age: 18...Or he plays it off as so, why he would lie about it is his own reasoning.
Gender: Male
Star Sign: Pisces
Ability: Unknown (Has yet to be discovered)
Personality: A serious and cold individual who doesn't seem to reveal much about himself and takes all situations serious, he doesn't show much else about his personality besides this and so it is hard to get a read on him, he does rarely bring a lighter mood with him depending on how close he is with people but it is such a rare occasion as he has issues of trust or even talking to people, he doesn't think of himself better or worse than others, just find many untrustworthy even himself which is what brings on his attitude.
Appearance: Midnight black hair with a red eye, both eyes are usually covered by hair though he occasionally brushes away the left side of hair to look with his left eye which is red though right eye is never seen, always covered by something and he also has pale skin. He wears a black trench coat with a hood always despite the season, though what does change during the seasons is the shirt underneath the coat, being a long-sleeved thin white shirt, or a gray sweater with turtleneck collar, he always wears black pants/jeans with black boots, also not mattering what season it is, he usually has his hood on, he also wears black gloves.
History: It is kept much in the dark as he usually keeps it to himself, he just ended up at Zodiac Academy one day as a student.
Other: He is sometimes seen messing with a certain item, what looks like a ring with a glass bulb that changes color like a mood-ring and has a small winding up thing on it's side that when wound up, plays music like from a music box...Though he always has it somewhere else other than on his hand and seems to be a personal object of great importance, has he gets furious if anyone other than him even touches it, though where he put it his unknown, as it doesn't seem to be in his pockets or anywhere someone would normally put it, if someone tried to steal from him or look through his belongings.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...