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Inability to hover [CLOSED]
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7857
#1 Posted: 16:59:17 23/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Is extremely annoying.

I tried twenty times to get to the gems on the ledge in Artisans and Spyro keeps bumping into the wall and falling ;__; whywhywhywhy.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#2 Posted: 17:21:37 23/09/2014
You've got to get to the exact top of that little hill to get those gems. It's not too tricky once you get the hang of it (but if you've been playing RR/GtG or YotD a lot lately, it takes a little bit to remember that you can't hover).
Slvr99 Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#3 Posted: 18:57:09 23/09/2014
One thing to note is that in Spyro 1, you jump higher if you just jump holding the button. I always get used to Charge-jumping in Spyro 2 and 3 since it's just as effective as regular jumping; But in Spyro 1, Charge-jumping actually makes your jump much less. Try jumping while walking, not charging, toward the closest part of the ledge.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7857
#4 Posted: 08:39:24 29/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Razz
You've got to get to the exact top of that little hill to get those gems. It's not too tricky once you get the hang of it (but if you've been playing RR/GtG or YotD a lot lately, it takes a little bit to remember that you can't hover).

I'm trying D: Oh yeah, I've been playing YOTD recently and keep forgetting that I can't hover smilie

Quote: Slvr99
One thing to note is that in Spyro 1, you jump higher if you just jump holding the button. I always get used to Charge-jumping in Spyro 2 and 3 since it's just as effective as regular jumping; But in Spyro 1, Charge-jumping actually makes your jump much less. Try jumping while walking, not charging, toward the closest part of the ledge.

Thanks, I'll try again lol
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#5 Posted: 08:46:42 29/09/2014
When I was a kid, I liked the fact that this game didn't have the hover, because I could never time it correctly anyway, and I thought it made it a lot easier, but in actual fact, the platforming in this game later on seems to get slightly more tricky than in 2 & 3. That's just how I feel about it. Nowadays, I can master the hover easily, and it doesn't really bother me that there is no hover in Spyro 1, I always remember that it's not there. I think I'm reminded of that because Spyro controls so differently compared to the sequels.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#6 Posted: 23:45:40 29/09/2014
Some of the jumps are quite pixel perfect. The age of the collision detection on the ledges is also really showing in this day and age. <.<;
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Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#7 Posted: 06:21:24 01/10/2014
I like hover later on in the games, don't get me wrong (especially in GtG when you could combine it with the double jump glitch and get anywhere lol) but at the same time I almost prefer it without the hover! Not only does it make it a little more difficult imo, but it gave you levels like Tree Tops, basically all of the levels in the Dream Weavers' world, and Terrace Village where you had to learn to be pretty precise with your jumping, to a point where it was almost like a puzzle to just figure out where to go and how to get there!

It was lots of fun I think. I still liked the hover addition later, but it changed the gameplay a lot!
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#8 Posted: 08:08:49 01/10/2014
I'm surprised that Goonro didn't have to buy the ability to hover from Moneybags.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#9 Posted: 18:57:08 01/10/2014
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
I'm surprised that Goonro didn't have to buy the ability to hover from Moneybags.

Perhaps Insomniac decided not to do that because they knew Moneybags could be bypassed by the double jump glitch. Yet more fuel for my wonderful conspiracy that the double jump glitch was intentionally put in Ripto's Rage! XP
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DragonDog Ripto Gems: 1798
#10 Posted: 04:58:54 25/10/2014
I know it gets annoying. Other then that the game is awesome. (I grew up with Year of the Dragon so I barely remember that there is no hover and fall to by death.)
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#11 Posted: 18:13:24 26/10/2014
This game, I just got recently so, yeah, no hover is so mean. I keep on pressing the button to try and stay up for a couple more seconds, but instead, Spyro just drops, I've even had to use the 99 lives cheat because that (well I think) up in wizard peaks.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#12 Posted: 00:56:59 27/10/2014
I actually find Spyro's slippery controls (compared to RR and YotD) more annoying. He could definitely stop on a dime in those games, but he couldn't in the original. Also, like with Mario 64, he he couldn't just turn around. He would go in a small arc that often times caused me to walk right off the stage. <.<
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#13 Posted: 21:22:48 27/10/2014
Quote: HIR
I actually find Spyro's slippery controls (compared to RR and YotD) more annoying. He could definitely stop on a dime in those games, but he couldn't in the original. Also, like with Mario 64, he he couldn't just turn around. He would go in a small arc that often times caused me to walk right off the stage. <.<

Strangely enough, I can get pretty used to how Spyro controls in the first game, probably because I've played it so many times, and so I'm able to judge how Spyro moves maybe? I'm not sure.
Attackfrog476 Red Sparx Gems: 26
#14 Posted: 02:41:39 24/12/2014
At the end of a glide, you could try charging, that usually gives Spyro and extra boost similar to the Spyro 2 double jump.
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