I can sum up a bit more, but my point is just simple.
Dark tries to do his best to keep the sire running. Some seem not to know what happends behiend the scenes.
I'm not looking for an argument or fight, just wanting to know what you all think...
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124 |
#1 Posted: 06:10:34 19/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Ever since I first joined, yes he was lazy in my first year, but in the second year I was here, he did a pretty goodjob in my opinion. We had
![]() I can sum up a bit more, but my point is just simple. Dark tries to do his best to keep the sire running. Some seem not to know what happends behiend the scenes. I'm not looking for an argument or fight, just wanting to know what you all think... |
Platinum Sparx
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#2 Posted: 06:22:37 19/09/2014
Aparting from making changes to the forum layout and such, the thing that concerns me about dark52 is his lack of tending to user concerns. There have been several instances of users, including me, being harassed by trolls/users, but dark doesn't do a thing until the very last minute when the trolling or other scenarios gets a lot worse. Like when gnarly kept posting his private information, dark didn't ban the kid for his own safety but removed his comments. He only took action at the last minute when gnarly posted his account password when the warning signs were already clear.
He apparently values the news of Skylanders that is keeping his forum going, over the concerns of his userbase. His forum monitoring has proven that.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 06:30:17 19/09/2014 by Aura24
Platinum Sparx
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#3 Posted: 06:23:47 19/09/2014
He does work on news and site aesthetic. But the problem people have is that he does very little with interacting with members and managing/moderating the forum.
Also some of his mod choices were questionable and lead to the idea that he chose them at random because he didn't want to do it at all (it took him 8 years to do it, after all). |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#4 Posted: 06:42:22 19/09/2014
Honestly, I don't get it. It seems to be a case of "he isn't doing what I want, therefore, he sux."
There are a number of members here who seem to think they know how to better run a forum, but none of them are actually up to the task of doing it. Which tells me they probably don't know as much as they think they do. Is dark perfect? Heck no. But simply because he doesn't run the forum the way you (generic you) wants, it doesn't mean he's a poor administrator of the forum - it merely means he has different objectives in mind with how he wants the forum to be ran vs. how you (generic you) believe it should be. Just because I like pineapple on my pizza and you (generic you) like sausage, it doesn't mean I have terrible taste in pizza toppings. Some people fail to understand this idea - and it typically carries over to other topics and how they choose to interact with other users. For example, "Everyone who doesn't agree with me (generic me) is a troll!" If someone (anyone) really hates how this site is ran and it causes them so much grief and unhappiness, then they should leave. It's not a matter of wanting them gone, it's a matter of common sense. Surround yourself with things that you enjoy and you will enjoy life more. Surround yourself with things that make you feel negative emotions and you will feel negative all the time. There are plenty of other sites and forums out there and you can even have your friends come along. I don't like smoking, so I don't hang around people when they're smoking. It doesn't mean I don't have friends/co-workers who smoke - it merely means that if they choose to take a smoke break, then I find something else to do for 10-15 minutes. I don't go with them, then complain about their smoking the entire time. That would be silly. ![]() The only reason I can think that someone who constantly and repeatedly complains about how this site is ran would continue to stay on the site is that they actually love all of the drama - and love it more when they can put themselves into the middle of it. |
Platinum Sparx
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#5 Posted: 06:44:39 19/09/2014
Quote: CAV
I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly did the mod thing just to keep us quiet about him not tending to the user concerns back then.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Platinum Sparx
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#6 Posted: 06:47:39 19/09/2014
@UncleBob I'm currently out of it so I'm going to keep it short for the time being.
In a way you're right that some people could dislike an admin because they don't run the site like they would. But in this instance the admin outright doesn't bother moderating the forum, opting instead to updating polls, getting news, and making the site look prettier. Yeah that's all well and good, but you shouldn't be shocked if members then complain about lackluster mods or how said admin has done nothing about a problem they have. As for leaving, well a person shouldn't be told/forced to leave their friends because the admin doesn't do the job he gave himself when he made the forum. What if someone wants to be on this site for discussions and friends, but is constantly harassed by users while the admin chooses to do nothing? They're supposed to just leave that all behind (again) because the admin doesn't do anything? That's not good moderating no matter which way you cut it. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:47:56 19/09/2014 by CAV
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#7 Posted: 06:57:42 19/09/2014
A.) Some administrators take a more "hands-off" approach towards moderating the forum. That's not a good or bad thing (so long as they're consistent, I'd say) - it's just a difference in style.
B.) No one is being told/forced to leave. It's just common sense. Why stay somewhere that makes you so gosh-darned unhappy? C.) Your friends (if they are your friends) will make an effort to keep in contact with you no matter where you go. One of the very first internet forums I was on (many, many years ago... doing some quick math... would have been in 1996 when I joined... yes, that's older than some members of this forum... 18 years ago) - the forum has since closed down (the company that ran the forum closed it and went Facebook/Twitter only) - yet I still have a few members from that forum on my Facebook (which, mind you, didn't launch until 2004 - 8 years after I started hanging out on this forum... I didn't join Facebook until several years later) that I talk with often. My wife and I have talked about taking a vacation in the city where one of them lives and hanging out with her some (and my wife doesn't even know her). Your friends are your friends, no matter what forum you call home. |
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916 |
#8 Posted: 07:26:05 19/09/2014
Because he's a piece of **** and doesn't give a crap about his userbase.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124 |
#9 Posted: 13:36:48 19/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: zer0dch
I want to see you run this site. Geez dont overreact... Anyways, I think Unclebob is kinda right, but I can see the other statements as well. |
Arc of Archives
Yellow Sparx
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#10 Posted: 14:49:56 19/09/2014
He should really add more detail to the rules and refresh the mod selection/add a couple more mods
Mod/admin situation is murky and idgaf about it any more but I've seen several notable situations that should have been handled using moderation, and have just been left alone for much longer than they should have
My new account. |
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916 |
#11 Posted: 15:56:49 19/09/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11
I have ran a site before. I'm not overreacting. I generally think he's a crappy admin. |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#12 Posted: 15:59:56 19/09/2014
Oh? Where is your site - I'd like to check it out.
Platinum Sparx
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#13 Posted: 16:28:34 19/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
A. Dark goes beyond a passive approach. It took him 8 years to get mods and more than once spam accounts came on here and posted porn all over the site. One time it was on there for several hours before Dark finally logged on and removed them. And when people expressed a desire for mods because of it, he refused (and it would be another year and a half before he finally caved in and then chose random people). Age limits can be a concern, but that was a much bigger deal and Dark more or less took his time, and then refused to get help afterwards. And when asked about why not, he never gave an answer. B. Thing is that as an admin, it's his job to make the site the most welcoming it can be and manage it well. We shouldn't have to leave a site with friends (or make our own) because the owner doesn't do much. C. While I understand where you come from here, not everybody has other ways to speak to friends. Not everybody has Skype, or Kik, or whatever other forms of communication there are. For some, dS is their only form of contact with these friends. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:31:28 19/09/2014 by CAV
Prismatic Sparx
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#14 Posted: 17:28:02 19/09/2014
The more you respond to that one guy the more it's going to derail.
But in a nutshell, his good modding stops at spambots, he prefers to post Skylanders news than deal with specific situations with users, he's totally fine with letting people under 13 run amok in this place and got some mods of questionable competence. And for the umpteenth time, doesn't update the darn rules since forever even if some new stuff cropped up and some shouldn't even apply anymore. One thing is Dark having a hands-off approach, the other is leaving the bomb for a handful of mods who can't be effective everywhere.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Platinum Sparx
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#15 Posted: 19:19:24 19/09/2014
He should be given the title 'newspaper boy' instead of admin, since he obviously cares more about the news of Skylanders and updating on Skylanders above everything else here.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Diamond Sparx
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#16 Posted: 21:37:39 19/09/2014
To him April Fools day and new Skyalnders are more important then trolls and user harassment.
Platinum Sparx
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#17 Posted: 05:52:05 20/09/2014
I haven't posted in a long time, but I wanted to say that the main problem from my own memory was lack of communication. I don't know how much has changed since I was last notably active, but that's the main thing. Regardless of whatever requests he fulfilled or what other things he did, it was more or less a one-way street of communication. Selective listening at best, passive as a norm.
The guy's just a year older than I am, and is well into the age of a potentially busy career ahead. However, he should still find some time to show that this site is still his baby. If it isn't, then I find it rather strange that this site still exists for as long as it still has.
I now have a deviantART account! Check me out at http://bmah.deviantart.com/ Post a comment if you can. Thanks everyone! |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#18 Posted: 06:52:25 20/09/2014
Quote: CAV
There are literally tens of thousands of other forums all over the internet. I seriously, seriously doubt there's a single user that can access DarkSpyro as their *only* form of contact with the outside world. Quote: Bifrost
You're right. It's way better to play the second-grade game where you yell stuff about that kid across the room to your friend who is sitting right beside you. Way better plan. |
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
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#19 Posted: 07:32:31 20/09/2014
Basically what the other users have said, specifically not Unclebob's posts.
Unclebob there's some things that should be said with what you say to others. Like when you ask them "Why do you stay on the forum [insert a thing here]?" it makes it sound like you're forcing a person out. Then you would tell them to "make your own forum" when it's a lot harder than it looks. Honestly there's those phrases that just makes me despise you a lot more, because you basically shouldn't ask/say those at all, it makes you sound like a jack ass. Why not be the better person (and I know you're basically gonna say "Take your advice" back at me) and just not say anything? Seriously in this topic you are showing some colors that are not pretty.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#20 Posted: 11:56:46 20/09/2014
When I say "Why do you stay on the forum", it is almost generally in the context of "if you hate it so much?"
I swear it's like seeing a woman in an abusive relationship... everyone knows she should just leave the guy that does so much harm to her, but she has a million excuses why she stays... and they're all that - excuses. I don't want *anyone* to leave... but I don't want *anyone* to stay here if they're so unhappy. That's just cruel. |
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124 |
#21 Posted: 15:25:07 20/09/2014 | Topic Creator
Well, looking at the things I summed up, yes, Dark looks like a "newspaper Boy" instead of a "Comunication boy."
I can see it now |
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
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#22 Posted: 16:30:16 20/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
Yeah it is, but there's also those that want to help make a change and choose to stay doing so. Because they know how bad the situation is, at the least they can do for the forums is help others. Or try to.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
Prismatic Sparx
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#23 Posted: 17:09:06 20/09/2014
Don't insist on that, Trix. If Bob doesn't care about something, no one should,that includes a better forum.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
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#24 Posted: 18:44:53 20/09/2014
Quote: Bifrost
Well if he revolves around himself like that, then shouldn't he take his own advice? He has to understand that everyone thinks a lot differently and have different reactions to things. We're not a heard of sheep.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#25 Posted: 19:14:59 20/09/2014
It's Dark's forum. It means you cannot *force* change. He has to accept it.
From the way a handful of you talk, you have so much contempt and disgust for Dark that any reasonable person would believe that you have no belief that he is accepting of change or willing to change. Some folks are still harping on things that occured *years* ago. If you have so much anger towards dark - why waste your energy just to surround yourself with something that just makes you feel so negative? Instead of constantly tearing down dark52, darkSpyro.net, and so many of the other users here - why not surround yourself with something you *do* like and try to build something of your own? Trix - if you want to show that you're a leader instead of a follower (sheep), why don't you try leading something productive? Something that isn't built upon the foundation of tearing others down? Here, let me give you a suggestion - and it is something tied to building a "better forum" - why don't yourself and a few other do something suggested in this very thread - revamp the rules. I know, I know... it's crazy... but stick with me here. Y'all can do research on the rules as they exist, rules that other successful forums use and rules that other users here have suggested. Then, combine all that together and come up with a clean, bullet pointed list of how y'all think the rules should read that you can then present to dark and the community. Before you engage into this plan though, I must as that you understand a few points: A.) It's dark's forum. He gets to decide which, if any, parts of your rule suggestions he wishes to implement. B.) It's dark's forum That didn't change from the last time I posted it. C.) Expect folks to disagree. It doesn't mean they're a troll or they're out to get you - it just means "everyone thinks a lot differently." Compromise is the key. D.) It's still dark's forum. When you and Co. finish up your proposed rules, you can present them to him - respectfully (and that doesn't include calling him names - I know that part will be hard for *many* folks in this thread) and ask (not demand) his consideration. If he declines (in whole or in part), understand that it doesn't make him "lazy" or "worthless". And always remember part D above. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#26 Posted: 19:35:50 20/09/2014
Quote: Trix Master 100
He ain't. It's much easier to nitpick other people's arguments and only end with 'don't like it leave it' when everyone's too mad to continue. Because this repeated itself in several threads; the only winning move with this kind of argument is not to play.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#27 Posted: 19:58:13 20/09/2014
...or keep throwing pop shots from the other side of the room...
Platinum Sparx
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#28 Posted: 20:05:41 20/09/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11
That's what he is, a newspaper boy. He's not an admin if he only cares about the news and the forum layout alone.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
![]() |
#29 Posted: 22:43:27 20/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
I understand it's Dark's forum, but he should at least try to take care of some user issues so people can recommend the site so Dark has a reason to keep the site. I also understand about C. I mean I had to fix some things in fanart since the mods were really irresponsible. Sure the whole thing was kind of a blood bath, but you know I got some facts through to the users of that section and now they understand. Mainly because I did get some research in and what not. (Bolded) Actually, that does sound like a good idea. But I'm pretty sure it would result in Dark probably not caring. I mean after all we have suggested some things in the rules to change, but that didn't happen. So it's really the matter if Dark actually went through it and thought about it, and we would like a sign if he went through certain things that users have said so we can at least know he has read it. The what makes him "lazy" is the fact that he didn't seem to care who the mods were on the first mod application, leading us to some abusive mods (SpyroD, Gillgrunt, etc.). And that even with actual proof a user is a returning ripto'd user he still didn't re- ban the user. Those are some of the main concerns of why we think Dark is such.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#30 Posted: 06:47:07 21/09/2014
Quote: Trix Master 100
It seems to me that if dark didn't already have a reason to keep the site running, he would have closed it by now. I mean, gosh - all folks do is attack him and call him names - I'm really not sure why he keeps the site up and running at this point. Besides, if dark is as lazy and worthless as some try and make him out to be, he probably doesn't want you recommending this forum to others. Sounds like he'd have to do *more* work... Quote:
Never assume. Quote:
Going back to the "dark closing the site thing..." - I can totally understand why dark doesn't bother trying to interact with some folks around here. They throw a fit for mods. dark agrees. People start complaining about mods before he even makes the selections official. Then, when they become official, everyone flies off the handle because they don't agree with the choices. It's a no-win for dark. |
Platinum Sparx
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#31 Posted: 06:51:45 21/09/2014
Bobby, you can try and defend darkie-kins all you want, but it won't stop us from speaking how we feel about how he's been monitoring the forums and his lack of responses to user concerns. Heck, you can make up excuses for him and it still doesn't make his actions revelant until he speaks about this himself.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:52:41 21/09/2014 by Aura24
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
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#32 Posted: 07:04:20 21/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
I mean if he were to explain himself more publicly and all, I'm sure we'd give him a break or two for at least coming clean for certain actions. It's a leader/admin that hides things under the rug all the time is what gets him the hisses. A.) Well since he added in Skylanders practically advertising it with walkthroughs and information. A lot of people come here, and advertisements will pay Dark if he were to use some ads around. Like most websites. Which is probably a reason why he keeps it up. Also the other sections don't really attack at him, it's really when a subject is brought up is when. And It's not like anyone is sending death threats or supreme flame threats like Aura has gotten before. It's just their thoughts on Dark. B.) It's not assuming when it's fact. We've tried asking for a revision on the rules. It didn't happen. C.) Okay that's electing anyone into higher power in a nutshell. We don't entirely get a say in the mod election last time, but we would at least like a recommendation topic of who'd a user recommends for the position with a reasonable paragraph. I mean that's really something I can't back up. I mean you got people and there's politics and I hate politics, but I love opinions.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#33 Posted: 07:08:26 21/09/2014
Allie-pookie, speaking out against someone is completely different that trash-talking and degrading them across the site, over and over again. There's a world of difference between "I disagree with the way X is handled" and "dark is lazy because he doesn't do things X-way."
It's like when someone disagrees with you and your default stance is to stand back and yell "Troll!", hoping that others will come and swarm beside you for protection instead of actually finding an adult way to communicate the actual point you're trying to make. |
Platinum Sparx
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#34 Posted: 07:10:43 21/09/2014
Quote: Spyrobaro
Thank you~! Someone has said it! Quote: UncleBob
And this assumption is coming from the same guy who is like the Justin Beiber fangirl of the forum: blindly defending a lazy admin on whatever decision he makes and kissing up to him like a rabid fanboy to a female celebrity.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:11:21 21/09/2014 by Aura24
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
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#35 Posted: 07:11:16 21/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
Um...You do realize that is not what Aura actually does right?
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#36 Posted: 07:23:25 21/09/2014
Quote: Spyrobaro
Maybe that's a hint? Quote:
Agreed. Quote:
Agreed. Quote:
Depends. But either way, there's got to be a happy medium between "Harping" and "Ignoring". Additionally, some folks can't separate the idea of "the flaws on the site" with "the guy who runs the site". Instead of taking an issue head-on, they choose to throw petty second-grade insults. That's even worse than ignoring the flaws... because the flaws are still there and now we have people going around throwing petty second-grade insults. Quote: Aura24
Funny - I can point out where I've said I disagree with dark. And, again, you're attacking the person by throwing out insults. Good job? Quote: Trix Master 100
Um... yeah... I'd bet I could easily pull up five posts from her in the past month where she calls one user or another a troll. It gets down to petty name calling instead of useful discourse. |
Platinum Sparx
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#37 Posted: 07:25:53 21/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
Then why go and make wild assumptions when you obviously don't know the full story of my worst time on here back in 2012? Not very smart on your end, mister kiss up.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:26:09 21/09/2014 by Aura24
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
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#38 Posted: 07:28:36 21/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
Even though the user(s) were harassing her first instead of her throwing the first insult? Look I know Aura a lot better than what you have witnessed, users actually came up to her guest book messaged her (pm and gb) with harassments. I think pointing out that they harassed her to mods was rather reasonable. Because well you don't go around harassing people to try to get them gnorc'd, it back fires.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#39 Posted: 07:33:02 21/09/2014
Quote: Aura24
#FirstWorldProblems Quote: Trix Master 100
Block feature. Granted, I'd rather it be a full ignore feature, but it would stop folks from repeatedly sending you harassing PMs and GB posts. Quote:
Report it and move on. Isn't that what Bionicle said to do? |
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
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#40 Posted: 07:37:59 21/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
(Bolded) Actually those so called "first world problems" are relevant because you are seeing from just your side and not being open minded. Yeah, but GB and PM reports go to Dark. Not the mods.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
Platinum Sparx
![]() |
#41 Posted: 07:38:03 21/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
Yeah, good excuse. Don't make assumptions when you don't know the full story, mister kiss up.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#42 Posted: 07:42:08 21/09/2014
Mean people said mean things about you on the internet. #FirstWorldProblems.
I guess that's kind of like you and Trix following me from topic to topic, calling me names and trying to bait me into a fight, over and over now? |
Platinum Sparx
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#43 Posted: 07:44:06 21/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
One topic, is enough to make you assume that me and Trix are following you? Wow, you must be very paranoid, Bobby. But keep up with your ignorance by making claims that you don't know the full details on. It's really just laughable. Seriously.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
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#44 Posted: 07:48:43 21/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
I was actually being a little more rational than I'm normally am. In case you haven't noticed I did not really call anything in this topic. I was gonna try my best to prove a point and leave, but I keep coming back to this because perhaps I just want to end it? I don't know it's just really ridiculous all together how you're siding with this and that, with no facts or evidence behind all of those statements whats so ever.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#45 Posted: 07:51:26 21/09/2014
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
![]() |
#46 Posted: 07:54:41 21/09/2014
Quote: UncleBob
Actually I was seeing what random tales were in the Wal mart topic. I just also wanted to point out that I don't see the "Big deal" was on the PJ part. Heck I didn't even call you a name in that topic either.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565 |
#47 Posted: 08:03:45 21/09/2014
Quote: Spyrobaro
That he doesn't care? That he doesn't have time for it? That he doesn't think this one particular issue is important? That he's tired of dealing with particular individuals? If you knock on someone's door three times and they don't answer, how many more times do you knock before you walk away? Quote:
Not against that at all. But we have to dial it back from "Dark is a lazy jerk because he doesn't center his world around my every whim." to something more like "Hey, I don't like this." How do we get there? Quote: UncleBob Whoops - Make that four - forgot one Quote: Trix Master 100
No problem... Quote:
Sorry, I should have specified following me around, calling me names and/or trying to bait me into fights. Someone mentioned the pajama pants thing well before I did. It wasn't until I mentioned it that you responded and you chose to respond to me instead of the first individual. Considering how often you feel the need to remind everyone you don't like getting into arguments with me, it seems silly you'd do that. Even more so over the simple idea that I don't care for people wearing pajama pants out in public. |
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