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Innovation: DI vs Skylanders [CLOSED]
melvimbe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#1 Posted: 00:31:27 15/08/2014 | Topic Creator
I honestly don't think I'm all that qualified to evaluate DI's innovations, and innovation is highly subjective, but I'm curious to hear what others think about it.

What I know that's different about DI 2.0, compared to 1.0.
- Expanded to more consoles.
- skill trees
- toy box improvements
- some characters can play in more then 1 play set

What's in TT compared to SF
- Villain gameplay and the whole trapping mechanism
- Elite figures
- mini's.
- tablet version
- Kaos mode (not 100% sure what that is yet)

I tend to lean towards skylanders being more innovated, but perhaps I'm too subjective. We'll be getting both, but I wouldn't be surprised if we are more then ready for TT by the time it releases.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10294
#2 Posted: 00:34:42 15/08/2014
Are we really going to start a franchise war here? I really hope people aren't trying to start a franchise war here, it's the lowest point of any fandom.
(What I need is never what I want)
melvimbe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#3 Posted: 00:36:05 15/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Not exactly. I keep hearing that Skylanders isn't innovating. And I'm wondering where the benchmark is.
AzarianGO Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#4 Posted: 00:36:35 15/08/2014
Quote: Bifrost
Are we really going to start a franchise war here? I really hope people aren't trying to start a franchise war here, it's the lowest point of any fandom.

Coming in and acting like that will be a catalyst to it...
228 figures, 26 traps, 24 magic items, 480 games, 19 consoles.... I have a habit.
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#5 Posted: 00:49:00 15/08/2014
It would be better to keep the DI talk in the DI thread in the video games section, Skylanders vs DI discussion reaches religious levels in the Skylanders section.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10294
#6 Posted: 00:50:26 15/08/2014
Well, last time it became a flame war and it had to be closed. It's like trying to compare Marvel and DC Comics, never ends well and it's always going to put one side in advantage.
(What I need is never what I want)
Trix Master 100 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8190
#7 Posted: 00:50:29 15/08/2014
There was a reason why all DI vs Skylander threads were closed.
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest
icon from Empoh
melvimbe Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#8 Posted: 00:51:49 15/08/2014 | Topic Creator
I guess I wrongly assumed that we could a rational and civil discussion. Sad. I guess we can close this down then.
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#9 Posted: 00:57:00 15/08/2014
Yeah it was religious last time, so many were just like: DI is junk , DI is copying everything from Skylanders. It wasn't rational and wasn't civil, which is sad.
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#10 Posted: 01:18:58 15/08/2014
I'd actually like to compare the two, but I was around last time and it was awful. I don't want to try and discuss it again, as I'm sure many people would show extreme bias, without bringing up anything interesting for the discussion.

As for the skill tree discussion: at a glance DI's seems much more interesting to me. It seems like it'll allow for much more variation.
Have you ever played Super Smash Bros.? There's a character called Mr. Game and Watch with a creative moveset based around the Game & Watch minigames he was in. He didn't have a fighting moveset in prior games. I'm not worried about characters being limited by what abilities they had in movies and such (and it's not like they haven't taken liberites with that stuff already; see Ralph/Vanellope using Cherry Bombs even though that's Candlehead's weapon, and the Toy Story characters tossing Pixar Balls). Hopefully Avalanche will actually take those liberties sometimes, so the movesets aren't too samey, though.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 01:25:30 15/08/2014 by Arc of Archives
GhostRoaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1803
#11 Posted: 02:03:46 15/08/2014
Yeah. conversation needs to be moved. Just for the record, the toys shouldn't be the only data point. The game side needs to be included, and that's where Activision is slipping in my opinion. Feature for feature, DI is including more "new stuff" this time around, although I find their quests very tedious. Skylanders is fun to play as a straight up brawler, but hasn't really innovated in the game itself and is missing important technical features DI has (multiplayer, online, etc). That's where some of the subjectivity seeps in.
RIP GhostRoaster. He's reanimated as TakeYourLemons but occasionally is resurrected from the beyond when needed.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:06:37 15/08/2014 by GhostRoaster
HippyGuy Green Sparx Gems: 151
#12 Posted: 18:10:08 15/08/2014
Yeah, thing about DI Characters with Skylanders is that all the Disney Infinity Characters already have a well established personality, universe, etc. prior being to Disney Infinity. Skylanders however just makes these characters up as it goes, so once a new Skylander is released, it has to make a 1st impression on the portal master of who it is. It isn't like Jet-Vac was in a game before Skylander Giants.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#13 Posted: 20:38:13 15/08/2014
Amiibos beat all of them so this debate is kinda pointless! :V
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#14 Posted: 22:30:00 15/08/2014
^ I'd agree except that we know next-to-nothing about their usage in games besides Smash and their usage there seems to be underwhelming and pointless, unless you use them with friends locally. I like how you can use them in multiple games with different gameplay, but that's a moot point for amiibo that are just restricted to one (not confirmed, but it's a safe bet that several will be; I want Pit's amiibo most, but I doubt I'll be able to use it in a non-Smash game soon, unless we get an Uprising sequel sooner than expected).

... And they'll probably be super-expensive here. I heard the placeholder price for Aus is $30 per amiibo, which is RIDICULOUS; even $20 wouldn't be good considering you can get a new Gimmicklander for that cost. smilie

I love Nintendo, but I just can't get excited for amiibo. I only want my favourite characters' amiibos, and while it's definitely better to have them, I can't see myself using the NFC features much because I don't think they'll be very good.

Edit: Since this has been moved to a less-biased section of the forum (or maybe just one biased the other way smilie), I decided to make a comparison and post it here.

Here's my list of what I think are notable additions to each-

Disney Infinity 2.0

  • Skill Trees
  • Dungeon Crawler/Tower Defence Toy Boxes
  • Cross-Platform Toy Box Sharing via DisneyID
  • INterior customisation
  • Portable version on Vita
  • New characters
  • New Play Sets
  • New Toy Box items
  • In Play Sets: ACTUAL CHECKPOINTS (It's more shameful how this wasn't in 1.0, though)

Skylanders: Trap Team

  • Villains and their Quests (I think it could be a fun way to upgrade them...)
  • New Skylanders
  • New levels (and more than Giants/SF!)
  • Seemingly, better lore and more "fun little touches" (pointless but fun stuff like Troll Radio), than SF
  • Skystones/Lock Puzzles are revamped
  • Full portable tablet version
  • Jumping in midair and free jump together (though this one is probably minor)

I didn't count the Minis because they're literally just old Skylanders with a smaller hitbox and dolled up look. I like their lore, but they don't really add anything new to the gameplay aside from being a slight variation of older characters. Eon's Elite are literally just more powerful versions of old Skylanders, and every one announced has had two reposes plus at least one variant, so I hardly think they're compelling. I counted Trap Masters as new Skylanders because they aren't distinct from them as the SWAP Force were from Core Skylanders in SF.

Yeah, honestly I think the villain trapping is the only major addition in Trap Team that I've seen and I'm particularly interested to play with. It doesn't seem like a bad game at all; I'll still get it because I see a lot to appreciate, but I'm not excited to mess with the additions in Trap Team like I am with DI2.0. It doesn't seem to have as much new stuff. It seems like more of TT's improvements from SF are in the design of the look and feel. At least imo.

I don't even have a compatible device for the tablet version and wouldn't want to waste data streaming the levels, so it's a moot point for me, personally. I also dislike how you're limited to digital Skylanders unless you carry around the toys, and can't "store" even one other Skylander on the game to upgrade it without the Portal on the fly. Then again, I don't really want a Vita for 2.0 on the go very much, and I don't even know if we have details on that. I kinda want one, but I have/can get most of the games for it on consoles I already have, and I'm not interested in a lot of the exclusives.
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 17:15:24 20/08/2014 by Arc of Archives
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