

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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What Video Games Are You Currently Playing? [STICKY]
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#1 Posted: 15:11:38 18/07/2014 | Topic Creator
I've made this board a couple of times in the past, so here it is again. Just give the title of the game you've most recently played.

The "I'm not playing anything because I'm on darkSpyro" aren't funny and a waste of space, so don't post them.

Anyways, Gran Turismo 6: Anniversary Edition.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:09:18 01/05/2016 by JCW555
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#2 Posted: 15:29:02 18/07/2014
at the moments its animal crossing new leaf and skylanders swap force.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#3 Posted: 15:46:25 18/07/2014
most recently: Secret Agent Clank
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
kardonis Platinum Sparx Gems: 6366
#4 Posted: 15:47:30 18/07/2014
Pokemon X, with a little bit of Shadow the hedgehog on the side.
I used to be THE Bowser, now I'm just an awkward girl
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#5 Posted: 17:50:17 18/07/2014
The most recent would be Mario Kart: Double Dash.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#6 Posted: 18:45:59 18/07/2014
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
but i love it all smooth
Iblistech Platinum Sparx Gems: 5099
#7 Posted: 04:15:11 19/07/2014
Pokemon White 2
Hail to the King, baby!
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#8 Posted: 05:16:02 19/07/2014 | Topic Creator
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

With the add-ons Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn.
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#9 Posted: 06:40:42 19/07/2014
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D and my 4th playthrough of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.
words. letters. filler.
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#10 Posted: 22:53:22 20/07/2014
Playing Persona 3 FES: The Answer (second part of game). So far so good. Don't know if it will top the first part though c:
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4670
#11 Posted: 06:59:49 21/07/2014
I hate to admit it, but I just started a new playthrough of Skyrim. smilie

I've also been quite addicted to World of Warcraft lately.
Monkey Rocket Blue Sparx Gems: 837
#12 Posted: 13:16:40 21/07/2014
Nerf N-strike and Pokemon X Atm
zer0dch Ripto Gems: 1916
#13 Posted: 13:17:35 21/07/2014
Moving onto Persona 2 Innocent Sin.
Will171717 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#14 Posted: 16:31:24 21/07/2014
The Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds, it's my first Zelda game and I LOVE IT! (Don't call me a gaming noob I've been gaming since I was like 4 years old!)
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#15 Posted: 16:42:52 21/07/2014
Team Fortress 2.

Almost at the 1,000 hour mark.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
Dark Bro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4523
#16 Posted: 16:48:18 21/07/2014
Most guitar hero games.
"The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."
Mewtwo - Pokemon:The First Movie
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#17 Posted: 19:15:23 21/07/2014
Mario Kart 8
Pokémon: Soul Silver Version
Pokémon: Diamond Version
Tamodachi Life
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
SilverWolf1129 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1891
#18 Posted: 19:23:30 21/07/2014
Pokemon Y Wonderlocke soon
Mario Kart 7
LoZ: Ocarina of Time 3D
Pokemon: White 2
It begins with them. But ends, with me. Their son. Vaxus.
Chibilove Green Sparx Gems: 400
#19 Posted: 21:37:59 21/07/2014
PC : MMO : Tera
PC : Origin : Sims 4 Beta
Console : PS3 : Skylanders: Swap Force
Console : 360 : Dance Central 2
Handheld : 3DS : Animal Crossing New Leaf

And yes i have a 40 hour a week job with a partner in crime and 2 cats, so dont say "OH WOW YOU WASTE SO MUCH TIME, YOU MUST HAVE A LOT OF TIME ON YOUR HANDS" etc, etc.
Loneliness is a disease that can lead to death They might as well be the same thing
Adria Emerald Sparx Gems: 4196
#20 Posted: 18:57:34 22/07/2014
Persona 3 (maniac run and another play through (3rd and 4th go))
Pokemon X, Y, and Emerald
Corpse Party
Bravely Default (second play through)
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
Final Fantasy [Can't remember which one]
Star Dragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 5323
#21 Posted: 22:34:46 22/07/2014
Animal Crossing: New leaf (I've started playing it again after I stopped playing it for a few months)
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (I've just got the platinum trophy but I'm still playing it to finish off a few things)
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
Peggle 2
What! Marco sent you here? I've got a restraining order against him! - Rapunzel, Spyro 3
Fatman Gold Sparx Gems: 2794
#22 Posted: 11:02:01 23/07/2014
Just finished Dragon Age 2...
[User Posted Image]
Toynerd14 Ripto Gems: 95
#23 Posted: 11:07:16 23/07/2014
BattleBlock Theater!
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#24 Posted: 12:04:23 23/07/2014
Skylanders Swap Force

Skylanders Giants
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Super Smash Bros Melee
Super Smash Bros
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#25 Posted: 17:13:21 23/07/2014
Dead Island Riptide and some Creepypasta fanmade games...
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
sniper52 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1315
#26 Posted: 12:51:35 24/07/2014
I mostly play Mario Kart 8.
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#27 Posted: 15:23:42 24/07/2014
Portal 2

"If your future self warns you not to take this test, ignore him"
They have the best safety posters ever
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Yoshicrashcart8 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3610
#28 Posted: 21:02:16 30/07/2014
Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64
smilie smilie smilie Dark element is best element. smilie smilie smilie
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8423
#29 Posted: 00:34:39 01/08/2014
Tomodachi Life.
Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#30 Posted: 00:52:34 01/08/2014
Skylanders, Slender, Infamous, Amnesia The Dark Descent, Minecraft, DC Universe Online...
mrdarkspyro Blue Sparx Gems: 918
#31 Posted: 01:15:27 01/08/2014
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for GameCube. Just got the boat curse in chapter 5. I have those bitey phrina fish.
MAX AURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
isaac343018s Emerald Sparx Gems: 4478
#32 Posted: 01:21:43 01/08/2014
I have to replay and finish all of my old Wii games so im playing:
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Bakugan Defenders of The Core
Sonic Colors
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
spyrothe111 Ripto Gems: 3702
#33 Posted: 02:08:56 01/08/2014
Sonic Heroes.
Sonic Advance.
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (Chao Garden).
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:09:38 01/08/2014 by spyrothe111
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#34 Posted: 04:29:34 01/08/2014
Crypt of the Necrodancer! Been waiting for it for almost a year and it does not disappoint! :)
RtooDetoo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1219
#35 Posted: 14:00:39 02/08/2014
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure
"Beep bop boop beep beep beep"
terrafin2299 Ripto Gems: 3418
#36 Posted: 15:42:37 02/08/2014
InFamous 2
Drache Kaiser Emerald Sparx Gems: 3136
#37 Posted: 19:53:09 02/08/2014
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition(VITA)
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9089
#38 Posted: 20:02:21 02/08/2014
Disney Infinity.
spyrothe111 Ripto Gems: 3702
#39 Posted: 00:24:46 03/08/2014
Crash Badicoot (3): Warped.
I'm going to try to get all 30 Platinum Relics... smilie
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#40 Posted: 16:44:59 11/08/2014 | Topic Creator
Guild Wars 2
Zylek Yellow Sparx Gems: 1920
#41 Posted: 16:53:21 11/08/2014
Last of Us Remastered, great game!!
Anyone know where my avatar is from?
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#42 Posted: 19:16:43 11/08/2014
saints row 4, its awesome!
Ha! HA, sage ich.
spyrothe111 Ripto Gems: 3702
#43 Posted: 19:44:28 11/08/2014
Spyro 2: Season of Flame.
Not as annoying as Season of Ice. smilie
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#44 Posted: 22:06:08 11/08/2014
Portal 2, for the nostalgia.
self professed austGAYlian
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4149
#45 Posted: 22:43:24 11/08/2014
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
Templarhunter97 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1362
#46 Posted: 00:31:21 13/08/2014
Saints Row 3 (wanting 4)
Simpsons's Road Rage
Pokemon Y
Assassin's Creed (playing them again until Unity and Rogue) (this is going to be one fun year)
Mortal Kombat 2012 edition
Sims 3.
We work in the dark to serve the light-Nothing is true-Everything is permitted.
And i am still waiting for a sequel to bully smilie
S P Y R O Blue Sparx Gems: 953
#47 Posted: 11:47:52 13/08/2014
Spyro a hero's tail
Spyro is cool, Spyro is cool. Anyone doesn't think Spyro's cool, must be a banana. smilie smilie
RatchetJukes1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1327
#48 Posted: 18:23:14 13/08/2014
InFamous 2 and Pokemon Y
smilie's resident Lombax has returned!
bonbonsalad Gold Sparx Gems: 2212
#49 Posted: 16:00:12 14/08/2014
Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3, and Tomodachi Life. I'm actually playing Tomodachi Life literally right now. Since it doesn't require active engagement, it's a good game to play while doing something else.
Gargoyles to the rescue!
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12524
#50 Posted: 17:59:50 16/08/2014 | Topic Creator
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
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