darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon > Reviews *Spoilers*
Yellow Sparx
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#101 Posted: 22:43:28 14/05/2009
i love Ember now!
I know this is not the path you would choose for me...But i have to walk my own path...and do what i know is right.... |
Red Sparx
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#102 Posted: 23:20:36 19/05/2009
I only read to the bottom of the first page, and read a horrible review. The main fails on the review were on the combat, in which the user who reviewed it apparently didn't pay attention to the first few minutes of the game. Here is a list of corrections to the fails of that review:
Fail #1: Hold (x) to fly down, let go to drop. Tap (x) to flap your wings. Fail #2: Up to go down, Down to go up. Standard flying controls for any game. Fail #3: Fighting combos (Such as ([]) ([]) ([]) ([]) (^) ) are a useful, but unnecessary to use asset in combat. They are there, but you don't need to use them. Fail #4: The camera rotation system that was used is standard among most games, and is very necessary to the game. You don't NEED to rotate the camera to your liking, but when you can, it is extremely useful. If you think you NEED to rotate the camera, go home. Fail #5: I need to check back at the review, I know there was at least one more FAIL. My review of this game: Story: 10/10 Combat: 10/10 Graphics: 10/10 Difficulty: 10/10 ----- Overall rating: 10/10 -- I missed both of the other games in the series, so I might update if I get them! Overall emotion: THIS GAME IS FRICKIN' AWESOME. Best spyro game to date. I don't believe how low people rate this game.... They just have no lives. |
Yellow Sparx
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#103 Posted: 18:19:51 20/05/2009
coool this is awsome"ember"
I know this is not the path you would choose for me...But i have to walk my own path...and do what i know is right.... |
Blue Sparx
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#104 Posted: 14:06:26 02/07/2009
overall i giv it 10/10. i had alot of fun playing DotD, hated the orbs though
Aww, I wanted to explode. |
Diamond Sparx
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#105 Posted: 03:09:31 05/07/2009
Quote: Bongoro77
Alright... let me ask you something. How many 3D action/adventure games have you played in your life time? Probably many, given we've been in the realm of 3D for over a decade now. Now, tell me how many of these games at least let you have SOME control over the camera? Many. What do they all have in common? THEY GOT GOOD REVIEWS FROM CRITICS AND PEOPLE BOUGHT THE GAME. Super Mario 64 was loved because you had complete control over the camera and rarely found yourself in a tight space and the camera angle unwitting to help you out. In DotD, there were several of these awkward times when the camera refused to assist you by remaining in a certain direction. Crash Mind Over Mutant had the exact same problem. A FIXED CAMERA IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES YOU CAN MAKE IN THE GAME. How about you go play a 3D game like Devil May Cry or God of War... where you are swarmed by enemies in much greater numbers than DotD. Notice the camera is more flexible than in DotD. Also notice how much more helpful said controllable camera is in helping you mow down your enemies (which have much more difficult AI when compared to those in DotD). Now, on to those "fighting combos." Of course you needed them! EL did a TERRIBLE job with the mana system. Even your most basic breath attacks sapped your mana twice as fast as they did in ANB and TEN. Seeing as you were constantly running out of mana, the only plausible way to make it through the action segments just begged the use of melee combos. Now, in the previous two installments, your melees were powerful and simple to perform. EL tried to add flare to DotD with unnecessary and underpowered combos like the "weak melees" and "grabbing combos." The grabbing combos were especially terrible, because upon the conclusion of the attack you found yourself exposed to counterattack from your foes unless you skillfully glided/flew away. The strong melees also sucked because they were too slow, leaving you completely open to attack while you were trying to bash a baddie. And, as I've stated. The flight mechanic DIDN'T WORK. Try playing any other 3D game with flying. Up on the control pad/stick is supposed to make you go downward, and down on the control pad/stick is supposed to make you go upward. Such has been the case with the past Spyro games. So why didn't it work? Well, it may have been a technical glitch in my PS3 (seeing as it is really old), but I had to randomly mash the control stick in different directions until I was actually flying where I wanted to. And releasing the X button generally causes you to start gliding. There is no immediate falling right on the spot you stopped over. Also, why doesn't a bottomless pit kill you in this game? I'm pretty sure a bottomless pit equaled death to the purple dragon in EVERY SINGLE OTHER SPYRO GAME. You're entitled to your opinion, good sir. But do not go bashing my review and saying that it "fails" in certain respects. Additionally, I must convey a major gripe with your review: My review of this game: Story: 10/10 Combat: 10/10 Graphics: 10/10 Difficulty: 10/10 ----- Overall rating: 10/10 Where is the evidence? The cold, hard proof that each section of the game is, in your opinion, flawless. A review is not meant to be strictly numbers... there must be conjecture to support the numerical statement! I'm afraid I simply cannot take your review at face value without your opinions backing it up, my good man. *end rant*
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Yellow Sparx
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#106 Posted: 22:33:44 10/07/2009
I don't think so. God of War on the PSP had a fixed cam, and it works really well. In DotD it works ok too. |
Diamond Sparx
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#107 Posted: 21:24:41 11/07/2009
Quote: Doppel
You forget... DotD rips off God of War in more ways than one. >.> Right, so that leaves one good game with a fixed camera. I don't feel DotD works very well with it. Especially when you're doing the fighting part. =_="
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Queen MikaTinks
Gold Sparx
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#108 Posted: 09:41:12 16/07/2009
Running/Walking: 5/10
Jumping: 3/10 Flying: 9/10 Climbing: 7/10 Ground Combat: 8/10 (Air) Jumping Combat: 8/10 (Air) Flying Combat: 3/10 Blocking: 9/10 Plot Highlights: 10/10 Graphics 10/10 Music 10/10 Camera 2/10 LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT <3
xBlu Skiesx my new account |
Diamond Sparx
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#109 Posted: 13:47:01 16/07/2009
Quote: Queen MikaTinks
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Random Sheep
Red Sparx
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#110 Posted: 13:59:56 26/07/2009
Looking at other game sites i can say that the average reviews by people who played it showed around a 7.5-8.2/10. Which is a bit higher that what the sites themselves said which was a 1-7/10 depending on where you looked.
Baa! *Jump* *Hop* *Jump* *Jump* Baa! |
Platinum Sparx
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#111 Posted: 19:43:48 26/07/2009
GameRankings is your friend.
According to that site, DotD scored as follows: Wii: 11 reviews, 65.9% Xbox 360: 37 reviews, 64.14% DS: 10 reviews, 60.6% PS2: 2 reviews, 59% PS3: 20 reviews, 58.6% The only Spyro games that got reviews and scored lower than DotD were the DS TEN, Shadow Legacy, and EtD. Fun fact: the original Spyro trilogy by Insomniac is still at the top (at 85% and above) and the highest ranking LoS game is the Xbox ANB at 71.27%. |
Random Sheep
Red Sparx
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#112 Posted: 20:53:40 26/07/2009
Quote: Razz
It does not really matter what the "professionals say" it matters about what the people say, which is varied. Those guys did not even average their scores right and rounded down so when the game was suppose to be rated a 7 they ranked it a 6. Others of those game sites were still in a nostalgic mode and did not really give the series a chance. Do not get me wrong some of those sites were really honest and ranked them fair, just some were either a little too critical or not critical enough.
Baa! *Jump* *Hop* *Jump* *Jump* Baa! |
Diamond Sparx
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#113 Posted: 00:29:22 27/07/2009
Ah, so we can blame DotD's critic failure on the fact that it just coincidentally happened to be released right around the time where nostalgia fever was in full swing with Capcom leading the charge as usual (HIR loves himself some Mega Man and Bionic Commando). Yeah, that makes complete sense. <.<;
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Platinum Sparx
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#114 Posted: 01:18:40 27/07/2009
If you look at the sales, you'll see that they seem to support what the "professional" critics said as well. DotD did not sell as well as previous games. Word of mouth must have gotten out pretty fast.
It's understandable that some people like this game and there's nothing wrong with that. But it's equally understandable that a lot of people didn't like the game and that it failed to live up to its hype. The Spyro franchise is still best known for the original Insomniac trilogy. People outside this fandom (and even a number of people within it) don't think highly of the LoS series, if they think of it at all. They haven't thought highly of the Spyro franchise since EtD nearly killed it. It's also worth noting that GameRankings does bring in reviews by small-time critics. The site's purpose is simply to gather as many reviews as they can from as many sources as possible. |
Diamond Sparx
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#115 Posted: 02:27:04 27/07/2009
I understand that EtD was the black eye of the originals. But we all need to understand that the first Spyro game Sierra (not Universal, Sierra as we know it now) published was AHT. And I feel the Eurocom did a very good job trying to bring AHT back up to the standard of the originals. And critics would agree... the game got fairly good reviews. Then Sierra just suddenly decides to end the originals there and start the LoS.
The sad thing is that each subsequent Spyro game received lower scores/sold fewer copies than its predecessor. AHT did well, ANB didn't do as well, TEN did even worse, and DotD just made too many blunders and was overly-hyped as THE GAME that would put Spyro back on to the map.
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#116 Posted: 02:48:49 27/07/2009
This game was the best Spyro game for me. I ♥ it! |
Diamond Sparx
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#117 Posted: 14:17:53 27/07/2009
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Random Sheep
Red Sparx
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#118 Posted: 14:24:56 27/07/2009
k since it would waste space quoting i will just say this good point HIR and Razz for what you said.
Too bad they switched everything and did not take their time on this game and maybe it would have had turned out better.
Baa! *Jump* *Hop* *Jump* *Jump* Baa! |
Red Sparx
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#119 Posted: 16:41:55 27/07/2009
I have a long reveiw for Wii.
First off, the graphics look really nice, everything ''brings'' me into the game. Also, what else I noticed is that 360 had some better and extra stuff added Now that made me JELOUS I never get like that! Then I saw a cutsceen, WOW to much shadows and light effects! Wow Spyro and Cynder look like SNAKES! Back to our review, anyways, loved the gameplay it made me feel like I was really there. Even if some of the attacks were a little confusing. When I was fighting Malefor, it felt... real! As for the camera, I don't think there was anything wrong with the camera,just a little confusing, But when you get the hang of it you are fine. You can't forget the levles, Sierra did amazing and everything looks very real to me, Avalar was the best though, a true quality in ALL graphics. Combat, my favorite. I loved the combat and action they have placed in the game. Breath, was powerful! All of the elements have a true reallty into looking almost real. One thing I forgot say. The cutscenes, every thing looks real, the only thing that denies the realaty, is the eyes. The anima eyes. And the free flight, that was purely amazing one problem, flying down that was hard! I rate this game 10/10 Well that is my review for Wii hope you find it true.
When you have nothing to live for, when your heart has failed you, run. You must find who you are and throw away your past. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:44:52 27/07/2009 by Thericadragon
Diamond Sparx
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#120 Posted: 01:57:05 28/07/2009
Despite some awkward motion controls... I think the Wii version was the best. According to Razz, the critics would agree with that as well. <.<;
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Random Sheep
Red Sparx
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#121 Posted: 21:33:21 28/07/2009
Quote: HIR
Yea as long as you don't shake your controller during the action scenes. I did that a few times and ended up dieing. Shook the controller instead of pressing B on accident.
Baa! *Jump* *Hop* *Jump* *Jump* Baa! |
Diamond Sparx
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#122 Posted: 22:01:43 28/07/2009
Quote: Random Sheep
I keep lifting the nunchuck to scratch my nose ( ![]() ![]() |
Light dragon
Green Sparx
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#123 Posted: 19:00:07 01/08/2009
gameplay 7/10
combat 5/10 story 9/10 (loved the ending ![]() flying 6/10 camera 5/10 (half of the time I coudnt see) overall 6/10 Not the best spyro good but a good one to end the trilogy |
DARK CINDER Ripto Gems: 1062 |
#124 Posted: 19:06:24 01/08/2009
Story 2/10 it sucked
Charictors and degsins 2/10 most were ripoffs and looked ugly Graphics 5/10 Game play 4/10 just did not feel good unlike the others in TLOS flying 5/10 was a nice little thing but it was WAY to restricted Music 7/10 most of it was coppied but guide you home was 9/10 i think Camra 3/10 but to restricet for my liking Overall 4/10 |
Blue Sparx
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#125 Posted: 23:29:01 04/08/2009
You are all lucky on this forum.
Some may know I will soon do game reviewing in a special way. I point out all (or most) bad points of the best games I've played. DOTD will be reviewed right after Starcraft. Be careful, this review is said in quite a violent way. This is why some words will be censured (but not in the video). Here's a part of the review: The Legend of Spyro: The Dawn of the Dragon has come out October 21st 2008. There's a big debate for the moment if this game is the best or not. The player's having played the old Spyro's will say NO!!! Unlike most of the new ones (like me). But thats not the point. First of all, the combats ****. All people having played The other LOS will say that. They ****. Really, Every time there's a combat, you must face a least 20 enemies at the same time. You must hit the buttons without kowing what's happening and hope you win... Also, the camera doesn't always follow Spyro (or Cynder) from behind. That's so ****ing confusing!!! That's all for the review (for the moment). I hope you enjoyed it and didn't take it too seriously. I will let you know when my reviews are ready.
-insert signature here- |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:30:43 04/08/2009 by imef
Green Sparx
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#126 Posted: 14:28:58 06/08/2009
it was extremely short but i guess OK. and sparx voice was soo annoying!!!and the actress who played cynder was horrible.. she was like spyro dont go. in a plain dull voice.
SpYrO rUlEz!! |
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019 |
#127 Posted: 02:37:26 09/08/2009
How do I put this nicely.....It sucked.Easily the worst Spyro game ever.Although I did love the voices!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:38:03 09/08/2009 by Eragon25
xx chloebabez Yellow Sparx Gems: 1087 |
#128 Posted: 02:41:51 09/08/2009
the game came out a day after my birthday! but overall i think the game was good. it just could have been longer.
Cynder 19000
Yellow Sparx
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#129 Posted: 00:48:29 19/08/2009
10/10 for me, at first i didn't like Sparx voice, but then i got used to it.
I'm batman!! Shh... |
Emerald Sparx
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#130 Posted: 04:27:09 19/08/2009
Combat: 7/10
Story: 5/10 Elements: 9/10 Flying: 6/10 Spyro's personality: 8/10 Cynder's personality: 9/10 Enviroment: 9/10 Graphics: 8/10 Fun: 6/10 Difficulty: 0/10 |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:46:35 19/08/2009 by wspyro
Gold Sparx
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#131 Posted: 20:12:41 02/09/2009
I tottaly agree! Apart from fun being, 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
I believe in Jesus Christ my Savior. If you do too and aren't scared to admit it then copy and paste this in your signature. |
Cynder46 Blue Sparx Gems: 782 |
#132 Posted: 23:25:28 02/09/2009
Whole game: 9/10. Only let down for me was it got repetitive.
Yellow Sparx
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#133 Posted: 11:13:32 07/09/2009
I'm not going to be nice to this game at all. D:
Combat: 5/10 It's an okay combat system. Story: 3/10 Not an interesting story at all. Graphics: 4/10 Not the greatest graphics. Flying: 1.5/10 Worst flying system i have ever seen. Environment: 8/10 Shiny lava! 8D Music: 4/10 Didn't notice much of the music. Difficulty: 3/10 Not a hard game. Fun: 4/10 Was a little fun. --------------------------------- Score: 32,5/80
xx chloebabez Yellow Sparx Gems: 1087 |
#134 Posted: 12:59:59 07/09/2009
story ~ 8/10 (could have been a little better and longer.
combat ~ 7/10 not bad but hard to use graphics ~ 9/10 pretty good graphics flying ~ 9/10 could have been a little higher, but still good. enviroment ~ 10/10 good, wide open spaces and nice to explore music 10/10 loved it! difficulty ~ 6/10 got stuck on a few levels fun ~ 10/10 i loved it! ------------------------------------------ total ~ 69% out of 80 % but thats my opinion. ![]() ![]() |
Green Sparx
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#135 Posted: 06:24:17 11/09/2009
Flying: 7/10 It could have been expanded, yes, but I still enjoyed it. I also despised the 'hold a" to fly down thing. It took much too long to actually land
Story: 4/10 ![]() Combat: 6/10 The camera is what messed this up. It would randomly zoom in and out Environment: 8/10 I'm just glad it wasn't as linear as the last two Difficulty: 4/10 It was of average difficulty Music: 8/10 It had an epic feel to it, sadly, it didn't seem like the game lived up to it. D: Fun: 7/10 It did kill time, and it was pretty fun. Graphics: 8/10 I thought they were good Length: 4/10 I hate when games are too short Overall, I give it a 64/100 Had to change the difficulty score due to that easy Malefor fight |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:20:51 16/09/2009 by undertow25
Blue Sparx
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#136 Posted: 17:12:17 24/09/2009
Short Review:
Graphics - 8/10 Voices - 3/10 Music/sound - 7/10 Plot - 7/10 Characters - 3/10 Gameplay - 6/10 Controls - 6/10 Combat - 7/10 OVERALL - 5/10 |
Yellow Sparx
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#137 Posted: 16:09:18 04/10/2009
10/10!!!!!IT R ROCK!!!
Red Sparx
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#138 Posted: 22:02:20 04/10/2009
Yeah, it does lack in some ways, but here's my rating:
Flying: 8/10. Not too bad, least you can flap when you want to! Running: 5/10. yeah, ok, but they need to work on it a bit more. Have you considered rating the IQ of the dragons in Single Player? 4/10. Mainly because the other dragon would only attack enemies if you would, and wouldn't help you smash gems, crystals, e.t.c. Melee ![]() Average Score for me: 8/10. A lovely game, but, needs more work on future games.... Don't get me wrong, i LOVE all the Spyro games! WEll, exept for Enter the Dragonfly...... *crys* that sucked.
xxDarkCynder5xx: The world revolves around Dragons and Cynder |
Red Sparx
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#139 Posted: 22:10:19 04/10/2009
yeah you're right...
Dotd was really good! I can't wai tfor the movie to come out! Excuse me while I play DotD on my Xbox 360 ![]()
xxDarkCynder5xx: The world revolves around Dragons and Cynder |
Green Sparx
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#140 Posted: 02:27:24 17/10/2009
http://thericadragoness.deviantart.com |
hero orc max
Blue Sparx
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#141 Posted: 19:37:18 30/10/2009
Green Sparx
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#142 Posted: 04:11:39 17/11/2009
Its a bloody great game! i play it over and over completing all 5 game save slots haha i've done 4 and have just started the last one, the flying is great and gives you so much more freedom, and the idea of the flying enemies is good, and that you can fly high but you have limited area to fly, and that a lot of the levels are based around flying which is pretty good!
10/10 overall ![]()
The Fame Monster |
Green Sparx
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#143 Posted: 05:32:14 19/11/2009
The Fame Monster |
Emerald Sparx
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#144 Posted: 02:40:24 19/12/2009
8/10... not bad, but not the best spyro game
You gotta believe! |
ElectricDragons Ripto Gems: 1138 |
#145 Posted: 10:09:17 31/12/2009
Any reason? <(
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Whitedragon Ripto Gems: 963 |
#146 Posted: 15:40:23 01/01/2010
yay spoilers
ravenouscynder Ripto Gems: 864 |
#147 Posted: 14:06:14 03/01/2010
i'd say
running/walking:4/10 flying:9/10 storyline:good plot 8/10 music:10/10 i love the music especialy the music in Avalar combat:good moves i like the one where u grab one and keep whacking them on the ground at each side 9/10 challenges:some of them were a bit annoying 7/10 graphics:the best graphics ever! 10/10 gameplay:very good gameplay 9/10 overall: this gets an 8.0 from me |
Gold Sparx
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#148 Posted: 18:01:04 03/01/2010
Combat: 5/10
Flying: 8/10 Graphics: 10/10 Storyline: 9/10 Puzzles: 1/10 (to flipping easy...xDDD) Camara: 7/10 (wouldn't work with me) Breaths: 9/10 Fury: 2/10 (I wanted a fury for each element..but they were to busy having pizza partys..yes?) Climbing: 8/10 (a little buggy sometimes..) Charac designs: 7/10 (wonderfull..but Cynder isn't purple...and Spyro isn't pink) Level designs/Levels: 10/10 (beautifull work!) Music: 10/10 (lovely music...I especially loved Twilight Falls's music!Suspensfull..yes?)
Lovatic for life. <3 The Peace Keepers ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271 |
#149 Posted: 01:47:06 11/01/2010
8.5/10 (XBOX 360)
Flying- 7/10: The game's flying is annoying. I like how it occasionally tests your skills in flying, But seriously, Why do that? Graphics- 10/10: Beautiful. I can't believe how lifelike the Valley of Avalar looked. It all has awesome effects for the attacks, too. Storyline- 6/10: Honestly, great storyline, but the amount of plotholes is too annyoing. Achievements- 9.9/10: The one achievement, Buddy system, is really challenging to get, like most others, but can get really annoying. They're fun, though. Fun- 10/10: Awesome!!! :3 Fury- 4/10: Strong but boring. It's just a breath attack now. Camera- 7/10: Decent camera that can be annoying sometimes. Music- 10/10: Just like the graphics, music isalso repeated to bring back fond memories of ANB and TEN. That's it for XBOX 360 Version ![]() 8/10 (DS Version) Fun- 7/10: It can get repetative but it's still great. Graphics- 9/10: A little cliche, but excellent for a DS game. Camera- N/A: It's always locked in place as you traverse the side- scrolling levels. Storyline- 9/10: It's missing most things from the console version, but it fits into place and doesn't have HALF as many plotholes. Well yer that's my reviews! No flame please ![]() |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:57:57 11/01/2010 by GamingMaster_76
Diamond Sparx
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#150 Posted: 22:14:22 11/01/2010
I just thought I'd make a point of showing how DotD ranks when stacked up against all the other games for each console it was released for (except mobile). These are from Metacritic.
Sony Playstation 3: Ranked 391 out of 468 titles Sony Playstation 2: Unranked Nintendo Wii: Ranked 298 out of 558 titles Nintendo DS: Ranked 545 out of 739 titles X-Box 360: Ranked 560 out of 799 titles Wow. <.<;
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