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Possible Chronicler Names [CLOSED]
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#1 Posted: 01:23:39 03/07/2014 | Topic Creator
I'm just thinking that the Chronicler maybe had a birth name that was never uncovered. I mean, in real life, it never makes sense for anyone to be born with the name "Chronicler."

Since the Chronicler's wise and philosophical, I decided to look for names he could have had at his birth. So far, I only have two possible names:
  1. Atticus, because it describes Titus Pomponius of Attica, who was a prominent (and likely wise) philosopher.
  2. Tomoki, because it describes a 'wise tree,' and since the Chronicler leads Spyro to a tree (that ended up being a humungous beast).
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#2 Posted: 17:05:42 03/07/2014
Dude, he could be named Jack, Bob, or Aether or whatever. It's been NEVER revealed as to why he became the Chronicler, and all we even know about that period is that he used to be an earth dragon. Please move the headcanon to Fandom and make it stay there.
(What I need is never what I want)
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#3 Posted: 17:26:38 03/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Bifrost, this is specific to this one game.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#4 Posted: 18:20:34 03/07/2014
This is headcanon specific to this one game. Meaning it belongs in Fandom.
(What I need is never what I want)
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#5 Posted: 18:46:18 03/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Dude, have you seen this topic from the Spyro 2 forums?
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#6 Posted: 01:33:55 04/07/2014
Spyro x Elora is somewhat canon (she kissed him at the end of RR, and his thoughts on her at the end of YotD are left up in the air but hers are quite clear). All we know about the Chronicler before he became what he is, in its entirety, is that he maybe might have been an Earth Guardian who helped build Warfang. That's it.

If you really want headcanon, here's me reading between the lines of the game: the Chronicler was alive in Malefor's time (1000 years ago) and died after putting that purple dragon in a position of power (the way Ignitus did for Spyro as his first mentor). The Chronicler's been alone in that spirit cave so long that he doesn't remember or even acknowledge that he might possibly have even had a name. In fact, he's managed to forget how much he screwed the world over with Malefor (but he, the Chronicler, is still a somewhat sinister and manipulative individual; I will never be convinced that he's not evil because his actions directly got hundreds of beings murdered, among other things). But his name when he was alive was Steven. Because otherwise it would be something goofy and obvious relating to the earth element (Rocki, Bouldar, Ignetious...). :D
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#7 Posted: 18:35:36 04/07/2014
Eh, I like him just being known by his title. It's one of those little tidbits that adds to the mystery. Although I find it very funny they give Gary Oldman "star billing" for TEN when Ignitus is in all of one major scene, while the Chronicler is helping advance the plot the whole time. Oh well. That's Hollywood I guess.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#8 Posted: 19:59:06 04/07/2014
I'm actually in agreement with you HIR, minus the part about liking the Chronicler. XD I seriously still think he's the ultimate villain; his actions are certainly those of a maniac and a manipulator. It's unintentional (like just about everything of substance in LoS) but it's still there.
TheChronicler Red Sparx Gems: 12
#9 Posted: 14:36:32 23/09/2014
Hmm... If I revealed my name... Naw, I won't
Ride out this storm... And live, to fight another day.
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