darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon > Help? *spoiler*
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DanishCynder Green Sparx Gems: 389 |
#1 Posted: 14:40:24 25/10/2008 | Topic Creator
Im in the part of attack of the golem in warfang...Im stuck in this little room-like place where Volteer is and its sealed from all sides with no switches or anything...What am I supposed to do?
Tomarrow is Platinum day!!! |
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638 |
#2 Posted: 14:44:08 25/10/2008
Just run around, look for exits, and also try flting upwards;it may not have a roof. Sorry, I can't remember what I did. Also, I skipped the part of the tutorial which tells you how to fight elite enemies. Could you tell me what to do?
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DanishCynder Green Sparx Gems: 389 |
#3 Posted: 15:17:03 25/10/2008 | Topic Creator
I tried that already... And there's no roof.
I only know how to defeat the elite bug boss, use Spyros earth darts to blast his mask off and then melee him. Im sorry that's the only one I know how to beat...
Tomarrow is Platinum day!!! |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:17:53 25/10/2008 by DanishCynder
DanishCynder Green Sparx Gems: 389 |
#4 Posted: 17:22:17 25/10/2008 | Topic Creator
Can somebody please tell me? I'm really stuck...
Tomarrow is Platinum day!!! |
Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818 |
#5 Posted: 17:46:00 25/10/2008
Just keep fighting and stay near the door in the back, eventually it'll open
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else." |
DanishCynder Green Sparx Gems: 389 |
#6 Posted: 20:00:09 25/10/2008 | Topic Creator
I did but nm I think it was the disc or something, I killed everything and I was just stuck there, but when I turned it off and back on there was a cut-scene and I was able to get out.
Tomarrow is Platinum day!!! |
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