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Where is that darn gem!? [CLOSED]
SpyroxCynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1906
#1 Posted: 13:50:15 25/10/2008 | Topic Creator
Okay, I'm in the underground ruin place, where you have to 'awaken' the four dragons by finding red gems and placing them on the statues.

I can't find the fourth one,

there is a lever that is activated by spyro's electric breath and a hole where you fall down into a hall, but the exit is blocked by a purple gate. And then this wall comes at you but you're trapped so I die every time.

How do I get that last gem?

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
Miles Tails Gold Sparx Gems: 2059
#2 Posted: 14:22:07 25/10/2008
Im at that level.... but ive only found 2....(Not having trouble finding them)
We are all chosen for greatness.....but, not all of us accept this greatness....
Pokemon Black and comming....
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12742
#3 Posted: 14:43:44 25/10/2008
Quote: Miles Tails
Im at that level.... but ive only found 2....(Not having trouble finding them)

i'm at that level to, but i stopped there because i was tired, but i'm wondering, how do you get back up to the statues to put the gems in place ? (just wondering cause i dont want to waste time figuring it out XP)
Cynder 1500 Blue Sparx Gems: 819
#4 Posted: 21:57:53 25/10/2008
A Wind-tunnel forms above where ou get the red gem, and it takes you back to the Ruin-Warfang Gate.
--- Please help my lonely dragon!
Denri Green Sparx Gems: 269
#5 Posted: 21:59:15 25/10/2008
Wait for it....


Quote: Me in a PM
You don't need to bother with underground. I didn't even know the spike wall was there. Those locked cages? They have purple grates, right? That means that Cynder can get in them. Just chose Shadow breath and walk to the grates. Use your primary breath to become a cloud. Slip underneath the grate and do whatever you need to in the little alcoves. One of them should have a lever in it that lovers a large stone thing. You exit the grate and have Cynder move to that giant stone. Have her grip the bottom of it (There's one of those purple-shiny action things there). Switch to Spyro. Have him electrocute the electrical switch. Then tow the stone across the room quickly. Just like with the raft. You need to get it all the way to the giant keyhole in one go. If you don't get by the retractable stones you have to re-electrocute the switch and try to pull across again. If you can get the stone into the hole, you pass that bit. I believe that's all you do for that crystal, but I might be mistaken. It's 12:10 AM here.
RAWR! I have ADHD. *cough42cough*
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:00:16 25/10/2008 by Denri
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