darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon > I have Prima's Guide AND I beat the game. (TIPS and SPOILERS)
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I have Prima's Guide AND I beat the game. (TIPS and SPOILERS) [CLOSED]
Denri Green Sparx Gems: 269
#1 Posted: 02:31:53 25/10/2008 | Topic Creator
Yes, I finally beat the game, so I'm going to start a new thread. Any spoilerrific questions/answers (i.e. Does Ignitus die?) MUST be put in spoiler tags here because I'm also giving advice on how to beat certain parts.
I'm answering the example question now. smilie
Yes, Ignitus dies. And then he becomes the Chronicler. He turns all blue 'n' stuff. It's coooooool.
RAWR! I have ADHD. *cough42cough*
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DarkMaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#2 Posted: 07:31:02 25/10/2008
what happens to Malefor? at the end. does he fly away?

or die (x
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#3 Posted: 07:32:39 25/10/2008
ignitus dies!!!! omg!!! that can't be ture!!! can it? omg!! he becomes the chronclier? but what about the old chronicler? what happens to him?!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:55:15 25/10/2008 by dark52
DarkMaster Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#4 Posted: 07:34:37 25/10/2008
He Sacrifces Himself.
Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818
#5 Posted: 08:04:46 25/10/2008
Quote: Skyqueen
Ignitus dies!!!! OMG!!! that can't be ture!!! can it? OMG!! he becomes the chronclier? but what about the old chronicler? what happens to him?!

Erm...I didn't know that, I was coming on here for tips, please put that in a spoiler next time
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:54:51 25/10/2008 by dark52
golemwrecker103 Green Sparx Gems: 395
#6 Posted: 02:31:24 09/11/2008
Hey Denri, I been playing the Destroyer level again, do you know where the sixth crystal before the shoulder cracks open?
/___________I'm smiling on the inside
Denri Green Sparx Gems: 269
#7 Posted: 02:33:10 09/11/2008 | Topic Creator
>< Go to my new help thread. Someone ruined this one....
RAWR! I have ADHD. *cough42cough*
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