

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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*~Fandom Paradise~* [CLOSED]
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#1 Posted: 17:37:40 31/05/2014 | Topic Creator
You've about had it with saving princesses, discovering treasures, and battling dragons, or even driving karts or partying with other heroes. These heroes, they need a break, we all need breaks. That's what the Game Master thought. He decided to whisk all these different heroes of these different universes and galaxy. The GameMaster wrote to the heroes to all these Fandoms, all the letters containing a portal to a mystical parallel universe, known as Fandom Paradise, inspired by the Game Master himself. Magic and surprises await every corner. The real reason the Game Master created this is island, was too see how far his clients went in the world...and to see if they let their guard down. Once all the messages were sent, the Game Master then realized he has accidentally spilled his Transportation Potion all over the letters, sending the envelopes to the heroes, the humans on Earth, and even...the villians.

No Mary-sues
OC's and Fandoms allowed
Villians allowed
No dramatic changes in story

Had this RP in mind for a while now. smilie

Sign up sheet:


If this goes well, I will post my sign-up sheet.
My life is complete.
Safira101 Gold Sparx Gems: 2575
#2 Posted: 17:44:27 31/05/2014
What fandoms exactly are allowed? I kind of need to know before I sign up, 'cause if my main fandom isn't allowed, then I need to think of a new character haha.
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#3 Posted: 17:46:04 31/05/2014
((Nice! I'll sign up with Ike after I get a chance smilie))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#4 Posted: 17:47:39 31/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Safira101
What fandoms exactly are allowed? I kind of need to know before I sign up, 'cause if my main fandom isn't allowed, then I need to think of a new character haha.

Umm, anywhere!

Books, anime, movies, Vocaloid, video games, CC worlds...
My life is complete.
Safira101 Gold Sparx Gems: 2575
#5 Posted: 17:59:47 31/05/2014
Homestuck?? :3

Name: Karkat Vantas
Age: 6 sweeps (about 13 years old)
Gender: Male
Fandom: Homestuck
Personality: Major jack*ss sometimes but can also be sweet sometimes. Kind of a leader.
History: What history? He hatched, built his hive, grew up, here he is. End of story.
Powers/weapons: Sickles
Other?: Loves romantic comedies and shipping but doesn't like to admit it.
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#6 Posted: 18:33:59 31/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Accepted. Probably 1 or 2 more than we can start.
My life is complete.
Safira101 Gold Sparx Gems: 2575
#7 Posted: 18:36:22 31/05/2014
Awesome. I will wait patiently. Haha smilie
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#8 Posted: 18:40:20 31/05/2014
Name: Ike
Age: Around 17
Gender: Male
Fandom: Fire Emblem
Personality: Quote:
Ike is rather naive when he is introduced, often taking things at face value. He is characterized by a kind and brave personality, and is very protective of his friends and family.
In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Ike's confidence is shown through his taunts, saying "prepare yourself" in one of them, folding his arms in the other, and in the final one taunting the enemy by holding up his sword.
- Fire emblem Wiki

History: < Can be found here
Weapon: The legendary sword Ragnell
Other?: Nope!
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#9 Posted: 18:50:10 31/05/2014 | Topic Creator

Do I even need to post my OCs? smilie

They are all in here. Everything else os pretty self-explanatory.

My life is complete.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#10 Posted: 19:57:56 31/05/2014
Name: Pit
Age: about 13 or 14 in teenage years
Gender: male
Fandom: Kid Icarus
Personality: goofy, brave, loyal, and optimistic.
Powers/weapons: Can use a variety of weapon types, from blades to cannons. Primarily uses a golden bow called Palutena's Bow.

May I use Shadmé too or should I stick to only one character? :3
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#11 Posted: 20:21:31 31/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Whatever you like! And accepted! Let's a go!

Josh was sitting quietly on her sister's bed. Josh was watching her sister sleep soundly. Suddenly, Josh heard a loud bang on the front door. "Ashlyn, somebody is at the front door!"

Josh ran down the many flight of stairs of the Gastor mansion. He opened the wide double-doors, only to find a tiny envelope. "Ugh, no company! Just an envelope!" Josh attempted to burn the envelope, only to leave the sealing a great shine on the sealing. "Bring...the envelope." Ashlyn held the envelope with both hands. She slowly opened the seal...then everything went black.


"Lord Gaztor, a message."


"It is unknown sir, only a bright yellow sealing is implanted on the front."


Gastor looked at the envelope very quickly, ripping the seal and the envelope, and then...

Everything went black.
My life is complete.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#12 Posted: 21:28:08 31/05/2014
Name: Captain Olimar
Age: Maybe in his 30's
Fandom: Pikmin
Personality: Determined, but cautious and worrisome. If you want to join him, you have to gain his trust.
History: Once coming home from a mission, his ship was struck by a meteorite and crashed on planet PNF-404. He did find many species, one being the Pikmin, which helped him to escape the planet. When he got back to his planet, his boss sold of his ship due to bankruptcy, when Olimar told his boss about the planet, his boss sent him back with a partner called Louie. They got the business out of bankruptcy and Olimar took break with his family.
Powers/weapons: Drives his ship the Dolphin around, which is followed by the Pikmin onions that follow the dolphin, carrying the Pikmin.
Other?:Has a lot of Pikmin.
Safira101 Gold Sparx Gems: 2575
#13 Posted: 21:41:33 31/05/2014
Karkat was sitting in his room, attempting to program his computer to no avail - again. He heard his lusus screech from downstairs, so he got up with a sigh to see what his crabdad wanted. In his pincers, he held a letter for the small troll. This was very strange, since letters were very uncommon on Alternia - if young trolls wanted to communicate, they would use the internet. He opened the letter, heard another screech from his lusus, and doesn't remember what happened next.
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#14 Posted: 22:10:09 31/05/2014
Ike was traveling the land, but on his own this time. In this time period that he had went missing on a journey of his own to explore the lands and fend off anyone with intentions of destroying villages or anything else evil that he came across. A letter had been caught in the wind, and he curiously picked it from the branch it had gotten caught in. Ike blinked, the letter had his name wrote on it. It had nothing else other than that written on there, and out of curiosity, opened the letter. Everything went black after that.

(Thinking about adding Marth or Roy to this smilie))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#15 Posted: 00:46:31 01/06/2014 | Topic Creator
((Accepted. Marth might be...interesting in this RP...>:3))

Josh woke up slowly. He shielded his eyes with his hand. The sun was already making his skin tingly. He smelled sea water, and! Josh got up quickly and ran to the person coincidently barbecuing near them...Jezter. Although Josh was Jezter's ancestor, he was responsible for almost wiping out the entire Gastor bloodline. Before Josh could get his hands up to fire him, Lord Gastor was too quick. He already had his shadows entangling Josh's hands. "No no no, bad Josh. Before you start yapping, look what I found."

One of Jezter's shadows showed a piece of paper to Josh. It said 'Have a fun vacation! -Game Master'

"WHO THE **** OS THIS GAME master???"
My life is complete.
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#16 Posted: 01:23:15 01/06/2014
((Ok then x3
Name: Marth
Age: 17
Gender: male
Fandom: Fire Emblem
Personality: I'll link to his wiki page
History: In wiki page as well
Powers/weapons: He has the legendary sword Falchion
Other?: Nope :3))

Ike blinked, slowly waking up. The waves washing against the shore was the first sound he heard, "Wh..What...?" He asked himself as he looked around, really confused. "How did I get here....?"
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#17 Posted: 17:21:22 01/06/2014 | Topic Creator
"Look over there!"

Josh pointed to a boy slowly opening his eyes. Josh went to wake up Ashlyn. "Get up! Get up! Where are we? I AM FREAKING OUT!"
My life is complete.
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#18 Posted: 17:21:49 01/06/2014 | Topic Creator
((Le double post))

Accepted. >:3
My life is complete.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#19 Posted: 18:08:41 01/06/2014
He had been on break for a week now, Captain Olimar was exhausted from all the traveling and monsters he was faced with. He was glad to be home, spending time with family. Olimar heard a sound outside, probably the Hocatate Post Office. He went out and grabbed his mail, it was specifically for him. The captain opened it and then....

prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#20 Posted: 18:25:03 01/06/2014
Marth smiled, It had been at least a month since the land was at peace, evil was defeated. He went to walk out the door of his castle to take a nice walk outside. Though, he found a letter on the floor in front of him, and strangely, it had his name on it. Marth curiously picked it up and opened the letter.
Next thing he knew, he had found himself waking up on a beach shore. He had also spotted someone else who had looked lost. He soon realized, it was the dark blue haired swordsman that he had met in a tournament before, what one was it..It had to be that Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament. The other guy seemed to notice him soon after, and recognized him right away.
"Marth? What are you doing here?" Ike asked, walking up to him.
"No idea whatsoever Ike." Marth said. "I don't know how i got here either.."
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#21 Posted: 20:51:34 01/06/2014
OoC: Awesome! Now the question is…should I use Kid Icarus Shadmé or human Shadmé? smilie Still deciding.

"What a GOUDA day it is outside!" Pit was looking out the window of the temple kitchen. He and Palutena were sharing a lunch today. The goddess smiled at him. "Oh, cheese puns again? Very well. I MUSTarella say I didn't see that coming."
"That's because I'm the pun king!" the angel crowed. "Nobody is CHEDDAR than me at punnery!"
"Punnery's not a word," Palutena commented.
"HAHA!" Pit replied. "You didn't include a pun! Therefore, I am the victor. SWISS was an excellent victory for the Pun King!" The two were distracted by a ringing at the doorbell. The two glanced at each other, confused, before Pit rose. "I'll get it. Hopefully it's not a MUNSTER."
Palutena shook her head, but her captain was already gone from the room.
Pit opened the door and glanced around. He blinked before he realized that a letter was on the ground. He picked it up as soon as he noticed his name in big bold letters. "Hey, Lady Palutena? Is it normal for letters to be able to ring doorbells?"
"What're you talking about, Pit?" The goddess received no answer from Pit. "…Pit?" She walked out to the doorway, but the angel was nowhere to be found. He'd been transported far, far away…

OoC: Probably the most humorous opening I've ever written. :3
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#22 Posted: 20:45:05 06/06/2014 | Topic Creator
Ashlyn bonked Josh on the head. "We should head out, find a way out of here." Ashlyn said.

Ooc: @Shadmè smilie
My life is complete.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606
#23 Posted: 05:21:57 07/06/2014
Olimar woke up on a quiet beach, he stood up and looked around, no one. He, to his own surprise, wasn't tired at all and was about the same as he opened the letter. It seemed to be early in the morning wherever he was, he had concluded by looking at the suns position, basic Hocatate Space Procedure.

As he was looking out in the sky he heard a familiar sound, it was his new ship. His original, The Dolphin, was sold off because of his employers bankruptcy. His new one was loud, rickety, sentient, and sometimes a bit of a jerk, he was hoping to sell it for a new one after working some more, but this had to wait due to his unexpected vacation. Behind it were 3 Onions, the Pikmin's aircraft. While being taken here was quite worrying, but knowing that his most valuable asset was coming with him eased it a bit.
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3600
#24 Posted: 17:37:42 10/06/2014 | Topic Creator
"Argh, this is vacation, don't get cocky with us, Gaz! "
My life is complete.
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