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Fitness, anybody? [CLOSED]
NORAYMO6 Green Sparx Gems: 305
#51 Posted: 02:57:41 24/06/2014

SAMI! I think I did good today! I near KILLED myself with that first lift, but I'm OKAY! I'll up with your schedule, THANKS AGAIN!
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9052
#52 Posted: 03:18:49 24/06/2014
I tried Crossfit with my friend yesterday.
[User Posted Image]
And I'll have you know that lasted 10 minutes. I was forced to continue.
Samius Hunter Gems: 9517
#53 Posted: 11:45:56 24/06/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: somePerson
I tried Crossfit with my friend yesterday.
[User Posted Image]
And I'll have you know that lasted 10 minutes. I was forced to continue.

Crossfit isn't the same as normal strength training + cardio. It's good for more experienced athletes, but is told to cause a lot of injuries with beginners.

You could just lift weights, do cardio and start a healthy diet. That's all you need to train your physique. Just because you don't like one form of exercise doesn't mean it's all bad.
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