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Eternal Soul [OC/CC Fantasy RP (PRIVATE)] [CLOSED]
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#1 Posted: 10:30:19 05/05/2014 | Topic Creator
[[Yes, the topic's title is stolen from my own dS FanFiction so don't blame me


Somewhere, on an island, far away from any ordinair human life. A population of humans lived peacefully together without any problems and evil. Many of these people have been training in cartain fighting skills, others were bussy with working and earning money. However, one person was aside from all. Everyone seemed to hate him, everyone seemed to dislike him. Nobody wanted him. He soon was haunted out of town and he had to make his own way of living, far from the community. He started to hate the people there. He hated them so bad.
One day, this person found a strange, green glowing crystal deep within a dead vulcano. He picked it up as green lava started to rise, covering the person all in the lava. He changed to a hidious beast. A green zombie dragon, with green liquids smoothly slipping out his body. With this new recieved powers, he started to Attack towns, small ones, and destroyed everything on his path.
One day, he decided to go for the biggest town, which nearly had become a city. He went up for the Upper God of this very island, named Sagall. Sagall decided to alert his best warrirors. But, the evil dragon had enslaved some people and trained him as his own warrior.

One day, you, as a habbitan of this island, recieve two notes. One note had a green tmplate on the back. On the other note was a blue Template, noting to Sagall's blue armor. You open both and both ask you to join. So it's either the evil side. Or the side of Sagall. Which side are you on? Or, will you be at none's side. We'll see...

BUT WAIT! There's one last thing I'd love you to hear... Only one way there is, to defeat the evil, and vica-versae. It's up to either one or the other side to find out.

  • Gore contend is allowed. You have to spoiler it, though.
  • Romance and such must be kept to PG 13 and not highter.
  • Keep OOC posts to a limit please.
  • Max 2 Characters
  • NO godmod
  • Try to put at least 5 sentences as an IC posts. If you're on a phone/3ds Please tell so, Especially if you have problems with long posts.
  • People who aren't invited, pleas do not posts for a joke or whatever. Just... I just don't want that.
  • I'm the GameMaster. You are alloud to plottwist but not to major/big.
  • Shapeshifters are alloud in this RP
  • Once you chose Evil/Good you cannot turn back.

Element: (From water to Fire, from Darkness to Light)
Role/Class: (Warrior/Made etc)

Notable things from either The Green dragon/Sagall

As an Evil one, you're loyal to the Green Dragon, and nobody else. Evil One's are sneaky but fierce in battle. They have absolute no feel for the good.

You're caring, and you're quick to defend. You will stay loyal to Sagall and you'll do evything to help the iniccent.

I'm going to add one Moderator, he/she wil lhelp me with keeping the RP clean and washed. All you have to do as a moderator is report "wrong" stuff to me may I not notice it. The moderator will keep contact with me in Skype/PM so don't worry about OOC discussions between me and the moderator. smilie

HAVE FUN smilie
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 07:31:47 13/05/2014 by NINJAsk11
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#2 Posted: 11:38:44 05/05/2014
((Reserving this.))
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#3 Posted: 07:28:48 06/05/2014 | Topic Creator
[[I'll drop more notes here incase... I dunno smilie]]

[[Posting my sheet because I'm bored...]]

Name:Zaryha[Zyra for short] Valor

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Spiecies: Poison Dragon

Zaryha is a swamp-green four legged Dragon who wields Grey(dark and light) armor on her chest, with red spikes attached to them. She has normal grass green wings with the strange patters of red-pink eyes and a lightblue pattern of waves, marked on her wings. She has a dark-red stomach and belly and wields red bracelets around her front paws. Purple spikes come in from her back and the tip of her tail looks like a flower. She has red patterns all over her body. Her fur on her head is purple.

Element: Darkness

Zaryha is able to make purple lighting drop from the sky into her foes. She prefers to attack with her claws to get the bloodiest outcome in battle. Zaryha's tip of her tail is poisonous, but looks like a big piece of candy, tricking many people to bite themselves to death. Zaryha is able to use her patterns on her wings to hypnotise her foes, she can however, only hold one person in hypnosis. Zaryha is very suicidal in combat, often giving herself up to take the damage, just to give a blow back using an Endure attack [credit to Pokemon(Move)Endure]

As a young child, Zaryha lost her parents due to a forest fire. Finding out this what the humans fault, Zaryha started to bring havoc and disaster to human towns. Being such a small child, Zaryha was hard to caputre.
One day, Zaryha had found herself sleeping in a canon and without knwoing so, a knight fired the cannon, thinking it was ready for use and the cannonball was already loaded. and it was too late. Zaryha was launched-while sleeping-into the air, onward to an unknown place.
Once away, Zaryha found her in the middle of a fortress, and twelve people stared at her. Somehow feeling welcomed, Zaryha moved in with them all. She learned to become a real fighter and a real sorceress. She found out, however, that the skills she learned where used for evil, upon humans. For the first few years, she liked it. Later on, it started to bore her out of her mind. She ran away, even though the food was good and the care was the best she ever had, she couldn't go on like this.
Being a grown-up by this time, she found herself along with the current 29 year old Azelea, who had been pointed out by Her master to take care of a child that was found on the beach all by herself. Zaryha got in love with the kid as soon as she saw her, and took the trouble over from Azelea. Taking care of the kid by herself. Doing this for over 3 years, Zaryha once got caught in a tiwster upon getting food. Once back on land, Zaryha's attitude had taken a huge twist, and, on her own. She started to cause the same havoc. Sikaran, knowing what excactly was wrong, said that it was just, a matter of time... In the hope of the kid that was taken care off.
Alvira nowedays is still hoping to see the Old Zaryha back...

Role/Class: Dragon/Sorceress

Inpulsive and unpatient. Zaryha prefers battles to be over quick and in the fastest way possible. She doesn't care if it ends with alot of blood or without any scratch. Zaryha always seems to have a preference to a bloody end for her foes. Zaryha barely cares for anybody or anything. Once you get to know her, she will try to be nice and caring, but clearly fails over and over. No wonder she joined the Shadowbrothers for a while. [Credit to Lyv for this fun idea.]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:16:52 10/05/2014 by NINJAsk11
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#4 Posted: 15:08:35 10/05/2014
Name: Nadia Pryde

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Species: Weretiger

Appearance: She stands nearly six feet tall. She has an athletic, muscular build. She has jet black hair that is kept in a raised ponytail. She has navy blue eyes. She wears a black t-shirt underneath a black leather jacket. She wears black leather pants, and black, steel-toed boots.

Element: Fire

Weapons/Powers: Her weapon of choice is a double-bladed, two-handed great sword. The blade has a strip of color down the middle of the blade that is orange with black stripes. The handle is the same, orange with black stripes. At the end of the handle there is a tiger head attached that is made of stone. She uses her element to coat herself and her sword in flames for more damage to her physical attacks.

History: Nadia wasn't born in Sagall's city, and has only recently arrived in time for the upcoming war. Her childhood was rough where she grew up. She spent her younger years competing with other warriors in training, trying to be the best she could be. Not being quite as strong as the others, she got pushed around and insulted a lot, at least until she was able to defeat the bullies that picked on her. Despite that, though, her town was peaceful. But peace in her town didn't stay as her home was attacked. Many died and the town was destroyed. Nadia lost her parents, but managed to escape with her little sister. The two moved from town to town, hoping to find a new home. However, it seemed as though trouble followed them wherever they went. Even when she had thought she found a new home and a new life, it was destroyed. Continuously losing loved ones and watching people die, Nadia swore revenge on the beast that caused all of this misery. She has continued her travels, trying to hunt this beast down. It is her rage that has kept her going all this time.

Role/Class: Warrior

Other: She wasn't born with the fire element, so she hasn't mastered it, only able to use it to power up her physical attacks at the moment. She acquired the fire element on her journey from a small red gem that she found.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#5 Posted: 15:10:58 10/05/2014 | Topic Creator
[[Accapted. Waiting for Shadme, Rickorio and maby Lyveriana]]
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#6 Posted: 15:28:05 10/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Name: Alvira Moana Valor-Drubbar Moana Valor-Drubira Moana Valor-Albar Moana Valor
[Moana=sea in Maori]

Gender: Female

Age: Alvira spiritually is 5, but 25 physically

Spiecies: Valorian Human

Alvira’s a female human shape shifter who wears a black hood all pulled over her face, her dark-blue hair covers the rest of her face nearly entirely. She wears a clear-light blue scarf. She also wears a purple T-shirt with long blue sleeve’s, also wearing red stripes around both arms. She also wears a black cape that’s extended from her hood. The green belt holds her trousers and Purple shirt intact.

Drubbar is the dragon form of Alvira, she sustains the purple shirt as well as the blue tints, hoever, she does not have sleeves and trousers, but the same color of scales and wings, her wing’s skin are deep-navy blue and both have a horn on their thumb. Her hood and cape are gone and her full head is seenable. Her hair still covers her eyes and mostly her entire face. The red striped portrets on Alvira’s clothes have changed into small belts tied around Drubbar’s legs and arms, her claws are also red. The green belt stays in place. Drubbar has a tail that ends in a flat piece with a light blue tip.

Drubira is the Evil Vampire form of Alvira, her clothes are all the same and identical to Alvira’s, hoever, She has grown fangs sticking out of her mouth and her eyes are allways red, There also somehow now is a scar all over her face. Drubira, unlike Alvira, has claws, and walks on two-toed feet. She has a tail sticking out on the back. Her hood is mostly all pulled over her face, only leaving the end of her hair seeable.

Albar Is the Evil Vampire form of Drubbar. Just like Drubbar most things stays the same, only her wings are scarred and ridged, her tail does not end in a flat piece of the tail, but in a pointy crystal. Albar, just like Drubira, has teeth sticking out and her eyes are standard red. The belts around Albar’s arms and legs are covered by pointy spikes.

Element: Water

Alvira and Drubira share the same way of fighting, although Drubira is faster in her movements, but weaker in accuracy. Alvira on the other hand is a bit slower, but her aim is better and she’s a bit smarter, thinking out plans seconds before she even fires a beam of Ice from her staff. Both Alvira and Drubira can bend water with easy swings and twists of their arms. Alvira, unlike Drubira, can use water to heal others while Drubira uses the powers to destroy and release hate.
Both possess over the same staff that can change into an icicle scythe or just into the Ice-Beam-firing staff. The crystal on the Staff can be detected and the stick can be used as a fighting stick. This stick is created of hardened blood . This blood came from Myra. An Ectaren Drubira hated the most. Once facing Myra, Drubira automatickly takes over the body to attack.

Drubbar and Albar can whip up whirlwinds and tidal waves. They can both slash with their claws but Albar can cover her claws in ice. Their bite is equal to that of a crocodile’s and they wont release until their teath fall off. Drubbar is faster then Albar, but Albar is more brutal in her fighting then Drubbar.

All four are herb-experts and will get a Power-Up by eating Valor's leafe's, a special herb that can only be used by those 4.

So, first up: Drubira got raped by Sigvar(A former evil-person-etc) and sooner Alvira got born while on top of Drubbar. As for how they got all stuck in one body? Drubira, Albar and Drubbar got cursed and they were extracted from thier bodies. Those bodies got destroyed by Vamir, another Shadowbrother who also trapped the three souls at the current 5 year old Alvira, Drubira adding 10 years to Alvira's age. Drubbar added another 5 to that age and Albar another 5 . So Alvira exculy is 5 but physically she is 25... They now continousially switch and everytime they do the shape of thier body changes. Poor Alvira is basickly a host for the three cursed souls. Alvira can extract the souls out of her body by using the amulet, but only for a limitid time and they need each others life force.

Drubira was a young explorer of 19 years old who owned a Dragon named Albar, they were known for famous explorations made to various places where darkness ruled. One day, Albar got taken away by a ShadowBrother named Sigvar, and as a price for Albar’s freedom, Drubira had to do everything Sigvar said to her, for a whole week. Why was never clear to Drubira. At the last day of the week, Sigvar took Drubira- tutored and completely weekend down- Alone. The movements after that changed everything. Drubira, unable to struggle or fight back, got raped, then threw outside with Albar landing above her.
7 months later, after a dangerous escape. Albar and Drubira took in by a lady who deeply cared for them, they could restore their wounds with grace and returned to normal, altho Drubira, after 2 more months, got an intense pain, and exculy brought a child on this world. At first Drubira wasn’t sure if she’d keep it, as it was halfly created by a ShadowBrother, but after a long time she decided to take care for it and called her Alvira.
Alvira, just like her mom Drubira, had a pet Dragon, this Dragon was named Drubbar. It sonn became clear Alvira had the same poteintial as Drubira and trained in the martial arts of the Oceanian’s.
Drubira and Albar soon left Alvira with the lady to go retrieve some stolen items, but on their travel they encountered that one ShadowBrother again… Sigvar. Sigvar, hunger for more, wanted to do the same to Drubira again, but this time Albar wasn’t locked up and defended her master. Sigvar got pissed, and latterly executed Albar in front of Drubira’s eyes. Drubira was fast enough to grab Albar’s soul and added it as a second part to her. From that moment on Drubira could shapeshift into Albar, with Albar and Drubira’s memory mixed together. They defeated Sigvar with ease. Drubira and Albar started to train on wen to use the body as a Dragon, or as an Oceanian mage.
Once home, Drubira told everything to Alvira, who, at that time was 5. But it turned out that the lady taking care of them was a ShadowBrother too, named Zyra. She cursed Alvira and Drubbar to get stuck. Drubbar's soul stuck in Alvira’s body, and atop of that, Drubira and Albar got send into Alvira as well. Now 4 souls are stuck in Alvira’s body, Alvira leeds, with the three others trailing behind her soul… As for the curse, Drubira and Albar seemed to have tracks of being Evil. But it does not matter Alvira.

Role/Class: Dragon Shape shifter

Other: All four can change thier eye color depending on thier mood/state
I made a list:

Normal light blue=Normal
Grey=Shut down, emotional closed down, unable to speak or move
Grey-blue=Dull-ish, like hypnotized
Navy blue=Shy
Crystal blue=Confident
Pink=Completely emberassed
Terquoize=Hapy/Glad/easy to go with
Purple=Dispair, semi-angry
Clear Purple=complete hate, full dispair
Purple-Red=Wants to take ravange, but not badly, remains control
Purple-ish blue="I still hate you, but I accept you"
Blue-ish brown=Feel of savety, others who are not my friends better stay away
Clear-Red+Glowing=Drubira took over, total hatred and disruptive
Yellow=Total confusion
Black=Sence of defeat and has given up
Crème=Shocked, appologizes abrupt
Brown=Aware/suspicious of somebody
Sand=Tricking, working dirty, hides secret
Pupill-Less White=Sad/Homesick/Felt shoved away
Deep blue purple=Sleepy
Orange=Commanding, will get furious is not obey'd
Grass green=In love
Red+Blue Stripes=Hatred, but saying thank you at the same time
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#7 Posted: 15:28:24 10/05/2014 | Topic Creator
[[I forgot to add personality to the sheet. Feel free to add it yourself. I'm just going to add it here]]
Alvira is very neutral and “changes just like the weather, fast.” She can be very sad at times and at other times she is realy hyper. She most often things before she does something, and will always be carefull of what is going o. She’s knowledgeable but childish at most often times. Often scared of others and acts young for her physical age. Alvira is known for working together with Drubira and pranking on with the classic “ShadowBrother-Trick”.

Drubbar is more like a friendly dragon who cares for any other person, helping them were needed and always out on the look for danger, just to get there and haunt it away. She loves to joke and play. Often just splatting around and derping. However, wen she is serious she can be dangerous, being fast paced in fights. Drubbar has a big temper, but wen you break it…

Drubira is destructive and full of hatred to almost everything, quickly jumping in the fight and hisses to almost everything. She loves to sneak up to people and give them the shivers, often cutting herself off from others and staying away. Drubira has a big hate to all Earth-elementals, as for she finds them cheap.

Albar, just like Drubira, is destructive, and full of hate. She’ll do everything to be alone and growls at everything. She a bit of a drawback and will madly slash her claws if you come too close. She’s territorial and acts like a mother just stole her babies.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#8 Posted: 05:05:25 12/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Sorry for the bump. But everyone I invited seems to gst hurt due to a simple goodvsevil plot.
Are you guys too complicated?))
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#9 Posted: 05:23:24 12/05/2014
Name: Kigali
Gender: Male
Species: Anthro Gray Fox
Appearance: Blue eyes, black shirt, jeans, sneakers, and black gloves
Element: Light
Weapons/Powers: Stone and Gold Club, can heal people, if he touches someone without his gloves on, they die seconds later
History: Was born in a lab as part of an experiment to see if animals could be as smart as humans. He escaped, killing 20 people. He was called a monster and he believed it, until Sigall sent him the letter, asking for his help. He accepted and now joins the others in the quest to end the green dragon's conquest.
Role: Good guy/warrior-healer
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#10 Posted: 05:26:42 12/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Hmng....finally. accapted))
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#11 Posted: 18:30:18 17/05/2014
Name: Jason Grace
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Spiecies: Human
Appearance: He stands at about 6'1' and has a very tanned skin color. Not too tanned, so as not to look like an orange, but really tan. He is also lightly muscled. He has a high jawbone and cheekbone, with a regular nose. And regular shaped face. He has a mop of dirty blonde hair, with a random streak of a white-ish color going down the middle. His hair goes down to about three fourths down his forehead, and all the way down his neck. His eyes have dark brown, almost black, rings around the irises. In the irises themselves, he has a light brown/golden color, with flecks of green in there. He also has a ring of a hazel around his pupils, making his eyes look really cool.

As for what he wears, his shirt he is most seen wearing is a purple tee shirt, with a golden thunderbolt striking down the middle. He wears a black jacket over that, with a pair of blue jeans. Another main outfit of his, is a green shirt with a design that looks like a bunch of wind flying across his shirt. He doesn't wear a jacket over this, and wears blue jeans with it. When he's not wearing these, he's wearing different color shirts, with all sorts of designs.
Element: Air
Weapons/Powers: He has a golden long sword on his back, two golden Katanas at his belt, and a bow with a quiver of arrows with golden heads. As for powers, he has aerokinesis and electrokinesis
History: Jason was a very silent child. Though, even with his silent qualities about himself, and the fact that he'd much rather read a book, or even just sit in his bed, thinking about anything and everything, he would climb into the top of the roof and jump onto the trampoline that they had in their backyard. Not only did he do that crazy stunt, he'd also do some other stunts. Once, he got his skateboard up there on the roof with him, and rode down the roof, onto the trampoline. He almost broke his neck, but it was cool. It was these things that lead to him being a storm chaser. And one other thing.

One day, he had been walking home from school, when he was about 14, on a sorry day. When he got inside, he was a both to ask throughout the house where his parents were when his mom showed up hugged him, and dragged him to their basement, saying that a tornado was coming. When he began to protest, she showed him the window at the back of their house. In the far off distance, but close enough that it would definitely hit them, eventually, was a tornado forming. Shocked, they raced back to the basement, and waited out the storm. When they felt it had passed, they opened it up and saw their house destroyed. After that Jason was always fascinated by tornados, and wanted to explore everything about them. And try to figure out if there was a way to stop them.

On one of his chases, he was sucked into the tornado. This wasn't an ordinary tornado. It was an electrical tornado, and while he was being flung around in the tornado, he had been given the powers over air and lightning. When he awoke, he realized what he could do, and started to train with his powers, in hopes of finding a way to stop tornadoes.
Role/Class: Warrior
Other: He was a storm chaser before he discovered his powers.
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#12 Posted: 18:44:25 17/05/2014
((Joining soon))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#13 Posted: 18:45:08 17/05/2014 | Topic Creator
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#14 Posted: 19:08:58 17/05/2014
((May I make a Pokemon character? smilie))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#15 Posted: 19:18:31 17/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Go ahead))
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#16 Posted: 19:26:31 17/05/2014
Name: Delta
Gender: Female
Age: 17 human years
Spiecies: Arcanine
Appearance: A shiny arcanine who wears a spiked collar.
Element: (From water to Fire, from Darkness to Light) Fire
Weapons/Powers: Her pokemon moves, Flamethrower,Extremespeed,Dig,Crunch
Role/Class: (Warrior/Made etc)

di ****n molto or whatever I guess
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#17 Posted: 19:00:59 02/06/2014 | Topic Creator
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