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Clash of the Kaiju: Galileo's Revenge (Still accepting)
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#51 Posted: 22:31:13 10/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"By the sounds of those explosions I assume You've already meet him yes?" Galileo said.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#52 Posted: 03:33:21 12/05/2014
Cale dropped his head, "You did not... Hear me," he looked up toward Shade to repeat, "I have a... small piece of... equipment... located my eye... It can lock... onto most tech... allowing data... transferring... Your helm was... easy to break," he pointed to his right eye which made a quick blue flash around the iris before they turned to their natural color, "A special... electric... dragon only... item," Cale finished just as his own ship flew up in behind the black ship, Hah! Wow, didn't expect it to reach that far actually, he leaned over to Jones, "I hadn't... expected... it to... connect from... here," he attempted a whisper, but with a lower volume it was somewhat scratchy but understandable.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#53 Posted: 03:42:46 12/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Shade then touched the black ship again and a wave of power surged through him and onto the black ship. After a few seconds a turret started to form on its top. "You think I couldn't hear that ship of yours coming? My helmet heard it coming a mile away.... literally." He said with a smirk.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#54 Posted: 12:48:17 12/05/2014
"No," Tiberius confirmed. "But he cannot be that tough." Tiberius had no idea what he was in for.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#55 Posted: 19:25:06 12/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"Oh he has more surprises than you know and even I don't know what he is fully cable of." Galileo said.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#56 Posted: 20:41:26 12/05/2014
"Bring him on, I'll take on anything," Tiberius said. ...Before you go any further, shut up Tiberius. You have no idea who he is. You cannot win.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#57 Posted: 21:37:52 12/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"Be my guest foolish Kaiju." Galileo said laughing.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#58 Posted: 03:33:57 13/05/2014
Cale was exhaling deeply with a smile set on his face, this was his laughter. He paused his motions for a second, "My ship was... never that... far. Right under us... if you hadn't... noticed," he then turned back to Jones, "Are the walls... sound proof?" he asked gesturing to his ship which quickly pulled large panels back, and components brought out the main system. The bass canon was targeting the desk ship, but did not charge or fire. Instead, a flourish of green energy flashed into visual that domed the front of the ship. It was the power shield at full strength, blocking any possible spot the turret could hit.

OOC: you can go ahead and bring Icestorm into the area, I was letting significant time pass before Gledor appears with the reinforcements.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#59 Posted: 19:31:29 13/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Icestorm then appeared along with Crystal. He landed on the rampart. "Jones what's happening?!" What's the status of Galileo's cell?"

"All is good on Galileo's cell but it may not hold against this dragon." Jones said pointing to Shade.

"You dragon why are you here?" Icestorm said to Shade.

"I'm here for Galileo you dumb dragon." Shade said.

Crystal just stood there dumbfounded.

Ooc: Man I can't spell for my life. smilie I wanted to say something better but I can't spell it.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#60 Posted: 03:53:10 14/05/2014
OOC: read a dictionary! Lol, its ok, it happens to me too.

Cale turned and recognized Icestorm, and he made a quick bow as a respectful hello. He then turned to Crystal mostly because she was still sort of new to him, and that she was a female in a dangerous location. Though it didnt strike him too much, for there were many female dragons amongst the military force of the planet, and two aboard his own ship, who are probably un aware of the situation at hand.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#61 Posted: 18:59:13 14/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"It's ok Cale. Crystal is strong she's going to help." Icestorm said.

Crystal gave a smile at Cale.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#62 Posted: 04:46:15 15/05/2014
Cale looked back when Icestorm spoke, long enough to see Crystal's smile, returned with his own smile, then back to Shade. A static sound grew up from his now open maw, it suddenly went silent, multiple strands of green electricity pulsed through his teeth, "We are not... handing... the prisoner... over to... someone... who threatens... and destroys. You will face... the whole... planet and... space brigade... before we... let you go," he looked up to his ship, which levitated out behind the black ship, just high enough so that if it moved over Shade's, it would scrape the top. A simple systems check registered two crew members aboard the ship, who were probably just meeting up here and happen to be inside when it closed up and lifted off the platform.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#63 Posted: 18:37:06 15/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"Very well you will be the first to witness my power!" Shade said. He then looked at Cale and the turret on top of his ship pointed at him. Shade made a motion and the turret had black sparks of energy forming around them and a charging sound was made. "Fire." Shade said calmly and the turret then fired multiple shots of black laser beams at Cale. Some hit the wall making holes that seemed to grow in size as if they were disintegrating.

"The walls are built to withstand anything Cale but not against that kind of weaponry. Quickly shoot him!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:14:45 16/05/2014 by Spyroconvexity
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#64 Posted: 20:10:17 15/05/2014
"So when do you suppose your friend will show up?" Tiberius asked. "I'm just about ready to sink my blades into him."
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#65 Posted: 21:14:56 15/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"By the sounds of the explosions he's already here." Galileo said.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#66 Posted: 21:22:12 15/05/2014
"Sounds like a challenge," Tiberius said. "I don't care how powerful this guy is, I... I... really need something to do besides gloat. ...Wanna play Stratego? I've got Stratego."
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#67 Posted: 00:06:22 16/05/2014
Quote: SpyroD
Cale was exhaling deeply with a smile set on his face, this was his laughter. He paused his motions for a second, "My ship was... never that... far. Right under us... if you hadn't... noticed," he then turned back to Jones, "Are the walls... sound proof?" he asked gesturing to his ship which quickly pulled large panels back, and components brought out the main system. The bass canon was targeting the desk ship, but did not charge or fire. Instead, a flourish of green energy flashed into visual that domed the front of the ship. It was the power shield at full strength, blocking any possible spot the turret could hit.

OOC: you can go ahead and bring Icestorm into the area, I was letting significant time pass before Gledor appears with the reinforcements.

OOC: I has shield brah
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#68 Posted: 02:04:15 16/05/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: Oops! Sorry I'll fix that.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#69 Posted: 03:50:43 16/05/2014
Cale's right eye beamed a flash of blue light, the shield in front of his ship spread open as energy sparks formed around the probes around the canon. The electricity quickly met in the middle, and Cale jumped over to cover Jones's ears, and then it hit. The intense waves of both sound and vibrations piles over the area, aimed low enough to not harm Icestorm or Crystal. The heavy bassed waves vibed over the black ship, distorting its form, like it was a liquid(I presume we are on the same level here).
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#70 Posted: 23:27:00 16/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Icestorm quickly covered Crystal's ears as the cannon fired.

As the waves hit the black ship there seemed to be a kind of purple bubble around the ship just as the waves hit it it then quickly went away. The ship began to fall apart but as they did a kind of black light shot from a still working turret right at the base cannon. Shade was blasted back far away. he then hit a large bolder and went to the ground.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#71 Posted: 02:44:50 17/05/2014
The canon didnt seem to shut down immediately shut down, but it powered down as it began to catch fire. The metal burned but it did not fall apart. The shield closed up around it and it began to drift down to land again. Cale released Jones and chased after his ship. Going to the hit mark, coolant spewed from the sides around the canon to put out the burns, and a large hole seemed to have been burned away be the dark matter effect. The bottom rod was completely gone, and most of the components it was attached to had been destroyed. It was a good paws reach inside from the surface to the next wire that still existed. The two aboard had not been hurt by the shot, and came out from the top hatch to avoid further damaging the canon.

Gledor landed next to Cale, "I saw the shot fire, but we were obviously a little late," he looked up to the damage, "This will set us back about a week," he reached up to the bottom rim of the removed material.

The other guards he had brought surrounded the ship to examine the remains(you can take it
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#72 Posted: 17:41:20 17/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"Guards keep the remaining cannons on Shade! Do not let your guard down!" Jones said.

Shade was unmoving but a kind of blackish aura formed around him. Then a kind of dark fog started to form around the entire prison.

Icestorm took his paws off of Crystal's head as well. "Crystal stay close to me. That guy can be anywhere in this fog."

Shade was secretly finding his way into the prison and to Galileo and Tiberius.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#73 Posted: 20:48:00 17/05/2014
"Huh?" Tiberius looked to the doors, thinking he heard something. "Looks like it's about time to see just how potent this guy is," he said, waiting for something to happen.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#74 Posted: 21:12:36 17/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Then a dark matter blast came from a hole in the doors.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#75 Posted: 03:43:34 18/05/2014
Ballistic was impressed by the ship, but when it was struck by a dieing shot from the black ship, "Things seem very intense down there... My plane was not built for combat, but," she looked up, because it is upside down, she looked at the controls. A small screen showed multiple words that were also upside down, they would originally indicate the types and count of ammunition the plane holds, which it displayed only two blue stripes and numerous orange stripes which tell that they are not present. She reached up to navigate the screen, she scrolled down the list to find only one other blue streak slid by. Moving the list back to the lone blue mark, she rotated the plane back over to read it quickly, 50mm X4. These rounds are heavy, high explosive, but abnormal for her ship to carry. Does my rig have the gun for those? she questioned moving toward the back of the cockpit. The plane itself was rather large, so through a crawl space door she came out into a somewhat wider area where the cases for the ammunition. There was one canon shaped gun she hadn't noticed before. The gun must have had one in the chamber because the other three rounds were on a belt just outside the barrel, "This is not mine," she crawled around to the other side to examine it further. A piece of paper was taped to it on the other side, to which she flipped up and pulled off to read, "Use wisely," was all was written. It was printed on so the writing could not mark anyone as the placer. She turned and burned the letter and made her way back through the crawl space to reach the cock pit. Grabbing her com, "This is Ballistic Beats calling from Ballistic Wing, I have a 50mm canon, which I did not expect to have aboard, and four rounds. I think it's safe to say no one is leaving anytime soon," she put the mic back on the clip, "Let's see, the guest canon is on the left side," she looked out the of the glass, "I need to reverse rotation direction," she turned the plane back over and pulled the control back to flip back over to face the other direction.
Well that just happened...
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#76 Posted: 12:49:08 18/05/2014
Tiberius sidestepped the blast, but found the source to be a bit on the mysterious side. And yet, he remained cool. "Well? Don't be shy. Show yourself," Tiberius taunted.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#77 Posted: 15:40:12 18/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"Come down here and make sure that dragon doesn't escape!" He wint into the prison under the cover of the fog." Jones said over the radio.


A laugh came from the fog. "Heh, heh, heh, stupid Kaiju! You are no match for the great Shade! You will die!" Shade then came out of the fog next to Galileo's cell. "Well, I'm here what are you going to do?"
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#78 Posted: 16:12:04 18/05/2014
OOC: Don't forget the Pokemon RPs. ...Or is my suspicion of them true, that no one but me plays them anymore?

"For starters," Tiberius said, looking up at his adversary. He faced bigger before so he wasn't that intimidated. "I am not letting you release that criminal." Tiberius faced magic users before, and he knew not to just rush in, but... he looked more powerful than the ones he faced. Tiberius tried to cut him off by going around to keep him from getting closer to Galileo.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#79 Posted: 22:47:17 18/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"Well come at me then!" Shade said.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#80 Posted: 22:57:34 18/05/2014
"You first," Tiberius taunted.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#81 Posted: 23:54:28 18/05/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: I haven't forgotten about the RP.

Shade smirked and went at Tiberius with a blast of dark matter.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#82 Posted: 00:30:45 19/05/2014
"If things are as bad as they look, I think I should stay airborne, sir," Ballistic added, "These rounds were meant to blow things apart. Like I said I have no idea how they got here, but I'm not afraid to use them in the means of keeping the peace," she selected the 50mm line on the screen, and a few motors and mechanical moving sounds and wheezes flowed through the space inside the plane. A monitor took place of the screen to show what the canon could see, giving wind direction, distance, and gravity effect on the heavy round, anything that would contribute to an accurate shot, "Whoa, this is new too," she slid a single claw across the screen and the camera turned, which meant the turret was turning too, "Yeah, this thing is definitely gonna have to be looked at closer," she scrolled a magnifier bar which zoomed in on the ground. There were three small blocks with different letters, N, T, IR, which were translated to Normal, Thermal, and Infra-Red. She selected the thermal T, and the ground, through the screen, lit up with different colors to indicate temperatures, some of which outlined the dragons below. The black ship, which seems to have melted or something, did not show on the monitor. She pulled the mic. over to her again, "That ship has no temperature, like it just isn't there or something."
Well that just happened...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:03:43 19/05/2014 by BallisticBeats
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#83 Posted: 00:33:16 19/05/2014
Tiberius reacted to the dark matter by trying to dodge, but did not expect it's speed and was hit back by it. He then started running towards Shade, but kept a possible attack in mind so he prepared himself to hop sideways if needed.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#84 Posted: 00:56:59 19/05/2014 | Topic Creator
The other piece of dark matter then hit Galileo's cell making the bars melted.

Galileo saw his chance to escape and busted through the bars. "Heh, heh, heh. Two against one very good." Galileo said.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#85 Posted: 01:05:35 19/05/2014
"What the FU..." Shade just released Galileo. Now Tiberius was starting to get nervous. But being the prideful creature he was, he still stood his ground.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#86 Posted: 01:10:33 19/05/2014
"Sir, I recommend you and your guards vacate the area," she selected a location on the screen and the visual moved over, setting a bracket around the highlighted area. It also calculated the blast range of the current shot, "This shot can level the prison from the vantage point I have," she looked out the window to look at the area below, to have a real eye view of the area, "From.this night the time traveled should be merely a second or two," she glanced back at the screen which also gave a time for impact, '1.479 s.' "Close enough I guess, "I'd really hate to miss the opportunity to stop this all," she added through the mic.
Well that just happened...
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#87 Posted: 03:06:31 19/05/2014
Picking up on the comms, Gledor decided to make a quick reply, "Use those rounds as a last resort only. If the ship started to get away, or the prisoner leaves the area, then you may engage. For now, stand by, you assistance may not be needed," He proceeded to find his way to the cell room, followed closely behind was Cale. Coming down into the room, seeing Galileo now freed, "I really recommend returning to your cell Galileo. As for you buddy here, he will be removed or captured by any means necessary. We have a plane above us, that at our command, will demolish this building and ever one in it. If we must die to ensure you do not escape and return doing harm to the inhabitants of this planet, then so be it."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#88 Posted: 03:39:46 19/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"You are no match to me!" Galileo said.

Shade then touched Galileo's arm and his arm began to get covered in red armor.

"Thank you my friend," Galileo said looking at Shade. "Shade here has powers you can only dreem of!"

Icestorm and Crystal then came in shortly after. "Galileo!"

"Icestorm!" Galileo said.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:54:34 19/05/2014 by Spyroconvexity
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#89 Posted: 12:30:23 19/05/2014
"The question is, are you strong enough to move ten tons of iron and concrete if this building is brought down on top of you?" Gledor added shifting down from the stairs. Cale stayed quietly on the steps looking down into the room they had gathered in.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#90 Posted: 12:46:25 19/05/2014
Tiberius started to get a bit of his confidence back once the others arrived. "Now do you still think you can win?" he asked.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#91 Posted: 20:31:51 19/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"Yes I can still win. With this special armor that my fine friend here put on me I am invincible!!" Galileo said with a spit of dark fire. "Now this armor protects me from the effects of the element X. I am more than capable of busting out. In fact....." He then turned to a wall and used his dark fire on it and made a large hole. "Shade deal with these welps." Galileo said as he flew off out the hole in the wall.

"My pleasure my lord." Shade smirked and fired a blast of dark matter in all directions towards the others.
BallisticBeats Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#92 Posted: 21:26:48 19/05/2014
Ballistic flipped the plane over to it's side so that the radius direction was directly out of the glass, "That doesn't look good," she looked down to the screen which could still view the dragons and activity below ground. The larger signal had just disappeared, "Now there is no read from the prisoner," she called out to add to the aerial report.
Well that just happened...
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#93 Posted: 21:36:00 19/05/2014
Gledor jumped up to stand in front of Cale, using his earth energy to shield the small area he was defending. Cale reached out and grabbed Gledor, not effecting his defensive position, and pulled him up the stairs. He was tugging at Gledor to follow, but he was delayed by the attack, for it had gone through the shield and struck his back. Though dulled by the shielding, it still stopped him for a moment. Shaking it off, he followed slowly, "Should... Ah, should I call in the strike?" he was held up on his Cale's shoulder as they walked together up and out.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#94 Posted: 21:42:31 19/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"He escaped! Quickly find him and track him down dead or alive!" Jones said over the radio. "But use extreme caution he has this armor that gave his powers back! He could be anywhere." He said.

"Crystal!" Icestorm quickly jumped in front of Crystal blocking the dark matter fire from hitting her. He hit the ground and slid for a foot or two.

"Icestorm!!" Crystal ran over to him. "Are you alright?"

"No but I protected you from that dark fire." Icestorm said.

"Heh! My job is done here." Shade said as he laughed and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. He then reappeared outside next to his damaged ship. He breathed dark matter on it and it again started to reform and repair itself. "Lord Galileo your ship awaits." He bowed as Galileo approached.

"Thank you my loyal subject." Galileo said as he went in the cockpit behind Shade's. Shade then hopped in and started to take off at a high rait of speed.

ooc: tell me if I'm over doing it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:44:38 19/05/2014 by Spyroconvexity
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#95 Posted: 22:07:39 19/05/2014
OOC: it's cool. If BB were to post before me, no doubt she would have pulled the trigger saying "Nope!"

Cale and Gledor leaned on the railing together as the ship just below them started up, Didnt think the canon broke the control module. He then tried a quick bolt of electricity attempting to slow them down.

Gledor looked up to see the somewhat large plane circling above, "How fast is your rig?"
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#96 Posted: 22:36:41 19/05/2014
One minute, Galileo told Shade to "finish these whelps" and the next minute he flees like a little coward, not even casting a spell. "Hey! I thought we were gonna fight!" Tiberius called out. "Get back here you coward! ...Hmph, real powerful my foot. He couldn't even stand ground." Tiberius was too naive.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#97 Posted: 23:35:58 19/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"Hold still honey this may hurt a little." Crystal said as she put her paw on Icestorm's burns and a green light came from her paw and his burns started to heal up.

"Thank you Crystal." Icestorm said.

"You know I'll do anything for you Icestorm." She rubbed her head against his.

After Crystal was done healing Icestorm got up and looked around. "The world is in danger by Galileo being freed. "We are no longer safe here except in Draco City." He turned to Cale, Gledor, Tiberius, and Jones. "Guys go to the out lands and warn them of the danger to come to Draco City where they can be safe." Icestorm said.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#98 Posted: 23:52:35 27/05/2014 | Topic Creator
ooc: bump!
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#99 Posted: 02:27:20 28/05/2014
"Well, I suppose I will," Tiberius said. "Still, I look forward to hunting that coward Shade down and kicking his butt. ...But I guess that will have to wait."

OOC: I might have him evolve as a character, like he's strong but he gets beaten a few times and starts being a bit more humble over the course of the RP.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8955
#100 Posted: 03:18:51 28/05/2014 | Topic Creator
"We're going to need any soldiers there to help track and defend Draco City." Icestorm said.
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