
Spyro: Shadow Legacy


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The Most Misunderstood Spyro Game of All Time? [CLOSED]
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#1 Posted: 12:34:35 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
People hate having to go through this game because of it's broken mechanics. I understood what the game had for itself, but still...
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10155
#2 Posted: 13:12:10 20/04/2014
That's like saying The Sorcerer was just misunderstood - nope,totally not murderous and mean and with little concern for other living things that weren't Spyro.
Early DS games weren't really all that good and this one isn't any different. It wasn't misunderstood, it had reasons to flop like it did.
(What I need is never what I want)
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#3 Posted: 14:05:59 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: Bifrost
That's like saying The Sorcerer was just misunderstood - nope,totally not murderous and mean and with little concern for other living things that weren't Spyro.
Early DS games weren't really all that good and this one isn't any different. It wasn't misunderstood, it had reasons to flop like it did.

I swear, they should've made the dang game for the PS2 and for the Xbox.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#4 Posted: 15:00:50 20/04/2014
If this hadn't been on DS, then it could have been a good game. Though that's debatable, because the whole of TLoS is basically just a re-imagining of Shadow Legacy on console.
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#5 Posted: 15:15:23 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: bionicle2809
If this hadn't been on DS, then it could have been a good game. Though that's debatable, because the whole of TLoS is basically just a re-imagining of Shadow Legacy on console.

One thing the whole TLoS trilogy never put in there is the Shadowstone. Not only that, TLoS was almost entirely linear.

That being said, Shadow Legacy was free-roam and focused more on platforming than combat. Plus, classic Spyro's games showed a lot of modern technology throughout his worlds, and yet, because the music was themed to be modern, too, we LIKED the technology to be there. We ACCEPTED the idea that Spyro's living in a modern world, if not a slightly futuristic one, because his worlds even had robotic cities (Spyro 2 Metropolis) and harmful laser technology (any Spyro game after 1). There were also enemies with grenades (Spyro 1 Haunted Towers, with the miliatary Gnorcs) and enemies with machine guns (most enemies from the Gnasty levels and even Triceratops from Spyro 3 Dino Mines).

But then TLoS took an entirely medieval focus on a completely different guy, considering that the anatomy of the adult dragons was also different. For one thing, you don't see most of the stuff I mentioned above, and the BGM is always dark and edgy, more than half the time you'd expect music inspired by God of War or Lord of the Rings, in which even more of the BGM would be expected to have choirs for the gothic and really dark rounds (Eternal Night dream rounds). Even if the trilogy shows stuff from the early 20th century, that ends up being too random to fit the theme of the trilogy (so I'm guessing Malefor had a power to retrieve industrial items from the future).

Also, the gems have different roles in both series. For Shadow Legacy, you collect gems for supplies (butterflies for health, mushrooms for magic, crystals for status boosters (magic defense, firepower increase)), and for TLoS, you collect gems for status restoration (they could have made circular ores the status restoration items so you can use gems as money to spend at kiosks every now and then).

Really, I don't know about you, but if we MERGE the series, it actually makes Spyro have more potential than ever to come back. We just need a bigger role for the Shadowstone in which it somehow connects with not only the Sorcerer, but with MALEFOR, too.

I mean, I know I ain't a Hunter, but I'm smart. I believe my idea can work.
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 16:01:48 20/04/2014 by LocoGuy107
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