

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Devil's Town [PRIVATE] [CLOSED]
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#1 Posted: 03:14:06 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Luceono City. A beautiful, technological city set in the middle of the barren wasteland left by a destructive war. The city was founded back in the early 1000’s by King Luceono, but was reconstructed by his descendant, known as Cain Luceon, the Governor of the newly technology-filled city of the future.
It is the year 2020. The city has advanced greatly in technology over the past few years, though it is still ‘in touch’ with nature. Due to the land outside the walls of the city being a wasteland, only certain people are allowed to leave the safety of the city. The city is run by the governor, along with generals who manage the different sectors of the city.
There are seven sectors that are situated in the city. It is set out like a circle. On the outskirts of the city lies the lower-class sectors, and on the opposite side are the middle-class sectors. The upper-class sectors sit in the middle of the city, and between them is the Governor's sector.
Many of the city’s inhabitants specialize in exorcising and slaying demons, and this gives the city the nickname ‘city of the demon slayers’. Most of the exorcists and slayers go out on missions around and outside of the city to destroy the demons, but lately there have been more demon portals opening up around the area. The government houses a secret organization that monitors the demon activity in the world, and they are currently recruiting some of the teenager citizens in the city who hold strange powers that they did not realize they had until now.


  • Sesshomaru75 and I are the GM’s of this roleplay
  • No godmodding, mary/gary-sues, no one-sentence posts, etc
  • 4 characters MAX (character limit may increase later on)
  • No offensive language, unless you censor it
  • Romance and violence is allowed, but keep it PG-13
  • Put 'luceon’ on the top of your character sheet so I know you've read this far

Character Sheet

Age: [13-18]
Species: [human, half-demon]
Social Class: [lower-class, middle-class and upper-class]
Speciality: [exorcisim, demon-slaying, spying, guarding]
Element (only if half-demon): [Fire, Ice, Water, Thunder, Earth, Wind, Light, Darkness]
Appearance: [remember to give credit to original artist if you are using an image]
Other: [Optional]
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#2 Posted: 03:14:50 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
S-G's characters

Name: Nokomis
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species: Half-demon
Social Class: Middle-class
Speciality: Exorcism
Element: Wind & Ice
Personality: Nokomis is a chatterbox, but she knows when to keep quiet. She is stubborn, and almost always charges into things without thinking about the consequences. She's loyal, brave, and quick on her feet.
History: Nokomis had a pretty normal life in the middle-class sector of the city with her parents until her powers were discovered when she was 13. For about half a year she studied the ways of an exorcist, and now she goes out on missions.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
Other: She will not go anywhere without her cat beanie.

Name: Blake
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Species: Half-demon
Social Class: Upper-class
Speciality: Demon-slaying
Element: Fire & Light
Personality: Blake is very stubborn and almost never listens to others. He likes to slay demons in his own ‘special’ way. He charges into battles without thinking about the consequences. He’s rather rude and doesn’t have many friends. He’s only nice to Nokomis sometimes.
History: Blake’s mother died when he was young, so he’s been brought up by his father, aunty and his eldest cousin. As soon as his powers were discovered, he went to the organization himself and trained, using two swords that belonged to his great-grandfather.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
Other: N/A

Name: Ryan
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Species: Human
Social Class: Middle-class
Speciality: Guarding
Element: N/A
Personality: Ryan is a kind, polite guy. He does as he’s told by his family and generals. He’s loyal to his friends. He usually stays silent during guarding shifts, but in his mind there is endless talking.
History: Ryan has lived a pretty normal life with his family in the middle-class sector. When he is called for duty, he usually guards some of the generals when they are out inspecting the city or other places. Most days he sits in his room playing games, reading or studying.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
Other: N/A

Name: Laila
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Species: Half-demon
Social Class: From the lower-class, but now in the upper-class
Speciality: Spying
Element: Earth & Darkness
Personality: Laila may seem small and helpless, but she’s actually pretty good at her job. With her size, she can squeeze into small places and with the help of her elements, she can hide and defend herself. She usually acts innocent towards most people, but with people she knows and trusts, she acts very differently.
History: Laila’s parents died when she was young, so she lived with her grandparents until she was taken from her home when it was discovered by the government that she had powers. They placed her in a small apartment with a maid in the upper-class section of the city and she is now a spy.
Appearance: [credit to original artist]
[User Posted Image]
Other: N/A
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 23:26:55 20/04/2014 by Spyro-Gamer
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#3 Posted: 05:14:15 20/04/2014
If it okay with you also spyro I will post my character in a little while.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#4 Posted: 05:21:00 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Of course. c:
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#5 Posted: 06:37:46 20/04/2014
Name: Fate
Age: 17
Species: Human
Social Class: upper-class
Specialty: spying

Personality: She is a real sweet girl. She loves company and loves to play childish games like tag though she takes it to a new level. For a human she is really generous and accepting of all kinds and is willing to help in anyway she can.

History: When she was born her mother had just been married to her father. Her father was a half demon himself so she was unfortunate not to get the demon side. She was how ever born with defects that made her look more like her fathers demon side. She was born albino with purple eyes.She was home schooled and was taught street fighting and many other styles of fighting. Her father had a personal gym for her so she could learn gymnastics and also parkour just encase. He was always very wary of her especially after her mother died in a robbery. He always made sure someone went with her when she went out but because she was so skilled she always managed to get away from her escort. This how ever always got her into trouble and grounded.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
Other: She has a habit of bottling up her emotions and has random break downs where she will sit in her room and not talk to anyone for several hours on end.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#6 Posted: 23:24:48 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Accepted StoryGirl.
Ezio Hunter Gems: 7190
#7 Posted: 00:58:53 21/04/2014
Luceon -- Also, Sesshomaru invited me. ^3^

Name: Raymond Freeze
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Half-demon
Social Class: lower-class
Speciality: Spying
Element (only if half-demon): Fire & Wind
Personality: Raymond has no temperment for anything. He doesn't work in groups, as where he couldn't and will not stand the people. He'll barely speak to anyone unless it was to the commander he was under. He, basically, is mute. He thinks everything through, and strikes at the correct time. When shoved into social things, he moves like a shadow. No speaking, just lightly pushing a person out of his way. He is brilliant minded, carving out ideas that only he and the hawk could complete.
History: His mom and dad mutually left him, dumping him onto his grandparents. They told him about how his mother was a demon, but they didn't know why their son and the woman left. The younger Ray didn't understand and soon became a withdrawn child. His grandparents scrimped and saved for a pet for him, and they ended up saving a hawk that they accidently hit with their car. Raymond cared for it, and they became inseperable. He uses whistles to communicate with it, biting his lower lip to make them. He never uses his powers, after seeing the destruction they can cause. He kept to himself and the hawk, speaking only to it.
Appearance: {Credit to the Original Artist, until I sketch him out comepletely}
[User Posted Image]
Other: the hawk's name is Vera, and a small blade is kept in his sleeve for safety.

Name: Ira Incendia
Gender: Male
Age: Mid 30s
Species: half-demon, but doesn't think it.
Social Class: Lower Class
Speciality: Ex-Exorcist, proclaimed bounty hunter/assassin
Element (only if half-demon): Fire & Darkness
Personality: A very solem man, doesn't speak much to anyone. He has a tight grip on his reality, knowing what is wrong and right, but he doesn't follow it.
History: He wasthe result of a one night stand, being raised by his mother. As a fifteen year old, he became an exorcist. It was the result of an exorcism gone wrong, resulting in his own injury and ghastly appearance. His right cheek lost skin, except for the one strip holding his jaw in place. This is over his lip, causing a permanant snarl on his face. He soon dropped out of sight of the world,those only in the underground city knowing his name. When he was in his mid 20s, he was contacted by a man, paying him to take out a mere half demon like himself with no questions asked. He attempted to kill the boy, but his adopted father got in his way, and Ira ended up killing the father.
Appearance: A gaunt faced man, standing at a average height of 5'8". He wears a old cowboy hat, that obscures most of his face when he has it down. A long cloak is usually draped over his shoulders, giving him a shadowy look. His hands are burned, due to his accident. The burn on his face, in all of its severity, gives him a demonic look.
Other: He speaks with a draw, but it's slurred because of the hole in his cheek.
"The cowboy has always been a dying breed
But he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:32:05 26/04/2014 by Ezio
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#8 Posted: 01:53:30 21/04/2014
(I was invited by S-G ^.^)

Name: Mahane Kazakhya
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Species: Half-Demon
Social Class: Middle-Class
Speciality: Demon-Slaying
Element: Water
Personality: Mahane is a very up-beat girl. She enjoys being around people, and enjoys meeting new people. Mahane is normally quite nice to those around her. She normally doesn't talk too much though, only when necessary.
History: Mahane grew up in an average household, with over-protective parents that shielded her from everything. Mahane was never allowed to leave the house without an adult by her side. At age 10, though, Mahane's parents were killed by a demon when they went outside the city's borders. Mahane had grieved for 2 years until she decided to take action. She became a demon-slayer in hopes of avenging her parents.
Appearance: [credit to original artist!~] [User Posted Image]
Other: Mahane's choice of weapon is a handgun.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#9 Posted: 02:11:48 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Accepted Cyn! c:
Ezio Hunter Gems: 7190
#10 Posted: 02:45:03 21/04/2014
Well, only low class person....WELP
"The cowboy has always been a dying breed
But he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed."
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#11 Posted: 02:48:42 21/04/2014
smilie pour ezi
Ezio Hunter Gems: 7190
#12 Posted: 02:53:40 21/04/2014
wouldn't it be poor ezi xD
"The cowboy has always been a dying breed
But he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed."
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#13 Posted: 02:57:26 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Pfft. smilie
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#14 Posted: 02:59:35 21/04/2014
Sorry. smilie Ms. Perfection!
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#15 Posted: 05:26:43 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Ok, let's start.
With a bad starting post from me. XP


Ryan heard his alarm clock go off. It signaled that the time was 6AM, but he was already awake. He was lying under the covers, playing games on his phone. He had been up since 4AM, unable to sleep. He threw the covers back and reached out to his desk, slamming his hand down on his alarm clock, making the buzzing stop.
He sighed, rolling over, and then kicked the rest of the covers away. He sat up and sighed, looking around his dim-lit room.
Nokomis was sitting at a desk in her room, studying a book on exorcism. She had stayed up all night, with the help of apples and coffee, but now, she was too tired. She was glad she didn't have a mission today.
"Ugh...ok, that's it..." Nokomis pulled herself away from the book lying open on her desk, slamming it shut and rubbing her eyes.
She slowly pushed her chair back, stood up, walked over to her bed, and collapsed down onto it, immediately falling asleep.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:51:19 21/04/2014 by Spyro-Gamer
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#16 Posted: 12:08:40 21/04/2014
Luceon ((Whelp, I had to ask, but it was accepted! smilie))

Name: Damian Ormoure (Pronounced Armore)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Half-demon
Social Class: Upper-class
Speciality: Originally an exorcist, now a Demon-Slayer
Element: Darkness
Personality: Damian is a shy guy, and he'd rather be at home, reading a book, or just studying his skills. He even sometimes just sits there, thinking about how lucky he is to have this floe he lives. He's kind of a deep-thinking person, thinking on deeper levels about subjects. The only time he doesn't act shy, not really speaking, is when he practices his Demon-Slaying skills with his adoptive father. And, when he's still in his "shell" as he likes to call it, he acts mercilessly, and is not kind-hearted at all.

If you can get him to open up, then he'll break out of his "shell" and act how he does when he's alone. Usually, if you can open him up, you'll be best friends for as long as he lives, and he'll protect you with his life. How he acts is completely different. He's funny, kind-hearted, and just a cool fun in general.
History: He was born to a demon and a human, hence the term half-demon. His mother gave him up to an orphanage in one of the lower-class sectors, for two reasons. One, because she couldn't take care of him, and he didn't want him to be known as a part demon, so she decided to put nothing about his father in the note she left with him at the front steps of the orphanage.

He was raised throughout his years at the orphanage growing exceptionally skilled at exorcism, to the point where it'd be amazing to any of the orphanage keepers, or any of the other orphans, if he wasn't left by someone from the upper-class. After a little bit of arrangement, he was sent to an upper-class orphanage, in hopes of him being adopted, and getting the proper training as an exorcist. He was fifteen at the time.

Not even a month later, a man came to the orphanage and wanted to adopt him. Damian was ecstatic that all it took to get adopted was go to the upper-class sectors. This man, was a man who would love any child as his own. And his wife had recently just died, so he felt a hole in his life.

Now, this man was a Demon-Slayer, and on many occasions, tried to persuade Damian to become one too. After a lot of tries, and Damian thinking about it, Damian decided to give up exorcism for Demon-Slaying. Now, he was able to train easier with his father.
Appearance: He is a tall male, with a pale, very pale, skin color, almost looking as if he is a vampire. He has tall, spiky black hair that points a bit forward. His face looks like the typical face, oval shaped. He has high cheekbones, and a bit of a pointy nose, not a long one though. His eyes are a strange thing. They are completely black, the iris and pupil, and you couldn't tell his iris from the pupil unless you were looking straight at his eyes.

As for what he wears, he wears a black shirt, with a silver skull on it, with a sword stuck through the skull. Over that, he wears a black leather jacket. He wears black skinny jeans, with the chains that people wear on them.
Other: He has a katana at his belt, made of an unknown metal, but it can't be broken by diamond.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:23:00 21/04/2014 by Rickorio
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#17 Posted: 12:25:44 21/04/2014
Fate yawned and stretched as she woke. She woke up by habit every morning even on weekends though today she did quiet know what day it was. She sighed and got up getting ready for the day. She started with her morning work outs and used a simulator to practice her parkour and street fighting. After she practiced gymnastics and ballet. She stretched proudly when she finished and skipped off and back flipping to her bathroom to take a shower.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#18 Posted: 13:22:41 21/04/2014
Mahane awoke in the morning, and threw back her covers tiredly. She stepped off her bed and immediately by habit went to her window to see the sky. She smiled as she saw the sun, reminding her of her parents. Mahane stretched for a moment, then went over to her desk to grab the clothes she had set out for herself the night before. She took the purple skirt and white top across the hall and into her bathroom to take a warm shower to wake up.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#19 Posted: 22:27:05 21/04/2014
Occ that post though. I think sesshomaru beat us all in the long post department.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#20 Posted: 23:35:41 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Yep. smilie
And accepted Rickorio.


Ryan was still lying in bed at 8AM, his curtains drawn, his room still dim. He didn't want to be wakened by the harsh light of this new day. He was beginning to like the darkness.
"Goodmorning miss Laila."
Laila woke with the start to this sound of her maid's voice. She was a spy, and now lived in the upper-class sector of the city. She was too young and couldn't live by herself, so the government offered a small apartment and a maid to act as her caregiver and a housemaid.
"M-morning..." Laila yawned and sat up.
The maid pulled back the covers to Laila's massive bed and opened the blinds slightly, letting some light into the room. "You have a short meeting today," she advised, setting a breakfast tray down on Laila's bedside desk.
"I do?" Laila asked sleepily.
The maid nodded. "You are relieved from your normal duties today. They...they want you to follow a certain someone. That's all I know. They will tell you more about it at the meeting."
"Oh?" Laila rubbed her eyes. "Well, alright then."
"The meeting is in half an hour." The maid pulled out a black dress from the closet for Laila to wear and lay it on the end of her bed. "I'll leave you to get ready. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, miss Laila." And with that, the maid left to the room.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#21 Posted: 23:46:51 21/04/2014
Fate finished her shower and got dressed fixing her hair and putting on her necklace. She walked out of her room and hear a knock on the door. She skipped over and peered out. "Father~ The man is hear to see you." She called as she opened the door for the cloaked man in the uniform. "Welcome back sir. May i get you something to drink?"
(trying to get interactions here)
Her father came down the stairs dressed formally in his black tux. "Welcome back. Please accompany me in my office." He said. The man nodded and followed shutting the door behind them.
Fate smiled. She loved her father and everything he stood for. She looked outside and shrugged shutting it and then heading to the kitchen for breakfast.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#22 Posted: 23:51:43 21/04/2014
((Man.....and I thought my post was gonna be long! smilie))

Damian sighed as he looked out over the city from his porch on one of the higher levels of his and his adoptive father's mansion. He looked down at his feet and noticed a little stone next to one of them. He kicked it off, in anger of what had happened recently. "How'd things get so ****ed up?" He asked, lowering himself to the ground, his back against the railing of his porch. He pulled his knees up to his chest and rested him arms on it, laying his head then on top of them. "Him and I used to be so close, like family, even with the fact that he's dark-skinned and I'm about as pale a ghost. And the fact that he adopted me." He muttered, lifting his head up to look at the door to the porch, waiting for his dad to come walking out, to try to give another lecture about how he was sorry, and it wouldn't happen again. Damian wasn't gonna buy it this time. Especially after this last episode.

Damian was breathing heavily. He was sweating like crazy. He had accidentally let out a few curses here and there as he tried to parry his father's swings. He was currently being pushed back to the wall, and was trying all he could do to push back. He couldn't do anything to stop the onslaught of his father. Then an idea came to his mind. He smirked as he ducked to the floor and slashed at his father's leg, leaving a gash that would hurt for a looooong while. But he didn't care, he just wanted to beat his father again. Recently, he had been losing most of their training sessions and wanted to win SO badly! His father reared back, and fell to the ground, and Damian took the chance to jump up and put his sword to his father's throat. "Checkmate!" He said, a proud smile on his face. His father was t so happy though. "You could've cut my leg off!" He yelled, pushing himself into a wall. "But I didn't." Damian said, dropping his sword to the ground. He then gasped in shock, and empathy as his father pulled up his ripped pants. There was a huge gash on both of his legs, which could've easily severed his muscles, if Damian wasn't as skilled with a sword as he was. "I di-" "Save it." His father said, calling in one of their workers. "You weren't thinking! You should've known that you aren't good enough to just leave a graze, and not a gash!" His father said, yelling at this point. Damian had tears at his eyes. "I just thought of the plan, I didn't thin-" "EXACTLY!" His father yelled. "You didn't think." The worker walked in. "Just go to your room." His father said as the worker brought in a stretcher, along with a couple of other workers. "Yes father." Damian had said, leaving the room and going to his room.

Damian just sighed as he went through the event again. "He's gonna be fine in a few days." He said, trying to come up with stuff he could use in his defense. "Plus, in a real fight, I won't be trying to make sure I don't hurt their legs. I'll be trying to stay alive. He should know that, he's been in the field before.." Damian trailed off as he looked at the sky, seeing it was already morning. " is it already morning? Was I out here for that long, or were we just training for a long while. No matter, he didn't come out to talk to me, so I'm fine." He said, shrugging as he stood up, walking back inside, and heading to his room to change into some clean clothes.

((Was that long? I feel like it's gonna be.))
Ezio Hunter Gems: 7190
#23 Posted: 00:03:14 22/04/2014
Raymond was hidden on a roof, crouching next to one of the old gargoyles. His tongue ran over the back of his bottom row of teeth, catching on a chipped on. His crimson eyes scanned over the city, as much as they could. It was early in the morning, as he kept one hand on the edge of the awning. His other hand was raised in air, as a hawk dove in to land on it. A screech and a small whistle came from the predator animal, as the young half demon nodded. He whistled back, and released it back into the air.

Alright, so Vera saw nothing out of the ordinary. He thought to himself as he rubbed his fingers together. The two had a system of talking, where he didn't have to verbally form words; whistles, clicks, and screeches was what it consisted of as they develloped it over a ten year span. He was surprised that the hawk was able to live as long as it has.
"The cowboy has always been a dying breed
But he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed."
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#24 Posted: 00:20:50 22/04/2014
Mahane stepped out of her bathroom, fully dressed. She walked downstairs to her kitchen and grabbed a small apple. She stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room. Mahane stood in front of her small couch, which is right in front of the front door. Mahane silently ate her apple. After she finished, she tossed her apple core into the trash bin, and proceeded to walk down the main hall to her garage.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#25 Posted: 00:23:17 22/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Laila ate her breakfast rather quickly, got dressed and exited the bedroom, seeing her maid in the kitchen.
"Change of plans." The maid said as she saw Laila. "The meeting will be held over video, and it's beginning now." She pointed over at the lounge area, where a huge TV was situated on the wall, with a large black couch sitting in front of it. The TV was on, and on the screen was two men in tuxes and a dark shadow sitting in a chair. He was one of the generals, but Laina never saw his face. She didn't know the identity of the man who made her work and paid her, but she didn't care.
"Laina, my darling, how are you?" The shadow spoke up, in a rather deep and dark voice, as Laina entered the camera's vision and sat down on the large couch. "Hello sir," she replied.
"We'll make this brief, my dear," the general said. "As your maid probably said already, you will be relived of your normal duties today, as I'm ordering you to follow someone."
"Yes." Laila nodded slowly.
"The person you will be keeping an eye on today, is this man." An image of a young man wearing all black-clothing popped up. "You won't need to search the whole city for him," the general waved his hand. "He's in the middle-class sector, in the south-eastern part of the city."
As the general finished his sentence, Laila's maid walked over and handed her a watch.
"The coordinates of where this man was last seen is loaded onto that watch." The general leant forward, the lower part of his face slightly showing. "If he stays in one place for longer than a few minutes, I want you to touch the screen, and that will place a dot on the map and show me where he is. My guards have been set up around that part of the city, and I want you to call a few of them in the evening so we can capture him."
Laila wondered why her boss wanted her to jot down this guy's coordinates, but she knew not to question with him. She nodded. "Yes, sir."
"Good." The general leant back, and his faced was shrouded with shadow again. "I suppose you'll see my guards in the evening Laila. Complete this task and you shall be rewarded, like always." And with that, the screen went black.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#26 Posted: 00:46:12 22/04/2014
(Yeah i am Sess I need interaction! I hate ole playing with myself for more then two or three posts...)
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#27 Posted: 00:56:15 22/04/2014
((When I use two parenthesis, words, then two parenthesis, it means I'm talking in OOC. If that's what you're wondering.))

Damian sighed as he couldn't find any clean clothes. All he found while he was searching was a bunch of worn clothes all over his room. Mainly because he was just too lazy to do the laundry. Sighing, he picked up a random pair of jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt, with a silver skull and crossbones on it. "I can do the laundry tomorrow." He said as he got dressed. He then laughed. "I probably won't though. I'll forget, and I'll just have a clothing covered room, and won't even notice when I go to sleep tonight." He said, pulling his shirt down and walking out of his room, yawning from the lack of sleep he had had last night. Well, more like no sleep at all. "Maybe I should've just gone to my room last night and slept like my dad told me to." He said, yawning again as he walked by one of the workers. The workers are more like butlers and maids, but they just call them workers. "Morning Mr. Ormoure." The woman said. "Hey." Was his response as he continued walking to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#28 Posted: 01:13:41 22/04/2014
Mahane stepped into her garage and moved towards her work bench, which was littered with metal scraps, bullets, and many gun parts. She grabbed a black handgun off her bench, along with a small white bag. She slipped her gun in the bag along with a few rounds of bullets. She grabbed a coat and opened her side garage door, which led out to her front yard. Mahane began to walk towards the nearby shops.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#29 Posted: 01:23:26 22/04/2014
Damian walked into the large kitchen and walked to the refrigerator. He opened it up and began to look through its contents, trying to find something that he could eat that may take awhile. He knew that his father would ask for him to come to his room, where he'd give the lecture, he wasn't gonna take any of that **** right now, and he was hoping to waste as much time eating. He then walked towards their cabinet as he couldn't find anything that fit his requirements he had set himself. He smiled as he found a package of cinnamon rolls and opened them up and put them in the microwave. He then began to slowly eat them. One of the male workers walked in. "Your father wants you in, when you've finished with your breakfast, of course." He said. Damian nodded, finished chewing and said "Yeah, I'll be there." He then continued eating and the worker left the kitchen.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#30 Posted: 01:25:54 22/04/2014
Penny looked through the large pantry and pulled out a pomegranate. She pealed it as she walked to her room and onto her balcony. She popped seeds into her mouth one after another. She occasionally tossed one out to a bird that would fly by. It was nice seeing a bird every now and again. There werent much left.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#31 Posted: 01:32:53 22/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Laila was soon dropped off on the outskirts of the middle-class sector of the city. As her personal limo drove away silently like a serpent, Laila took in the tall buildings from the upper-class and midde-class sectors that rose above her. She blinked and looked down, ready to focus on tracking this mysterious man down.
Laila quickly jumped into the morning shadow of a large buidling and looked at her watch. Apparently the man had been at a bar a few blocks away yesterday morning. She decided to check that place first. So, keeping in the shadows, she ran along the side of the building in the direction of the bar.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#32 Posted: 01:34:17 22/04/2014
((Don't go too far without me. I'll be either asleep, or getting back on in an hour or so.))
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#33 Posted: 01:54:00 22/04/2014
"I am worried about my daughters safety. She wont be safe here for very much longer. Especially due to her linage. You of all people would know what my families history has done. I have already discovered notes and warnings." He said looking out the window. "I need to find a place that is safer then this." He added.

Fate sighed and sat on a chair on the balcony looking out over the city. She began humming quietly. It was a soft lullaby the was actually a lullaby of demons.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#34 Posted: 02:06:57 22/04/2014
Damian sighed as he finished his long breakfast, and took a huge gulp of orange juice. "let's get it over with." He said as he stood up and slowly walked to hai father's room. He same male worker was standing at the door and let him in. His father was laying in his bed, reading a book. "Thirteen minutes and 32 seconds." He said. "Excuse me?" Damian asked, confused, and raising an eyebrow. "Thirteen minutes and 32 seconds. That's how long it took you to come here." Damian just looked at him. "I was having a bi-" "I know what you were doing." His father said, setting his book down and turning to look at him. "You were trying to avoid me." He finished. Damian cast his eyes to the floor. "So I thought." His father said. "Sit down." He said, motioning towards a chair. Damian just nodded and sat down. They just stared at each other for awhile.

((I'm gonna finish their talk in the next post.

Oh, and I didn't realize I would be getting back on so fast. smilie))
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#35 Posted: 02:17:40 22/04/2014 | Topic Creator
The tall buildings lined the outside of the upper-class sector of the city, and the middle-class sector contained one & two-story high buildings. Laila sat on a pole which connected two of the tall buildings, which sat beside the one-story level bar. She sat on the left side of the pole, keeping in the buildings shadow, not wanting anyone to see her. And from his place she got a good view of what was going on inside the bar through a large window.
There were a bunch of large guys, who looked lower-class, drinking at the counter, and there were two men playing a card game at the back of the bar. There was also a few men and women playing a game of pool, and at a table near them there were people playing poker.
But Laila hadn't spotted the mysterious guy she was supposed to be following. She decided to wait a few minutes and then move on to the next location the guy was seen at yesterday.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#36 Posted: 02:24:31 22/04/2014
"Anything to protect her. She is all i have left in this world and is very dear to me." He said sitting in the large chair behind his desk. "It was devastating when we lost her mother... its even worse that she did not retain any of my family lineage. She is mortal and to be mortal in this state is a dangerous thing." He said. His ears twitched and he sighed. "Still she sings the lullaby my mother sang. Its dangerously beautiful... A song of the demons..." He added. "Just protect my daughter. i cannot bare to lose her." He said.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#37 Posted: 02:26:14 22/04/2014
Damian sighed, averting his gaze from hai father. "Man, how do you do it?!" He asked, some of his light-hearted-ness coming out in his voice. "Practice." His father said, laughing a little. He then stopped laughing and got serious again. "Damian, I want you to know that about yesterday, when I was yelling at's just that I was mad that you almost cut my legs off, and I want you to learn control." He said. Damian just sat there, thinking through things before he passed this off as just some more of his dad's fake bull****. He then realized what he had done, HAD been reckless, and he really could've cut his father's legs off. "I know." He muttered, no attitude in it. "Really?" His father asked, surprised that Damian hadn't tried to begin some sort of argument. "Yeah, I know that I almost did cut your legs off, and I'm sorry." He said. "Well....that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." His father said, a smile on his face. "You can go now son." He said, watching as Damian left the room.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#38 Posted: 13:37:11 22/04/2014
Mahane later arrived at the shopping centre. There were many varieties of shops littered everywhere, along with a few restaurants. Mahane made her way over to a small gun shop at the edge of the centre. She stepped inside, and the shopkeeper greeted her. "Welcome back Mahane. Here to order some new parts?" The shopkeeper asked cheerfully. "No, I need to get more bullets. 9x19" Mahane stated. The shopkeeper nodded as he disappeared behind a wall. He later came out with a package of bullets, labeled '9x19mm', and set it on the table. Mahane placed her money next to it and happily took the bullets, waving to the shopkeeper politely as she left.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#39 Posted: 15:14:18 22/04/2014
"thank you." he said returning to the window and staring out at the city. I'm sorry fate... he thought sighing.

Penny had gone downstairs and had heard the end of their conversation. She returned to her room quickly and grabbed a back pack and put clothes in it and several things that she held dear to her. I refuse to be sent away. If he doesn't want me ill just leave.. she thought leaving a note on her bed and climbing over the balcony and jumping down about six feet and running off the property. She stopped and looked back. "goodbye father...." she thought before continuing on.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7383
#40 Posted: 23:04:40 22/04/2014 | Topic Creator
"I guess the mysterious guy isn't going to be here today." Laila sighed and stood up on the large pole she was sitting on. "I better move onto the next place then." She looked at her watch and a second lot of coordinates showed up. It was a weapons store, only a few blocks away. She jumped down from the pole and began to head in the direction of the store.
Ryan looked up and saw his mother open his door and enter his dark room. "Oh, where are you, dear?" Ryan's mother said uncertainly. "It's so dark in here." She slowly made her way over to the curtains and drew them open.
Ryan immediately closed his eyes and looked away.
"Ryan." Ryan's mother walked over to him and poked him with a piece of paper. "A message came for you just now."
Ryan hesitantly opened his eyes and took the message from his mother as she walked out of his room.
It read:
You are called for duty today. Meet my other guards at the small supermarket on Silver Street at 10AM in the middle-class sector of the city.

Ryan groaned and fell back on his bed.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:05:22 22/04/2014 by Spyro-Gamer
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