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The "I've Got The Game!" Thread [STICKY]
Vulpix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3088
#151 Posted: 21:19:02 25/10/2008
I finally got it for the nintendo wii. I think this is my 13th wii game I'll have to recount.
Riverclan is Bestsmilie And Princess Luna is best
Somehow made it to Gold Sparx :/
spyroplayer2008 Red Sparx Gems: 58
#152 Posted: 22:19:01 25/10/2008
i got it thursday, and i just beat the game!
Invader Zarra Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#153 Posted: 22:26:34 25/10/2008
lolz same for me! XD I finished the game too!
xD I'm leaving DarkSpyro... Sorry guys I've been too inactive on this website... If you know where to find me, find me there.
gamer900 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1382
#154 Posted: 23:07:21 25/10/2008
i got it thursday too. but i finished it on thursday as well.
Invader Zarra Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#155 Posted: 23:37:27 25/10/2008
I finished it today xP
xD I'm leaving DarkSpyro... Sorry guys I've been too inactive on this website... If you know where to find me, find me there.
Nalemor Ripto Gems: 789
#156 Posted: 04:25:16 26/10/2008
I just got it tonight, though only rented for the PS2 smilie oh well, even the ps2 version is AMAZING!! I'm going to buy the xbox 360 version though.
Dark_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1723
#157 Posted: 09:13:14 26/10/2008
ZOMG! 8D It's here! IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8D I've got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[User Posted Image]

(error: the capital letter ratio is too highhighhighhighhighhigh)
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#158 Posted: 15:53:24 26/10/2008
Calm down! Or we'll have to use the tranquilizer darts! ^.^;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
pie1 Blue Sparx Gems: 774
#159 Posted: 16:12:29 26/10/2008
i have it and im on the last level too!
Oh it's not cheating! It's creative stratagy!
Moon_of_Avalar Red Sparx Gems: 64
#160 Posted: 17:00:47 26/10/2008
lol i got it for ps2 and it was really worth buying and still is! i think i might get it for ds lite pretty soon.
Please view my DA and comment. Thankyousmilie
Elemental Spyro Blue Sparx Gems: 667
#161 Posted: 01:06:08 27/10/2008
Well I go it for Wii, and it's soo cool!!!!
Spyro, King of Dragons, Lord of Legends, and Master of the Elements, his destiny is in your hands.
gamer900 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1382
#162 Posted: 02:20:53 27/10/2008
100% complete!!!!!!!!!!!

Error: post cannot be all capitals.
Cynder28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2731
#163 Posted: 08:47:50 27/10/2008
Omg yay 8D I will get DotD soon 8D Maybe Friday or or...TUESDAY smilie
YAY!!GZ with da game Dark_Cynder 8D
A wise man once said, "That's a pretty dumb thing to ask a magical girl."
Dark_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1723
#164 Posted: 17:40:11 27/10/2008
OMG! smilie Thanks, Eartha! You are SOOOO gonna LOVE this game!!! smilie And that goes to all of you! 8D I'm on the last level (if it is the Lava desert one) And DotD ROCKS!!!!!!!!! 8D

(Sorry, meh just SO happy!) ^,^
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:41:00 27/10/2008 by Dark_Cynder
Cynder28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2731
#165 Posted: 20:40:25 27/10/2008
NP Asin! smilie 8D Yes I knew that I will gonna love the from the beggining smilie Kewl that you're on the last level 8D I just can't wait...Moar plz smilie [User Posted Image]
A wise man once said, "That's a pretty dumb thing to ask a magical girl."
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#166 Posted: 21:13:30 27/10/2008
i got it this weekend! i played it the whole time!
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#167 Posted: 20:24:24 28/10/2008
ive got it! im finished too smilie
not yr babe
Frisby Gold Sparx Gems: 2496
#168 Posted: 21:05:38 30/10/2008
Hello guys. smilie
Finally got mine the other day.
It usually late a few weeks where I'm at.
It was like that with the other two as well.

Any ways I love the game as I knew I would.
Its really fun and very intence for me.
Its keeping me at the edge of my seat. lol
I'm not done but I'm getting there. smilie

When ANB came out I loved it.
Then TEN came out I loved it more than ANB
Now I love DotD more than the other two. lol smilie
☼Everyone chooses a hero... I'm happy I chose Spyro☼
Dark_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1723
#169 Posted: 07:58:09 31/10/2008
Quote: Frisby
Hello guys. smilie
Finally got mine the other day.
It usually late a few weeks where I'm at.
It was like that with the other two as well.

Any ways I love the game as I knew I would.
Its really fun and very intence for me.
Its keeping me at the edge of my seat. lol
I'm not done but I'm getting there. smilie

When ANB came out I loved it.
Then TEN came out I loved it more than ANB
Now I love DotD more than the other two. lol smilie

smilie Woah! Cool! =O ^,^
Firestar Yellow Sparx Gems: 1897
#170 Posted: 23:41:57 31/10/2008
I gotz the game on Oct 24th
Cynder28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2731
#171 Posted: 21:26:54 01/11/2008
Kewl for ya...Mine was sent YESTERDAY Dx Dx Dx ....Well atleast I will get it soon...
A wise man once said, "That's a pretty dumb thing to ask a magical girl."
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#172 Posted: 01:59:50 02/11/2008
Got it this evening (I forgot to get the mail again!) And finished the Catacombs, then just stopped for awhile.

Used the infinite mana cheat to unlock the alliance gallery (upgraded Cynder to get that tornado move and let it rip on some Grublins= MASS COMBO FTW!) ^.^b
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#173 Posted: 19:36:21 02/11/2008
Quote: Cynder09
i got it this weekend! i played it the whole time!

i finally beat it! it wasn't hard, i just toke a break from playing it!
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
artiste_violet Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10814
#174 Posted: 20:35:12 02/11/2008
I got the game on Halloween.
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#175 Posted: 05:29:46 03/11/2008
I'm two levels away from Malefor 8D Wohoo! If I can get pass the stupid Destroyer that is.
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5047
#176 Posted: 16:50:05 04/11/2008
I didnt get the game on the 30th. I'll have to wait until a couple of weeks.
randomwarrior Yellow Sparx Gems: 1067
#177 Posted: 05:31:51 05/11/2008
The game is out in Aus today but the shippers haven't delivered the game yet, argh! So now I have to wait for the game till Friday.
"You have too many roads, demolish them and replace them with streets to save on maintenance.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#178 Posted: 20:07:52 05/11/2008
Quote: artiste_violet
I got the game on Halloween.

you know your avatar spoils the game for people?
Spyroboy Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12237
#179 Posted: 03:18:04 07/11/2008
Quote: Tango
Quote: artiste_violet
I got the game on Halloween.

you know your avatar spoils the game for people?

not really, only if you've read about the game, anyways, her avatar is awesome
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#180 Posted: 18:31:06 08/11/2008
Quote: Spyroboy
Quote: Tango
Quote: artiste_violet
I got the game on Halloween.

you know your avatar spoils the game for people?

not really, only if you've read about the game, anyways, her avatar is awesome

but people might think "why is cynder like that?" ask, BAM spoilers.
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#181 Posted: 03:15:51 12/11/2008
i might get it for christmas.
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
deaver88 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6132
#182 Posted: 15:12:55 13/11/2008
I get game today, Day before right release day, i am so exited, game is fantastic
Life is too short to be taken seriously
butzelbovat Blue Sparx Gems: 628
#183 Posted: 12:16:49 14/11/2008
I have it!!!
A flash of lighting is born of the sky and its tempers, young dragon!
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5047
#184 Posted: 18:55:51 14/11/2008
I GOT IT!!! smilie I was so lucky that My father gave me the money to get the game. I went with my therapist during school time to get it. I cant wait to play it at home!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:04:59 14/11/2008 by dragmundis
TheDarkCynder Green Sparx Gems: 332
#185 Posted: 05:38:33 15/11/2008
I got it about 2 weeks ago and beat it! very touching..
Though storm winds may blow, then among them I will be, for without the rain no seed would grow. Click eggs. do it.
MasterBlui Emerald Sparx Gems: 3442
#186 Posted: 11:26:46 15/11/2008
I have it! And I'm stuck! ._.
Wow, fantastic baby..
BeautifulCynder Blue Sparx Gems: 883
#187 Posted: 19:10:41 15/11/2008
YAYYYYY! I have it now!
I'm back! smilie
CynderGirl13 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3190
#188 Posted: 04:02:48 16/11/2008
i got the game when it came out, first day it came out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Keelah se'lai"
SkyeTheDragon Green Sparx Gems: 469
#189 Posted: 12:40:34 16/11/2008
I got it last Thursday! smilie And I bet it 2 days ago!
my Spyro comics!
I'm back! For now smilie
Axel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1975
#190 Posted: 20:20:57 16/11/2008
HOHOHO!!!! I finally have it! It's mine!!
Wanna go for a ride?
Cynder28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2731
#191 Posted: 18:40:03 17/11/2008
W0000T!YAYAY!I have it!! 8D I could have it earlier but my stupid post office probably had newbies smilie
A wise man once said, "That's a pretty dumb thing to ask a magical girl."
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#192 Posted: 21:41:14 17/11/2008
I got it a couple days ago. =3 I like flying. =D
ahumeniy Red Sparx Gems: 11
#193 Posted: 03:29:48 18/11/2008
Yeah, I've got it [ps2] and completed 100%
Axel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1975
#194 Posted: 05:21:43 18/11/2008
Wanna go for a ride?
SilverDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#195 Posted: 15:25:58 18/11/2008
I got it last friday, on the release date!

It's fantastic smilie
Rocky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#196 Posted: 19:40:57 18/11/2008
OMG! I GOT DOTD TODAY! smilie smilie smilie

I'm so happy! It's awesome! I don't know if this is a spoiler, it's about the elements, so i'll put it in a spoilerbox just to be sure! smilie

I LOVE to use Cynder's shadow-element! Sneak in on enemise, and KILL them before they know! smilie

I played it all day, and i can't stop! smilie

I love to fly, breath fire/electric/earth/ice/poison/fear/wind/shadow, kill monsters, and just LISTEN to Cynder and Sparx's new voices, i LOVE their new voices! smilie

Of Spyro's elements i like fire the best, and of Cynder's elements i like shadow the best! smilie

Right now i miss 6 levels, and then i'm DONE! smilie smilie smilie
SpyroTheDragon Green Sparx Gems: 411
#197 Posted: 20:15:03 18/11/2008
YEAH!!!! I got it on release date Friday 14th. and just finished it!... (I havent been plaing it like 27/7 this way it lasts longer smilie )
I was really sad at the end when spyro used his poweres to "reassemble" the world smilie , I really thought he sacrificed himself (it reminded me of the ending of "Dragonheart", especially when i saw that star-formation.) but damn I was happy to see both spyro and cynder after the credits, good thing I have learned to look at what comes after the credits of TLOS-games... smilie smilie
Well what can i say?! I'm a Spyro-gamer, and love every minute of it!!!...smilie
gerbuulo Blue Sparx Gems: 636
#198 Posted: 13:45:17 21/11/2008
i get it week ago and played it 100% over in two days! I LOVE IT!!!!
~Spyro is my heart,he's my mind, he's my life~
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#199 Posted: 19:56:02 21/11/2008
my stepdad said hes going shoping and will look in blockbuster....*prays that it wil be there*

EDIT: nope....
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:03:33 21/11/2008 by Tango
Spyro 666 Green Sparx Gems: 326
#200 Posted: 09:02:21 23/11/2008
I... have it....ts mine........ DOTD IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waiting for the new smilie game and movie.(Its gonna be a loooong wait smilie) smilie
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