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Empty Shell [CLOSED]
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#1 Posted: 02:32:01 16/04/2014 | Topic Creator
The planet earth has finally fought back against the human race and restarted with a new race of half human creatures. Before the worlds restart some humans created half artificial shells for their memories after they died. Only a few of these shells survived and many malfunctioned and shut down after a few days of life. Of the few that survived they eventually went into hibernation mode and waited in an endless sleep for someone or something to wake them up.
Leaping forward about 50 years the new race started to show up and as their population grew they discovered different things from the past teaching them about the last race and everything that caused their extinction. Their population was still small but as they spread out some discovered the shells that were in the hibernation and unknowingly by waking a dysfunctional shell a great evil gets unleashed awaking a horrible dormant soul who has taken the shape of the leader of the new race. Only one shell has knowledge about this evil and only if it is awakened it can help you defeat this evil and save your race before its to late.
(sorry horrible plot its been forever sense i have made a role play)

Please Rp in third person
Have fun
PG-13 in topic board.
Keep R rated in Pm
Please be kind to ALL role players.
Lets not have all shells please.

Character Races

The New Race: They are half human half animals. Feel free to get CREATIVE with the mixes.

Shells: Basically are robots with artificial skin and organs. Some have real human parts like brains or hearts. It is rare to find one with both.

Character Sheet

Age: (17-26)
Gender: (Applies to the Shells also)
Weapon: (Doesnt apply to Shells)
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 18:50:11 19/04/2014 by StoryGirl
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#2 Posted: 03:39:27 16/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Name: Penny
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Without the Helmet
[User Posted Image]
She has memory of older songs and sings them when she feels emotional. It is nearly impossible to tell that she isnt entirely human when she takes off her helmet.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:55:23 19/04/2014 by StoryGirl
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#3 Posted: 14:32:13 17/04/2014
Ooh, I like these kind of settings. I'll have to think of a good few characters for this RP.

Name: Sevil Nosdon
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Bio: Sevil is a farmer, hunter and chef for a slum-town hotel that inhabits a long connection of sewer pipes. He lives in a poor town, forced to live in squalor by a richer community who lives above the large trench-town where they live. However, his hotel does good business for its friendly customers AND the high-quality of Sevil's cooking. It helps that he has access to fresh food and fire. Their food is actually considered superior to the richer community above. Sevil himself is pretty nice, and always tries to please his customers. However, he is quite rude to upper class regardless of your personality. He classifies all upperclassmen as the same.
Weapon: A hunting spear.
Appearance: He looks like a giant rat mixed with a few human characteristics. He has the tail, wide bottom, and fur of a rat, as well as a ratlike face, but his head is short like a human's and his arms and feet have a more human-like anatomy with rat skin and claws. He has a large apron that covers his body with the words "Pipeline Hotel" on it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:02:37 17/04/2014 by MugoUrth
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#4 Posted: 23:36:52 17/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Accepted smilie
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#5 Posted: 01:45:35 18/04/2014
Name: Narra
Age: 18
Gender: female
Personality: Narra is a loner. She doesn't really have any friends because of her bipolar tendencies. Most of her time is spent alone, flying in the sky or practicing fighting. She dreams to have some power over the wind some day.
Weapon: She has a lightning spear and also knows some martial arts.
Appearance: I'll post a picture later, but for now: Narra is at a slightly tall height with long, sky-blue hair that is soft and feathery. It crests out from her forehead. Her eyes gleam yellow. She wears an aqua-blue sweatshirt and white capri pants that stop at her knees.
As for physical traits, she has the arms and legs of an eagle that end in sharp talons. Wings are attached to her arms and a couple tail feathers poke out of her backside. Also has a beaklike nose.
Other: half human, half eagle.
*shot by a passing Rickorio* smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#6 Posted: 01:53:52 18/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Accepted smilie
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#7 Posted: 01:46:55 19/04/2014
OOC: Wanna start?
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#8 Posted: 01:13:49 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Lets start.

Pennys screen flashed with a light as she woke from hibernating state. She looked around sitting up slowly feeling her joints grind against each other. She stretched and felt a feeling of life rush through her. She moved slightly getting to her feet and stumbling around before gaining her footing. She inhaled the clean fresh air of this 'new' world and looked around. She saw new animals and creatures that her memories did not recall. After some time and being sure she was alone she walked over to a tree and sat under it letting her screen shut off.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#9 Posted: 01:46:00 20/04/2014
Sevil had just served a customer a burger he ordered off a menu for the Pipeline Hotel room service brochure. The customer, a big male lion with a flowing mane, had eaten the burger, and a smile lit up on his face. "Mmmm, this is delicious," he said to Sevil. "Thank you, I made it from a big hornhuffer I found roaming the nearby fields," Sevil responded. "Hornhuffers" were what humans called cows. "Scrumptious!" the lion exclaimed. "I payed four-times for a burger uptown and it tasted half as good. I want another." Sevil started to back out of the room. "Okay, but... we are out of Hornhuffer meat, I'll have to go hunt another. You willing to wait?" The lion smiled. "Sure, just cook it the same way," he said.

Sevil eventually went out into the plains with his trusty hunting spear to search for another Hornhuffer.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#10 Posted: 21:56:29 20/04/2014
Narra flew through the sky, looking over the city. She didn't feel like dropping down just yet, but instead admired the place she lived. Even though she didn't prefer being with the others, she found it exciting enough to watch. She watched everything from every angle, so she knew most of the places by heart. However, knowing about the places and knowing the people were two different things. And she knew very few people.
The human-eagle hybrid soon found herself above the Pipeline Hotel. From her watches, she knew that the majority of the people who came out were satisfied. Therefore, the service was probably pretty good. Hearing her belly grumble, Narra decided that it would be a good place to stop in. Pushing open the door, she looked around. She wondered what kind of meats were on the menu and if they had salads.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#11 Posted: 23:01:28 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Penny sat in the quiet of the meadow. Her subconsciousness listening to the various sounds around her. She heard a creature aproach her and her screen turned on and she looked at the massive cow like creature as it ate the grass near her. She moved and it looked up at her. She smiled and slowly reached out. It sniffed her hand and pressed its wet nose to it. She smiled and stood up petting it softly. "I think ill call you Angus." She said recalling the name of a bull her memories remembered. Angus mooed loudly in acceptance of the name and sat down under the tree with her. She smiled and hugged the beast petting its short course stubbled hair.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#12 Posted: 23:45:02 20/04/2014
OOC: Oh, that is just too gruesomely perfect, Story Girl.

But soon, a cute site turned into a distasteful one. Sevil had approached the field where he immediately saw "Angus." Sevil skillfully threw the spear at the "hornhuffer" and killed it in one blow. Sevil then went to gather the meat, not noticing Penny.

Inside the hotel, another rat, a relatively rotund one, greeted Narra. "Welcome to the Pipeline Hotel," the rat said. "Would you like a room to stay in. Or good food?"
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#13 Posted: 23:51:12 20/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Ooc: awe angus :d

Penny heard angus let out a horrible cry and she looked at the beast and saw the spear. Behind the screen her eyes flooded with tears. She touched his wound and looked up at the creature who had killed him. She didn't know whether to be afraid or terribly angry.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#14 Posted: 23:59:56 20/04/2014
OoC: ...Oh my goodness. smilie

Narra blinked as she was approached by the rat. Rats running a restaurant? Not something I would have ever imagined in a thousand years. But I suppose I can't judge. "Just food," she replied, glancing around the restaurant. It was well-kept, and quite a few people were around already. The aromas in the air smelled pleasant, so Narra believed she'd made a good choice in coming here. She rubbed her talons against her sides semi-nervously.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#15 Posted: 00:52:30 21/04/2014
"Very well. We have a nicely sized menu for you to choose from," the rat said, handing her a menu. "One of our chefs is currently out right now, but we have other chefs who are able to make whatever you can order. I should add we are currently out of Hornhuffer, but our chef is out hunting one.

Sevil finally noticed Penny. Sevil was unsure of what to make of the... computer? What was it. "Hello?" he asked. "Who are you? ...What are you?"
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#16 Posted: 00:56:57 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
"y-you just... You just killed my friend...." she said stumbling backwards and slipping hitting her head and screen into the tree causing to to immediately shut off. Her screen flashed as it shut off and she became limp.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#17 Posted: 01:02:31 21/04/2014
Narra nodded her thanks, then looked at the menu. Wow. No kidding about the 'nicely sized' menu! The Hornhuffer burger did look good, but she didn't want to hold anyone up to order it. Narra instead decided on the first salad on the menu. It had a nice blend of meats and vegetables as well as a cheese topping. "I'll have...uh...this salad," she said, pointing at the picture with her talon.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#18 Posted: 01:29:25 21/04/2014
"That is the king's special," the rat said. "I will have it made immediately." He spoke the order through a wired can and in about 12 minutes, another rat came to her with a delectable looking salad with the works made for her. "Enjoy."

"Your... friend?" But eventually, the strange creature knocked herself out. Sevil went to Penny and held her up. He was unsure what he could do to help. "I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to upset you," he said.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#19 Posted: 01:34:35 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Penny didn't respond but because of the hit her screens sides fell open and dropped letting her long purple hair fall over her shoulders. She looked almost entirely human except for the cord tail she had.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#20 Posted: 01:48:02 21/04/2014
Sevil could not believe his eyes. "What is this thing?" he said. Ultimately, he decided to take her back to the village. He stuffed the Hornhuffer in a bag and carried it over his shoulder, while carrying Penny over the other.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#21 Posted: 01:57:41 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Penny was unconscious for several hours. She was unresponsive and unmoving. She didn't appear to be breathing. But she was mostly machine so she didn't really need to breath. It was rare that she inhaled but she did and it was enough to keep her heart beating.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#22 Posted: 02:11:56 21/04/2014
"Oh, thank you!" Narra admired the speed of this place. Sitting down with the salad, she scooped up some of the good and took a bite. Considering the normal blandness of salads, she was surprised to find that this one was fresh and flavorful. Picking up some meat, she swallowed it carefully. It, like the other foods, tasted fresh. She then continued to eat, tucking away the food as quickly as she could without being impolite. "It's really good," she told the rat that had served her. "What kind of meat is it?"

OoC: Do you think they had utensils? I doubt it. smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#23 Posted: 02:20:11 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
They could have found some cause in all reality there shouldn't be any towns with real buildings yet unless they found them but there is no electricity in the old buildings and so the food is or should be cooked over fire.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#24 Posted: 02:22:47 21/04/2014
OOC: They did. Also, yes. All by fire. They do not have electricity so they cook with fire. They also store food in specially controlled rooms filled with ice to control temperature. The rooms are deep in the Earth where it's colder and won't melt as easily.

"We used a blend of snortnose, camobeak, and fresh sprintin," he said. In this order, pig, turkey, and venison. The chef seemed sort of proud. ...But suddenly, another member of the town came in. "One of your workers has returned with a strange creature," he said. "Strange creature?' the hotel clerk asked. "He cannot be talking about the hornhuffer."
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:25:18 21/04/2014 by MugoUrth
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#25 Posted: 02:30:06 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
The people of the small colony gathered around devil looking at the strange human creature. Many whispered worried for their safety.

penny could hear all of them in her unconscious state and was processing a way to escape.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#26 Posted: 02:32:43 21/04/2014
"I have no idea what this thing is," Sevil said to the townsfolk. "Is there a doctor. We need to help it."
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#27 Posted: 02:40:38 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
A half horse man appeared from the crowd. "Child you will destroy it." he spoke in a deep gruff voice. He was the leader of the people. "its a danger to all of us and must be destroyed." he said. Something seemed off about him. He was usually a kind man who cared for anything so this judgment was unusual.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#28 Posted: 02:42:11 21/04/2014
"I see," Narra nodded in response. "Quite good, I must say." She relaxed a talon down on the table when another person came in. She listened intently. "Umm..." She glanced between her empty bowl and the two people talking in front of her. "Do you need me to...ah, go out there?" It clicked to her that they were discussing the worker who'd been getting more Hornhuffer. Yeah, definitely can't be one of those docile things...what is it, then?
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#29 Posted: 03:01:05 21/04/2014
"Wait, we shouldn't be so hasty," Sevil said. "We don't even know it's dangerous. We can't just destroy it."
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#30 Posted: 03:08:18 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
He growled at sevil. "you will destroy it or you will leave." he growled before walking away. The people nodded saying that it should be destroyed that its dangerous.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#31 Posted: 03:23:32 21/04/2014
Sevil didn't have much to live for, but if he did not destroy her, what little he did have would be gone. ...But he did not have it in him to kill her, not after killing her ¨friend.¨ Sevil had to lie.

¨Fine,¨ he said. "I will take her to the old quarry and destroy her among the jagged rocks. I want someone to come with me to confirm that I preformed the deed. Someone I am not connected with."

OOC: Trying to set up ShadowMewX's character.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#32 Posted: 03:25:28 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Ooc okay
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#33 Posted: 22:28:52 21/04/2014
OoC: N'aww...thanks! ^.^

At that moment Narra walked out of the restaurant. The large crowd that had not been there before surprised her quite a bit. She rubbed the side of her arm nervously as she looked around. Why're they...staring at me? And at the rat...oh, that must be the one who discovered the strange creature I heard about! Glancing at the rat, she noticed he had the "strange creature" with him. And boy, was it strange to her! It seemed oddly futuristic and had an air of stillness that she hadn't seen matched by anything around. Narra continued to stare, confused by it all.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#34 Posted: 22:46:54 21/04/2014
"You, over there," Sevil said pointing to the bird girl. "You look honest enough. Would you like to accompany me?"
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#35 Posted: 22:52:00 21/04/2014
"I- wait what?" Narra tore her gaze from the mysterious creature and turned to the rat who had presumably found it. "Accompany you?" Nice going, Narra! You were probably staring at it so long that you missed where he was going! Just go with it, bird-brain. "I suppose I'll come..."
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#36 Posted: 22:55:57 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Pennys subconscious was screaming at her to run as soon as possible and she was going to as soon as she was out of the town she was going to get up and run as far away as she could.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#37 Posted: 23:15:39 21/04/2014
"Thank you," Sevil said as he was walking out of town. When he and Narra were out of town, Sevil started to whisper in Narra's ear. "I... please keep this a secret stranger. I just do not have it in me to destroy this thing. I... I already feel sorry for killing a hornhuffer she made friends with. I don't even know if she's dangerous. I can't just kill her. Let's set her down somewhere, when we get back, and you promise me you won't tell? Promise me you will vouch for me when I say that I threw her down the quarry."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:16:39 21/04/2014 by MugoUrth
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#38 Posted: 23:26:07 21/04/2014
"Oh...oh." Narra blinked a few times. "I see what you mean; there's no reason, really to kill it. I wouldn't want to." Narra's gaze trailed to the thing again. "Alright, yeah, let's walk a little farther and put it down." And then I want a good look at it before we leave it behind.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#39 Posted: 23:40:48 21/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Penny waited then after they were out of sight of the town her eyes shot open and she quickly jumped out of the creatures arms running back several feet from them. "I wont let you destroy me." She said sternly. Her eyes were electric purple and shined bright in the sun. Her skin looked slightly metallic.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#40 Posted: 00:02:07 22/04/2014
"Weren't you listening?" Sevil started. "We're not going to. And I already said I felt sorry for killing your friend. Killing you, why that would just make me feel even worse."
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#41 Posted: 00:06:58 22/04/2014
"Gahh!" Narra jumped back, seemingly terrified that the thing that had been still and calm was suddenly on its feet and aggressive. Its skin shone in the sunlight, and once again she was struck by how different it looked.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:27:02 22/04/2014 by ShadowMewX
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#42 Posted: 00:13:28 22/04/2014 | Topic Creator
(her skin isnt purple)
Penny touched her face and gasped looking around. "Where is my screen!?" She asked frantically. She had never had her screen off before and so she was worried that she might shut down forever without it.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#43 Posted: 00:20:37 22/04/2014
"You... you slipped when we met, fell backwards, then cracked it open," Sevil said. "If you want, we can return to where we first met and I can help put it together."
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#44 Posted: 00:43:48 22/04/2014 | Topic Creator
Penny looked at him. "Please.... I dont want to die...." She said.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#45 Posted: 02:28:19 22/04/2014
"Your...screen?" Narra repeated. What would it look like with a screen?
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#46 Posted: 02:39:46 22/04/2014
"Alright, we will go to the same location," Sevil said as they got closer to that location. "Sorry about your friend."
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#47 Posted: 02:44:48 22/04/2014 | Topic Creator
"It... its alright... He was just a cow... He just reminded me of something from the past..." She said.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#48 Posted: 02:56:48 22/04/2014
"Cow?" Sevil started. "You mean "hornhuffer" right? What is a cow?"

OOC: I think it would be creative for the new species to have different names for species that the humans had.
StoryGirl Gold Sparx Gems: 2593
#49 Posted: 03:39:25 22/04/2014 | Topic Creator
"Hornhuffer? No a cow... They are bulky creatures that are usually spotted... the males have horns..." She said confused by their weird names for things.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8195
#50 Posted: 19:27:49 22/04/2014
Narra stepped closer to the two. "Er...hornhuffers are named for their...heh heh, horns. Why exactly would a cow be called a cow?" She wondered how much potential knowledge this thing contained, her fear being replaced with curiosity.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
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